Windows Runtime C++ reference
The headers in this technology area are provided to allow the associated Windows Runtime APIs to be called from Desktop applications.
To develop C++ apps that interoperate with the associated Windows Runtime APIs, you need these headers:
- accountssettingspaneinterop.h
- activation.h
- activationregistration.h
- asyncinfo.h
- corewindow.h
- dragdropinterop.h
- eventtoken.h
- hstring.h
- inputpaneinterop.h
- inspectable.h
- memorybuffer.h
- playtomanagerinterop.h
- print3dmanagerinterop.h
- printmanagerinterop.h
- radialcontrollerinterop.h
- remotesystemadditionalinfo.h
- restrictederrorinfo.h
- robuffer.h
- rometadata.h
- rometadataapi.h
- rometadataresolution.h
- roparameterizediid.h
- roregistrationapi.h
- sharewindowcommandsourceinterop.h
- shcore.h
- systemmediatransportcontrolsinterop.h
- uiviewsettingsinterop.h
- useractivityinterop.h
- userconsentverifierinterop.h
- weakreference.h
- webauthenticationcoremanagerinterop.h
- windows.devices.display.core.interop.h
- windows.ui.composition.interop.h
- windows.ui.viewmanagement.core.coreframeworkinputviewinterop.h
- windowsstoragecom.h
- winstring.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
__x_ABI_CWindows_CFoundation_CActivationType Specifies the kind of activation for an activatable class.A |
ActivationType ActivationType (activationregistration.h) specifies the kind of activation for an activatable class. |
ACTIVATIONTYPE The ACTIVATIONTYPE enumeration (objidl.h) specifies the kind of activation for an activatable class. |
AgileReferenceOptions Specifies options for the RoGetAgileReference function. |
AsyncStatus Represents the status for an asynchronous operation. |
BSOS_OPTIONS Specifies the behavior of a RandomAccessStream that encapsulates a Component Object Model (COM) IStream. |
GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING Indicates how a strongly-typed effect property maps to an underlying Direct2D effect property. |
HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS Defines the level of access that a handle has on files. |
HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS Represents the action to take on a file that exists or doesn't exist. |
HANDLE_OPTIONS Defines the flags of the file handle. |
HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS Defines the requested sharing mode of the file handle. |
IdentityType Represents the kind of activation for an out-of-process server. |
InstancingType Represents the kind of instancing behavior for the out-of-process server. |
PropertyType Identifies the type that is stored in a Windows Runtime object that implements the IPropertyValue interface. |
PropertyType Identifies the type that is stored in a Windows Runtime object that implements the IPropertyValue interface. |
RegistrationScope Represents the deployment scope of an activatable class. |
RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS Specifies the behavior of the RoOriginateError and RoTransformError functions. |
RO_INIT_TYPE Determines the concurrency model used for incoming calls to the objects created by this thread. |
RoErrorReportingFlags Specifies the behavior of the RoOriginateError and RoTransformError functions. |
ThreadingType Represents the apartment threading model to use for activating an in-process server. |
TrustLevel Represents the trust level of an activatable class. |
ActivateInstance Creates a new instance of the Windows Runtime class that is associated with the current activation factory. |
AddMemoryPressure Informs the host of increased memory allocations since the last notification. The CLR uses this to inform the algorithm that determines when to run a garbage collection. |
AddRefFromReferenceTracker Indicates that the reference tracker is returning the target XAML object(s) from previous calls to FindTrackerTargets. Note that the reference is held by the reference tracker object in lieu of IUnknown::AddRef. |
AddRefFromTrackerSource Indicates each time that a tracker source calls IUnknown::AddRef on the reference tracker; called after the AddRef call. |
AttachToWindow Attaches the current IDesktopWindowXamlSourceNative instance to a parent UI element in your desktop app that is associated with a window handle. |
BeginDraw Initiates drawing on the surface. |
BeginDraw Opens the supplied DXGI surface for drawing. |
BeginDraw Initiates an update to the associated SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource. |
Buffer Gets the array of bytes in the buffer. |
Cancel Requests cancellation of the asynchronous operation already in progress. |
CapturePropagationContext Captures the context of an exception across a language boundary and across threads. |
CheckCompositionTextureSupport TBD |
Close Closes the asynchronous work object. |
Close Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting allocated resources. |
Close Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting allocated resources. |
CloseEnum Releases a reference to the specified enumeration instance. |
CloseEnum Closes the enumerator that is identified by the specified handle. |
CloseUnbufferedFileHandle Closes the handle from a random-access byte stream that you created by calling IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle. |
CoDecodeProxy Locates the implementation of a Component Object Model (COM) interface in a server process given an interface to a proxied object. |
ConnectFromTrackerSource Indicates that a reference tracker source has created its first COM reference on a reference tracker object. |
CopySurface Reads back the contents of a composition drawing surface (or a composition virtual drawing surface). |
CountEnum Gets the number of elements in the enumeration that was retrieved by the specified enumerator. |
Create Creates a handle to a file that is in a storage folder. |
Create Creates a handle to a file. |
CreateBoolean Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified 8-bit Boolean value. |
CreateBoolean Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified 8-bit Boolean value. |
CreateBooleanArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of 8-bit Boolean values. |
CreateBooleanArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of 8-bit Boolean values. |
CreateChar16 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Unicode character. |
CreateChar16 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Unicode character. |
CreateChar16Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Unicode characters. |
CreateChar16Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Unicode characters. |
CreateCompositionSurfaceForHandle Creates an instance of CompositionSurface for use with the handle of a swapchain. In order to host media swapchain on a CompositionSurface, use the IMFMediaEngineEx::GetVideoSwapchainHandle method. |
CreateCompositionSurfaceForSwapChain Creates an instance of CompositionSurface for use with a swap chain. |
CreateCompositionTexture TBD |
CreateControlInput Creates a ICoreInputSourceBase object in the caller’s UI thread. |
CreateControlInputEx Creates a ICoreInputSourceBase object in a worker thread or the UI thread. |
CreateDateTime Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified DateTime value. |
CreateDateTime Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified DateTime value. |
CreateDateTimeArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of DateTime values. |
CreateDateTimeArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of DateTime values. |
CreateDirect3D11DeviceFromDXGIDevice Creates an instance of IDirect3DDevice from an IDXGIDevice. |
CreateDirect3D11SurfaceFromDXGISurface Creates an instance of IDirect3DSurface from an IDXGISurface. |
CreateDirect3DDevice Creates an instance of IDirect3DDevice from an IDXGIDevice. |
CreateDirect3DSurface Creates an instance of IDirect3DSurface from an IDXGISurface. |
CreateDouble Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified 64-bit floating point value. |
CreateDouble Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified 64-bit floating point value. |
CreateDoubleArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of 64-bit floating point values. |
CreateDoubleArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of 64-bit floating point values. |
CreateEmpty Creates a new IPropertyValue object that represents an empty value. |
CreateEmpty Creates a new IPropertyValue object that represents an empty value. |
CreateForMonitor Targets a monitor(s) for the creation of a graphics capture item. |
