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Effect Group Syntax (Direct3D 11)

An effect group is declared with the syntax described in this section.

fxgroup GroupName  [ <Annotations > ]
    TechniqueVersion TechniqueName [ <Annotations > ] 
    TechniqueVersion TechniqueName [ <Annotations > ] 


Item Description
required keyword.
Required. An ASCII string that uniquely identifies the name of the effect group. Unlike techniques, groups must have names to ensure that techniques have a unique identifier (see Groups and Techniques section below).
< Annotations >
[in] Optional. One or more pieces of user-supplied information (metadata) that is ignored by the effect system. For syntax, see Annotation Syntax (Direct3D 11).
Either "technique10" or "technique11". Techniques which use functionality new to Direct3D 11 (5_0 shaders, BindInterfaces, etc) must use "technique11".
Optional. An ASCII string that uniquely identifies the name of the effect technique.

Groups and Techniques

In order to maintain compatibility with fx_4_0 effects, groups are optional. There is an implicit NULL-named group surrounding all global techniques.

Consider the following example:

technique11 GlobalTech
fxgroup Group1
     technique11 Tech1 { ... }
     technique11 Tech2 { ... }
fxgroup Group2
     technique11 Tech1 { ... }
     technique11 Tech2 { ... }

In C++, one can get a technique by name in two ways. The following commands will find the obvious techniques:

pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "GlobalTech" );
pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "|GlobalTech" );
pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "Group1|Tech1" );
pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "Group1|Tech2" );
pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "Group2|Tech1" );
pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( "Group2|Tech2" );
pEffect->GetGroupByName("Group1")->GetTechniqueByName( "Tech1" );
pEffect->GetGroupByName("Group1")->GetTechniqueByName( "Tech2" );
pEffect->GetGroupByName("Group2")->GetTechniqueByName( "Tech1" );
pEffect->GetGroupByName("Group2")->GetTechniqueByName( "Tech2" );

In order to ensure that ID3DX11Effect::GetTechniqueByName works similarly to Effects 10, all defined groups must have a name.

Effect Format

Effect Technique Syntax (Direct3D 11)