
Dela via

IAzAuthorizationStore::AddDelegatedPolicyUserName method (azroles.h)

The AddDelegatedPolicyUserName method adds the specified account name to the list of principals that act as delegated policy users.

This method is an alternate version of the AddDelegatedPolicyUser method.


HRESULT AddDelegatedPolicyUserName(
  [in]           BSTR    bstrDelegatedPolicyUser,
  [in, optional] VARIANT varReserved


[in] bstrDelegatedPolicyUser

Account name to add to the list of delegated policy users. The account name must be in user principal name (UPN) format (for example, ""). The LookupAccountName function is called to retrieve the domain.

[in, optional] varReserved

Reserved for future use.

Return value

If the method succeeds, the method returns S_OK.

An attempt to call this method on an XML store will return E_INVALIDARG.

If the method fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


Delegated policy users are principals that are allowed to read the subset of the policy data that the policy administrator of an IAzApplication or IAzScope object uses to administer the delegated object.

Note  Delegated policy users are not supported for XML stores.
To view the list of delegated policy users in account name format, use the DelegatedPolicyUsersName property.

You must call the Submit method to persist any changes made by this method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header azroles.h
Library Azroles.lib
DLL Azroles.dll
Redistributable Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack on Windows XP