
Dela via

DD_SURFACE_MORE structure (ddrawint.h)

The DD_SURFACE_MORE structure contains additional local data for each individual DirectDrawSurface object.


typedef struct _DD_SURFACE_MORE {
  DWORD               dwMipMapCount;
  DWORD               dwOverlayFlags;
  DDSCAPSEX           ddsCapsEx;
  DWORD               dwSurfaceHandle;



Contains the number of mipmap levels in the chain.


Points to a DD_VIDEOPORT_LOCAL structure of the video port extensions (VPE) object currently writing data to this surface.


Specifies a set of flags that indicate the overlay flags most recently passed to DdUpdateOverlay. This member is a bitwise OR of any of the following values:

Flag Meaning
DDOVER_ADDDIRTYRECT Add a dirty rectangle to an emulated overlaid surface.
DDOVER_ALPHADEST Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface attached to the destination surface as the alpha channel for the destination overlay.
DDOVER_ALPHADESTCONSTOVERRIDE Use the dwConstAlphaDest member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure (defined in the Microsoft DirectDraw SDK documentation) as the destination alpha channel for this overlay.
DDOVER_ALPHADESTNEG The NEG suffix indicates that the destination surface becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases.
DDOVER_ALPHADESTSURFACEOVERRIDE Use the lpDDSAlphaDest member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure (defined in the DirectDraw SDK documentation) as the alpha channel destination for this overlay.
DDOVER_ALPHAEDGEBLEND Use the dwAlphaEdgeBlend member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha channel for the edges of the image that border the color key colors.
DDOVER_ALPHASRC Use the alpha information in the pixel format or the alpha channel surface attached to the source surface as the source alpha channel for this overlay.
DDOVER_ALPHASRCCONSTOVERRIDE Use the dwConstAlphaSrc member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure (defined in the DirectDraw SDK documentation) as the source alpha channel for this overlay.
DDOVER_ALPHASRCNEG The NEG suffix indicates that the source surface becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases.
DDOVER_ALPHASRCSURFACEOVERRIDE Use the lpDDSAlphaSrc member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the alpha channel source for this overlay.
DDOVER_AUTOFLIP Autoflip the overlay whenever the VPE object autoflips.
DDOVER_BOB Display each field of VPE object data individually without causing any jittery artifacts.
DDOVER_BOBHARDWARE Bob is performed using hardware rather than software or emulated.
DDOVER_DDFX Use the overlay FX flags to define special overlay FX.
DDOVER_HIDE Turn this overlay off.
DDOVER_INTERLEAVED Indicates that the surface memory is composed of interleaved fields.
DDOVER_KEYDEST Use the color key associated with the destination surface.
DDOVER_KEYDESTOVERRIDE Use the dckDestColorkey member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure (defined in the DirectDraw SDK documentation) as the color key for the destination surface.
DDOVER_KEYSRC Use the color key associated with the source surface.
DDOVER_KEYSRCOVERRIDE Use the dckSrcColorkey member in the DDOVERLAYFX structure as the color key for the source surface.
DDOVER_OVERRIDEBOBWEAVE Bob and weave decisions should not be overridden by other interfaces. If this flag is set, DirectDraw does not allow a kernel-mode driver to use the kernel-mode video transport functionality to switch the hardware between bob and weave mode.
DDOVER_REFRESHALL Redraw the entire surface on an emulated overlayed surface.
DDOVER_REFRESHDIRTYRECTS Redraw all dirty rectangles on an emulated overlayed surface.
DDOVER_SHOW Turn this overlay on.


Specifies a DDSCAPSEX structure that is used to expose extended surface capabilities. A DDSCAPSEX structure is the same as a DDSCAPS2 structure without the dwCaps member.


Specifies a cookie for D3dCreateSurfaceEx so that it can associate a texture handle with the surface.


Requirement Value
Header ddrawint.h (include Winddi.h)

See also


