
March Newsletter – Architecture Modeling and Processes (Issue 23)

Exploring our space—partly science, partly art—is always a fascinating and complex task. We could take the contextual approach and address a context-specific subject or we could take the introspective approach of analyzing the role that we play. Yet we could take a third approach that is neither context-specific nor introspective, when we review what we produce.


Architecture Modeling and Processes
Dear Architect,
Exploring our space—partly science, partly art—is always a fascinating and complex task. We could take the contextual approach and address a context-specific subject, as we did recently ( BI, SOA, and so on), or we could take… [Read the foreword]


Keeping Architectures Relevant: Using Domain-Driven Design and Emergent Architecture to Manage Complexity and Enable Change Sound advice on how to keep architecture relevant, and not forgotten, after a solution's implementation.

Multiple-Context Systems: A New Frontier in Architecture Identification and illustration of the implications and trade-offs of adaptable solutions for different deployment contexts.

Evaluating Application Architecture, Quantitatively An explanation of ways to confirm that a given approach meets specific criteria before going to the next level.

UML or DSL: Which Bear Is Best? An exploration of the pros and cons of both UML and DSLs showing that they can eventually be combined.

Software Architecture in the Agile Life Cycle A set of techniques and practices for leveraging the agile approach to software architecture.

Modeling in an Agile Context An illustration of how to help the architecture emerge as a consequence of an agile process, instead of a big design up front.

Driving Efficiency and Innovation by Consistently Managing Complexity and Change A detailed description of the four pillars of holistic enterprise architecture that will help ensure success.

Videos Don’t forget to review the 10-minute videos that we’ve made as companion material.

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  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2013
    Business Process Modeling in systems civil engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analyzed and improved architectural model makers.