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Effect Variable Syntax (Direct3D 11)

An effect variable is declared with the syntax described in this section.


Basic syntax:

DataType VariableName [ : SemanticName ] < Annotations > [ = InitialValue ];

See Variable Syntax (DirectX HLSL) for full syntax.

Name Description
DataType Any basic, texture, unordered access view, shader or state block type.
VariableName An ASCII string that uniquely identifies the name of the effect variable.
SemanticName A ASCII string that denotes additional information about how a variable should be used. A semantic is an ASCII string that can be either a predefined system-value or a custom-user string.
Annotations One or more pieces of user-supplied information (metadata) that is ignored by the effect system. For syntax, see Annotation Syntax (Direct3D 11).
InitialValue The default value of the variable.


An effect variable that is declared outside of all functions, is considered global in scope; variables declared within a function are local to that function.


This example illustrates global effect numeric variables.

float4 g_MaterialAmbientColor;      // Material's ambient color
float4 g_MaterialDiffuseColor;      // Material's diffuse color
float3 g_LightDir[3];               // Light's direction in world space
float4x4 g_mWorld;                  // World matrix for object

This example illustrates effect variables that are local to a shader function.

VS_OUTPUT RenderSceneVS( ... )
    float3 vNormalWorldSpace;
    float4 vAnimatedPos;

    // shader body

This example illustrates function parameters that have semantics.

VS_OUTPUT RenderSceneVS( float4 vPos : SV_POSITION,
                         float3 vNormal : NORMAL,
                         float2 vTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0,
                         uniform int nNumLights,
                         uniform bool bTexture,
                         uniform bool bAnimate )

This example illustrates declaring a global texture variable.

Texture2D g_MeshTexture;            // Color texture for mesh

Sampling a texture is done with a texture sampler. To set up a sampler in an effect, see the sampler type.

This example illustrates declaring global unordered access view variables.

RWStructuredBuffer<uint> bc : register(u2) < string name="bc"; >;
RWBuffer<uint> bRW;
struct S
   uint key;
   uint value;
AppendStructuredBuffer<S> asb : register(u5);
RWByteAddressBuffer rwbab : register(u1);
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> rwsb : register(u3);
RWTexture1D<float> rwt1d : register(u1);
RWTexture1DArray<uint> rwt1da : register(u4);
RWTexture2D<uint> rwt2d : register(u2);
RWTexture2DArray<uint> rwt2da : register(u6);
RWTexture3D<uint> rwt3d : register(u7); 
 This example illustrates declaring global shader variables.
VertexShader pVS = CompileShader( vs_5_0, VS() );
HullShader pHS = NULL;
DomainShader pDS = NULL;
GeometryShader pGS = ConstructGSWithSO( CompileShader( gs_5_0, VS() ), 
                                        "0:Position.xy;; 2:Color.xy", 
                                        "3:Texcoord.xyzw; 3:$SKIP.x;", 
                                        1 );
PixelShader pPS = NULL;
ComputeShader pCS = NULL;
This example illustrates declaring global state block variables.
BlendState myBS[2] < bool IsValid = true; >
    BlendEnable[0] = false;
    BlendEnable[0] = true;
    SrcBlendAlpha[0] = Inv_Src_Alpha;

RasterizerState myRS
      FillMode = Solid;
      CullMode = NONE;
      MultisampleEnable = true;
      DepthClipEnable = false;

DepthStencilState myDS
    DepthEnable = false;
    DepthWriteMask = Zero;
    DepthFunc = Less;
sampler mySS[2] : register(s3) 
        Filter = ANISOTROPIC;
        MaxAnisotropy = 3;
        Filter = ANISOTROPIC;
        MaxAnisotropy = 4;

Effect Format