

Configure mutual authentication with Application Gateway through PowerShell

This article describes how to use the PowerShell to configure mutual authentication on your Application Gateway. Mutual authentication means Application Gateway authenticates the client sending the request using the client certificate you upload onto the Application Gateway.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

This article requires the Azure PowerShell module version 1.0.0 or later. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az to find the version. If you need to upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module. If you're running PowerShell locally, you also need to run Login-AzAccount to create a connection with Azure.

Before you begin

To configure mutual authentication with an Application Gateway, you need a client certificate to upload to the gateway. The client certificate will be used to validate the certificate the client will present to Application Gateway. For testing purposes, you can use a self-signed certificate. However, this is not advised for production workloads, because they're harder to manage and aren't completely secure.

To learn more, especially about what kind of client certificates you can upload, see Overview of mutual authentication with Application Gateway.

Create a resource group

First create a new resource group in your subscription.

$resourceGroup = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgname -Location $location -Tags @{ testtag = "APPGw tag"}

Create a virtual network

Deploy a virtual network for your Application Gateway to be deployed in.

$gwSubnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $gwSubnetName -AddressPrefix
$vnet = New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetName -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Location $location -AddressPrefix -Subnet $gwSubnet
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $vnetName -ResourceGroupName $rgname
$gwSubnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $gwSubnetName -VirtualNetwork $vnet

Create a public IP

Create a public IP to use with your Application Gateway.

$publicip = New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $rgname -name $publicIpName -location $location -AllocationMethod Static -sku Standard

Create the Application Gateway IP configuration

Create the IP configurations and frontend port.

$gipconfig = New-AzApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration -Name $gipconfigname -Subnet $gwSubnet
$fipconfig = New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfig -Name $fipconfigName -PublicIPAddress $publicip
$port = New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendPort -Name $frontendPortName  -Port 443

Configure frontend SSL

Configure the SSL certificates for your Application Gateway.

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "P@ssw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force
$sslCertPath = $basedir + "/ScenarioTests/Data/ApplicationGatewaySslCert1.pfx"
$sslCert = New-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate -Name $sslCertName -CertificateFile $sslCertPath -Password $password

Configure client authentication

Configure client authentication on your Application Gateway. For more information on how to extract trusted client CA certificate chains to use here, see how to extract trusted client CA certificate chains.


Please ensure that you upload the entire client CA certificate chain in one file, and only one chain per file.


We recommend using TLS 1.2 with mutual authentication as TLS 1.2 will be mandated in the future.

$clientCertFilePath = $basedir + "/ScenarioTests/Data/TrustedClientCertificate.cer"
$trustedClient01 = New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate -Name $trustedClientCert01Name -CertificateFile $clientCertFilePath
$sslPolicy = New-AzApplicationGatewaySslPolicy -PolicyType Predefined -PolicyName "AppGwSslPolicy20170401S"
$clientAuthConfig = New-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration -VerifyClientCertIssuerDN
$sslProfile01 = New-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile -Name $sslProfile01Name -SslPolicy $sslPolicy -ClientAuthConfiguration $clientAuthConfig -TrustedClientCertificates $trustedClient01
$listener = New-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener -Name $listenerName -Protocol Https -SslCertificate $sslCert -FrontendIPConfiguration $fipconfig -FrontendPort $port -SslProfile $sslProfile01

Configure the backend pool and settings

Set up backend pool and settings for your Application Gateway. Optionally, set up the backend trusted root certificate for end-to-end SSL encryption.

$certFilePath = $basedir + "/ScenarioTests/Data/ApplicationGatewayAuthCert.cer"
$trustedRoot = New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate -Name $trustedRootCertName -CertificateFile $certFilePath
$pool = New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool -Name $poolName -BackendIPAddresses www.microsoft.com, www.bing.com
$poolSetting = New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettings -Name $poolSettingName -Port 443 -Protocol Https -CookieBasedAffinity Enabled -PickHostNameFromBackendAddress -TrustedRootCertificate $trustedRoot

Configure the rule

Set up a rule on your Application Gateway.

$rule = New-AzApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule -Name $ruleName -RuleType basic -BackendHttpSettings $poolSetting -HttpListener $listener -BackendAddressPool $pool

Set up default SSL policy for future listeners

You've set up a listener specific SSL policy while setting up mutual authentication. In this step, you can optionally set the default SSL policy for future listeners you create.

$sslPolicyGlobal = New-AzApplicationGatewaySslPolicy -PolicyType Predefined -PolicyName "AppGwSslPolicy20170401"

Create the Application Gateway

Using everything we created above, deploy your Application Gateway.

$sku = New-AzApplicationGatewaySku -Name Standard_v2 -Tier Standard_v2
$appgw = New-AzApplicationGateway -Name $appgwName -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Zone 1,2 -Location $location -BackendAddressPools $pool -BackendHttpSettingsCollection $poolSetting -FrontendIpConfigurations $fipconfig -GatewayIpConfigurations $gipconfig -FrontendPorts $port -HttpListeners $listener -RequestRoutingRules $rule -Sku $sku -SslPolicy $sslPolicyGlobal -TrustedRootCertificate $trustedRoot -AutoscaleConfiguration $autoscaleConfig -TrustedClientCertificates $trustedClient01 -SslProfiles $sslProfile01 -SslCertificates $sslCert

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, remove the resource group, application gateway, and all related resources using Remove-AzResourceGroup.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgname

Renew expired client CA certificates

In the case that your client CA certificate has expired, you can update the certificate on your gateway through the following steps:

  1. Sign in to Azure
    Select-AzSubscription -Subscription "<sub name>"
  2. Get your Application Gateway configuration
    $gateway = Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "<gateway-name>" -ResourceGroupName "<resource-group-name>"
  3. Remove the trusted client certificate from the gateway
    Remove-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate -Name "<name-of-client-certificate>" -ApplicationGateway $gateway
  4. Add the new certificate onto the gateway
    Add-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate -ApplicationGateway $gateway -Name "<name-of-new-cert>" -CertificateFile "<path-to-certificate-file>"
  5. Update the gateway with the new certificate
    Set-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $gateway

Next steps