
Dela via

Debug Messages

This topic provides a list of debug messages output from the debug layer. All messages result from API contract violations, such as invalid parameters, invalid resources, threading violations, and performance issues.

Message Name Message Description Error Level
D1009: Unexpected hardware creation error An unexpected error [error] was encountered while trying to create a Direct3D target. Warning
D1100: Handle already closed An interface [interface] was accessed after it had been released. Error
D1101: Unknown handle An interface [interface] not allocated by this DLL was passed to it. Error
D1102: Too many opened handles A large number of unreleased interfaces were found. Currently there are [number] unreleased interfaces allocated by this DLL. Warning
D1103: Leaked handle An interface [interface] was created but not released. Error
D1104: Possible leak The factory [factory] was released but the interface [interface] created from it is still alive. While it is valid to release resources after releasing the factory, this condition could be indicative of a memory leak. Information
D1105: Threading violation A rental threaded interface [interface] was simultaneously accessed from multiple threads. Error
D1106: Resource is wrong type The given resource [resource] is not of an expected type. Error
D1107: Internal Error The resource [resource] was allocated by factory [factory 1] and used with factory [factory 2]. Error
D1108: Wrong factory The resource [resource] was allocated by factory [factory 1] and used with factory [factory 2]. Error
D1109: Draw failure A Draw call by a render target failed [resource]. Tags [tag1, tag2]. Warning
D1110: Flush failure A Flush call by a render target failed [resource]. Tags [tag1, tag2]. Warning
D1111: Using layer when clip is sufficient PERF - A layer is being used with a NULL opacity mask, 1.0 opacity, and an axis aligned rectangular geometric mask. The Push/Pop Clip API should achieve the same results with higher performance. Information
D1112: Device must be DX11 The device associated with the DXGI surface must be a D3D11 device. Warning
D1113: Device needs BGRA flag The Direct3D device was not created with D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, and therefore is not compatible with Direct2D. Warning
D1114: Non optional pointer null The parameter [parameter] for interface::method is not optional. A NULL pointer was passed. This will cause Direct2D to crash. Error
D1115: Enumeration value not valid The parameter [parameter] with value [value] for interface::method is not a valid enumeration value. Error
D1116: Unexpected Hardware Creation Error An unexpected error [%08x] was encountered while trying to create a Direct3D Target. Error
D1117: Bitmap Is Not A Target SetTarget failed because the bitmap does not have the TARGET option. Error
D1118: Target Not A Bitmap A drawing operation failed because the target is NULL or a command list. Warning
D1119: Bitmap Bound As Target A drawing operation failed because the target bitmap and a source bitmap were the same. Error
D1120: Bitmap Cannot Draw An operation failed because the bitmap has the D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CANNOT_DRAW option. Information
D1121: Wrong Resource Domain An operation failed because a device-dependent resource is associated with the wrong ID2D1Device (resource domain). Error
D1123: Dxgi Format Unknown Not Allowed DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN is not allowed as a parameter to this API. Error
D1124: Dxgi Format Unknown With Null Target Bitmap DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN is not allowed as a parameter to this API when the target is set to NULL or is a command list. Error
D1125: Dxgi Format Mismatch The pixel format passed to this API is not compatible with the pixel format of the %s. Warning
D1126: Alpha Mode Unknown Not Allowed D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_UNKNOWN is not allowed as a parameter to this API. Warning
D1127: Alpha Mode Mismatch The alpha mode passed into this API is not compatible with the pixel format of the %s. Information
D1128: Dxgi Format Not Supported In Any Api The DXGI format passed into this API is not supported by Direct2D. Warning
D1129: Dxgi Format Incompatible With Alpha Mode The combination of alpha mode and DXGI format supplied are not compatible with one another. Warning
D1130: Dxgi Format Disallowed By Caps The device does not have the capability to support the given DXGI format. Error
D1131: Dxgi Format Not Gdi Compatible A GDI compatible option was passed to this API but the DXGI format is not GDI compatible. Error
