Self-host the API Management developer portal
APPLIES TO: Developer | Basic | Standard | Premium
This tutorial describes how to self-host the API Management developer portal. Self-hosting is one of several options to extend the functionality of the developer portal. For example, you can self-host multiple portals for your API Management instance, with different features. When you self-host a portal, you become its maintainer and you're responsible for its upgrades.
Consider self-hosting the developer portal only when you need to modify the core of the developer portal's codebase. This option requires advanced configuration, including:
- Deployment to a hosting platform, optionally fronted by a solution such as CDN for increased availability and performance
- Maintaining and managing hosting infrastructure
- Manual updates, including for security patches, which may require you to resolve code conflicts when upgrading the codebase
The self-hosted portal does not support visibility and access controls that are available in the managed developer portal.
If you have already uploaded or modified media files in the managed portal, see Move from managed to self-hosted, later in this article.
To set up a local development environment, you need to have:
- An API Management service instance. If you don't have one, see Quickstart - Create an Azure API Management instance.
- An Azure storage account with the static websites feature enabled. See Create a storage account.
- Git on your machine. Install it by following this Git tutorial.
- Node.js (LTS version,
or later) and npm on your machine. See Downloading and installing Node.js and npm. - Azure CLI. Follow the Azure CLI installation steps.
Step 1: Set up local environment
To set up your local environment, you'll have to clone the repository, switch to the latest release of the developer portal, and install npm packages.
Clone the api-management-developer-portal repo from GitHub:
git clone
Go to your local copy of the repo:
cd api-management-developer-portal
Check out the latest release of the portal.
Before you run the following code, check the current release tag in the Releases section of the repository and replace
value with the latest release tag.git checkout <current-release-tag>
Install any available npm packages:
npm install
Always use the latest portal release and keep your forked portal up-to-date. The Software Engineers use the master
branch of this repository for daily development purposes. It has unstable versions of the software.
Step 2: Configure JSON files, static website, and CORS settings
The developer portal requires the API Management REST API to manage the content. file
Go to the src
folder and open the
"environment": "development",
"managementApiUrl": "https://<service-name>",
"managementApiAccessToken": "SharedAccessSignature ...",
"backendUrl": "https://<service-name>",
"useHipCaptcha": false,
"integration": {
"googleFonts": {
"apiKey": "..."
Configure the file:
In the
value, replace<service-name>
with the name of your API Management instance. If you configured a custom domain, use it instead (for example,
).{ ... "managementApiUrl": "" ...
Manually create a SAS token to enable the direct REST API access to your API Management instance.
Copy the generated token and paste it as the
value.In the
value, replace<service-name>
with the name of your API Management instance. If you configured a custom domain, use it instead (for example,
).{ ... "backendUrl": "" ...
If you'd like to enable CAPTCHA in your developer portal, set
"useHipCaptcha": true
. Make sure to configure CORS settings for developer portal backend.In
, undergoogleFonts
, optionally setapiKey
to a Google API key that allows access to the Web Fonts Developer API. This key is only needed if you want to add Google fonts in the Styles section of the developer portal editor.If you don't already have a key, you can configure one using the Google Cloud console. Follow these steps:
- Open the Google Cloud console.
- Check whether the Web Fonts Developer API is enabled. If it isn't, enable it.
- Select Create credentials > API key.
- In the open dialog, copy the generated key and paste it as the value of
file. - Select Edit API key to open the key editor.
- In the editor, under API restrictions, select Restrict key. In the dropdown, select Web Fonts Developer API.
- Select Save.
config.publish.json file
Go to the src
folder and open the config.publish.json
"environment": "publishing",
"managementApiUrl": "https://<service-name>",
"managementApiAccessToken": "SharedAccessSignature...",
"useHipCaptcha": false
Configure the file:
Copy and paste the
values from the previous configuration file.If you'd like to enable CAPTCHA in your developer portal, set
"useHipCaptcha": true
. Make sure to configure CORS settings for developer portal backend.
config.runtime.json file
Go to the src
folder and open the config.runtime.json
"environment": "runtime",
"managementApiUrl": "https://<service-name>",
"backendUrl": "https://<service-name>"
Configure the file:
Copy and paste the
value from the previous configuration file.In the
value, replace<service-name>
with the name of your API Management instance. If you configured a custom domain, use it instead (for example.
).{ ... "backendUrl": "" ...
Configure the static website
Configure the Static website feature in your storage account by providing routes to the index and error pages:
Go to your storage account in the Azure portal and select Static website from the menu on the left.
On the Static website page, select Enabled.
In the Index document name field, enter index.html.
In the Error document path field, enter 404/index.html.
Select Save.
Configure CORS settings for storage account
Configure the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings for the storage account:
Go to your storage account in the Azure portal and select CORS from the menu on the left.
In the Blob service tab, configure the following rules:
Rule Value Allowed origins * Allowed methods Select all the HTTP verbs. Allowed headers * Exposed headers * Max age 0 Select Save.
Configure CORS settings for developer portal backend
Configure CORS settings for the developer portal backend to allow requests originating through your self-hosted developer portal. The self-hosted developer portal relies on the developer portal's backend endpoint (set in backendUrl
in the portal configuration files) to enable several features, including:
- CAPTCHA verification
- OAuth 2.0 authorization in the test console
- Delegation of user authentication and product subscription
To add CORS settings:
- Go to your API Management instance in the Azure portal, and select Developer portal > Portal settings from the menu on the left.
