
Dela via

Delivery Optimization Enumerations

The Delivery Optimization interfaces use the following enumerations.

In this section

Topic Description
BG_ERROR_CONTEXT The BG_ERROR_CONTEXT enumeration defines the constant values that specify the context in which the error occurred.
BG_JOB_PRIORITY The BG_JOB_PRIORITY enumeration defines the constant values that specify the priority level of a job.
BG_JOB_STATE The BG_JOB_STATE enumeration defines constant values for the different states of a job.
BG_JOB_TYPE The BG_JOB_TYPE enumeration defines constant values that specify the type of transfer job, such as download.
BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID The BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID enumeration specifies values that define ID values corresponding to BackgroundCopyFile properties.
BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID The BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID enumeration specifies the ID of the property for the Delivery Optimization job. This enumeration is used in the BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_VALUE union to determine the type of value contained in the union.
BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY The BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY enumeration defines ID values corresponding to Delivery Optimization properties.
DeliveryOptimizationFileProperty Specifies the ID of an optional property for the Delivery Optimization file.
DODownloadCostPolicy Specifies the ID of cost policies options associated with the DODownloadProperty_CostPolicy property.
DODownloadProperty Specifies the ID of properties for the Delivery Optimization download operation.
DODownloadPropertyEx Specifies the ID of extended properties for the Delivery Optimization download operation.
DODownloadState Specifies the ID of the current download state, which is part of the DO_DOWNLOAD_STATUS structure.
DownloadMode Defines the different download modes that Delivery Optimization uses.
SwarmStatus Defines the status of a file within the delivery optimization client.