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RpcErrorGetNextRecord function (rpcasync.h)

The RpcErrorGetNextRecord function retrieves the next extended error information record for an enumeration handle.


RPC_STATUS RpcErrorGetNextRecord(
  [in]  RPC_ERROR_ENUM_HANDLE   *EnumHandle,
  [in]  BOOL                    CopyStrings,


[in] EnumHandle

Pointer to the enumeration handle, in the form of an RPC_ERROR_ENUM_HANDLE structure. The structure must be allocated by the caller, and cannot be freed until the operation is complete. All members are ignored on input.

[in] CopyStrings

Specifies whether the string fields in ErrorInfo are copied to the default system heap, at which point ownership of those buffers is transferred to the caller.

TRUE indicates the strings are to be copied to the system heap.

FALSE indicates the strings in ErrorInfo point to internal RPC data structures; the caller cannot free or write to them, and they become invalid once the RpcErrorEndEnumeration function is called.

[out] ErrorInfo

Pointer to an RPC_EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO structure. See Remarks.

Return value

If CopyStrings is false the function call cannot fail unless its parameters are invalid. When the last extended error record is retrieved, RpcErrorGetNextRecord returns RPC_S_OK. Any subsequent calls return RPC_S_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND.

Upon any error, the enumeration position is not advanced.

Note  For a list of valid error codes, see RPC Return Values.


Upon input, the following fields must be set in ErrorInfo:

  • Version must be set to RPC_EEINFO_VERSION.
  • NumberOfParameters must be set to a value between zero and MaxNumberOfEEInfoParams. Callers are free to provide space for any number of parameters. If the number of parameters provided by the caller is smaller than the number of parameters in the extended error record, RPC_S_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.
  • Flags must be zero, or EEInfoUseFileTime must be specified. If Flags is zero, the SystemTime member of the u union is used. If EEInfoUseFileTime is specified, the FileTime member of the u union is used.
Other fields of ErrorInfo are ignored on input.

Upon output, the fields in ErrorInfo are filled as follows:

  • Version is unchanged.
  • ComputerName is NULL if there is no computer name in the record, or a Unicode string if a computer name does exist in the extended error information record. If NULL, the last record with a computer name can be assumed, however, the computer name may have been dropped for insufficient memory. ComputerName is a non-qualified DNS name.
  • ProcessID is the PID of the process where the record originated.
  • SystemTime or FileTime is the time the record was generated, expressed in UCT, for the machine on which the record was generated. Either FileTime or SystemTime is valid, based on whether EEInfoUseFileTime is used.
  • GeneratingComponent is the code for the generating component.
  • Status is the status code for the record.
  • DetectionLocation is the code for the detection location.
  • Flags specifies whether records are missing. If one or more records is missing after the current record is missing, EEInfoNextRecordsMissing is set. If one or more record before the current record is missing, EEInfoPreviousRecordsMissing is set.
  • NumberOfParameters specifies the true number of parameters. If the caller specified space for more parameters on input than there are in the record, this field contains the number of parameters used.
  • Parameters is the actual parameters, provided as an array of RPC_EE_INFO_PARAM structures with NumberOfParameters structures.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header rpcasync.h (include Rpc.h)
Library Rpcrt4.lib
DLL Rpcrt4.dll

See also

Obtaining Extended RPC Error Information