CreateForWindow Instantiates a RadialController object and binds it to the active application. |
CreateForWindow Targets a single window for the creation of a graphics capture item. |
CreateFromMF2DBuffer2 Creates an ISoftwareBitmapNative from the provided IMF2DBuffer2. |
CreateFromMFSample Creates an IAudioFrameNative from the provided IMFSample. |
CreateFromMFSample Creates an IVideoFrameNative from the provided IMFSample. |
CreateFromWICBitmap Creates an ISoftwareBitmapNative from the provided IWICBitmap. |
CreateGraphicsDevice Creates a CompositionGraphicsDevice backed by the specified rendering device. |
CreateGuid Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified GUID value. |
CreateGuid Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified GUID value. |
CreateGuidArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Guid values. |
CreateGuidArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Guid values. |
CreateInspectable Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified IInspectable object. |
CreateInspectable Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified IInspectable object. |
CreateInspectableArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of IInspectable objects. |
CreateInspectableArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of IInspectable objects. |
CreateInt32 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified signed 32-bit integer value. |
CreateInt32 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified signed 32-bit integer value. |
CreateInt32Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of signed 32-bit integer values. |
CreateInt32Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of signed 32-bit integer values. |
CreateInt64 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified signed 64-bit integer value. |
CreateInt64 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified signed 64-bit integer value. |
CreateInt64Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of signed 64-bit integer values. |
CreateInt64Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of signed 64-bit integer values. |
CreatePoint Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Point value. |
CreatePoint Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Point value. |
CreatePointArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Point values. |
CreatePointArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Point values. |
CreateRandomAccessStreamOnFile Creates a Windows Runtime random access stream for a file. |
CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream Creates a Windows Runtime random access stream around an IStream base implementation. |
CreateRect Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Rect value. |
CreateRect Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Rect value. |
CreateRectArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Rect values. |
CreateRectArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Rect values. |
CreateSessionForWindow Creates a UserActivitySession associated with the specified window. |
CreateSharedHandle For a DisplaySurface or a DisplayFence object, creates a shared handle that can be used for interop with Direct3D or other graphics APIs. |
CreateSingle Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified 32-bit floating point value. |
CreateSingle Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified 32-bit floating point value. |
CreateSingleArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of 32-bit floating point values. |
CreateSingleArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of 32-bit floating point values. |
CreateSize Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Size value. |
CreateSize Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified Size value. |
CreateSizeArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Size values. |
CreateSizeArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of Size values. |
CreateSourcePresentationHandle Creates an NT handle for controlling access to scanout on this path. |
CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream Creates an IStream around a Windows Runtime IRandomAccessStream object. |
CreateString Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified string value. |
CreateString Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified string value. |
CreateStringArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of string values. |
CreateStringArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of string values. |
CreateTimeSpan Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified TimeSpan value. |
CreateTimeSpan Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified TimeSpan value. |
CreateTimeSpanArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of TimeSpan values. |
CreateTimeSpanArray Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of TimeSpan values. |
CreateUInt32 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified unsigned 32-bit integer value. |
CreateUInt32 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified unsigned 32-bit integer value. |
CreateUInt32Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of unsigned 32-bit integer values. |
CreateUInt32Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of unsigned 32-bit integer values. |
CreateUInt64 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified unsigned 64-bit integer value. |
CreateUInt64 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified unsigned 64-bit integer value. |
CreateUInt64Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of unsigned 64-bit integer values. |
CreateUInt64Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of unsigned 64-bit integer values. |
CreateUInt8 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified unsigned 8-bit integer value. |
CreateUInt8 Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified unsigned 8-bit integer value. |
CreateUInt8Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of unsigned 8-bit integer values. |
CreateUInt8Array Creates a new IPropertyValue object that contains the specified array of unsigned 8-bit integer values. |
DefineScope Creates a new area in memory in which you can create new metadata. |
DisconnectFromTrackerSource Indicates that a reference tracker source has stopped tracking a reference tracker. |
DisconnectUnusedReferenceSources Requests that the host perform a garbage collection and remove all unnecessary reference sources. |
EndDraw Marks the end of drawing on the surface object. |
EndDraw The ISurfaceImageSourceNative::EndDraw method ( closes the surface draw operation. |
EndDraw The ISurfaceImageSourceNativeWithD2D::EndDraw method ( closes the surface draw operation. |
EnumAssemblyRefs Enumerates the mdAssemblyRef instances that are defined in the assembly manifest. |
EnumCustomAttributes Enumerates custom attribute-definition tokens associated with the specified type or member. |
EnumEvents Enumerates event definition tokens for the specified TypeDef token. |
EnumExportedTypes Enumerates the exported types referenced in the assembly manifest in the current metadata scope. |
EnumFields Enumerates FieldDef tokens for the type referenced by the specified TypeDef token. |
EnumFieldsWithName Enumerates FieldDef tokens of the specified type with the specified name. |
EnumFiles Enumerates the files referenced in the current assembly manifest. |
EnumGenericParamConstraints Gets an enumerator for an array of generic parameter constraints associated with the generic parameter represented by the specified token. |
EnumGenericParams Gets an enumerator for an array of generic parameter tokens associated with the specified TypeDef or MethodDef token. |
EnumInterfaceImpls Enumerates MethodDef tokens representing interface implementations. |
EnumManifestResources Gets a pointer to an enumerator for the resources referenced in the current assembly manifest. |
EnumMemberRefs Enumerates MemberRef tokens representing members of the specified type. |
EnumMembers Enumerates MemberDef tokens representing members of the specified type. |
EnumMembersWithName Enumerates MemberDef tokens representing members of the specified type with the specified name. |
EnumMethodImpls Enumerates MethodBody and MethodDeclaration tokens representing methods of the specified type. |
EnumMethods Enumerates MethodDef tokens representing methods of the specified type. |