D1132: Dxgi Format Not Hwnd Or Dc Compatible The given DXGI format is not valid for this render target creation method. Warning
D1133: Buffer Precision Unknown Not Allowed D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION_UNKNOWN is not allowed as a parameter to this API. Error
D1134: Buffer Precision Disallowed By Caps The device does not have the capability to support the given buffer precision. Error
D1135: Bitmap Option Must Be Subset The bitmap options [0x%x] must be a subset of the flags associated with the DXGI surface. Error
D1136: Text Rendering Mode Conflict The DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE and the D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE set on this render target are not compatible with one another. Error
D1137: Unclosed Commandlist A command list was referenced that had either not been populated or had not been unset from the device context. Error
D1138: Invalid Commandlist A command list was referenced that is invalid (an error occurred previously during command list population). Error
D1139: Unused Stroke Width A stroke transform type of HAIRLINE was specified, but the stroke width supplied was not 1. The stroke width will be ignored. Error
D1140: Stroke Transform Type Uses Default Dpi When widening an ID2D1Geometry with a FIXED or HAIRLINE stroke, Direct2D will assume a DPI of 96. When rendering the widened geometry, the stroke width may change. Error
D1141: Dxc Customcolorspace Unsupported Usesrgb Direct2D Print: Custom Color Space is not supported. Using sRGB instead. Error
D1144: Effect Is Not A Target SetTarget failed because an effect was passed as a target. Error
D1145: Print Control Dpi Incorrect Direct2D Print: PRINT_CONTROL_PROPERTIES.rasterDPI value is invalid. Error
D1146: Invalid Render Controls The specified rendering controls had invalid parameters and will be ignored. Error
D1147: Dxc Close Is Invoked Before Add Page Direct2D Print: Close is called with no previous AddPage calls Error
D1148: Dxc Invalid Calls After Close Is Invoked Direct2D Print: AddPage or Close is called after PrintControl was closed Error
D1149: Dxc Invalid Unicode Character Direct2D Print: Invalid Unicode character detected in DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION.string. It was replaced with space (0x20). Error
D1150: Unsupported Mip Level Selection The IDXGISurface2 supplied has multiple mip levels, but mip level selection is not supported on this device level (D3D9). Error
D1151: Unsupported Array Selection The IDXGISurface2 supplied belongs to an array, but array slices are not supported on this device level (D3D9). Error
D1152: Double Close Commandlist An attempt was made to close a command list for a second time. Error
D1153: Set After Close Commandlist An attempt was made to set a closed command list on a target. Error
D1154: Invalid Bitmap Input Format This operation is not compatible with the pixel format of the bitmap. Error
D1155: Fillopacitymask Antialiased FillOpacityMask requires that the antialias mode be set to D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_ALIASED. Information
D1158: Setunitmode In Print Direct2D Print: Unsupported SetUnitMode(PIXELS) command was present in command list sent for printing. Information
D1159: Invalid Commandlist Topology A command list cannot reference effects which are part of effect graphs that consume the command list. Information
D1160: Cycle In Graph An attempt was made to draw an image graph with a cycle in it. Error
D1161: Copy From Cpu Bitmap This method is not allowed on a bitmap created with D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ. Error
D1162: Fillmesh Antialiased FillMesh requires that the antialias mode be set to D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_ALIASED. Error
D1163: Print Bitmap Too Big Bitmap is too large for printing, consider breaking it up in smaller tiles. Error
D1164: Map Options None D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_NONE is not a valid parameter to Map Error
D1165: Map Read Discard D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ is not compatible with D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_DISCARD Warning
D1166: Map Discard No Write D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_DISCARD must be combined with D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_WRITE Error
D1167: Map Read Nonreadable D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_READ is only valid on a CPU readable bitmap Error
D1168: Map Write Nonwriteable D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_WRITE is only valid on a CPU writeable bitmap Error
