propsys.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
propsys.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ICreateObject Exposes a method that creates an object of a specified class. |
IDelayedPropertyStoreFactory Exposes a method to create a specified IPropertyStore object in circumstances where property access is potentially slow. |
IInitializeWithFile Exposes a method to initialize a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a file path. |
IInitializeWithStream Exposes a method that initializes a handler, such as a property handler, thumbnail handler, or preview handler, with a stream. |
INamedPropertyStore Exposes methods that get and set named properties. |
IObjectWithPropertyKey Exposes methods for getting and setting the property key. |
IPersistSerializedPropStorage Exposes methods to persist serialized property storage data for later use and to restore persisted data to a new property store instance. (IPersistSerializedPropStorage) |
IPersistSerializedPropStorage2 Exposes methods to persist serialized property storage data for later use and to restore persisted data to a new property store instance. (IPersistSerializedPropStorage2) |
IPropertyChange Exposes a method that encapsulates a change to a single property. |
IPropertyChangeArray Exposes methods for several multiple change operations that may be passed to IFileOperation. |
IPropertyDescription Exposes methods that enumerate and retrieve individual property description details. (IPropertyDescription) |
IPropertyDescription2 Exposes methods that enumerate and retrieve individual property description details. (IPropertyDescription2) |
IPropertyDescriptionAliasInfo Exposes methods to get the "sort by" columns properties for an item. This interface is used by UI objects that want to retrieve the primary or secondary sort columns for a given property. |
IPropertyDescriptionList Exposes methods that extract information from a collection of property descriptions presented as a list. |
IPropertyDescriptionRelatedPropertyInfo Provides a method that retrieves an IPropertyDescription interface. |
IPropertyDescriptionSearchInfo Exposes search-related information for a property. |
IPropertyEnumType Exposes methods that extract data from enumeration information. IPropertyEnumType gives access to the enum and enumRange elements in the property schema in a programmatic way at run time. |
IPropertyEnumType2 Exposes methods that extract data from enumeration information. IPropertyEnumType2 extends IPropertyEnumType. |
IPropertyEnumTypeList Exposes methods that enumerate the possible values for a property. |
IPropertyStore This interface exposes methods used to enumerate and manipulate property values. |
IPropertyStoreCache Exposes methods that allow a handler to manage various states for each property. |
IPropertyStoreCapabilities Exposes a method that determines whether a property can be edited in the UI by the user. |
IPropertyStoreFactory Exposes methods to get an IPropertyStore object. |
IPropertySystem Exposes methods that get property descriptions, register and unregister property schemas, enumerate property descriptions, and format property values in a type-strict way. |
PropVariantToWinRTPropertyValue Extracts data from a PROPVARIANT structure into a Windows Runtime property value. |
PSCoerceToCanonicalValue Converts the value of a property to the canonical value, according to the property description. |
PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore Creates an adapter from an IPropertyStore. |
PSCreateDelayedMultiplexPropertyStore Creates a read-only, delayed-binding property store that contains multiple property stores. |
PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore Creates an in-memory property store. |
PSCreateMultiplexPropertyStore Creates a read-only property store that contains multiple property stores, each of which must support either IPropertyStore or IPropertySetStorage. |
PSCreatePropertyChangeArray Creates a container for a set of IPropertyChange objects. This container can be used with IFileOperation to apply a set of property changes to a set of files. |
PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject Accepts the IUnknown interface of an object that supports IPropertyStore or IPropertySetStorage. If the object supports IPropertySetStorage, it is wrapped so that it supports IPropertyStore. |
PSCreatePropertyStoreFromPropertySetStorage Wraps an IPropertySetStorage interface in an IPropertyStore interface. |
PSCreateSimplePropertyChange Creates a simple property change. |
PSEnumeratePropertyDescriptions A wrapper API that calls the schema subsystem's IPropertySystem::EnumeratePropertyDescriptions. |
PSFormatForDisplay Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value stored in a PROPVARIANT structure. The caller is responsible for allocating the output buffer. |
PSFormatForDisplayAlloc Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value stored in a PROPVARIANT structure. This function allocates memory for the output string. |
PSFormatPropertyValue Gets a formatted, Unicode string representation of a property value stored in a property store. This function allocates memory for the output string. |
PSGetImageReferenceForValue Gets an instance of a property description interface for a specified property. |
PSGetItemPropertyHandler Retrieves a property handler for a Shell item. (PSGetItemPropertyHandler) |
PSGetItemPropertyHandlerWithCreateObject Retrieves a property handler for a Shell item. (PSGetItemPropertyHandlerWithCreateObject) |
PSGetNamedPropertyFromPropertyStorage Gets a value from serialized property storage by property name. |
PSGetNameFromPropertyKey Retrieves the canonical name of the property, given its PROPERTYKEY. |
PSGetPropertyDescription Gets an instance of a property description interface for a property specified by a PROPERTYKEY structure. |
PSGetPropertyDescriptionByName Gets an instance of a property description interface for a specified property name. |
PSGetPropertyDescriptionListFromString Gets an instance of a property description list interface for a specified property list. |
PSGetPropertyFromPropertyStorage Gets the value of a property as stored in serialized property storage. |
