System Services
Overview of the System Services technology.
To develop System Services, you need these headers:
- atlthunk.h
- avrt.h
- dbghelp.h
- dbt.h
- debugapi.h
- dispatcherqueue.h
- enclaveapi.h
- errhandlingapi.h
- fibersapi.h
- handleapi.h
- heapapi.h
- imagehlp.h
- interlockedapi.h
- ioapiset.h
- jobapi.h
- jobapi2.h
- libloaderapi.h
- libloaderapi2.h
- mcx.h
- memoryapi.h
- minidumpapiset.h
- minwinbase.h
- namedpipeapi.h
- namespaceapi.h
- ntenclv.h
- powerbase.h
- powersetting.h
- powrprof.h
- processenv.h
- processtopologyapi.h
- profileapi.h
- pwm.h
- realtimeapiset.h
- rtworkq.h
- secext.h
- storprop.h
- synchapi.h
- sysinfoapi.h
- systemtopologyapi.h
- threadpoolapiset.h
- threadpoollegacyapiset.h
- timeprov.h
- timezoneapi.h
- utilapiset.h
- vds.h
- vdshwprv.h
- vdslun.h
- versionhelpers.h
- vsadmin.h
- vsbackup.h
- vsmgmt.h
- vsprov.h
- vss.h
- vswriter.h
- waasapi.h
- waasapitypes.h
- wct.h
- windowsceip.h
- winenclaveapi.h
- winioctl.h
- winternl.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
- Error Handling
- Debug Help Library
- Communications Resources
- Dynamic-Link Libraries
- Event Logging
- Interprocess Communications
- Memory Management
- Power Management
- Services
- System Shutdown
- Synchronization
- Windows System Information
- Virtual Disk Service
- VDS Reference
- Volume Shadow Copy Service
CVssWriter The CVssWriter class is an abstract base class that defines the interface by which a writer synchronizes its state with VSS and other writers. |
CVssWriterEx The CVssWriterEx class is an abstract base class that defines the interface by which a writer synchronizes its state with VSS and other writers. |
CVssWriterEx2 The CVssWriterEx2 class is an abstract base class that defines the interface by which a writer synchronizes its state with VSS and other writers. |
IVssBackupComponents The IVssBackupComponents interface is used by a requester to poll writers about file status and to run backup/restore operations. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx Provides methods for requesters to run backup and restore operations using multiple writer instances. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx2 Defines additional methods that requesters can use to run backup and restore operations. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx3 Defines additional methods that requesters can use to perform LUN resynchronization and return extended writer status information. |
IVssBackupComponentsEx4 Defines additional methods to support the processing of UNC file share paths in a requester. |
IVssComponent The IVssComponent interface is a C++ (not COM) interface containing methods for examining and modifying information about components contained in a requester's Backup Components Document. |
IVssComponentEx Defines additional methods for examining and modifying information about components contained in a requester's Backup Components Document. |
IVssComponentEx2 Defines additional methods for reporting and retrieving component-level writer errors. |
IVssCreateExpressWriterMetadata The IVssCreateExpressWriterMetadata interface is a COM interface containing methods to construct the Writer Metadata Document for an express writer. |
IVssCreateWriterMetadata The IVssCreateWriterMetadata interface is a C++ (not COM) interface containing methods to construct the Writer Metadata Document in response to an Identify event. It is used only in the CVssWriter::OnIdentify method. |
IVssCreateWriterMetadataEx The IVssCreateWriterMetadataEx interface is a C++ (not COM) interface that defines a method to report any file sets that will be explicitly excluded when a shadow copy is created. |
IVssExamineWriterMetadata The IVssExamineWriterMetadata interface is a C++ (not COM) interface that allows a requester to examine the metadata of a specific writer instance. |
IVssExamineWriterMetadataEx Provides a method to retrieve the writer instance name and other basic information for a specific writer instance. |
IVssExamineWriterMetadataEx2 Defines methods to retrieve version information and other basic information for a specific writer instance. |
IVssExpressWriter Defines methods to manage metadata for a VSS express writer. |
IVssWMComponent The IVssWMComponent is a C++ (not COM) interface that allows access to component information stored in a Writer Metadata Document. |
IVssWMDependency The IVssWMDependency is a C++ (not COM) interface returned by the IVssWMComponent interface and used by applications when backing up or restoring a component that has an explicit writer-component dependency on a component managed by another writer. |
IVssWMFiledesc The IVssWMFiledesc interface is a C++ (not COM) interface returned to a calling application by a number of query methods. It provides detailed information about a file or set of files (a file set). |
IVssWriterComponents Contains methods used to obtain and modify component information. |
IVssWriterComponentsExt The IVssWriterComponentsExt interface is a C++ (not COM) interface used by requesters to access and modify the components of a writer involved in a backup. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_EXCHANGE_MEDIUM Moves a piece of media from a source element to one destination, and the piece of media originally in the first destination to a second destination. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_ELEMENT_STATUS Retrieves the status of all elements or a specified number of elements of a particular type. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PARAMETERS Retrieves the parameters of the specified device. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PRODUCT_DATA Retrieves the product data for the specified device. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_STATUS Retrieves the current status of the specified device. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_INITIALIZE_ELEMENT_STATUS Initializes the status of all elements or the specified elements of a particular type. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_MOVE_MEDIUM Moves a piece of media to a destination. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_QUERY_VOLUME_TAGS Retrieves the volume tag information for the specified elements. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_REINITIALIZE_TRANSPORT Physically recalibrates a transport element. Recalibration may involve returning the transport to its home position. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_ACCESS Sets the state of the device's insert/eject port, door, or keypad. |
IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_POSITION Sets the changer's robotic transport mechanism to the specified element address. This optimizes moving or exchanging media by positioning the transport beforehand. |
IOCTL_PWM_CONTROLLER_GET_ACTUAL_PERIOD Retrieves the effective output signal period of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller as it would be measured on its output channels. |
IOCTL_PWM_CONTROLLER_GET_INFO Retrieves information about a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller. This information does not change after the controller is initialized. |
IOCTL_PWM_CONTROLLER_SET_DESIRED_PERIOD Sets the output signal period of a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller to a suggested value. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_GET_ACTIVE_DUTY_CYCLE_PERCENTAGE Retrieves the current duty cycle percentage for a pin or channel. The control code returns the percentage as a PWM_PIN_GET_ACTIVE_DUTY_CYCLE_PERCENTAGE_OUTPUT structure. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_GET_POLARITY Retrieves the current signal polarity of the pin or channel. The control code gets the signal polarity as a PWM_PIN_GET_POLARITY_OUTPUT structure. The signal polarity is either Active High or Active Low, as defined in the PWM_POLARITY enumeration. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_IS_STARTED Retrieves the state of signal generation for a pin or channel. Each pin has a state of started or stopped as a PWM_PIN_IS_STARTED_OUTPUT structure. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_SET_ACTIVE_DUTY_CYCLE_PERCENTAGE Set a desired duty cycle percentage value for the controller pin or channel. The control code specifies the percentage as a PWM_PIN_SET_ACTIVE_DUTY_CYCLE_PERCENTAGE_INPUT structure. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_SET_POLARITY Sets the signal polarity of the pin or channel. The control code sets the signal polarity based on a PWM_PIN_SET_POLARITY_INPUT structure. The signal polarity is either Active High or Active Low, as defined in the PWM_POLARITY enumeration. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_START Starts generation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal on a pin or channel. To check whether a pin is started, use IOCTL_PWM_PIN_IS_STARTED. |