- On the Self-hosted portal configuration tab, add one or more Origin domain values. For example:
- The domain where the self-hosted portal is hosted, such as
for local development (if applicable), such ashttp://localhost:8080
- The domain where the self-hosted portal is hosted, such as
- Select Save.
Step 3: Run the portal
Now you can build and run a local portal instance in the development mode. In development mode, all the optimizations are turned off and the source maps are turned on.
Run the following command:
npm start
After a short time, the default browser automatically opens with your local developer portal instance. The default address is http://localhost:8080
, but the port can change if 8080
is already occupied. Any changes to the codebase of the project triggers a rebuild and refresh your browser window.
Step 4: Edit through the visual editor
Use the visual editor to carry out these tasks:
- Customize your portal
- Author content
- Organize the structure of the website
- Stylize its appearance
See Tutorial: Access and customize the developer portal. It covers the basics of the administrative user interface and lists recommended changes to the default content. Save all changes in the local environment, and press Ctrl+C to close it.
Step 5: Publish locally
The portal data originates in the form of strong-typed objects. The following command translates them into static files and places the output in the ./dist/website
npm run publish
Step 6: Upload static files to a blob
Use Azure CLI to upload the locally generated static files to a blob, and make sure your visitors can get to them:
Open Windows Command Prompt, PowerShell, or other command shell.
Run the following Azure CLI command.
with the connection string of your storage account. You can get it from the Access keys section of your storage storage blob upload-batch --source dist/website \ --destination '$web' \ --connection-string <account-connection-string>
Step 7: Go to your website
Your website is now live under the hostname specified in your Azure Storage properties (Primary endpoint in Static websites).
Step 8: Change API Management notification templates
Replace the developer portal URL in the API Management notification templates to point to your self-hosted portal. See How to configure notifications and email templates in Azure API Management.
In particular, carry out the following changes to the default templates:
The values in the following Updated sections assume that you're hosting the portal at
Email change confirmation
Update the developer portal URL in the Email change confirmation notification template:
Original content
<a id="confirmUrl" href="$ConfirmUrl" style="text-decoration:none">
<a id="confirmUrl" href="$ConfirmQuery" style="text-decoration:none">
New developer account confirmation
Update the developer portal URL in the New developer account confirmation notification template:
Original content
<a id="confirmUrl" href="$ConfirmUrl" style="text-decoration:none">
<a id="confirmUrl" href="$ConfirmQuery" style="text-decoration:none">
Invite user
Update the developer portal URL in the Invite user notification template:
Original content
<a href="$ConfirmUrl">$ConfirmUrl</a>
<a href="$ConfirmQuery">$ConfirmQuery</a>
New subscription activated
Update the developer portal URL in the New subscription activated notification template:
Original content
Thank you for subscribing to the <a href="http://$DevPortalUrl/products/$ProdId"><strong>$ProdName</strong></a> and welcome to the $OrganizationName developer community. We are delighted to have you as part of the team and are looking forward to the amazing applications you will build using our API!
Thank you for subscribing to the <a href="$ProdId"><strong>$ProdName</strong></a> and welcome to the $OrganizationName developer community. We are delighted to have you as part of the team and are looking forward to the amazing applications you will build using our API!
Original content
Visit the developer <a href="http://$DevPortalUrl/developer">profile area</a> to manage your subscription and subscription keys
Visit the developer <a href="">profile area</a> to manage your subscription and subscription keys
Original content
<a href="http://$DevPortalUrl/docs/services?product=$ProdId">Learn about the API</a>
<a href="$ProdId">Learn about the API</a>
Original content
<p style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Segoe UI'">
<a href="http://$DevPortalUrl/applications">Feature your app in the app gallery</a>
<p style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Segoe UI'">You can publish your application on our gallery for increased visibility to potential new users.</p>
<p style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Segoe UI'">
<a href="http://$DevPortalUrl/issues">Stay in touch</a>
<p style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Segoe UI'">
If you have an issue, a question, a suggestion, a request, or if you just want to tell us something, go to the <a href="http://$DevPortalUrl/issues">Issues</a> page on the developer portal and create a new topic.
<!--Remove the entire block of HTML code above.-->
Password change confirmation
Update the developer portal URL in the Password change confirmation notification template:
Original content
<a href="$DevPortalUrl">$DevPortalUrl</a>
<a href="$ConfirmQuery">$ConfirmQuery</a>
All templates
Update the developer portal URL in any template that has a link in the footer:
Original content
<a href="$DevPortalUrl">$DevPortalUrl</a>
<a href=""></a>
Move from managed to self-hosted developer portal
Over time, your business requirements may change. You can end up in a situation where the managed version of the API Management developer portal no longer satisfies your needs. For example, a new requirement may force you to build a custom widget that integrates with a third-party data provider. Unlike the manged version, the self-hosted version of the portal offers you full flexibility and extensibility.
Transition process
You can transition from the managed version to a self-hosted version within the same API Management service instance. The process preserves the modifications that you've carried out in the managed version of the portal. Make sure you back up the portal's content beforehand. You can find the backup script in the scripts
folder of the API Management developer portal GitHub repo.
The conversion process is almost identical to setting up a generic self-hosted portal, as shown in previous steps in this article. There is one exception in the configuration step. The storage account in the
file needs to be the same as the storage account of the managed version of the portal. See Tutorial: Use a Linux VM system-assigned identity to access Azure Storage via a SAS credential for instructions on how to retrieve the SAS URL.
We recommend using a separate storage account in the config.publish.json
file. This approach gives you more control and simplifies the management of the hosting service of your portal.
Related content
- Learn about Alternative approaches to self-hosting