EnumMethodSemantics Enumerates the properties and the property-change events to which the specified method is related. |
EnumMethodSpecs Gets an enumerator for an array of MethodSpec tokens associated with the specified MethodDef or MemberRef token. |
EnumMethodsWithName Enumerates methods that have the specified name and that are defined by the type referenced by the specified TypeDef token. |
EnumModuleRefs Enumerates ModuleRef tokens that represent imported modules. |
EnumParams Enumerates ParamDef tokens representing the parameters of the method referenced by the specified MethodDef token. |
EnumPermissionSets Enumerates permissions for the objects in a specified metadata scope. |
EnumProperties Enumerates PropertyDef tokens representing the properties of the type referenced by the specified TypeDef token. |
EnumSignatures Enumerates Signature tokens representing stand-alone signatures in the current scope. |
EnumTypeDefs Enumerates TypeDef tokens representing all types within the current scope. |
EnumTypeRefs Enumerates TypeRef tokens defined in the current metadata scope. |
EnumTypeSpecs Enumerates TypeSpec tokens defined in the current metadata scope. |
EnumUnresolvedMethods Enumerates MemberDef tokens representing the unresolved methods in the current metadata scope. |
EnumUserStrings Enumerates String tokens representing hard-coded strings in the current metadata scope. |
FindAssembliesByName Gets an array of assemblies with the specified name, using the standard rules employed by the common language runtime (CLR) for resolving references. |
FindAssembly Gets the name of the assembly. |
FindAssemblyModule Finds the name of the assembly module. |
FindExportedTypeByName Gets a pointer to an exported type, given its name and enclosing type. |
FindManifestResourceByName Gets a pointer to the manifest resource with the specified name. |
FindMemberRef Gets a pointer to the MemberRef token for the member reference that is enclosed by the specified Type and that has the specified name and metadata signature. |
FindTrackerTargets Finds out what reference tracker targets are reachable from a reference tracker source; must be called by a garbage collector between calls to ReferenceTrackingStarted and FindTrackerTargetsCompleted. |
FindTrackerTargetsCompleted Indicates that a garbage collection system has finished making all the calls it needs to IReferenceTracker::FindTrackerTargets; by this time, XAML has pegged all reference tracker targets that it wants to protect. |
FindTypeDefByName Gets a pointer to the TypeDef metadata token for the Type with the specified name. |
FindTypeRef Gets a pointer to the TypeRef token for the Type reference that is in the specified scope and that has the specified name. |
FlushAllSurfacesWithDevice Flushes all current GPU work for all SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource objects associated with the given device. |
FoundTrackerTarget Called whenever a XAML object reference tracker target is found. |
get_ActivatableClassId Gets the class identifier for the current activatable class. |
get_ActivationType Gets the kind of activation for the current activatable class. |
get_AppUserModelId Gets the identifier for the app's user model. |
get_Attributes Gets the attributes associated with the current activatable class. |
get_CommandLine Gets the command line used to launch the out-of-process server. |
get_DllPath Gets the fully qualified path to the in-process server. |
get_ErrorCode Retrieves the termination status of the asynchronous operation. |
get_ExePath Gets the file path to the out-of-process server. |
get_Id Retrieves the identifier of the asynchronous operation. |
get_Identity Gets the identity of the out-of-process server. |
get_IdentityType Gets the activation type for the out-of-process server. |
get_Instancing Gets the instancing behavior for the out-of-process server. |
get_Permissions Gets the permissions for the out-of-process server. |
get_RegisteredTrustLevel Gets the trust level of the current activatable class. |
get_RegistrationScope Gets the deployment scope of the current activatable class. |
get_ServerName Gets the name of the current out-of-process server. |
get_ServerRegistration Gets the registration details for an out-of-process server. |
get_Status Gets a value that indicates the status of the asynchronous operation. |
get_ThreadingType Gets the apartment threading model for activating the in-process server. |
get_Type Gets the data type of the value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
get_Type Gets the data type of the value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
get_WindowHandle Obtains the handle (HWND) to the CoreWindow for an app. |
get_WindowHandle Gets the window handle of the parent UI element that is associated with the current IDesktopWindowXamlSourceNative instance. |
GetActivationFactory Gets the activation factory for the specified runtime class. (WinRTGetActivationFactory) |
GetAssemblyFromScope Gets a pointer to the assembly in the current scope. |
GetAssemblyProps Gets the set of properties for the assembly with the specified metadata signature. |
GetAssemblyRefProps Gets the set of properties for the assembly reference with the specified metadata signature. |
GetAvailableFence Retrieves a Direct3D synchronization fence/value pair that indicates when the composition texture will become available, if that info is known. |
GetBlob Gets a pointer to the binary large object (BLOB) at the specified column index. |
GetBlobHeapSize A pointer to a pointer to the binary data retrieved. |
GetBoolean Gets the 8-bit Boolean value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetBoolean Gets the 8-bit Boolean value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetBooleanArray Gets the array of 8-bit Boolean values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetBooleanArray Gets the array of 8-bit Boolean values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetChar16 Gets the Unicode character that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetChar16 Gets the Unicode character that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetChar16Array Gets the the array of Unicode characters that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetChar16Array Gets the the array of Unicode characters that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetCodedTokenInfo Gets a pointer to an array of tokens associated with the specified row index. |
GetColumn Gets a pointer to the value contained in the cell of the specified column and row in the given table. |
GetColumnInfo Gets data about the specified column in the specified table. |
GetCORSystemDirectory Gets the directory that holds the current common language runtime (CLR). This method is supported only for use by out-of-process debuggers. If called from another component, it will return E_NOTIMPL. |
GetCustomAttributeByName Gets the custom attribute, given its name and owner. |
GetCustomAttributeProps Gets the value of the custom attribute, given its metadata token. |
GetData This method returns an interface that provides access to the software bitmap data. |
GetData This method returns an interface that provides access to the audio data. |
GetData This method returns an interface that provides access to the video data. |
GetDateTime Gets the DateTime value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDateTime Gets the DateTime value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDateTimeArray Gets the array of DateTime values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDateTimeArray Gets the array of DateTime values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDevice This method returns a device associated with the video data. |
GetDouble Gets the 64-bit floating point value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDouble Gets the 64-bit floating point value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDoubleArray Gets the array of 64-bit floating point values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDoubleArray Gets the array of 64-bit floating point values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetDXGIInterface Retrieves a DXGI interface from an IDirect3DDevice instance. |
GetDXGIInterface Retrieves a DXGI interface from an IDirect3DSurface instance. |
GetDXGIInterfaceFromObject Retrieves a DXGI interface from an object. |
GetEffectId Retrieves the ID of the effect. |
GetErrorDetails Returns information about an error, including the restricted error description. |