IOCTL_PWM_PIN_STOP Stops generation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal on a pin or channel. To check whether a pin is started, use IOCTL_PWM_PIN_IS_STARTED. |
IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT Enables or disables the placement of line status and modem status values into the regular data stream that an application acquires through the ReadFile function. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY Determines whether media are accessible for a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA Ejects media from a SCSI device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECTION_CONTROL Enables or disables the mechanism that ejects media. Disabling the mechanism locks the drive. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER Retrieves the device type, device number, and, for a partitionable device, the partition number of a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_HOTPLUG_INFO Retrieves the hotplug configuration of the specified device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_SERIAL_NUMBER Retrieves the serial number of a USB device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES Retrieves the geometry information for the device. (IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES) |
IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_TYPES_EX Retrieves information about the types of media supported by a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_LOAD_MEDIA Loads media into a device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES The IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code communicates attribute information to the volume manager and storage system device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_MCN_CONTROL Enables or disables media change notification. Disabling media change notification prevents the GUID_IO_MEDIA_ARRIVAL and GUID_IO_MEDIA_REMOVAL events. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL Enables or disables the mechanism that ejects media, for those devices possessing that locking capability. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_READ_CAPACITY Retrieves the geometry information for the device. (IOCTL_STORAGE_READ_CAPACITY) |
IOCTL_STORAGE_SET_HOTPLUG_INFO Sets the hotplug configuration of the specified device. |
__VDS_PARTITION_STYLE This enumeration is not for explicit use. |
EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE Indicates the effective power mode the system is running. |
ELEMENT_TYPE Specifies the element type of a changer device. |
ENCLAVE_SEALING_IDENTITY_POLICY Defines values that specify how another enclave must be related to the enclave that calls EnclaveSealData for the enclave to unseal the data. |
HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS Specifies the class of heap information to be set or retrieved. |
MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE Defines values for extended parameters used for file mapping into an address space. |
POWER_ACTION Defines values that are used to specify system power action types. |
POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR Enumeration values used by PowerEnumerate and PowerSettingAccessCheck. |
POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE Indicates the OEM's preferred power management profile. |
PWM_POLARITY Represents the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal level polarity with respect to the duty cycle. |
STORAGE_BUS_TYPE Specifies the various types of storage buses. |
STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE Specifies various types of storage media. |
SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION Used by the GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE power event to indicate the current power source. |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE Defines values that are used to specify system power states. |
USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE Specifies the presence of a user for the purposes of power management based on activity detected. |
VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE The VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of operations that objects can process. |
VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE The VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of operations that objects can process. |
VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS The VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a controller. |
VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS The VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a controller. |
VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE Defines the set of disk extents types. The type can be a partition, volume, or free space. |
VDS_DISK_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for a disk object.Note Except for VDS_DF_READ_ONLY, these flags cannot be set by using the IVdsDisk::SetFlags method or cleared by using the IVdsDisk::ClearFlags method. |
VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON Defines the set of reasons for a disk to be offline. |
VDS_DISK_STATUS Defines the set of object status values for a disk. |
VDS_DRIVE_FLAG The VDS_DRIVE_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for a drive object. |
VDS_DRIVE_FLAG The VDS_DRIVE_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for a drive object. |
VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for a drive letter. |
VDS_DRIVE_STATUS The VDS_DRIVE_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a drive. |
VDS_DRIVE_STATUS The VDS_DRIVE_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a drive. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for a file system. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG Defines the properties of file systems that are supported for formatting volumes. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG Defines the details of file-system compression. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE The VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for a file system. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE The VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for a file system. |
VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS Defines the set of valid formatting options for the IVdsDiskPartitionMF2::FormatPartitionEx2 method. |
VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG The VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for determining the speeds supported by an HBA port. |
VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG The VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for determining the speeds supported by an HBA port. |
VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS The VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid statuses for an HBA port. |
VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS The VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid statuses for an HBA port. |
VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE The VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for an HBA port. |
VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE The VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for an HBA port. |
VDS_HEALTH The VDS_HEALTH (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of health state values for a VDS object. |
VDS_HEALTH The VDS_HEALTH enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of health state values for a VDS object. |
VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE The VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for a hardware provider. |
VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE The VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for a hardware provider. |
VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE Defines the set of the valid address types of a physical interconnect. |
VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG The VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of interconnect types that subsystems can support. |
VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG The VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of interconnect types that subsystems can support. |
VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE The VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for an IP address. |
VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE The VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for an IP address. |
VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE The VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for authentication when logging into an iSCSI target. |
VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE The VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for authentication when logging into an iSCSI target. |
VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG The VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration is not supported but is reserved for future use. |
VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG The VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) is not supported. This enumeration is reserved for future use. |
VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG The VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for specifying iSCSI target login options. |
VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG The VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for specifying iSCSI target login options. |
VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE The VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for logging into an iSCSI target. |
VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE The VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for logging into an iSCSI target. |
VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS The VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid status values for an iSCSI portal. |
VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS The VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid status values for an iSCSI portal. |
VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM The VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM (vds.h) enumeration defines a set of valid load balance policies for a path. |
VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM The VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines a set of valid load balance policies for a path. |
VDS_LUN_FLAG The VDS_LUN_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for a LUN object. |
VDS_LUN_FLAG The VDS_LUN_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for a LUN object. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG The VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for a LUN plex object. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG The VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for a LUN plex object. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS The VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a LUN plex. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS The VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a LUN plex. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE The VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for a LUN plex. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE The VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for a LUN plex. |
VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE Not supported.This enumeration is reserved for future use. (VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE) |
VDS_LUN_STATUS The VDS_LUN_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a LUN. |
VDS_LUN_STATUS The VDS_LUN_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a LUN. |
VDS_LUN_TYPE The VDS_LUN_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for a LUN. |
VDS_LUN_TYPE The VDS_LUN_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for a LUN. |
VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION The VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid subsystem maintenance operations. |
VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION The VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid subsystem maintenance operations. |
VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE The VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of the valid target types (subjects) of a VDS notification. |
VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE The VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of the valid target types of a VDS notification. |
VDS_OBJECT_TYPE The VDS_OBJECT_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types of a VDS object. |
VDS_OBJECT_TYPE The VDS_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types of a VDS object. |
VDS_PACK_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for a pack object. |
VDS_PACK_STATUS Defines the set of object status values for a pack. |
VDS_PARTITION_FLAG Defines a set of valid flags for a partition. |
VDS_PARTITION_STYLE Defines the set of partition style values. |
VDS_PATH_STATUS The VDS_PATH_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid status values for a port. |
VDS_PATH_STATUS The VDS_PATH_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid status values for a port. |
VDS_PORT_STATUS The VDS_PORT_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a port. |
VDS_PORT_STATUS The VDS_PORT_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a port. |
VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG The VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for a provider object. |
VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG The VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for a provider object. |
VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG The VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration specifies the set of valid flags for indicating which load balance policies a hardware provider supports. |
VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG The VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) specifies the set of valid flags for indicating which load balance policies a hardware provider supports. |
VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE The VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid types for a provider. |
VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE The VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid types for a provider. |
VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for provider query operations. Callers can query for hardware providers, software providers, or both. |
VDS_RAID_TYPE The VDS_RAID_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set enumeration values that can be used to specify the underlying RAID type of a storage pool. |
VDS_RAID_TYPE The VDS_RAID_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set enumeration values that can be used to specify the underlying RAID type of a storage pool. |
VDS_RECOVER_ACTION The VDS_RECOVER_ACTION (vds.h) enumeration is reserved for system use. |
VDS_RECOVER_ACTION The VDS_RECOVER_ACTION enumeration (vdshwprv.h) is reserved for system use. |
VDS_SAN_POLICY Defines the set of valid disk SAN policy flags. |
VDS_SERVICE_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for the service object. |
VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE Defines the set of valid bus types of a storage device. |
VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET Defines the set of the valid code sets (encodings) of a storage identifier. |
VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE Defines the set of valid types for a storage identifier. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a storage pool. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a storage pool. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of storage pool types. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of storage pool types. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of valid flags for a subsystem object. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of valid flags for a subsystem object. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of object status values for a subsystem. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of object status values for a subsystem. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of RAID levels that can be supported by subsystems. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of RAID levels that can be supported by subsystems. |
VDS_TRANSITION_STATE The VDS_TRANSITION_STATE (vds.h) enumeration defines the set of the valid transition state values for a VDS object. |
VDS_TRANSITION_STATE The VDS_TRANSITION_STATE enumeration (vdshwprv.h) defines the set of the valid transition state values for a VDS object. |
