
Dela via


[This control code may be altered or unavailable in future versions of Windows. Use Internet Protocol Helper API instead of this control code.]

Retrieves information from the TCP/IP driver.

To perform the IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX operation, call the DeviceIoControl function with the following parameters.

BOOL DeviceIoControl(
  (HANDLE) hDevice,                  // Open handle to the TCP driver
  NULL,                              // lpInBuffer (the output buffer is used for input too)
  0,                                 // nInBufferSize
  (LPVOID) lpOutBuffer,              // Pointer to the output buffer
  (DWORD) nOutBufferSize,            // Size of the output buffer
  (LPDWORD) lpBytesReturned,         // Number of bytes returned (if called synchronously)
  (LPOVERLAPPED) lpOverlapped        // OVERLAPPED structure (if called asynchronously)


To use IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, you should be familiar with Windows Driver Development, as documented in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), and specifically with Transport Driver Interface (TDI) drivers.

Note  To use this control code, include the Windows.h header file. In addition, specifically include Tcpioctl.h, a header file published in the Windows SDK for use with IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, and also Tdiinfo.h and Tdistat.h, header files published in the WDK for TDI driver development.
Note  Various flags and other constants defined in the Tdiinfo.h WDK header file for the IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX operation use the following naming convention.
Letters Stand for Comments
"AT" Address Translation Address resolution such as that provided by ARP (Address Resolution Protocol).
"NL" Network Layer As in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.
"TL" Transport Layer As in the OSI reference model.
"CL" Connection-Less A connectionless protocol based on broadcast packets.
"CO" Connected A connected protocol based on directed packets.
"ER" Echo Request/Reply Packet types used by Ping to test TCP/IP connectivity.
"IF" Interface An interface in the sense used in SNMP.
The IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX operation retrieves different kinds of information, depending on what the TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX structure pointed to by the lpInBuffer parameter contains, as described in the following paragraph and example code.
  1. Enumerate TDI Entities.

To retrieve an array of TDIEntityID structures that identifies all the TCP entities on the machine, set the ID.toi_entity.tei_entity member of the input structure to GENERIC_ENTITY. ID.toi_class must then be set to INFO_CLASS_GENERIC, ID.toi_type must be set to INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER, and ID.toi_id must be set to ENTITY_LIST_ID, or the operation fails with a TDI_INVALID_PARAMETER error code. The Context member of the input structure is ignored when a list is requested. The output in this case is an array of TDIEntityID structures. The GetEntityArray function in the first code example below shows how to retrieve such an array.

  1. Obtain Type Information about a Specific TDI Entity.

If the ID.toi_entity member of the input structure identifies a specific entity (as in the case of the TDIEntityID structures returned by the enumeration request above), then setting the ID.toi_class to INFO_CLASS_GENERIC, the ID.toi_type to INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER, and the ID.toi_id to ENTITY_TYPE_ID causes one or more flag values to be returned into an unsigned long pointed to by the lpOutBuffer parameter. These flag values identify the type of the specified entity. Once again, the Context member of the input structure is ignored.

The possible type-flag values that can be returned are shown in the following table.

Flag Significance
AT_ARP Entity implements ARP (Address Resolution Protocol).
AT_NULL Entity does no address translation.
CL_NL_IP Entity implements IP (Internet Protocol), connectionless on the network layer.
CL_NL_IPX Entity implements IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange protocol), connectionless on the network layer.
CL_TL_NBF Entity implements NBF (NetBEUI Frame protocol), connectionless on the transport layer.
CL_TL_UDP Entity implements UDP (User Datagram Protocol) connectionless on the transport layer.
CO_TL_NBF Entity implements NBF (NetBEUI Frame protocol), directed packets on the transport layer.
CO_TL_SPP Entity implements SPP (Sequenced Packet Protocol), directed packets on the transport layer.
CO_TL_SPX Entity implements SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange protocol), directed packets on the transport layer.
CO_TL_TCP Entity implements TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), directed packets on the transport layer.
ER_ICMP Entity implements ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for Echo Request/Reply.
IF_GENERIC Entity implements a generic interface.
IF_MIB Entity implements an interface with SNMP MIB-II support.
  1. Obtain MIB-II Information about an Interface Entity.

If the entity type is IF_MIB, then a MIB request can be sent to it that results in the return of an IFEntry structure. Set the ID.toi_entity member of the input structure to identify the entity, the ID.toi_class to INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL, the ID.toi_type to INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER, and the ID.toi_id to IF_MIB_STATS_ID.

Note that because IFEntry is a variable-length structure, the output buffer should be allocated not just as "sizeof(IFEntry)" but as "sizeof(IFEntry) + MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 1".