GetExportedTypeProps Gets the set of properties of the exported type with the specified metadata signature. |
GetFieldMarshal Gets a pointer to the native, unmanaged type of the field represented by the specified field metadata token. |
GetFieldProps Gets metadata associated with the field referenced by the specified FieldDef token. |
GetFileProps Gets the properties of the file with the specified metadata signature. |
GetForMonitor Retrieves a DisplayInformation object for the specified monitor. |
GetForWindow Gets an instance of an InputPane object for the specified window. |
GetForWindow Gets the PlayToManager instance for the specified window. |
GetForWindow Gets the PrintManager instance for the specified window. |
GetForWindow Retrieves a RadialControllerConfiguration object bound to the active application. |
GetForWindow Gets the ShareWindowCommandSource object corresponding to a window identifier (a window handle). (IShareWindowCommandSourceInterop::GetForWindow) |
GetForWindow Retrieves a DisplayInformation object for the specified window. |
GetForWindow Gets an AccountsSettingsPane object for the window of the active application. |
GetForWindow Gets an Print3DManager object for the window of the active application. |
GetForWindow Gets an instance of the ISystemMediaTransportControls interface for the specified window. |
GetForWindow Gets an UIViewSettings object for the window of the active application. |
GetForWindow Creates a UserActivityRequestManager associated with the specified window. |
GetForWindow Gets a CoreDragDropManager object for the window of the active application. |
GetGenericParamConstraintProps Gets the metadata associated with the generic parameter constraint represented by the specified constraint token. |
GetGenericParamProps Gets the metadata associated with the generic parameter represented by the specified token. |
GetGuid Gets a GUID from the row at the specified index. |
GetGuid Gets the GUID value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetGuid Gets the GUID value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetGuidArray Gets the array of Guid values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetGuidArray Gets the array of Guid values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetGuidHeapSize Gets the size, in bytes, of the GUID heap. |
GetIids Gets the interfaces that are implemented by the current Windows Runtime class. |
GetInspectableArray Gets the array of pointers to IInspectable objects that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInspectableArray Gets the array of pointers to IInspectable objects that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt32 Gets the signed 32-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt32 Gets the signed 32-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt32Array Gets the array of signed 32-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt32Array Gets the array of signed 32-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt64 Gets the signed 64-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt64 Gets the signed 64-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt64Array Gets the array of signed 64-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInt64Array Gets the array of signed 64-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetInterface Retrieves the DXGI interface that is wrapped by the IDirect3DDxgiInterfaceAccess object. |
GetInterfaceImplProps Gets a pointer to the metadata tokens for the Type that implements the specified method, and for the interface that declares that method. |
GetLanguageException Gets the stored IUnknown object from the error object. |
GetManifestResourceProps Gets the set of properties of the manifest resource with the specified metadata signature. |
GetMemberProps Gets metadata information, including the name, binary signature, and relative virtual address, of the Type member referenced by the specified metadata token. |
GetMemberRefProps Gets metadata associated with the member referenced by the specified token. |
GetMetaDataStorage Gets the size and contents of the metadata stored in the specified section. |
GetMetaDataStreamInfo Gets the name, size, and contents of the metadata stream at the specified index. |
GetMethodProps Gets the metadata associated with the method referenced by the specified MethodDef token. |
GetMethodSemantics Gets flags indicating the relationship between the method referenced by the specified MethodDef token and the paired property and event referenced by the specified EventProp token. |
GetMethodSpecProps Gets the metadata signature of the method referenced by the specified MethodSpec token. |
GetMode Retrieves the file access mode that was used when the StorageFile.OpenAsync method was called to open the random-access byte stream. |
GetModuleFromScope Gets a metadata token for the module referenced in the current metadata scope. |
GetModuleRefProps Gets the name of the module referenced by the specified metadata token. |
GetNamedPropertyMapping Retrieves the mapping for an effect property. |
GetNameFromToken Gets the UTF-8 name of the object referenced by the specified metadata token. This method is obsolete. |
GetNativeCallConvFromSig Gets the native calling convention for the method that is represented by the specified signature pointer. |
GetNestedClassProps Gets the TypeDef token for the parent Type of the specified nested type. |
GetNextBlob Gets the index of the next binary large object (BLOB) in the table. |
GetNextGuid Gets the index of the next GUID value in the current table column. |
GetNextString Gets the index of the next string in the current table column. |
GetNextUserString Gets the index of the row that contains the next hard-coded string in the current table column. |
GetNumTables Gets the number of tables in the scope of the current IMetaDataTables instance. |
GetOption Gets the value of the specified option for the current metadata scope. The option controls how calls to the current metadata scope are handled. |
GetParamForMethodIndex Gets the token that represents a specified parameter of the method represented by the specified MethodDef token. |
GetParamProps Gets metadata values for the parameter referenced by the specified ParamDef token. |
GetPEKind Gets a value identifying the nature of the code in the portable executable (PE) file, typically a DLL or EXE file, that is defined in the current metadata scope. |
GetPermissionSetProps Gets the metadata associated with the System.Security.PermissionSet represented by the specified Permission token. |
GetPinvokeMap Gets a ModuleRef token to represent the target assembly of a PInvoke call. |
GetPoint Gets the Point value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetPoint Gets the Point value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetPointArray Gets the array of Point values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetPointArray Gets the array of Point values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetPreviousLanguageExceptionErrorInfo Retrieves the previous language exception error information object. |
GetPropagationContextHead Retrieves the propagation context head. |
GetProperty Retrieves the effect property at the specified index. |
GetPropertyCount Retrieve the property count for the effect. |
GetRect Gets the Rect value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetRect Gets the Rect value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetRectArray Gets the array of Rect values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetRectArray Gets the array of Rect values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetReference Returns a reference to restricted error information. |
GetReferenceTrackerManager Gets an IReferenceTrackerManager interface from a XAML object. |
GetRenderingDevice Gets the rendering device. |
GetRestrictedErrorInfo Gets the restricted error information object set by a previous call to SetRestrictedErrorInfo in the current logical thread. |
GetRow Gets the row at the specified row index, in the table at the specified table index. |
GetRuntimeClassName Gets the fully qualified name of the current Windows Runtime object. |
GetRVA Gets the relative virtual address (RVA) and the implementation flags of the method or field represented by the specified token. |
GetScopeProps Gets the name and optionally the version identifier of the assembly or module in the current metadata scope. |
