
Dela via

ITpmVirtualSmartCardManager::CreateVirtualSmartCard method (tpmvscmgr.h)

Creates a TPM virtual smart card with the given parameters.


HRESULT CreateVirtualSmartCard(
  [in]           LPCWSTR                                   pszFriendlyName,
  [in]           BYTE                                      bAdminAlgId,
  [in]           const BYTE                                *pbAdminKey,
  [in]           DWORD                                     cbAdminKey,
  [in, optional] const BYTE                                *pbAdminKcv,
  [in]           DWORD                                     cbAdminKcv,
  [in, optional] const BYTE                                *pbPuk,
  [in]           DWORD                                     cbPuk,
  [in]           const BYTE                                *pbPin,
  [in]           DWORD                                     cbPin,
  [in]           BOOL                                      fGenerate,
  [in, optional] ITpmVirtualSmartCardManagerStatusCallback *pStatusCallback,
  [out]          LPWSTR                                    *ppszInstanceId,
  [out]          BOOL                                      *pfNeedReboot


[in] pszFriendlyName

Display name of the smart card reader node. This is shown in the Device Manager, but it is not the reader name as seen by the smart card resource manager (SCRM).

[in] bAdminAlgId

Algorithm identifier of the admin key. Currently, to work with the inbox GIDS minidriver, this value should be VSC_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ALGORITHM_ID (3-key triple DES with ISO/IEC 9797 padding method 2 in CBC chaining mode).

[in] pbAdminKey

Pointer to a byte array that contains the admin key of the virtual smart card to be created.

[in] cbAdminKey

Size, in bytes, of the byte array pointed to by the pbAdminKey parameter.

[in, optional] pbAdminKcv

Pointer to a byte array that contains the key check value of the admin key. Key check value is defined as the first 3 bytes of the output BLOB when using the admin key to encrypt a block of zeros. If the key check value is not provided, there will be no integrity check for the admin key.

[in] cbAdminKcv

Size, in bytes, of the byte array pointed to by the pbAdminKcv parameter.

[in, optional] pbPuk

Pointer to a byte array that contains the PIN unlock key (PUK) value of the virtual smart card. It is usually a sequence of ASCII characters with a minimal length of 8 characters. If the PUK is not provided, the virtual smart card will be created without a PUK role and instead will use the challenge/response-based PIN reset through the admin role.

[in] cbPuk

Size, in bytes, of the byte array pointed to by the pbPuk parameter.

[in] pbPin

Pointer to a byte array that contains the PIN value of the virtual smart card. It is usually a sequence of ASCII characters with a length of 8 characters minimum and 127 characters maximum.

[in] cbPin

Size, in bytes, of the byte array pointed to by the pbPin parameter.

[in] fGenerate

Indicates whether the virtual smart card needs to be provisioned with all necessary files required by the base CSP and smart card KSP.

[in, optional] pStatusCallback

Pointer to a ITpmVirtualSmartCardManagerStatusCallback interface. The TPM virtual smart card manager uses this callback interface to communicate the progress or error during virtual smart card creation. If the pStatusCallback parameter is NULL, no progress is reported to the client before the operation completes.

[out] ppszInstanceId

Pointer to a pointer to a Unicode buffer to receive the instance ID of the created virtual smart card.

[out] pfNeedReboot

Pointer to a Boolean value to receive whether the requested operation needs to reboot the computer.

Return value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK.

If the method fails, it returns a Win32 error code.


When the method succeeds, the ppszInstanceId parameter points to the Unicode buffer that contains the instance identifier of the newly created TPM virtual smart card reader. When you have finished using the buffer, the caller needs to free the buffer on the client by calling the CoTaskMemFree function, as directed in the COM memory management rules.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header tpmvscmgr.h
Library Vscmgr.lib

See also
