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SHRegGetValueFromHKCUHKLM function (shlwapi.h)

[This function is no longer supported.]

Obtains specified information from the registry. This function will check HKEY_CURRENT_USER for the requested information in the specified subkey. If the information does not exist under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER subtree, the function checks the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree for the same information.


  [in]      PCWSTR pwszKey,
  [in]      PCWSTR pwszValue,
  [in]      SRRF   srrfFlags,
  [out]     DWORD  *pdwType,
  [in]      void   *pvData,
  [in, out] DWORD  *pcbData


[in] pwszKey


A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the path to the registry key.

[in] pwszValue


A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that specifies the key value. This value can be NULL, in which case data is retrieved from the Default value.

[in] srrfFlags

Type: SRRF

The SRRF flag constants. If more than one flag is used they can be combined using a bitwise OR. These flags are used to restrict the type of data returned. This value cannot be 0.

[out] pdwType

Type: DWORD*

When this function returns, contains a pointer to a DWORD which receives a code that indicates the type of data stored in the specified value. This can be set to NULL if no type information is wanted. If this value is not NULL, and the SRRF_NOEXPAND flag has not been set, data types of REG_EXPAND_SZ will be returned as REG_SZ since they are automatically expanded in this method.

[in] pvData


A pointer to a buffer that contains the value's data. This parameter can be NULL if the data is not needed. This value must contain the size of the pvData buffer on entry. If pvData is NULL (or if pvData is not NULL, but too small of a buffer to hold the registry data), then on exit it will contain the size required to hold the registry data.

[in, out] pcbData

Type: DWORD*

When this function returns, contains a pointer to the size of the data, in bytes.

Return value

Type: LONG

If successful, this function returns ERROR_SUCCESS and all out parameters requested. Returns ERROR_MORE_DATA if the function fails due to insufficient space in a provided non-NULL pvData. In this case only pdwType and pcbData may contain valid data, pvData will be undefined. Otherwise, returns a nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h . You can use the FormatMessage function with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to retrieve a generic description of the error.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header shlwapi.h
DLL Shlwapi.dll