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Monitor Configuration Functions

The following functions are used to get information from a monitor and to change a monitor's settings. Monitor configuration functions are categorized into high-level functions, low-level functions, and enumeration functions. For more information, see Using Monitor Configuration.

High-Level Functions

Function Description
DegaussMonitor Degausses a monitor.
GetMonitorBrightness Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current brightness settings.
GetMonitorCapabilities Retrieves the configuration capabilities of a monitor.
GetMonitorColorTemperature Retrieves a monitor's current color temperature.
GetMonitorContrast Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current contrast settings.
GetMonitorDisplayAreaPosition Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current horizontal or vertical position.
GetMonitorDisplayAreaSize Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current width or height.
GetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueDrive Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value.
GetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value.
GetMonitorTechnologyType Retrieves the type of technology used by a monitor.
RestoreMonitorFactoryColorDefaults Restores a monitor's color settings to their factory defaults.
RestoreMonitorFactoryDefaults Restores a monitor's settings to their factory defaults.
SaveCurrentMonitorSettings Saves the current monitor settings to the display's nonvolatile storage.
SetMonitorBrightness Sets a monitor's brightness value.
SetMonitorColorTemperature Sets a monitor's color temperature.
SetMonitorContrast Sets a monitor's contrast value.
SetMonitorDisplayAreaPosition Sets the horizontal or vertical position of a monitor's display area.
SetMonitorDisplayAreaSize Sets the width or height of a monitor's display area.
SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueDrive Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value.
SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value.


Low-Level Functions

Function Description
CapabilitiesRequestAndCapabilitiesReply Retrieves a string describing a monitor's capabilities.
GetCapabilitiesStringLength Retrieves the length of a monitor's capabilities string.
GetTimingReport Retrieves a monitor's horizontal and vertical synchronization frequencies.
GetVCPFeatureAndVCPFeatureReply Retrieves the current value, maximum value, and code type of a Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code for a monitor.
SaveCurrentSettings Saves the current monitor settings to the display's nonvolatile storage.
SetVCPFeature Sets the value of a Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code for a monitor.


Enumeration Functions

Function Description
DestroyPhysicalMonitor Closes a handle to a physical monitor.
DestroyPhysicalMonitors Closes an array of physical monitor handles.
GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR Retrieves the number of physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle.
GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 Retrieves the number of physical monitors associated with a Direct3D device.
GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR Retrieves the physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle.
GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 Retrieves the physical monitors associated with a Direct3D device.


Internal Functions

The following functions are used by the monitor configuration API to access functionality in the display driver. Applications should not call these functions.

Monitor Configuration Reference