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MsiPackageCertificate Table

The MsiPackageCertificate Table lists digital signature certificates used to verify the identity of the installation packages that make this Multiple-Package Installation.

Use this table to author a multiple-package installation for a product containing multiple Windows Installer packages. If the first package is digitally signed, and contains a MsiPackageCertificate Table specifying digital certificates for all the remaining packages in the product, the administrator needs only accept the User Account Control (UAC) prompt displayed for the first package. After accepting the UAC's prompt for the first package, the user-defined functions in the MsiEmbeddedChainer table can then join the remaining packages to the multiple-package installation without displaying a UAC prompt and requiring an administrator response for each package.

If one or more of the functions in the MsiEmbeddedChainer table request an unsigned package, another UAC prompt requiring administrator interaction is displayed for each unsigned package. If the administrator accepts this UAC prompt, the multi-package installation continues. Once an administrator has provided credentials for a package, no UAC prompt will again be displayed for that package during this multi-package installation. If the administrator rejects a UAC prompt for a package, the Windows installer rolls back the multi-package installation before it commits to install any packages belonging to the product.

Windows Installer 4.0 or earlier: Not supported. This table is available beginning with Windows Installer 4.5.

The MsiPackageCertificate Table has the following columns:

Column Type Key Nullable
PackageCertificate Identifier Y N
DigitalCertificate_ Identifier N N




The unique identifier for this row in the MsiPackageCertificate Table.


An external key into the first column of the MsiDigitalCertificate Table. The row indicated in the MsiDigitalCertificate Table contains the binary representation of the signer certificate.




MsiDigitalCertificate Table