VDS_VDISK_STATE Defines the set of status values for a virtual disk object. |
VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG The VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG (vds.h) enumeration indicates which versions of the VDS interfaces are supported. |
VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG The VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG enumeration (vdshwprv.h) indicates which versions of the VDS interfaces are supported. |
VDS_VOLUME_FLAG Defines the set of valid flags for a volume object. |
VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS Defines the set of object status values for a volume plex. |
VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE Defines the set of valid types for a volume plex. |
VDS_VOLUME_STATUS Defines the set of object status values for a volume. |
VDS_VOLUME_TYPE Defines the set of valid types for a volume object. |
VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE Used to indicate whether a given writer has an associated alternate writer. |
VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL Indicates the application level, the point in the course of the creation of a shadow copy that a writer is notified of a freeze. |
VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA Used by a writer to indicate the types of backup operations it can participate in. |
VSS_BACKUP_TYPE Indicates the type of backup to be performed. |
VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS Used by writers to indicate support for auto-recovery. |
VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE Specify the type of component being used with a shadow copy backup operation. |
VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS Defines the set of statuses of a file restore operation. |
VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE Used by writers to indicate their support of certain backup operations. |
VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS Defines shadow copy LUN flags. |
VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE Discriminant for the VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_UNION union within the VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_PROP structure. |
VSS_OBJECT_TYPE Used by requesters to identify an object as a shadow copy set, shadow copy, or provider. |
VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT Defines the set of shadow copy protection faults. |
VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL Defines the set of volume shadow copy protection levels. |
VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES This enumeration is reserved for future use. |
VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE Specifies the provider type. |
VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS Used by a requester to specify how a resynchronization operation is to be performed. |
VSS_RESTORE_TARGET Used by a writer at restore time to indicate how all the files included in a selected component, and all the files in any component set it defines, are to be restored. |
VSS_RESTORE_TYPE Used by a requester to indicate the type of restore operation it is about to perform. |
VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM Used by a writer at backup time to specify through its Writer Metadata Document the default file restore method. |
VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE The VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE enumeration is used by a requester to indicate the type of roll-forward operation it is about to perform. |
VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY The VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY enumeration indicates which volume control or file I/O operations are disabled for the volume that has been shadow copied. |
VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT Specify how a shadow copy is to be created, queried, or deleted and the degree of writer involvement. |
VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID Specifies the property to be set for a shadow copy. |
VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE Specify the state of a given shadow copy operation. |
VSS_SOURCE_TYPE Specifies the type of data that a writer manages. |
VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK Indicates the events that the writer is willing to receive. |
VSS_USAGE_TYPE Specifies how the host system uses the data managed by a writer involved in a VSS operation. |
VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES Allows additional attributes to be specified for a shadow copy. |
VSS_WRITER_STATE Indicates the current state of the writer. |
VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM Indicate to a requester the conditions under which it will handle events generated during a restore operation. |
~CVssWriter ~CVssWriter is the destructor of the CVssWriter class object. |
AbortAllSnapshotsInProgress This method is reserved for system use. |
AbortBackup The AbortBackup method notifies VSS that a backup operation was terminated. |
AbortSnapshots Aborts prepared shadow copies in this provider. |
AbortSystemShutdownA Stops a system shutdown that has been initiated. (ANSI) |
AbortSystemShutdownW Stops a system shutdown that has been initiated. (Unicode) |
AcquireSRWLockExclusive Acquires a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock in exclusive mode. |
AcquireSRWLockShared Acquires a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock in shared mode. |
AddAccessPath Adds an access path. |
AddAlternateLocationMapping The AddAlternateLocationMapping method creates an alternate location mapping for a file set. |
AddAlternativeLocationMapping The AddAlternativeLocationMapping method is used by a requester to indicate that an alternate location mapping was used to restore all the members of a file set in a given component. |
AddComponent Adds a file group to an express writer's set of components to be backed up. |
AddComponent The AddComponent method adds a database or file group as a component to be backed up. |
AddComponent Used to explicitly add to the backup set. |
AddComponentDependency Allows an express writer to indicate that a component it manages has an explicit writer-component dependency; that is, another component (possibly managed by another writer) must be backed up and restored with it. |
AddComponentDependency The AddComponentDependency method allows a writer to indicate that a component it manages has an explicit writer-component dependency; that is, another component in another writer must be backed up and restored with it. |
AddDatabaseFiles The AddDatabaseFiles method indicates the file set (the specified file or files) that make up the database component to be backed up. |
AddDatabaseLogFiles The AddDatabaseLogFiles method indicates the log files that are associated with a database to be backed up, as well as their location. |
AddDiffArea Adds a shadow copy storage area association for the specified volume. |
AddDifferencedFilesByLastModifyLSN Not supported. (IVssComponent.AddDifferencedFilesByLastModifyLSN) |
AddDifferencedFilesByLastModifyTime Used by a writer to indicate that a file set (a specified file or files) should be evaluated against a last modification time stamp for inclusion in a time stamped incremental or differential backup using entire files. |
AddDirectedTarget The AddDirectedTarget method allows a writer to indicate at restore time that when a file is to be restored, it (the source file) should be remapped. |
AddDisk Adds a disk to an online pack. |
AddDllDirectory Adds a directory to the process DLL search path. |
AddExcludeFiles Excludes a file set (a specified file or files) that might otherwise be implicitly included when a component of an express writer is backed up. |
AddExcludeFiles The AddExcludeFiles method is used to explicitly exclude a file set (a specified file or files) that might otherwise be implicitly included when a component of the current writer is backed up. |
AddExcludeFilesFromSnapshot Reports any file sets that will be explicitly excluded by the writer when a shadow copy is created. |
AddFilesToFileGroup Adds a file set (a specified file or files) to a specified file group component for an express writer. |
AddFilesToFileGroup The AddFilesToFileGroup method adds a file set (a specified file or files) to a specified file group component. |
AddIncludeFiles Not supported. (IVssCreateWriterMetadata.AddIncludeFiles) |
AddNewTarget The AddNewTarget method is used by a requester during a restore operation to indicate that the backup application plans to restore files to a new location. |