PSGetPropertyKeyFromName Gets the property key for a canonical property name. |
PSGetPropertySystem Gets an instance of the subsystem object that implements IPropertySystem. |
PSGetPropertyValue Gets a property value from a property store. |
PSLookupPropertyHandlerCLSID Gets the class identifier (CLSID) of a per-computer, registered file property handler. |
PSPropertyBag_Delete Deletes a property from a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadBOOL Reads the BOOL data value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadBSTR Reads a BSTR data value from a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadDWORD Reads a DWORD data value from property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadGUID Reads the GUID data value from a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadInt Reads an int data value from a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadLONG Reads a LONG data value from a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL Retrieves the property coordinates stored in a POINTL structure of a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS Retrieves the property coordinates stored in a POINTS structure of a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadPropertyKey Reads the property key of a property in a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadRECTL Retrieves the coordinates of a rectangle stored in a property contained in a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadSHORT Reads the SHORT data value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadStr Reads the string data value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc Reads a string data value from a property in a property bag and allocates memory for the string that is read. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadStream Reads the data stream stored in a given property contained in a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadType Reads the type of data value of a property that is stored in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadULONGLONG Reads a ULONGLONG data value from a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_ReadUnknown Reads a given property of an unknown data value in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteBOOL Sets the BOOL value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteBSTR Sets the BSTR value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteDWORD Sets the DWORD value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteGUID Sets the GUID value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteInt Sets the int value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteLONG Sets the LONG value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTL Stores the property coordinates in aPOINTL structure of a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WritePOINTS Stores the property coordinates in aPOINTS structure of a specified property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WritePropertyKey Sets the property key value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteRECTL Stores the coordinates of a rectangle in a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteSHORT Sets the SHORT value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteStr Sets the string value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteStream Writes a data stream to a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteULONGLONG Sets the ULONGLONG value of a property in a property bag. |
PSPropertyBag_WriteUnknown Writes a property of an unknown data value in a property bag. |
PSPropertyKeyFromString Converts a string to a PROPERTYKEY structure. |
PSRefreshPropertySchema Not supported.It is valid to call this function, but it is not implemented to perform any function so there is no reason to do so. |
PSRegisterPropertySchema Informs the schema subsystem of the addition of a property description schema file. (PSRegisterPropertySchema) |
PSSetPropertyValue Sets the value of a property in a property store. |
PSStringFromPropertyKey Creates a string that identifies a property from that property's key. |
PSUnregisterPropertySchema Informs the schema subsystem of the removal of a property description schema file. |
WinRTPropertyValueToPropVariant Copies the content from a Windows runtime property value to a PROPVARIANT structure. |
GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS Indicates flags that modify the property store object retrieved by methods that create a property store, such as IShellItem2::GetPropertyStore or IPropertyStoreFactory::GetPropertyStore. |
PKA_FLAGS Describes property change array behavior. |
PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE Describes how property values are displayed when multiple items are selected. |
PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE Indicates whether or how a property can be indexed. |
PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE Describes the condition type to use when displaying the property in the query builder UI in Windows Vista, but not in Windows 7 and later. |
PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER Describes the filtered list of property descriptions that is returned. |
PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS Used by property description helper functions, such as PSFormatForDisplay, to indicate the format of a property string. |
PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE Describes the relative description type for a property description, as determined by the relativeDescriptionType attribute of the displayInfo element. |
PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS Determines whether and how a property is indexed by Windows Search. |
PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS Describes attributes of the typeInfo element in the property's .propdesc file. |
PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS These flags describe properties in property description list strings. |
PSC_STATE Specifies the state of a property. They are set manually by the code that is hosting the in-memory property store cache. |