D1169: Map Discard Nondynamic D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_DISCARD is only valid with a bitmap created from a dynamic texture. Error
D1170: Map Dynamic Badflags D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_WRITE | D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS_DISCARD is required when mapping bitmap created from a dynamic texture. Error
D1171: Map Already Mapped An attempt was made to Map a bitmap that is already mapped. Error
D1172: Unmap Nonmapped An attempt was made to Unmap a bitmap that is not mapped. Error
D1173: Disallowed Texturecube Textures flagged as D3D11RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE may not be used by Direct2D. Error
D1174: Pushlayer To Commandlist Null Only When pushing a (non-NULL) layer to a command list, the layer object will be ignored. Warning
D1175: Dxgi Target Must Not Use Software Flag This type of rendertarget must be flagged as DEFAULT or HARDWARE. Error
D1176: Error Negative Dpi It is an error to specify a negative DPI while creating a rendertarget. Error
D1177: Unsupported Wic Pixel Format The WIC pixel format supplied is not supported by Direct2D. In particular, Direct2D does not support WIC bitmaps that use straight alpha unless the depth is 8bpp. Error
D1178: Error Custom Dash Style Requires Dash Array Creating a stroke style with DASH_STYLE_CUSTOM requires a dash array. Error
D1179: Gradient Stop Collection Zero Stops Creating an ID2D1GradientStopCollection requires at least one gradient stop. Error
D1180: Begindraw Incorrect State BeginDraw was called multiple times, without a corresponding call to EndDraw. Error
D1181: Enddraw Incorrect State EndDraw was called, but the rendertarget was not in a valid state. This may result from calling EndDraw without a matching BeginDraw. Error
D1182: Operation On Unclosed Path Geometry An operation has occurred on a path geometry that was not closed. Error
D1183: Create Wic Bitmap Rt Disallowed Fl It is invalid to pass a Direct2D feature level other than D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL_DEFAULT to CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget. Error
D1184: Create Wic Bitmap Rt Disallowed Hw Flag It is invalid to pass the flag D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_HARDWARE to CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget. Error
D1185: Fillgeometry Opacity Mask Brush Restriction If FillGeometry is used with an opacity mask, the primary brush must be a clamped bitmap brush. Error
D1186: Dc Render Target Requires Binddc It is invalid to use a DC render target before calling its BindDC method. Error
D1187: Set Target Outstanding Dc SetTarget was called in between a GetDC/ReleaseDC pair. Error
D1188: Bitmap Options Cpu Read Target D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ is not compatible with D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_TARGET Error
D1189: Bitmap Options Cpu Read Cannot Draw D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ must be combined with D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CANNOT_DRAW Error
D1190: Bitmap Options Cannot Draw Needs Combo D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CANNOT_DRAW must be combined with D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CPU_READ or D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_TARGET Information
D1191: Bitmap Options Gdi Compat No Target D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_GDI_COMPATIBLE must be combined with D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_TARGET Error
D1192: Print Font Subsetting Skipped Direct2D Print: Font subsetting routine CreateFontPackage failed, error 0x [%08x]. Original font data is used, output size increase is possible. Error
D1193: Print Ttc Subsetting Failed Direct2D Print: Font subsetting routine CreateFontPackage failed for TTC data, error 0x [%08x]. Print job cannot continue because resource references are already sent. Error
D1194: Flush Outstanding Dc It is an invalid to call Flush or EndDraw in between a GetDC/ReleaseDC pair. Error
D1195: Win8 Only This feature is only available on Windows 8 or above. Error
D1196: A8 Shared Bitmap A DXGI surface of format DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM is not supported in this API. Warning
D1197: Wrong D3d Device The DXGI surface passed to this API is from the wrong device. Warning
D1198: Copy To Read Only Bitmap An attempt has been made to copy data to a read only or immutable bitmap. Error