AddPartialFile The AddPartialFile method indicates that only portions of a given file are to be backed up and which portions those are. |
AddPlex The IVdsLun::AddPlex method (vds.h) adds a LUN to the target LUN as a new plex. |
AddPlex Adds a volume as a plex to the current volume. |
AddPlex The IVdsLun::AddPlex (vdshwprv.h) method adds a LUN to the target LUN as a new plex. |
AddPortal The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::AddPortal method (vds.h) adds a portal to a portal group. |
AddPortal The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::AddPortal (vdshwprv.h) method adds a portal to a portal group. |
AddRestoreSubcomponent Indicates that a subcomponent member of a component set, which had been marked as nonselectable for backup but is marked selectable for restore, is to be restored. |
AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback Registers a callback function to be called when a secured memory range is freed or its protections are changed. |
AddSnapshotToRecoverySet Specifies the volumes to be included in a LUN resynchronization operation. |
AddToSnapshotSet The AddToSnapshotSet method adds an original volume or original remote file share to the shadow copy set. |
AddVDisk Creates a virtual disk object for an existing virtual disk file. |
Advise Registers the caller's IVdsAdviseSink interface with VDS so that the caller receives notifications from the VDS service. |
AllocateUserPhysicalPages Allocates physical memory pages to be mapped and unmapped within any Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region of a specified process. |
AllocateUserPhysicalPages2 Allocates physical memory pages to be mapped and unmapped within any Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region of a specified process, with extended parameters. |
AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma Allocates physical memory pages to be mapped and unmapped within any Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region of a specified process and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. |
ApplyHints The IVdsLun::ApplyHints method (vds.h) applies a new set of hints to the LUN. Hints that are applied to a LUN are simultaneously applied to all plexes. |
ApplyHints The IVdsLunPlex::ApplyHints method (vds.h) applies a new set of hints to the LUN plex. Hints applied to a plex affect neither the LUN nor its other plexes. |
ApplyHints The IVdsLun::ApplyHints (vdshwprv.h) method applies a new set of hints to the LUN. Hints that are applied to a LUN are simultaneously applied to all plexes. |
ApplyHints The IVdsLunPlex::ApplyHints (vdshwprv.h) method applies a new set of hints to the LUN plex. Hints applied to a plex affect neither the LUN nor its other plexes. |
ApplyHints2 The IVdsLun2::ApplyHints2 method (vds.h) applies a new set of hints to the LUN. Hints that are applied to a LUN are simultaneously applied to all plexes. |
ApplyHints2 The IVdsLun2::ApplyHints2 (vdshwprv.h) method applies a new set of hints to the LUN. Hints that are applied to a LUN are simultaneously applied to all plexes. |
AreComponentsSelected The AreComponentsSelected method indicates whether a requester is running under component mode and supports selecting individual components to be backed up or backs up entire volumes. |
AreLunsSupported Determines whether the hardware provider supports shadow copy creation for all LUNs that contribute to the volume. |
AssignDriveLetter Assigns a drive letter to an existing OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. |
AssociateControllerPorts The IVdsLunControllerPorts::AssociateControllerPorts method (vds.h) sets the subsystem controller ports to active or inactive with respect to the LUN. |
AssociateControllerPorts The IVdsLunControllerPorts::AssociateControllerPorts (vdshwprv.h) method sets the subsystem controller ports to active or inactive with respect to the LUN. |
AssociateControllers The IVdsLun::AssociateControllers method (vds.h) sets the subsystem controllers to active or inactive with respect to the LUN. |
AssociateControllers The IVdsLun::AssociateControllers (vdshwprv.h) method sets the subsystem controllers to active or inactive with respect to the LUN. |
AssociateTargets The IVdsLunIscsi::AssociateTargets method (vds.h) associates LUNs with subsystem iSCSI targets. |
AssociateTargets The IVdsLunIscsi::AssociateTargets (vdshwprv.h) method associates LUNs with subsystem iSCSI targets. |
AtlThunk_AllocateData Allocates space in memory for an ATL thunk. |
AtlThunk_DataToCode Returns an executable function corresponding to the AtlThunkData_t parameter. |
AtlThunk_FreeData Frees memory associated with an ATL thunk. |
AtlThunk_InitData Initializes an ATL thunk. |
Attach Attaches a virtual disk. |
BackupComplete The BackupComplete method causes VSS to generate a BackupComplete event, which signals writers that the backup process has completed. |
BackupEventLogA Saves the specified event log to a backup file. (ANSI) |
BackupEventLogW Saves the specified event log to a backup file. (Unicode) |
BeginPrepareSnapshot VSS calls this method for each shadow copy that is added to the shadow copy set. (IVssFileShareSnapshotProvider.BeginPrepareSnapshot) |
BeginPrepareSnapshot Called for each shadow copy that is added to the shadow copy set. |
BeginPrepareSnapshot VSS calls this method for each shadow copy that is added to the shadow copy set. (IVssSoftwareSnapshotProvider.BeginPrepareSnapshot) |
BreakPlex Removes a specified plex from the current volume. |
BreakSnapshotSet The BreakSnapshotSet method causes the existence of a shadow copy set to be "forgotten" by VSS. |
BreakSnapshotSetEx Breaks a shadow copy set according to requester-specified options. |
BuildCommDCBA Fills a specified DCB structure with values specified in a device-control string. (ANSI) |
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA Translates a device-definition string into appropriate device-control block codes and places them into a device control block. (ANSI) |
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW Translates a device-definition string into appropriate device-control block codes and places them into a device control block. (Unicode) |
BuildCommDCBW Fills a specified DCB structure with values specified in a device-control string. (Unicode) |
CallEnclave Calls a function within an enclave. |
CallNamedPipeA Connects to a message-type pipe (and waits if an instance of the pipe is not available), writes to and reads from the pipe, and then closes the pipe. (CallNamedPipeA) |
CallNamedPipeW Connects to a message-type pipe (and waits if an instance of the pipe is not available), writes to and reads from the pipe, and then closes the pipe. (CallNamedPipeW) |
CallNtPowerInformation Sets or retrieves power information. |
Cancel The IVdsAsync::Cancel (vds.h) method cancels the asynchronous operation. |
Cancel The IVdsAsync::Cancel method (vdshwprv.h) cancels the asynchronous operation. |
Cancel The Cancel method cancels an incomplete asynchronous operation. |
CancelWaitableTimer Sets the specified waitable timer to the inactive state. |
CanUserWritePwrScheme Determines whether the current user has sufficient privilege to write a power scheme. |
CdromDisableDigitalPlayback Disables digital playback for the specified CD-ROM or DVD drive. |
CdromEnableDigitalPlayback Enables digital playback for the specified CD-ROM or DVD drive. |
CdromIsDigitalPlaybackEnabled Determines whether digital playback is enabled for the specified CD-ROM or DVD drive. |
CdromKnownGoodDigitalPlayback Determines whether the specified CD-ROM or DVD drive has digital playback that is known to be good. |
ChangeAttributes Modifies the attributes of the partition. |
ChangeDiffAreaMaximumSize Updates the shadow copy storage area maximum size for a certain volume. |
ChangeDiffAreaMaximumSizeEx Updates the shadow copy storage area maximum size for a certain volume. This may not have an immediate effect. If the bVolatile parameter is FALSE, the change continues even if the computer is rebooted. |
ChangePartitionType Changes the partition type on the disk at a specified byte offset. |
Clean Removes partition information and uninitializes basic or dynamic disks.Windows Server 2003: The Clean method is not supported for removable devices. |
CleanupObsoleteMountPoints Removes user-mode paths and mounted folders for volumes that no longer exist. |
ClearCommBreak Restores character transmission for a specified communications device and places the transmission line in a nonbreak state. |
ClearCommError Retrieves information about a communications error and reports the current status of a communications device. |