GetSigFromToken Gets the binary metadata signature associated with the specified token. |
GetSingle Gets the 32-bit floating point value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSingle Gets the 32-bit floating point value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSingleArray Gets the array of 32-bit floating point values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSingleArray Gets the array of 32-bit floating point values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSize Gets the Size value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSize Gets the Size value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSizeArray Gets the array of Size values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSizeArray Gets the array of Size values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetSource Retrieves the effect source at the specified index. |
GetSourceCount Retrieves the source count for the effect. |
GetSourceId TBDI |
GetStackBackTrace Retrieves the back stack trace. |
GetString Gets the string at the specified index from the table column in the current reference scope. |
GetString Gets the string value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetString Gets the string value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetStringArray Gets the array of string values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetStringArray Gets the array of string values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetStringHeapSize Gets the size, in bytes, of the string heap. |
GetTableIndex Gets the index for the table referenced by the specified token. |
GetTableInfo Gets the name, row size, number of rows, number of columns, and key column index of the specified table. |
GetTimeSpan Gets the TimeSpan value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetTimeSpan Gets the TimeSpan value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetTimeSpanArray Gets the array of TimeSpan values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetTimeSpanArray Gets the array of TimeSpan values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetTrackerTarget Requests the host to provide a reference tracker target that references a reference tracker source. This tracker target then controls the lifetime of the tracker source. |
GetTransformedRestrictedErrorInfo Retrieves the transformed restricted error info. |
GetTrustLevel Gets the trust level of the current Windows Runtime object. |
GetTypeDefProps Returns metadata information for the Type represented by the specified TypeDef token. |
GetTypeRefProps Gets the metadata associated with the Type referenced by the specified TypeRef token. |
GetTypeSpecFromToken Gets the binary metadata signature of the type specification represented by the specified token. |
GetUInt32 Gets the unsigned 32-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt32 Gets the unsigned 32-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt32Array Gets the array of unsigned 32-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt32Array Gets the array of unsigned 32-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt64 Gets the unsigned 64-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt64 Gets the unsigned 64-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt64Array Gets the array of unsigned 64-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt64Array Gets the array of unsigned 64-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt8 Gets the unsigned 8-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt8 Gets the unsigned 8-bit integer value that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt8Array Gets the array of unsigned 8-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUInt8Array Gets the array of unsigned 8-bit integer values that is stored in the current IPropertyValue object. |
GetUpdateRectCount Gets the total number of regions of the surface that must be updated. |
GetUpdateRects Gets the set of regions that must be updated on the shared surface. |
GetUserString Gets the literal string represented by the specified metadata token. |
GetUserString Gets the hard-coded string at the specified index in the string column in the current scope. |
GetUserStringHeapSize Gets the size, in bytes, of the user string heap. |
GetVersionString Gets the version number of the runtime that was used to build the assembly. |
GetVisibleBounds Gets the boundaries of the visible region of the shared surface. |
GetWeakReference Retrieves a weak reference from an IWeakReferenceSource. |
GetWindow Gets the window identifier (a window handle). |
HSTRING_UserFree The HSTRING_UserFree function (inspectable.h) frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. |
HSTRING_UserFree The HSTRING_UserFree function frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (HSTRING_UserFree) |
HSTRING_UserFree The HSTRING_UserFree function (winstring.h) frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. |
HSTRING_UserFree64 The HSTRING_UserFree64 function (inspectable.h) frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. |
HSTRING_UserFree64 The HSTRING_UserFree64 function frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. (HSTRING_UserFree64) |
HSTRING_UserMarshal The HSTRING_UserMarshal function (inspectable.h) marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserMarshal The HSTRING_UserMarshal function marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. (HSTRING_UserMarshal) |
HSTRING_UserMarshal The HSTRING_UserMarshal function (winstring.h) marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserMarshal64 The HSTRING_UserMarshal64 function (inspectable.h) marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserMarshal64 The HSTRING_UserMarshal64 function marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. (HSTRING_UserMarshal64) |
HSTRING_UserSize The HSTRING_UserSize function (inspectable.h) calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and gets its handle and data. |
HSTRING_UserSize The HSTRING_UserSize function calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and retrieves its handle and data. (HSTRING_UserSize) |
HSTRING_UserSize The HSTRING_UserSize function (winstring.h) calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and retrieves its handle and data. |
HSTRING_UserSize64 The HSTRING_UserSize64 function (inspectable.h) calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and gets its handle and data. |
HSTRING_UserSize64 The HSTRING_UserSize64 function calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and retrieves its handle and data. (HSTRING_UserSize64) |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal The HSTRING_UserUnmarshal function (inspectable.h) unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal The HSTRING_UserUnmarshal function unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. (HSTRING_UserUnmarshal) |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal The HSTRING_UserUnmarshal function (winstring.h) unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal64 The HSTRING_UserUnmarshal64 function (inspectable.h) unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal64 The HSTRING_UserUnmarshal64 function unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. (HSTRING_UserUnmarshal64) |
Int64FromLuid Converts from a LUID to a 64-bit signed integer. |
Invalidate Invalidates a specific region of the shared surface for drawing. |
IsErrorPropagationEnabled Indicates whether the CoreApplication.UnhandledErrorDetected event occurs for the errors that are returned by the delegate registered as a callback function for a Windows Runtime API event or the completion of an asynchronous method. |
IsGlobal Gets a value indicating whether the field, method, or type represented by the specified metadata token has global scope. |
IsValidToken Gets a value indicating whether the specified token holds a valid reference to a code object. |
LuidFromInt64 Converts from a 64-bit signed integer to a LUID. |
MetaDataGetDispenser Creates a dispenser class. |
NotifyEndOfReferenceTrackingOnThread Notifies the host that reference tracking is no longer available on the calling thread; XAML calls this when the FrameworkView is uninitialized. |
OnBrokenCallback Runs when the opportunistic lock for a handle that you get by calling the IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle method is broken. |
OnUninitialize Called when a registered apartment is shut down. |
