

Diagnostic logs for Network Security Perimeter

In this article, you learn about the diagnostic logs for Network Security Perimeter and how to enable logging. You learn access logs categories used. Then, you discover the options for storing diagnostic logs and how to enable logging through the Azure portal.


Network Security Perimeter is in public preview and available in all Azure public cloud regions. This preview version is provided without a service level agreement, and it's not recommended for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

Access logs categories

Access logs categories for a network security perimeter are based on the results of access rules evaluation. The log categories chosen in the diagnostic settings are sent to the customer chosen storage location. The following are the descriptions for each of the access log categories including the modes in which they're applicable:

Log category Description Applicable to Modes
NspPublicInboundPerimeterRulesAllowed Inbound access is allowed based on network security perimeter access rules. Learning/Enforced
NspPublicInboundPerimeterRulesDenied Public inbound access denied by network security perimeter. Enforced
NspPublicOutboundPerimeterRulesAllowed Outbound access is allowed based on network security perimeter access rules. Learning/Enforced
NspPublicOutboundPerimeterRulesDenied Public outbound access denied by network security perimeter. Enforced
NspOutboundAttempt Outbound attempt within network security perimeter. Learning/Enforced
NspIntraPerimeterInboundAllowed Inbound access within perimeter is allowed. Learning/Enforced
NspPublicInboundResourceRulesAllowed When network security perimeter rules deny, inbound access is allowed based on PaaS resource rules. Learning
NspPublicInboundResourceRulesDenied When network security perimeter rules deny, inbound access denied by PaaS resource rules. Learning
NspPublicOutboundResourceRulesAllowed When network security perimeter rules deny, outbound access allowed based on PaaS resource rules. Learning
NspPublicOutboundResourceRulesDenied When network security perimeter rules deny, outbound access denied by PaaS resource rules. Learning
NspPrivateInboundAllowed Private endpoint traffic is allowed. Learning/Enforced

Logging destination options for access logs

The destinations for storing diagnostic logs for a network security perimeter include services like Log Analytic workspace, Azure Storage account, and Azure Event Hubs. For the full list and details of supported destinations, see Supported destinations for diagnostic logs.

Enable logging through the Azure portal

You can enable diagnostic logging for a network security perimeter by using the Azure portal under Diagnostic settings. When adding a diagnostic setting, you can choose the log categories you want to collect and the destination where you want to deliver the logs.

Screenshot of diagnostic settings options for a network security perimeter.


When using Azure Monitor with a network security perimeter, the Log Analytics workspace to be associated with the network security perimeter needs to be located in one of the Azure Monitor supported regions. For more information on available regions, see Regional limits for Network Security Perimeter.

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