D1199: Changed Commandlist Resource An image drawn to a command list has just been changed. This may produce unintended consequences. The command list will now contain the changed image rather than the contents of image at the time that it was drawn. Error
D1200: Pushlayer Multisampled Target Pushlayer/Poplayer was used with a multisampled target. The call will still be issued, but the rendered result will may not represent the multisample pattern expected. Error
D1201: Pushaxisalignedclip Aa Multisampled Target PushAxisAlignedClip was used with a multisampled target. The call will still be issued, but artifacts may be arise if the bounds of the clip rectangle are non-pixel-aligned. Additionally, the rendered result will may not represent the multisample pattern expected. Error
D1202: Copyfromrendertarget Multisampled Source CopyFromRenderTarget was used with a multisampled rendertarget. The call will still be issued, but the copied result will may not represent the multisample pattern expected. Error
D1203: Copyfrombitmap Multisampled Source CopyFromBitmap was used with a multisampled source bitmap. The call will still be issued, but the copied result will may not represent the multisample pattern expected. Error
D1204: Perspective High Quality Cubic D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_HIGH_QUALITY_CUBIC cannot be used when a 4x4 transform is specified. Error
D1205: Push Pop Unbalanced A Pop command was issued without an associated Push command. Error
D1206: Pop Call Did Not Match Push A PopAxisAlignedClip command was issued when a PopLayer command was expected, or vice-versa. Error
D1207: Unsupported Profile Channel Count Only 1, 3, and 4 color channels are supported. Error
D1208: Skip Color Translation Source and destination color contexts are both default or have an sRGB model ID, skipping translation. Warning
D1209: Default Dpi With Failed Getresolution GetResolution failed for the input bitmap source [%08x]. Assuming a default dpi of [%f]. Error
D1210: Default Dpi With Invalid Input Dpi Invalid DPI for the input bitmap source. Assuming a default dpi of [%f]. Error
D1211: Color Context Created For Exif Color Space Color context created for Exif color space: %d. Error
D1212: Retrieve Profile Size From Context Failed Failed to retrieve profile size from WIC color context. Error
D1213: Retrieve Profile Bytes From Context Failed Failed to retrieve profile bytes from WIC color context. Error
D1214: Supported Color Context Type Unsupported WICColorContextType: %d. Warning
D1215: Vertex Range Must Be Null When a NULL vertex shader is used, a NULL D2D1_VERTEX_RANGE must also be used. Information
D1216: Vertex Options Must Be None D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_NONE must be used when a vertex buffer is not used. Information
D1217: Blend Description Must Be Null D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION must be NULL when a vertex buffer is not used. Information
D1218: Do Not Clear Cannot Be Used D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_DO_NOT_CLEAR must not be used unless a source-copy blend mode is used. Information
D1219: No Overlap Cannot Be Used With Depth Buffer D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_ASSUME_NO_OVERLAP and D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_USE_DEPTH_BUFFER may not be used together. Information
D1220: Invalid Vertex Count Vertex count must be a multiple of three and greater than zero. Error
D1221: Source Color Profile Invalid Unable to parse the source color context. The profile is invalid. Error
D1222: Dest Color Profile Invalid Unable to parse the destination color context. The profile is invalid. Error
D1223: Exceed Supported Channels Encountered multi-process element with greater than the maximum of %d supported channels. Error
D1224: Curveset Exceed Supported Channels Encountered curveset multi-process element curve with greater than the maximum of %d curve segments. Information
D1225: Tile Too Small A rendering operation could not be completed with the current rendering controls. Warning
D1226: Inconsistent Behavior Need Rect Calc Rendering failed, most likely due to inconsistent behavior of ID2D1Transform::MapOutputRectToInputRects(). Warning
D1227: Print Rasterization Event Direct2D Print: %s - rasterization was required. Printing performance may be affected. Please consider another approach. Information
D1228: Not Original Target A call to [%s] was made while a target other than the original was set on the device context. Error
D1229: Immersive Call To Getdesktopdpi You called ID2D1Factory::GetDesktopDpi in a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. That isn't recommended. Instead, you should call DisplayProperties::LogicalDpi. Error