ClearEventLogA Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the log to a backup file. (ANSI) |
ClearEventLogW Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the log to a backup file. (Unicode) |
ClearFileSystemFlags Clears the file-system flags. |
ClearFlags Clears the flags of a disk object. |
ClearFlags The IVdsDrive::ClearFlags method (vds.h) clears the flags of a drive object. |
ClearFlags Clears service object flags. |
ClearFlags Clears the volume flags. |
ClearFlags The IVdsDrive::ClearFlags (vdshwprv.h) method clears the flags of a drive object. |
ClearVolumeProtectFault Clears the protection fault state for the specified volume. |
Clone The IEnumVdsObject::Clone (vds.h) method creates an enumeration with the same state as the current enumeration. |
Clone The IEnumVdsObject::Clone method (vdshwprv.h) creates an enumeration with the same state as the current enumeration. |
Clone Creates a copy of the specified list of enumerated elements by creating a copy of the IVssEnumObject enumerator object. |
Clone Creates a copy of the specified list of enumerated elements by creating a copy of the IVssEnumMgmtObject enumerator object. |
CloseEventLog Closes the specified event log. (CloseEventLog) |
CommConfigDialogA Displays a driver-supplied configuration dialog box. (ANSI) |
CommConfigDialogW Displays a driver-supplied configuration dialog box. (Unicode) |
CommitSnapshots Quickly commits all LUNs in this provider. |
Compact Compacts the virtual disk to reduce the physical size of the backing file. |
ConnectNamedPipe Enables a named pipe server process to wait for a client process to connect to an instance of a named pipe. |
ConvertStyle Converts the partition style of an empty disk from one style to another. |
CreateEnclave Creates a new uninitialized enclave. An enclave is an isolated region of code and data within the address space for an application. Only code that runs within the enclave can access data within the same enclave. |
CreateEventA Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object. (ANSI) |
CreateEventExA Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object and returns a handle to the object. (ANSI) |
CreateEventExW Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object and returns a handle to the object. (Unicode) |
CreateEventW Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object. (Unicode) |
CreateFileMapping2 Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file. You can specify a preferred NUMA node for the physical memory as an extended parameter; see the ExtendedParameters parameter. |
CreateFileMappingA Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file. (CreateFileMappingA) |
CreateFileMappingFromApp Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file from a Windows Store app. |
CreateFileMappingNumaA Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. (CreateFileMappingNumaA) |
CreateFileMappingNumaW Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. (CreateFileMappingNumaW) |
CreateFileMappingW Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file. (CreateFileMappingW) |
CreateLun The IVdsSubSystem::CreateLun method (vds.h) creates a logical unit number (LUN). |
CreateLun The IVdsSubSystem::CreateLun (vdshwprv.h) function creates a logical unit number (LUN). |
CreateLun2 The IVdsSubSystem2::CreateLun2 method (vds.h) creates a LUN. Automagic hints are provided using a VDS_HINTS2 structure instead of a VDS_HINTS structure. |
CreateLun2 The IVdsSubSystem2::CreateLun2 (vdshwprv.h) method creates a LUN and is identical to the IVdsSubSystem::CreateLun method. |
CreateLunInStoragePool The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools::CreateLunInStoragePool method (vds.h) creates a LUN in a storage pool. |
CreateLunInStoragePool The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools::CreateLunInStoragePool (vdshwprv.h) method creates a LUN in a storage pool. |
CreateMailslotA Creates a mailslot with the specified name and returns a handle that a mailslot server can use to perform operations on the mailslot. (ANSI) |
CreateMailslotW Creates a mailslot with the specified name and returns a handle that a mailslot server can use to perform operations on the mailslot. (Unicode) |
CreateMemoryResourceNotification Creates a memory resource notification object. |
CreateMetadata Creates an express writer metadata object and returns an IVssCreateExpressWriterMetadata interface pointer to it. |
CreateMutexA Creates or opens a named or unnamed mutex object. (ANSI) |
CreateMutexExA Creates or opens a named or unnamed mutex object and returns a handle to the object. (ANSI) |
CreateMutexExW Creates or opens a named or unnamed mutex object and returns a handle to the object. (Unicode) |
CreateMutexW Creates or opens a named or unnamed mutex object. (Unicode) |
CreatePack Creates a pack object. |
CreatePartition Creates a partition on a basic disk. The IVdsCreatePartitionEx::CreatePartitionEx method supersedes this method. |
CreatePartitionEx Creates a partition on a basic disk. This method supersedes the IVdsAdvancedDisk::CreatePartition method. |
CreatePipe Creates an anonymous pipe, and returns handles to the read and write ends of the pipe. |
CreatePortalGroup The IVdsIscsiTarget::CreatePortalGroup method (vds.h) creates a portal group. |
CreatePortalGroup The IVdsIscsiTarget::CreatePortalGroup (vdshwprv.h) method creates a portal group and the interface pointer for the new portal group object can be retrieved. |
CreateSemaphoreExW Creates or opens a named or unnamed semaphore object and returns a handle to the object. (CreateSemaphoreExW) |
CreateSemaphoreW Creates or opens a named or unnamed semaphore object. (CreateSemaphoreW) |
CreateTarget The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::CreateTarget method (vds.h) creates an iSCSI target. |
CreateTarget The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::CreateTarget (vdshwprv.h) method creates an iSCSI target. |
CreateVDisk Creates a virtual disk. |
CreateVolume Creates a volume within the pack. |
CreateVolume2 Creates a volume in a disk pack with an optional alignment parameter. |
CreateVssBackupComponents The CreateVssBackupComponents function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssBackupComponents interface object and returns a pointer to it. |
CreateVssBackupComponentsInternal The CreateVssBackupComponents function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssBackupComponents interface object and returns a pointer to it. |
CreateVssExamineWriterMetadata The CreateVssExamineWriterMetadata function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssExamineWriterMetadata object. |
CreateVssExamineWriterMetadataInternal The CreateVssExamineWriterMetadata function (vsbackup.h) creates an IVssExamineWriterMetadata object. |
CreateVssExpressWriter The CreateVssExpressWriter function (vswriter.h) creates an IVssExpressWriter interface object and returns a pointer to it. |
CreateVssExpressWriterInternal The CreateVssExpressWriterInternal function (vswriter.h) creates an IVssExpressWriter interface object and returns a pointer to it. |
CreateWaitableTimerExW Creates or opens a waitable timer object and returns a handle to the object. |
CreateWaitableTimerW Creates or opens a waitable timer object. |
CreateWriter This function is reserved for system use. (CreateWriter) |
CreateWriterEx This function is reserved for system use. (CreateWriterEx) |
CVssWriter CVssWriter is the constructor of the CVssWriter class object. |
Delete The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::Delete method (vds.h) deletes the portal group. |
Delete The IVdsIscsiTarget::Delete function (vds.h) deletes the target and all of its portal groups if no LUNs are associated with the target. |
Delete The IVdsLun::Delete method (vds.h) deletes the LUN and all of its plexes. Any data on the LUN is lost, and VDS frees the extents allocated to the LUN. |
Delete Deletes the volume and all plexes, releasing the extents. |
Delete The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::Delete (vdshwprv.h) method deletes the portal group. |
Delete The IVdsIscsiTarget::Delete (vdshwprv.h) method deletes the target and all of its portal groups if no LUNs are associated with the target. |
Delete The IVdsLun::Delete (vdshwprv.h) method deletes the LUN and all of its plexes. Any data on the LUN is lost. VDS frees the extents allocated to the LUN. |
DeleteAccessPath Removes the access path from the current volume. |
DeleteCriticalSection Releases all resources used by an unowned critical section object. |