  1. Obtain MIB-II Information about a Particular IP Entity.

MIB information can also be retrieved from an IP entity (one whose type is CL_NL_ENTITY) by setting the ID.toi_entity member to identify the entity, the ID.toi_class to INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL, the ID.toi_type to INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER, and the ID.toi_id to IP_MIB_STATS_ID. In this case, an IPSNMPInfo structure is returned, and the output buffer can be allocated to "sizeof(IPSNMPInfo)".

  1. Obtain Address Information about a Particular IP Entity.

If the ipsi_numaddr member of the IPSNMPInfo structure returned for a particular IP entity is nonzero, an array of IPAddrEntry structures can be retrieved by setting the ID.toi_entity member to identify the entity, the ID.toi_class to INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL, the ID.toi_type to INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER, and the ID.toi_id to IP_MIB_ADDRTABLE_ENTRY_ID. In this case, the output buffer should be allocated to hold an array of size:

sizeof(IPAddrEntry) * pIpSnmpInfoReturned->ipsi_numaddr

  1. Obtain Interface Information about a Particular IP Address.

More interface information can be retrieved for a given IP address returned in the IPAddrEntry array above by leaving the ID.toi_entity member set to identify the IP entity, the ID.toi_class set to INFO_CLASS_PROTOCOL, and the ID.toi_type set to INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER, and then by setting the ID.toi_id to IP_INTFC_INFO_ID and the Context member of the TCP_REQUEST_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX structure to the IPv4 or IPv6 address in question.

Allocate an output buffer large enough to contain sizeof(IPINTERFACEINFO) + MAX_PHYSADDR_SIZE.

On return, the output buffer contains a filled-in IPInterfaceInfo structure.


The following example shows how to obtain a list of the entities present on the TCP adapter on the current machine.

#define  UNICODE
#define  _WIN32_WINNT  0x0500

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iptypes.h>
#include "winternl.h"
#include "tdiinfo.h"
#include "tdistat.h"
#include "tcpioctl.h"

/*  Function:              GetTCPHandle
      Opens a handle to the TCP driver
      pTCPDriverHandle --  Pointer to a handle variable.
    Return Value (DWORD):  Returns TRUE if successful, and places 
                           a valid handle to the TCP driver in the
                           handle pointed to by pTCPDriverHandle, or
                           returns FALSE otherwise, and sets the
                           handle to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
DWORD GetTCPHandle( PHANDLE pTCPDriverHandle )
#define FILE_OPEN_IF                    0x00000003
#define FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT    0x00000020
#define OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE            0x00000040L

    OUT PHANDLE              FileHandle,
    IN  ACCESS_MASK          DesiredAccess,
    IN  POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES   ObjectAttributes,
    OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK     IoStatusBlock,
    IN  PLARGE_INTEGER       AllocationSize OPTIONAL,
    IN  ULONG                FileAttributes,
    IN  ULONG                ShareAccess,
    IN  ULONG                CreateDisposition,
    IN  ULONG                CreateOptions,
    IN  PVOID                EaBuffer OPTIONAL,
    IN  ULONG                EaLength );

  P_NT_CREATE_FILE pNtCreateFile;

  OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES  objectAttributes;
  IO_STATUS_BLOCK    ioStatusBlock;
  UNICODE_STRING     UnicodeStr;


  if( ( hNtDLL = LoadLibrary( L"ntdll" ) ) == NULL )
    return( FALSE );

  pNtCreateFile = (P_NT_CREATE_FILE) GetProcAddress( hNtDLL, 
            "NtCreateFile" );
  if( pNtCreateFile == NULL )
    return( FALSE );

  UnicodeStr.Buffer = TCPDriverName;
  UnicodeStr.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(TCPDriverName) * sizeof(WCHAR));
  UnicodeStr.MaximumLength = UnicodeStr.Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);

  objectAttributes.Length = sizeof( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES );
  objectAttributes.ObjectName = &UnicodeStr;
  objectAttributes.Attributes = OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
  objectAttributes.RootDirectory = NULL;
  objectAttributes.SecurityDescriptor = NULL;
  objectAttributes.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL;

  rVal = pNtCreateFile( pTCPDriverHandle,
                       SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_EXECUTE,
                       FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
                       0 );

  if( rVal < 0 )
    printf( "\nFailed to create TCP Driver handle; NT status code = %d.", rVal );
    return( FALSE );
  return( TRUE );

