
Dela via

WofFileEnumFiles function (wofapi.h)

Enumerates all of the files which are compressed with a specified compression algorithm on a specified volume.


HRESULT WofFileEnumFiles(
  [in]           PCWSTR           VolumeName,
  [in]           ULONG            Algorithm,
  [in]           WofEnumFilesProc EnumProc,
  [in, optional] PVOID            UserData


[in] VolumeName

A full path to the volume containing the files to enumerate.

[in] Algorithm

The compression algorithm to enumerate. For a list of valid compression algorithms, see WOF_FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO_V1. If this value is MAX_ULONG, files compressed with any supported compression algorithm will be returned.

[in] EnumProc

The callback function for each data source. The enumeration will stop if EnumProc returns FALSE.

[in, optional] UserData

User defined data passed to EnumProc.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header wofapi.h
Library Wofutil.lib
DLL Wofutil.dll

See also