DeleteDriveLetter Deletes a drive letter assigned to an OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. |
DeleteEnclave Deletes the specified enclave. |
DeletePartition Deletes a partition from a basic disk. |
DeletePwrScheme Deletes the specified power scheme. |
DeleteSnapshots The DeleteSnapshots method deletes one or more shadow copies or a shadow copy set. |
DeleteSnapshots Deletes specific snapshots, or all snapshots in a specified snapshot set. |
DeleteSnapshots Deletes one or more shadow copies or a shadow copy set. |
DeleteSynchronizationBarrier Deletes a synchronization barrier. |
DeleteUnusedDiffAreas Deletes all shadow copy storage areas (also called diff areas) on the specified volume that are not in use. |
DeregisterEventSource Closes the specified event log. (DeregisterEventSource) |
Detach Detaches a virtual disk. |
DetachAndDelete Detaches a virtual disk and deletes the backing files. |
DEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK_ROUTINE An application's DeviceNotifyCallbackRoutine callback function is used for receiving power notifications. |
DevicePowerClose Frees all nodes in the device list and destroys the device list. |
DevicePowerEnumDevices Enumerates devices on the system that meet the specified criteria. |
DevicePowerOpen Initializes a device list by querying all the devices. |
DevicePowerSetDeviceState Modifies the specified data on the specified device. |
DisableThreadLibraryCalls Disables the DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH notifications for the specified dynamic-link library (DLL). |
DisableWriterClasses The DisableWriterClasses method prevents a specific class of writers from receiving any events. |
DisableWriterInstances The DisableWriterInstances method disables a specified writer instance or instances. |
DiscardVirtualMemory Discards the memory contents of a range of memory pages, without decommitting the memory. The contents of discarded memory is undefined and must be rewritten by the application. |
DisconnectNamedPipe Disconnects the server end of a named pipe instance from a client process. |
Dismount Dismounts a mounted volume. |
DoSnapshotSet Commits all shadow copies in this set simultaneously. |
EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE_CALLBACK Function class for effective power mode callback. |
Eject Ejects the media from the current device. |
EnableWriterClasses The EnableWriterClasses method enables the specified writers to receive all events. |
EnclaveGetAttestationReport Gets an enclave attestation report that describes the current enclave and is signed by the authority that is responsible for the type of the enclave. |
EnclaveGetEnclaveInformation Gets information about the currently executing enclave. |
EnclaveSealData Generates an encrypted binary large object (blob) from unencypted data. |
EnclaveUnsealData Decrypts an encrypted binary large object (blob). |
EnclaveVerifyAttestationReport Verifies an attestation report that was generated on the current system. |
EndPrepareSnapshots Is called once for the complete shadow copy set, after the last IVssHardwareSnapshotProvider::BeginPrepareSnapshot call. |
EnterCriticalSection Waits for ownership of the specified critical section object. The function returns when the calling thread is granted ownership. |
EnterSynchronizationBarrier Causes the calling thread to wait at a synchronization barrier until the maximum number of threads have entered the barrier. |
EnumPwrSchemes Enumerates all power schemes. |
EscapeCommFunction Directs the specified communications device to perform an extended function. |
ExitWindows Calls the ExitWindowsEx function to log off the interactive user. |
ExitWindowsEx Logs off the interactive user, shuts down the system, or shuts down and restarts the system. |
Expand Increases the size of a virtual disk to the maximum size available on a fixed or expandable disk. |
ExposeSnapshot The ExposeSnapshot method exposes a shadow copy as a drive letter, mounted folder, or file share. |
Extend The IVdsLun::Extend method (vds.h) extends a LUN by a specified number of bytes. |
Extend Expands the size of the current volume by adding disk extents to each member of each plex. |
Extend The IVdsLun::Extend (vdshwprv.h) method extends a LUN by a specified number of bytes. |
FastRecovery This method is reserved for future use. (IVssBackupComponentsEx2.FastRecovery) |
FillInLunInfo Prompts the hardware provider to indicate whether it supports the corresponding disk device and correct any omissions in the VDS_LUN_INFORMATION structure. |
FlushCache The IVdsController::FlushCache (vds.h) method flushes the cache of the controller to a persistent store. |
FlushCache The IVdsController::FlushCache method (vdshwprv.h) flushes the cache of the controller to a persistent store. |
FlushViewOfFile Writes to the disk a byte range within a mapped view of a file. |
Format Formats a file system on the current volume. |
FormatEx Formats a file system volume on a partition. |
FormatEx2 Formats a file system volume on a partition. This method is identical to the IVdsVolumeMF2::FormatEx method, except that formatting options are specified by using the Options parameter. |
FormatPartition Formats an existing OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. (IVdsAdvancedDisk.FormatPartition) |
FormatPartitionEx Formats an existing OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. (IVdsDiskPartitionMF.FormatPartitionEx) |
FormatPartitionEx2 Formats an existing OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. This method is identical to the IVdsDiskPartitionMF::FormatPartition method, except that formatting options are specified by using the Options parameter. |
FreeComponentInfo The FreeComponentInfo method deallocates system resources devoted to the specified component information. |
FreeLibrary Frees the loaded dynamic-link library (DLL) module and, if necessary, decrements its reference count. |
FreeLibraryAndExitThread Decrements the reference count of a loaded dynamic-link library (DLL) by one, then calls ExitThread to terminate the calling thread. |
FreeUserPhysicalPages Frees physical memory pages that are allocated previously by using AllocateUserPhysicalPages or AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma. |
FreeWriterMetadata The FreeWriterMetadata method frees system resources allocated when IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterMetadata was called. |
FreeWriterStatus The FreeWriterStatus method frees system resources allocated during the call to IVssBackupComponents::GatherWriterStatus. |
GatherWriterMetadata The GatherWriterMetadata method prompts each writer to send the metadata they have collected. The method will generate an Identify event to communicate with writers. |
GatherWriterStatus The GatherWriterStatus method prompts each writer to send a status message. |
GetActivePwrScheme Retrieves the index of the active power scheme. |
GetAdditionalRestores The GetAdditionalRestores method is used by a writer during incremental or differential restore operations to determine whether a given component will require additional restore operations to completely retrieve it. |
GetAlternateLocation The GetAlternateLocation method obtains an alternate location for a file set. |
GetAlternateLocationMapping The GetAlternateLocationMapping is used to return a file set's alternate location for file restoration. This method can be called by either a writer or a requester. |
GetAlternateLocationMapping The GetAlternateLocationMapping method obtains a specific alternate location mapping of a file set. |
GetAlternateLocationMappingCount The GetAlternateLocationMappingCount method returns the number of alternate location mappings used by a requester in restoring data. Either a writer or a requester can call this method. |
GetAttributes The IVdsStoragePool::GetAttributes method (vds.h) returns the attributes of a storage pool. |
GetAttributes The IVdsStoragePool::GetAttributes (vdshwprv.h) method returns the attributes of a storage pool. |
GetAuthoritativeRestore Determines whether a requester has marked the restore of a component as authoritative for a replicated data store. |
GetBackupMetadata The GetBackupMetadata method retrieves private, writer-specific backup metadata that might have been set during a PrepareForBackup event by CVssWriter::OnPrepareBackup using IVssComponent::SetBackupMetadata. |
GetBackupOptions The GetBackupOptions method returns the backup options specified to the writer that manages the currently selected component or component set by a requester using IVssBackupComponents::SetBackupOptions. |
