

Tutorial: Return Azure Data Box Disk

This tutorial describes how to return your Azure Data Box Disk. The pickup instructions depend on where you are returning the device.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Ship Data Box Disk to Microsoft


Before you begin, make sure you've completed the Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box Disk and verify.

Ship Data Box Disk back

Return Azure Data Box Disk

  1. Once the data validation is complete, follow these steps to unplug the disks and remove the connecting cables:

    • For Windows systems, safely remove the disks prior to unplugging them.

    • For Linux systems, use the following command to safely remove the disks prior to unplugging them:

      sudo DataBoxDiskUnlock /Unmount.

  2. Wrap all the disks and the connecting cables with a bubble wrap and place them into the shipping box. Charges may apply if the accessories are missing.

    • Reuse the packaging from the initial shipment.
    • We recommend that you pack disks using a well-secured bubbled wrap.
    • Make sure the fit is snug to reduce any movements within the box.

The next steps are determined by where you are returning the device. In many countries/regions, you can use Microsoft managed shipping or self-managed shipping.

If using Microsoft managed shipping, follow these steps.

Shipping in Americas

US & Canada

Microsoft uses two shipping partners to return Data Box Disk devices to Azure Data Centers. Canada and US Government orders are returned by UPS; United States public cloud orders are serviced by FedEx.

Take the following steps if you are returning a Data Box Disk device in the US.

  1. Use the return shipping label that has the clear plastic sleeve affixed to the box. If the label is damaged or lost:
    • Go to Overview > Download shipping label and download a return ship label.
    • Affix the label on the device.
  2. Seal the shipping box and ensure that the return shipping label is visible.
  3. Schedule a pickup with FedEx. To schedule a pickup:
    • Call the local FedEx number: 800-Go-FedEx.
    • Provide the reverse shipment tracking number as shown on your printed label.
    • Contact Azure Data Box Operations if you encounter any issues while scheduling a pickup.

You can also drop your Data Box Disk at your nearest FedEx drop-off location.

If using Microsoft managed shipping, follow these steps.

Shipping in Europe


Take the following steps if returning the device in Europe or the UK.

  1. Use the return shipping label that has the clear plastic sleeve affixed to the box. If the label is damaged or lost:

    • Go to Overview > Download shipping label and download a return ship label.
    • Affix the label on the device.
  2. Seal the shipping box, and ensure that the return shipping label is visible.

  3. Go to the country/region DHL Express website and select Schedule a Pickup. Under Do you need a shipping label, select No > I have a DHL Waybill Number.

  4. Specify the waybill number, and click Schedule Pickup to arrange for pickup.

If using Microsoft managed shipping, follow these steps.

Shipping in Australia


Azure datacenters in Australia have an additional security notification. All the inbound shipments must have an advanced notification. Take the following steps for pickup in Australia.

  1. Use the provided return ship label and make sure that the TAU code (reference number) is written on it. If the provided shipping label is missing or you have any other issues, email Data Box Asia Operations. Provide the order name in subject header and details of the issue.
  2. Affix the label on the box.
  3. Book a pickup online at the link https://mydhl.express.dhl/au/en/schedule-pickup.html#/schedule-pickup#label-reference.

If using Microsoft managed shipping, follow these steps.

Shipping in Asia

  1. Write your company name and address information on the consignment note as your sender information.

  2. Email Quantium solution using the following email template.

    To: azure.qsjp@quantiumsolutions.com
    Subject: Pickup request for Microsoft Azure Data Box Disk|Job Name: 
    - Japan Post Yu-Pack tracking number (reference number):
    - Requested pickup date:mmdd (Select a requested time slot from below).
        a. 08:00-13:00
        b. 13:00-15:00
        c. 15:00-17:00
        d. 17:00-19:00
    • If you are picking up in Osaka, then modify the subject in the email template to: Pickup request for Microsoft Azure OSA.
    • If Japan Post Chakubarai consignment note wasn't included or is missing, make a note of this in the email. Quantium Solutions Japan will request Japan Post to bring the consignment note upon pickup.
    • If you have multiple orders, email to ensure individual pickup.
  3. Receive an email confirmation from Quantium solutions after you've booked a pickup. The email confirmation also includes information on the Chakubarai consignment note.

If needed, you can contact Quantium Solution Support (Japanese language) at the following information:

If using Microsoft managed shipping, follow these steps.

Shipping in Africa

Take the following steps if returning the device in South Africa.

  1. Attach the provided shipping label on the box. This label contains the tracking number. If the shipping label is missing, you can download a new one from Overview > Download shipping label.

  2. Seal the shipping box and ensure that the return shipping label is visible.

  3. Request a return code from Azure Data Box Operations. A return code is required for delivering the package back to the datacenter. Send email to adbops@microsoft.com. Note this code on the shipping label next to the return address so it is clearly visible.

  4. Book a pickup with DHL using one of the following methods:

    • Book a pickup online by going to DHL Express South Africa, Schedule a Pickup.

    • Send an email to Priority.Support@dhl.com using the following template:

      To: Priority.Support@dhl.com
      Subject: Pickup request for Microsoft Azure
      Body: Need pick up for the below shipment
        *  DHL tracking number: (reference number/waybill number)
        *  Requested pickup date: yyyy/mm/dd;time:HH MM
        *  Shipper contact: (company name)
        *  Contact person: 
        *  Phone number: 
        *  Full physical address: 
        *  Item to be collected: Azure Dt
    • Or drop off the package at the nearest DHL service point.

  5. If you come across any issues, email Priority.Support@dhl.com with details of the issue(s), and put the waybill number in the Subject: line. You can also call +27(0)119213902.

Self-managed shipping

Self-managed shipping is available as an option when you Order Azure Data Box. For detailed steps, see Use self-managed shipping.

Self-managed shipping is available in the following regions:

Region Region Region Region Region
US Government United Kingdom West Europe Japan Singapore
Korea India South Africa Australia Brazil

If you are using Data Box Disk and have selected the self-managed shipping option during order creation, follow these instructions.

  1. Go to the Overview blade for your order in the Azure portal. Go through the instructions displayed when you select Schedule pickup. You should see an Authorization code that is used at the time of dropping off the order.

  2. Send an email to the Azure Data Box Operations team using the following template when you're ready to return the device.

    To: adbops@microsoft.com
    Subject: Request for Azure Data Box Disk drop-off for order: 'orderName'
    1. Order name
    2. Contact name of the person dropping off. You will need to display a government-approved ID during the drop-off.
  3. Azure Data Box Operations team will work with you to arrange the drop-off to the Azure datacenter.

Shipping in Brazil

To schedule a device return in Brazil, send an email to adbops@microsoft.com with the following information:

Subject: Request Azure Data Box Disk drop-off for order: <ordername>

- Order name
- Contact name of the person who will drop off the Data Box Disk (A government-issued photo ID will be required to validate the contact’s identity upon arrival.) 
- Inbound Nota Fiscal (A copy of the inbound Nota Fiscal will be required at drop-off.)   

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned about Azure Data Box Disk topics such as:

  • Ship Data Box Disk to Microsoft

Advance to the next how-to to learn how to verify data upload from Data Box Disk to the Azure storage account.