
Dela via

Device Context Functions

The following functions are used with device contexts.

Function Description
CancelDC Cancels any pending operation on the specified device context.
ChangeDisplaySettings Changes the settings of the default display device to the specified graphics mode.
ChangeDisplaySettingsEx Changes the settings of the specified display device to the specified graphics mode.
CreateCompatibleDC Creates a memory device context compatible with the specified device.
CreateDC Creates a device context for a device using the specified name.
CreateIC Creates an information context for the specified device.
DeleteDC Deletes the specified device context.
DeleteObject Deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object.
DeviceCapabilities Retrieves the capabilities of a printer device driver.
DrawEscape Provides drawing capabilities of the specified video display that are not directly available through the graphics device interface.
EnumDisplayDevices Retrieves information about the display devices in a system.
EnumDisplaySettings Retrieves information about one of the graphics modes for a display device.
EnumDisplaySettingsEx Retrieves information about one of the graphics modes for a display device.
EnumObjects Enumerates the pens or brushes available for the specified device context.
EnumObjectsProc An application-defined callback function used with the EnumObjects function.
GetCurrentObject Retrieves a handle to an object of the specified type that has been selected into the specified device context.
GetDC Retrieves a handle to a display device context for the client area of a specified window or for the entire screen.
GetDCBrushColor Retrieves the current brush color for the specified device context.
GetDCEx Retrieves a handle to a display device context for the client area of a specified window or for the entire screen.
GetDCOrgEx Retrieves the final translation origin for a specified device context.
GetDCPenColor Retrieves the current pen color for the specified device context.
GetDeviceCaps Retrieves device-specific information for the specified device.
GetLayout Retrieves the layout of a device context.
GetObject Retrieves information for the specified graphics object.
GetObjectType Retrieves the type of the specified object.
GetStockObject Retrieves a handle to one of the stock pens, brushes, fonts, or palettes.
ReleaseDC Releases a device context, freeing it for use by other applications.
ResetDC Updates the specified printer or plotter device context using the specified information.
RestoreDC Restores a device context to the specified state.
SaveDC Saves the current state of the specified device context by copying data describing selected objects and graphic modes to a context stack.
SelectObject Selects an object into the specified device context.
SetDCBrushColor Sets the current device context brush color to the specified color value.
SetDCPenColor Sets the current device context pen color to the specified color value.
SetLayout Sets the layout for a device context.
WindowFromDC Returns a handle to the window associated with a device context.