OpenScope Opens an existing file from disk, and maps its metadata into memory for reading. |
OpenScopeOnITypeInfo Opens the specified scope type. |
OpenScopeOnMemory Opens an area of memory that contains existing metadata. That is, this method opens a specified area of memory in which the existing data is treated as metadata. |
OpenSharedHandle Opens a handle for shared primary surfaces, shared fences, and source presentation handles. |
OpenUnbufferedFileHandle Gets a handle from a random-access byte stream that the StorageFile.OpenAsync method created and registers a callback method that you want to run when the opportunistic lock for the handle is broken. |
OplockBreaking This method is not currently implemented. (IOplockBreakingHandler.OplockBreaking) |
PdfCreateRenderer Gets an instance of the IPdfRendererNative interface for displaying a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
PdfRenderParams Populates a PDF_RENDER_PARAMS structure. A PDF_RENDER_PARAMS structure represents a set of properties for outputting a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
Peg Marks that the reference tracker target is in use by the XAML framework, and should not be collected. |
PegFromTrackerSource Indicates that a tracker source is unable to protected a reference tracker object. |
PINSPECT_HSTRING_CALLBACK Provides a function pointer to the callback used by the WindowsInspectString function. |
PINSPECT_MEMORY_CALLBACK Provides a function pointer to the callback used by the RoInspectCapturedStackBackTrace function. |
PreTranslateMessage Enables the WinRT XAML framework to process a Windows message for a DesktopWindowXamlSource object that hosts a WinRT XAML control. |
put_MessageHandled Sets whether or not the message to the CoreWindow has been handled. (ICoreInputInterop.put_MessageHandled) |
put_MessageHandled Sets whether or not the message to the CoreWindow has been handled. (ICoreWindowInterop.put_MessageHandled) |
ReferenceTrackingCompleted Indicates that a garbage collection system has finished with its collection process; at this point, XAML unblocks threads attempting to update tracked references. |
ReferenceTrackingStarted Indicates that a garbage collector is performing a collection; when the collection is finished, the garbage collector calls FindTrackerTargetsCompleted. |
RegisterForUpdatesNeeded Registers for the callback that will perform the drawing when an update to the shared surface is requested. |
ReleaseDisconnectedReferenceSources Requests that the host call IUnknown::Release on any reference tracker objects that have been disconnected by a reference source. |
ReleaseFromReferenceTracker Releases the XAML object reference marked in a previous call to AddRefFromReferenceTracker. |
ReleaseFromTrackerSource Indicates each time that a tracker source calls IUnknown::Release on the reference tracker; must be called before the Release call. |
RemoveMemoryPressure Informs the host of reduced memory allocations since the last notification. |
RenderPageToDeviceContext The IPdfRendererNative::RenderPageToDeviceContext method outputs a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file as a bitmap image. |
RenderPageToSurface Outputs a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file to a Microsoft DirectX image-data object. |
RequestTokenForWindowAsync Asynchronously requests a token from a web account provider. If necessary, the user is prompted to enter their credentials. (IWebAuthenticationCoreManagerInterop::RequestTokenForWindowAsync) |
RequestTokenWithWebAccountForWindowAsync Asynchronously requests a token from a web account provider. If necessary, the user is prompted to enter their credentials. (IWebAuthenticationCoreManagerInterop::RequestTokenWithWebAccountForWindowAsync) |
RequestVerificationForWindowAsync Performs a verification using a device such as Microsoft Passport PIN, Windows Hello, or a fingerprint reader. |
ResetEnum Resets the specified enumerator to the specified position. |
Resize Changes the size of the surface. |
Resize Resizes the surface. |
Resolve Gets the interface ID of an agile reference to an object. |
Resolve Resolves a weak reference by returning a strong reference to the object. |
ResolveTypeRef Resolves a Type reference represented by the specified TypeRef token. |
ResumeDraw Resumes drawing on the surface object. |
ResumeDraw Resume the drawing operation. |
RoActivateInstance Activates the specified Windows Runtime class. |
RoCaptureErrorContext Saves the current error context so that it's available for later calls to the RoFailFastWithErrorContext function. |
RoClearError Removes existing error information from the current thread environment block (TEB). |
RoCreatePropertySetSerializer Creates a new instance of IPropertySetSerializer. |
RoFailFastWithErrorContext Raises a non-continuable exception in the current process. |
RoFreeParameterizedTypeExtra Frees the handle allocated by RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID. |
RoGetActivatableClassRegistration Enables retrieving class registration information. |
RoGetActivationFactory Gets the activation factory for the specified runtime class. (RoGetActivationFactory) |
RoGetAgileReference Creates an agile reference for an object specified by the given interface. |
RoGetApartmentIdentifier Gets a unique identifier for the current apartment. |
RoGetBufferMarshaler Provides a standard IBuffer marshaler to implement the semantics associated with the IBuffer interface when it is marshaled. |
RoGetErrorReportingFlags Gets the current reporting behavior of Windows Runtime error functions. |
RoGetMatchingRestrictedErrorInfo |
RoGetMetaDataFile Locates and retrieves the metadata file that describes the Application Binary Interface (ABI) for the specified typename. |
RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID Computes the interface identifier (IID) of the interface or delegate type that results when a parameterized interface or delegate is instantiated with the specified type arguments. |
RoGetServerActivatableClasses Retrieves the activatable classes that are registered for a given executable (EXE) server, which was registered under the package ID of the calling process. |
RoInitialize Initializes the Windows Runtime on the current thread with the specified concurrency model. |
RoInspectCapturedStackBackTrace Provides a way to for debuggers to inspect a call stack from a target process. |
RoInspectThreadErrorInfo Gets the error object that represents the call stack at the point where the error originated. |
RoIsApiContractMajorVersionPresent Returns true or false to indicate whether the API contract with the specified name and major version number is present. |
RoIsApiContractPresent Returns true or false to indicate whether the API contract with the specified name and major and minor version number is present. |
RoOriginateError Reports an error and an informative string to an attached debugger. (RoOriginateError) |
RoOriginateErrorW Reports an error and an informative string to an attached debugger. (RoOriginateErrorW) |
RoOriginateLanguageException Reports an error, an informative string, and an error object to an attached debugger. |
RoParameterizedTypeExtraGetTypeSignature Gets the type signature used to compute the IID from the last call to RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID with the specified handle. |
RoParseTypeName Parses a type name and existing type parameters, in the case of parameterized types. |
RoRegisterActivationFactories Registers an array out-of-process activation factories for a Windows Runtime exe server. |
RoRegisterForApartmentShutdown Registers an IApartmentShutdown callback to be invoked when the current apartment shuts down. |
RoReportFailedDelegate Triggers the Global Error Handler when a delegate failure occurs. |
RoReportUnhandledError Triggers the Global Error Handler when an unhandled exception occurs. |
RoResolveNamespace Determine the direct children, types, and sub-namespaces of the specified Windows Runtime namespace, from any programming language supported by the Windows Runtime. |
RoResolveRestrictedErrorInfoReference Returns the IRestrictedErrorInfo interface pointer based on the given reference. |
RoRevokeActivationFactories Removes an array of registered activation factories from the Windows Runtime. |
RoSetErrorReportingFlags Sets the reporting behavior of Windows Runtime error functions. |
RoTransformError Reports a modified error and an informative string to an attached debugger. |
