
Dela via

ISnapinHelp::GetHelpTopic method (mmc.h)

Enables a snap-in to add its compiled HTML Help file to the MMC Help collection file.


HRESULT GetHelpTopic(
  [out] LPOLESTR *lpCompiledHelpFile


[out] lpCompiledHelpFile

A pointer to the address of the null-terminated Unicode string that contains the path of the compiled Help file (.chm) for the snap-in. When specifying the path, place the file anywhere and specify the full path name.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.


MMC calls the snap-in's implementation of this method to get the location of the snap-in's Help file. MMC merges the HTML Help files of all snap-ins with the MMC console HTML Help collection file.

The topic hierarchy from the snap-in's Help file will appear in the table of contents when the collection is viewed.

By merging the HTML Help files, MMC creates a single, integrated HTML Help table of contents, index, and search feature. When a user clicks Help on Microsoft Management Console on the main Help menu, MMC opens the merged Help file that includes HTML Help files for all snap-ins in the current console file.

Allocate the lpCompiledHelpFile string with the COM API function CoTaskMemAlloc (or the equivalent) and MMC will release it.


STDMETHODIMP CComponentData::GetHelpTopic( LPOLESTR *lpCompiledFile )
    LPOLESTR lpHelpFile;
    if ( !lpCompiledFile )
        return E_POINTER; // invalid argument
    lpHelpFile = (LPOLESTR) CoTaskMemAlloc( MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR) );
    if ( !lpHelpFile )
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
    ExpandEnvironmentStringsW( L"%SystemRoot%\\Help\\myhelpfile.chm", lpHelpFile, MAX_PATH );
    *lpCompiledHelpFile = lpHelpFile;
    return S_OK;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header mmc.h

See also

Adding HTML Help Support




Providing MUI-Compliant Help Files