
Dela via


Gets the rectangle for a specified group. Send this message explicitly or by using the ListView_GetGroupRect macro.


wParam [in]

Specifies the group by iGroupId (see LVGROUP structure).

lParam [in, out]

A pointer to a RECT structure to receive information on the group specified by wParam. The message receiver is responsible for setting the structure members with information for the group specified by wParam.

The calling process is responsible for allocating memory for the structure. Set the top member of the RECT to one of the following flags to specify the coordinates of the rectangle to get.

Value Meaning
Coordinates of the entire expanded group.
Coordinates of the header only (collapsed group).
Coordinates of the label only.
Coordinates of the subset link only (markup subset). A list-view control can limit the number of visible items displayed in each group. A link is presented to the user to allow the user to expand the group. This flag will return the bounding rectangle of the subset link if the group is a subset (group state of LVGS_SUBSETED, see structure LVGROUP, member state). This flag is provided so that accessibility applications can located the link.

Return value

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]