D1230: Unknown Buffer Precision Support A call to IsBufferPrecisionSupported was made with D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION_UNKNOWN. This API returns false, though D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION_UNKNOWN may be valid as an input to some APIs. Error
D1231: Unknown Dxgi Format Support A call to IsDxgiFormatSupported was made with DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN. This API returns false, though DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN may be valid as an input to some APIs. Error
D1232: 32Bpprgba Causes Conversion Consider using BGR rather than RGB for 32bpp formats so that the BitmapSource effect can avoid additional format conversions. Error
D1233: Begindraw Invalid From Previous Error BeginDraw was called but will be ignored because the device context is in an invalid state. Error
D1234: Null Resource Brush A bitmap brush or image brush may not be used for drawing when its associated bitmap/image is set to NULL. Error
D1235: Target Rendered To From Multiple Dcs An attempt was made to render to an image while it was still being rendered to by a previous device context [%p]. EndDraw must be called on that device context before rendering with the current device context. Error
D1236: Enddraw With Push Outstanding A call to EndDraw was made while a clip or layer was still pushed on some associated target. Error
D1237: Target Cant Be Null A rendering call was made on the device context while a NULL target was set. Error
D1238: Source Transform Single Channel Srgb ID2D1SourceTransform does not allow D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION_SRGB to be combined with D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH_1. Error
D1239: Source Transform Bitmap Invalid Call The bitmap passed to ID2D1SourceTransform::Draw does not support this method. Error
D1240: Source Transform Still Mapped The bitmap passed to ID2D1SourceTransform::Draw was never unmapped. Error
D1241: Close With Push Outstanding An attempt to close a command list was made while a clip or layer was still pushed. Error
D1242: Missing Begindraw An attempt to render a primitive outside of BeginDraw/EndDraw. Error
D1243: Getdc Render An attempt to render a primitive inside of GetDC/ReleaseDC. Warning
D1244: Error Triggered Stack Reset Due to previous error(s), all clips and layers have been popped on all associated bitmap targets. Error
D1245: Error Triggered Commandlist Invalidation Due to previous error(s), all command lists that were previously set as a target are now invalid. Warning
D1246: Dc Destroyed While Drawing A device context was destroyed while inside a BeginDraw/EndDraw block. Warning
D1247: Dynamic Copy From Memory CopyFromMemory cannot copy memory to a bitmap created from a dynamic texture. Warning
D1248: Insufficient Capabilities Best Mode D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY_BEST quality setting requires D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 or greater and D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION_32BPC_FLOAT buffer precision support. Warning
D1249: Inaccessible Target An attempt to draw to an inaccessible target has been detected. Error
D1250: Inaccessible Source An attempt to draw from an inaccessible bitmap has been detected. Error
D1251: D3d State Issue The state of the Direct3D device changed when Direct2D was still using it. This may be indicative of a threading violation because only one thread may use the device at a time. Error
D1252: Invalid Glyph Run The DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN had invalid parameters and will be ignored. Error
D1253: Mismatched Leave A call to ID2D1Multithread::Leave was made without a corresponding call to Enter. Error
D1254: Operation On Single Threaded Domain A call to ID2D1Multithread::%s was made on a single-threaded factory domain (did you mean to create the D2D factory with D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_MULTI_THREADED?). This call will be ignored. Error
D1255: Tile Opacity Metadata Conflict The opaque rectangle calculated for an effect graph overlapped a region marked as being transparent. This may occur due to improper use of an Atlas effect or Bounds Adjustment transform. Error
D1256: Invalid Analysis Effect Usage An analysis effect was used incorrectly. This may occur when using an analysis effect as the input to another effect or an image brush, drawing it to a command list, or caching its output. Error
D1257: Shader Not Loaded The specified shader has not been loaded. Error
D1258: Compute Shader Not Set A ComputeTransform did not set a compute shader. Error