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Using Value Map Annotation

To create a value map

  1. Create a mapping string.

    A mapping string is a list of a control's numeric values corresponding to a human-readable string in Unicode. It starts with "A:" followed by a number that indicates the type of index used. Only image indexes are supported; therefore the index type is always 0.

    The string is followed by :index:result pairs. The "index" is a number representing an image index for a List-View or Tree-View, or the value for a slider control.

    The resulting value is a number obtained when you map the Role or State property for a list view or tree view control. Such numbers are expressed in decimal or hexadecimal with an "0x" prefix.

    The mapping string is always terminated with a final colon (":").

    The following is an example of an annotation map for the State and Role properties of a check box in a list view or tree view control. There are two items in the view that represent check boxes, and each has images corresponding to the checked and unchecked state.

    LPCWSTR g_ListOrTreeStateMap = 
    L"A:0"     // Index type; always 0. !
    L":0:0x00" // Image 0 is normal !
    L":1:0x10" // Image 1 is checked - STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED (0x10) !
    LPCWSTR g_ListOrTreeRoleMap = 
    L"A:0"     // Index type; always 0. !
    L":0:0x2C" // Image 0 is a check box - ROLE_SYSTEM_CHECKBUTTON
    (0x2c) !
    L":1:0x2C" // image 1 is also a check box !

    For valid Role and State values, see Object Roles and Object State Constants.

    The index value may be negative when you map properties for a slider control.

    When you map a Value or Description property, the result is a string. Strings are not quoted and the colons act as delimiters.

    For more information, see Annotation Map Format.

  2. Create the annotation manager and obtain a pointer to itsIAccPropServicesinterface.

    The following is an example of how to create the annotation manager.

    IAccPropServices * pAccPropSvc = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AccPropServices, NULL,
    CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IAccPropServices, (void**) & pAccPropSvc));
  3. Attach the mapping string to the control.

    Call IAccPropServices::SetHwndPropStr, passing the HWND of the control and a pointer to the mapping string.

    The IdProp parameter will be one of the following.

    Parameter Used for
    MSAAPROPID_ROLEMAP To set a role map for list view or tree view controls.
    MSAAPROPID_STATEMAP To set a state map for list view or tree view controls.
    PROPID_ACC_DESCRIPTIONMAP To set a description map for list view or tree views.
    MSAAPROPID_VALUEMAP To set a value map on slider controls.


  4. Clean up.

    Before you destroy any value map annotated controls (for example, when handling WM_DESTROY), you must clear previously registered properties and release the annotation manager.

    To do this, call IAccPropServices::ClearHwndProps as appropriate and release your pointer to IAccPropServices.

For sample code, see Value Map Annotation Sample.