RoTransformErrorW Reports a transformed error and an informative string to an attached debugger. |
RoUninitialize Closes the Windows Runtime on the current thread. |
RoUnregisterForApartmentShutdown Unregisters a previously registered IApartmentShutdown interface. |
Scroll Scrolls a rectangular area of the logical surface. |
SetActivitySourceHost Associates host information with either a UserActivityChannel or the UserActivity object. |
SetDevice Sets the DXGI device, created with D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, that will draw the surface. |
SetDevice Sets the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) or Direct2D device, created with D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, that will draw the surface. |
SetInputSource Sets the input source for an app's CoreIndependentInputSource or CoreComponentInputSource. |
SetOption Sets the specified option to a given value for the current metadata scope. The option controls how calls to the current metadata scope are handled. |
SetReferenceTrackerHost Registers an IReferenceTrackerHost interface with XAML. |
SetRenderingDevice Sets the rendering device. |
SetRestrictedErrorInfo Sets the restricted error information object for the current thread. |
SetSwapChain Sets the DirectX swap chain for SwapChainBackgroundPanel. |
SetSwapChain Sets the DirectX swap chain for SwapChainPanel. |
SetSwapChainHandle Sets the DirectX swap chain for SwapChainPanel using a handle to the swap chain. |
ShowAddAccountForWindowAsync Displays the add accounts screen. |
ShowManageAccountsForWindowAsync Displays the manage accounts screen. |
ShowPlayToUIForWindow Displays the Play To UI for the specified window. |
ShowPrintUIForWindowAsync Displays the UI for printing content for the specified window. |
ShowPrintUIForWindowAsync Programmatically initiates the 3D printing user interface. |
SuspendDraw Suspends drawing on the surface object. |
SuspendDraw Suspends the drawing operation. |
ToString Gets a string that represents the current object. |
ToString Gets a string that represents the current object. |
Unpeg Marks that the reference tracker target is no longer in use by the XAML framework, and can be collected. |
UpdatesNeeded Performs the drawing behaviors when an update to VirtualSurfaceImageSource is requested. |
WindowsCompareStringOrdinal Compares two specified HSTRING objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in a sort order. |
WindowsConcatString Concatenates two specified strings. |
WindowsCreateString Creates a new HSTRING based on the specified source string. |
WindowsCreateStringReference Creates a new string reference based on the specified string. |
WindowsDeleteString Decrements the reference count of a string buffer. |
WindowsDeleteStringBuffer Discards a preallocated string buffer if it was not promoted to an HSTRING. |
WindowsDuplicateString Creates a copy of the specified string. |
WindowsGetStringLen Gets the length, in Unicode characters, of the specified string. |
WindowsGetStringRawBuffer Retrieves the backing buffer for the specified string. |
WindowsInspectString Provides a way to for debuggers to display the value of a Windows Runtime�HSTRING in another address space, remotely, or from a dump. (WindowsInspectString) |
WindowsInspectString2 Provides a way to for debuggers to display the value of a Windows Runtime�HSTRING in another address space, remotely, or from a dump. (WindowsInspectString2) |
WindowsIsStringEmpty Indicates whether the specified string is the empty string. |
WindowsPreallocateStringBuffer Allocates a mutable character buffer for use in HSTRING creation. |
WindowsPromoteStringBuffer Creates an HSTRING from the specified HSTRING_BUFFER. |
WindowsReplaceString Replaces all occurrences of a set of characters in the specified string with another set of characters to create a new string. |
WindowsStringHasEmbeddedNull Indicates whether the specified string has embedded null characters. |
WindowsSubstring Retrieves a substring from the specified string. The substring starts at the specified character position. |
WindowsSubstringWithSpecifiedLength Retrieves a substring from the specified string. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length. |
WindowsTrimStringEnd Removes all trailing occurrences of a specified set of characters from the source string. |
WindowsTrimStringStart Removes all leading occurrences of a specified set of characters from the source string. |
IAccountsSettingsPaneInterop IAccountsSettingsPaneInterop enables interoperability with a WinRT AccountsSettingsPane object and provides access to members to show the accounts pane. |
IActivatableClassRegistration Enables getting the registration info for a class. |
IActivationFactory Enables classes to be activated by the Windows Runtime. |
IAgileReference Enables retrieving an agile reference to an object. |
IApartmentShutdown Enables registration of an apartment shutdown notification handler. |
IAsyncAction Represents an asynchronous action. |
IAsyncAction Represents an asynchronous action. |
IAsyncInfo Provides support for asynchronous operations. |
IAudioFrameNative Represents a frame of audio data. |
IAudioFrameNativeFactory Creates instances of IAudioFrameNative. |
IClosable Defines a method to release allocated resources. |
IClosable Defines a method to release allocated resources. |
ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop Native interoperation interface that allows drawing on a surface object using a RECT to define the area to draw into. This interface is available in C++ only. |
ICompositionDrawingSurfaceInterop2 A native interoperation interface that allows you to read back the contents of a composition drawing surface (or a composition virtual drawing surface). |
ICompositionGraphicsDeviceInterop A native interoperation interface that allows getting and setting the graphics device. This is interface is available in C++ only. |
ICompositionTextureInterop TBD |
ICompositorInterop Native interoperation interface that allows creating swapchain surfaces and graphics devices. This is interface is available in C++ only. |
ICompositorInterop2 |
ICoreInputInterop Enables an input source on a Windows application's core input object. |
ICoreWindowInterop Enables apps to obtain the window handle of the window (CoreWindow) associated with this interface. |
IDesktopWindowXamlSourceNative Provides members you can use to attach a DesktopWindowXamlSource object that hosts a WinRT XAML control to a parent UI element in your desktop app. |
IDesktopWindowXamlSourceNative2 Provides a method that enables the WinRT XAML framework to process Windows messages for a DesktopWindowXamlSource object that hosts a WinRT XAML control. |
IDisplayDeviceInterop Provides methods for interoperating between Direct3D (and other graphics APIs) and APIs in the Windows Runtime Windows.Devices.Display.Core namespace. |
IDisplayInformationStaticsInterop Desktop interop interface for the DisplayInformation activation factory. |
IDisplayPathInterop Provides methods for interoperating between the Windows Runtime class DisplayPath and other display-related APIs. |
IDllServerActivatableClassRegistration Enables getting the registration info for an in-process server. |
IDragDropManagerInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT CoreDragDropManager object. |
IExeServerActivatableClassRegistration Enables getting the registration info for an out-of-process server. |
IExeServerRegistration Represents a registered an out-of-process server. |
IFindReferenceTargetsCallback Defines the interface for callbacks from IReferenceTracker::FindTrackerTargets. The implementation of this interface must pass any IReferenceTrackerTarget instances it finds to the FoundTrackerTarget method. |
IGraphicsCaptureItemInterop Desktop interop interface for the GraphicsCaptureItem activation factory. |
IGraphicsEffectD2D1Interop Native interoperation interface that provides a counterpart to IGraphicsEffect and allows for metadata queries. This interface is available in C++ only. |
IInputPaneInterop Enables access to the members of the InputPane class in a desktop app. |
IInspectable Provides functionality required for all Windows Runtime classes. |
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo Enables retrieving the IUnknown pointer stored in the error info with the call to RoOriginateLanguageException. |
ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo2 Enables language projections to provide and retrieve error information as with ILanguageExceptionErrorInfo, with the additional benefit of working across language boundaries. |
ILanguageExceptionStackBackTrace Allows projections to provide custom stack trace for that exception. |
ILanguageExceptionTransform Allows language projections to make available to the system any and all context from an exception that gets thrown from the context of a catch handler that catches a different exception. |
IMetaDataAssemblyImport Provides methods to access and examine the contents of an assembly manifest. |
IMetaDataDispenser Provides methods to create a new metadata scope, or open an existing one. |
IMetaDataDispenserEx Extends the IMetaDataDispenser interface to provide the capability to control how the metadata APIs operate on the current metadata scope. |
IMetaDataImport Provides methods for importing and manipulating existing metadata from a portable executable (PE) file or other source, such as a type library or a stand-alone, run-time metadata binary. |
IMetaDataImport2 Extends the IMetaDataImport interface to provide the capability of working with generic types. |
IMetaDataTables Provides methods for the storage and retrieval of metadata information in tables. |
IMetaDataTables2 Extends IMetaDataTables to include methods for working with metadata streams. |
IOplockBreakingHandler This interface is not currently implemented. |
IPdfRendererNative Represents a high-performance API for displaying a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
IPlayToManagerInterop Enables access to PlayToManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows. |
IPrinting3DManagerInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT Print3DManager object. |
IPrintManagerInterop Enables access to PrintManager methods in a Windows Store app that manages multiple windows. |
IPropertyValue Represents a value in a Windows Runtime property store. |
IPropertyValue Represents a value in a Windows Runtime property store. |
IPropertyValueStatics Creates IPropertyValue objects that you can store in a property store. |
IPropertyValueStatics Creates IPropertyValue objects that you can store in a property store. |
IRadialControllerConfigurationInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT�RadialControllerConfiguration object and provides access to RadialControllerConfiguration members for customizing a RadialController menu. |
IRadialControllerInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT�RadialController object and provides access to RadialController members for customizing the interaction experience. |
IRandomAccessStreamFileAccessMode Provides access to the file access mode that was used when the StorageFile.OpenAsync method was called to open the random-access byte stream. |
IReferenceTracker Defines the interface implemented by the XAML framework for managing XAML object references. |
IReferenceTrackerHost Defines an interface that provides the global services used by the garbage collection (GC) system used by the XAML framework. |
IReferenceTrackerManager Defines the interface for a XAML object reference manager. Implement this interface to manage instances of IReferenceTracker on XAML objects. |
IReferenceTrackerTarget Defines an interface implemented by a garbage collector object referenced from XAML. |
IRestrictedErrorInfo Represents the details of an error, including restricted error information. |
IShareWindowCommandEventArgsInterop Gets the ShareWindowCommandSource object corresponding to a window identifier (a window handle). (IShareWindowCommandEventArgsInterop) |
IShareWindowCommandSourceInterop A native interoperation interface that allows getting a ShareWindowCommandSource object. |
ISoftwareBitmapNative Represents a software bitmap. |
ISoftwareBitmapNativeFactory Creates instances of ISoftwareBitmapNative. |
IStorageFolderHandleAccess Provides access to the operating system handle of a storage folder. |
IStorageItemHandleAccess Provides access to the operating system handle of a storage file. |
IStringable Provides a way to represent the current object as a string. |
IStringable Provides a way to represent the current object as a string. |
ISurfaceImageSourceManagerNative Enables performing bulk operations across all SurfaceImageSource objects created in the same process. |
ISurfaceImageSourceNative Provides the implementation of a shared fixed-size surface for Direct2D drawing. |
ISurfaceImageSourceNativeWithD2D Provides the implementation of a shared Microsoft DirectX surface which is displayed in a SurfaceImageSource or VirtualSurfaceImageSource. |
ISwapChainBackgroundPanelNative Provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. |
ISwapChainPanelNative The ISwapChainPanelNative interface ( provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. |
ISwapChainPanelNative2 The ISwapChainPanelNative2 interface ( provides interoperation between XAML and a DirectX swap chain. |
ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop Allows an app to get an instance of the ISystemMediaTransportControls interface. |
IUIViewSettingsInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT UIViewSettings object. |
IUnbufferedFileHandleOplockCallback Defines a callback method that you want to run when the opportunistic lock for a handle that you get by calling the IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle method is broken. |
IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider Provides access to handles from a random-access byte stream that the StorageFile.OpenAsync method created. |
IUserActivityInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT UserActivity object. |
IUserActivityRequestManagerInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT UserActivityRequestManager object. |
IUserActivitySourceHostInterop The IUserActivitySourceHostInterop interface enables interoperability with a WinRT a UserActivityChannel or a UserActivity object. |
IUserConsentVerifierInterop Enables interoperability with a WinRT UserConsentVerifier class object and provides access to UserConsentVerifier members to verify the current user. |
IVideoFrameNative Represents a frame of video data. |
IVideoFrameNativeFactory Creates instances of IVideoFrameNative. |
IVirtualSurfaceImageSourceNative Provides the implementation of a large (greater than the screen size) shared surface for DirectX drawing. |
IVirtualSurfaceUpdatesCallbackNative Provides an interface for the implementation of drawing behaviors when a VirtualSurfaceImageSource requests an update. |
IWeakReference Represents a weak reference to an object. |
IWeakReferenceSource Represents a source object to which a weak reference can be retrieved. |
IWebAuthenticationCoreManagerInterop Contains core methods for obtaining tokens from web account providers. |
DateTime Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day. |
DateTime Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day. |
EventRegistrationToken Identifies an event handler that has been registered with an event source. |
HSTRING_HEADER Represents a header for an HSTRING. |
IBufferByteAccess Represents a buffer as an array of bytes. |
IDirect3DDxgiInterfaceAccess IDirect3DDxgiInterfaceAccess is a COM interface, which must be implemented by anything that implements IDirect3DDevice or IDirect3DSurface. |
IRoMetaDataLocator Enables the RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID function to access run-time metadata. |
IRoSimpleMetaDataBuilder Provides a metadata locator with a destination for the metadata it has discovered. |
LUID Describes a local identifier for an adapter. |
PDF_RENDER_PARAMS Represents a set of properties for outputting a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
Point Represents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. |
Point Represents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane. |
Rect Contains a set of four floating-point numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle. |
Rect Contains a set of four floating-point numbers that represent the location and size of a rectangle. |
ServerInformation Represents the implementation of a Component Object Model (COM) interface in a server process. |
Size Represents an ordered pair of floating-point numbers that specify a height and width. |
Size Represents an ordered pair of floating-point numbers that specify a height and width. |
TimeSpan Represents a time interval. |
TimeSpan Represents a time interval. |