
Dela via

ICustomDestinationList::BeginList method (shobjidl_core.h)

Initiates a building session for a custom Jump List.


HRESULT BeginList(
  [out] UINT   *pcMinSlots,
  [in]  REFIID riid,
  [out] void   **ppv


[out] pcMinSlots

Type: UINT*

A pointer that, when this method returns, points to the current user setting for the Number of recent items to display in Jump Lists option in the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window. The default value is 10. This is the maximum number of destinations that will be shown, and it is a total of all destinations, regardless of category. More destinations can be added, but they will not be shown in the UI.

A Jump List will always show at least this many slots—destinations and, if there is room, tasks.

This number does not include separators and section headers as long as the total number of separators and headers does not exceed four. Separators and section headers beyond the first four might reduce the number of destinations displayed if space is constrained. This number does not affect the standard command entries for pinning or unpinning, closing the window, or launching a new instance. It also does not affect tasks or pinned items, the number of which that can be displayed is based on the space available to the Jump List.

[in] riid


A reference to the IID of an interface to be retrieved in ppv, typically IID_IObjectArray, that will represent all items currently stored in the list of removed destinations for the application. This information is used to ensure that removed items are not part of the new Jump List.

[out] ppv

Type: void**

When this method returns, contains the interface pointer requested in riid. This is typically an IObjectArray, which represents a collection of IShellItem and IShellLink objects that represent the removed items.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


If an application has an explicit Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID), you must call ICustomDestinationList::SetAppID before you call this method.

The IObjectArray interface retrieved in the ppv parameter represents the same list of removed destinations that is retrieved through GetRemovedDestinations. When a new Jump List is being generated, applications must first process any removed destinations. Tracking data for any item in the removed list must be cleared. If an application attempts to include an item through AppendCategory that is present in this removed destinations list, the AppendCategory call fails. This ensures that applications respect the user's choice of removed items. After a call to CommitList is made with no failed call to AppendCategory due to an attempt to re-add a removed item having been made since BeginList, the removed destinations list is cleared. After that time, a previously removed item can return to the destinations list if the user continues to use the item.

BeginList must be called to initiate the list before any calls are made to populate it through AppendCategory, AppendKnownCategory, or AddUserTasks.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header shobjidl_core.h (include Shobjidl.h)
Library Shell32.lib
DLL Shell32.dll (version 6.1 or later)

See also


Taskbar Extensions