/*  Function:              GetEntityList
      Allocates a buffer for and retrieves an array of TDIEntityID 
    structures that identifies the entities supported by 
    the TCP/IP device driver.
      TCPDriverHandle  --  An open handle to the TCP Driver; if 
            no such handle is available, 
            may be INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
      lplpEntities     --  Pointer to a buffer that contains 
            the array of TDIEntityID structures. 
            Must be freed by the calling process 
            using LocalFree( ).
    Return Value:
      DWORD  --  the number of entity structures in the returned array
DWORD GetEntityArray( IN HANDLE TCPDriverHandle, 
    OUT TDIEntityID **lplpEntities )
  DWORD arrayLen = sizeof(TDIEntityID) * MAX_TDI_ENTITIES;
  DWORD bufferLen = arrayLen;
  TDIEntityID * pEntity = NULL;
  DWORD temporaryHandle = 0;
  int i;

// First, if the handle passed in is not valid, try to obtain one.
  if( TCPDriverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
    if( GetTCPHandle( &TCPDriverHandle ) == FALSE )
      *lplpEntities = NULL;
      return( 0 );
    temporaryHandle = TRUE;

// Next, set up the input structure for the IOCTL operation.
  req.ID.toi_entity.tei_entity    = GENERIC_ENTITY;
  req.ID.toi_entity.tei_instance  = 0;
  req.ID.toi_class                = INFO_CLASS_GENERIC;
  req.ID.toi_type                 = INFO_TYPE_PROVIDER;
  req.ID.toi_id                   = ENTITY_LIST_ID;

// The loop below is defensively engineered:
// (1)  In the first place, it is unlikely that more 
//     than MAX_TDI_ENTITIES of TCP/IP entities exist, 
//     so the loop should execute only once.
// (2)  Execution is limited to 4 iterations to rule out 
//     infinite looping in case of parameter corruption. Only 2
//     iterations should ever be necessary unless entities are 
//     being added while the loop is running.
  for( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
    if( pEntity != NULL )
      LocalFree( pEntity );
      pEntity = NULL;
      bufferLen = arrayLen;

    if( arrayLen == 0 )

    pEntity = (TDIEntityID *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, bufferLen );
    if( pEntity == NULL )
      arrayLen = 0;

    if( !DeviceIoControl( TCPDriverHandle, // Handle to TCP driver
                          IOCTL_TCP_QUERY_INFORMATION_EX, // Cmd code
                          &req,            // Pointer to input buffer
                          sizeof(req),     // Size of ipt buffer
                          pEntity,         // Ptr to output buffer
                          bufferLen,       // Size of output buffer
                          &arrayLen,       // Actual size of array
                          NULL ) )
      status = GetLastError( );

    // Even if the output buffer is too small, the TCP driver 
    // returns a status of TDI_SUCCESS; it is the value returned in
    // arrayLen that indicates whether the entire array was 
    // successfully copied to the output buffer.
    if( status == TDI_SUCCESS )
      if( arrayLen && ( arrayLen <= bufferLen ) )
      arrayLen = 0;
  if( temporaryHandle )
    CloseHandle( TCPDriverHandle );

  *lplpEntities = pEntity;
  return( (DWORD)( arrayLen / sizeof(TDIEntityID) ) );

int main( )
  DWORD i;
  DWORD entityCount;

  if( !( entityCount = GetEntityArray( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 
    &entityArray ) ) )
    return( 1 );

  entityPtr = entityArray;
  printf( "\n\nList of %d Transport Driver Interface Entities on this machine:\n", entityCount );

  for( i = 0; i < entityCount; ++i )
    printf( "\n  Entity #%d:\n    Category (tei_entity) is ", i );
    switch( entityPtr->tei_entity )
      case GENERIC_ENTITY:
        printf( "Generic." );
      case CL_NL_ENTITY:
        printf( "Connectionless Network-Layer (CL_NL)" );
      case CO_NL_ENTITY:
        printf( "Connected Network-Layer (CO_NL)" );
      case CL_TL_ENTITY:
        printf( "Connectionless Transport-Layer (CL_TL)" );
      case CO_TL_ENTITY:
        printf( "Connected Transport-Layer (CO_TL)" );
      case AT_ENTITY:
        printf( "Address Translation (AT)" );
      case IF_ENTITY:
        printf( "Interface (IF)" );
      case ER_ENTITY:
        printf( "Echo Request/Response (ER)" );
        printf( "[Unidentified Entity Type] = 0x%x", 
        entityPtr->tei_entity );
    printf( "\n Instance (tei_instance) = %d\n", 
        entityPtr->tei_instance );


//  Free the entity-array buffer before quitting.
    LocalFree( entityArray );

  return( 0 );


Requirement Value
Header tcpioctl.h

See also


Internet Protocol Helper API

Management Information Base Reference