GetBackupSchema The GetBackupSchema method is used by a requester to determine from the Writer Metadata Document the types of backup operations that a given writer can participate in. |
GetBackupStamp The GetBackupStamp method returns the backup stamp string stored by a writer for a given component. |
GetBackupSucceeded The GetBackupSucceeded method returns the status of a complete attempt at backing up all the files of a selected component or component set as a VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS enumeration. |
GetBackupType The GetBackupType method indicates the type of backup to be performed. |
GetBackupTypeMask The GetBackupTypeMask method returns the file backup specification for the files specified by the current file descriptor as a bit mask (or bitwise OR) of VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE values. |
GetCommConfig Retrieves the current configuration of a communications device. |
GetCommMask Retrieves the value of the event mask for a specified communications device. |
GetCommModemStatus Retrieves the modem control-register values. |
GetCommPorts Gets an array that contains the well-formed COM ports. |
GetCommProperties Retrieves information about the communications properties for a specified communications device. |
GetCommState Retrieves the current control settings for a specified communications device. |
GetCommTimeouts Retrieves the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on a specified communications device. |
GetComponent The GetComponent method returns an IVssComponent interface to one of a given writer's components explicitly stored in the Backup Components Document. |
GetComponent The GetComponent method obtains a Writer Metadata Document for a specified backup component. |
GetComponentCount The GetComponentCount method returns the number of a given writer's components explicitly stored in the Backup Components Document. |
GetComponentInfo The GetComponentInfo method obtains basic information about the specified writer metadata component. |
GetComponentName The GetComponentName method returns the logical name of this component. |
GetComponentName The GetComponentName method retrieves the name of a component that the current component depends on in an explicit writer-component dependency. |
GetComponentType The GetComponentType method returns the type of this component in terms of the VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE enumeration. |
GetConnectedInitiators The IVdsIscsiTarget::GetConnectedInitiators method (vds.h) returns the list of iSCSI names of the initiators currently logged into the target. |
GetConnectedInitiators The IVdsIscsiTarget::GetConnectedInitiators (vdshwprv.h) method returns the list of iSCSI names of the initiators currently logged into the target. |
GetContext The GetContext information returns the current context for any ongoing or possible shadow copies. |
GetController The IVdsControllerPort::GetController (vds.h) method returns the controller to which the controller port belongs. |
GetController The IVdsControllerPort::GetController method (vdshwprv.h) returns the controller to which the controller port belongs. |
GetCurrentLevel The GetCurrentLevel method returns the current application level. |
GetCurrentPowerPolicies Retrieves the current system power policy settings. |
GetCurrentSnapshotSetId The GetCurrentSnapshotSetId method returns the unique identifier of the shadow copy set. |
GetCurrentVolumeArray The GetCurrentVolumeArray method returns the names of the original volumes and the UNC paths of the original remote file shares that belong to the shadow copy set as an array of null-terminated wide character strings.Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: Remote file shares are not supported until Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. |
GetCurrentVolumeCount The GetCurrentVolumeCount method returns the number of volumes in the shadow copy set. |
GetDatabaseFile The GetDatabaseFile method obtains an IVssWMFiledesc object containing information about the specified database backup component file. |
GetDatabaseLogFile The GetDatabaseLogFile method obtains a file descriptor for the log file associated with the specified database backup component. |
GetDefaultCommConfigA Retrieves the default configuration for the specified communications device. (ANSI) |
GetDefaultCommConfigW Retrieves the default configuration for the specified communications device. (Unicode) |
GetDependency The GetDependency method returns an instance of the IVssWMDependency interface containing accessors for obtaining information about explicit writer-component dependencies of one of the current components. |
GetDeviceName Returns the device name for the volume where the virtual disk resides. |
GetDevicePowerState Retrieves the current power state of the specified device. |
GetDifferencedFile The GetDifferencedFile method returns information about a file set (a specified file or files) to participate in an incremental or differential backup or restore as a differenced file that is, backup and restores associated with it are to be implemented as if entire files are copied to and from backup media (as opposed to using partial files). |
GetDifferencedFilesCount Returns the number of file specifications in this component (and in any subcomponents of the component set it defines) marked by a writer supporting an incremental backup or restore as differenced files. |
GetDirectedTarget The GetDirectedTarget method returns information stored by a writer, at backup time, to the Backup Components Document to indicate that when a file is to be restored, it (the source file) should be remapped. |
GetDirectedTargetCount The GetDirectedTargetCount method returns the number of directed target specifications associated with the current component. Either a writer or a requester can call this method. |
GetDiskFromVDisk Returns an IVdsDisk interface pointer for a virtual disk given an IVdsVDisk interface pointer. |
GetDiskIdFromLunInfo Retrieves the VDS object ID for the disk that corresponds to a specified LUN. |
GetDllDirectoryA Retrieves the application-specific portion of the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (ANSI) |
GetDllDirectoryW Retrieves the application-specific portion of the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (Unicode) |
GetDocument Not supported. (IVssCreateWriterMetadata.GetDocument) |
GetDocument Not supported. (IVssExamineWriterMetadata.GetDocument) |
GetDrive The IVdsSubSystem::GetDrive method (vds.h) returns the specified drive. |
GetDrive The IVdsSubSystem::GetDrive (vdshwprv.h) method returns the specified drive. |
GetDrive2 The IVdsSubSystem2::GetDrive2 method (vds.h) returns the specified drive and includes the enclosure number as a parameter. |
GetDrive2 The IVdsSubSystem2::GetDrive2 (vdshwprv.h) method returns the specified drive. |
GetDriveLetter Returns the drive letter assigned to an OEM, ESP, or unknown partition. |
GetEventLogInformation Retrieves information about the specified event log. |
GetExcludeFile The GetExcludeFile method obtains information about files that have been explicitly excluded from backup for a given writer. |
GetExcludeFromSnapshotCount Obtains the number of file sets that have been explicitly excluded from a given shadow copy. |
GetExcludeFromSnapshotFile Obtains information about file sets that have been explicitly excluded from a given shadow copy. |
GetFailure VSS requesters call this method to retrieve component-level errors reported by writers. |
GetFile The GetFile method obtains a file descriptor associated with a file group. |
GetFileCounts The GetFileCounts method obtains excluded files and the number of components that a writer manages. |
GetFileRestoreStatus The GetFileRestoreStatus method returns the status of a completed attempt to restore all the files of a selected component or component set as a VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS enumeration. |
GetFilespec The GetFilespec method returns the file specification used to obtain the list of files that the current IVssWMFiledesc object is a member of. |
GetFileSystemProperties Returns property details about the file system on the current volume. |
GetFileSystemTypeName Retrieves the name of the file system on a volume. |
GetHostVolume Returns an interface pointer to the volume object for the volume where the virtual disk resides. |
GetIdentificationData Retrieves information that uniquely identifies a disk. |
GetIdentificationData The IVdsLun::GetIdentificationData method (vds.h) returns data from the SCSI Inquiry Data and Vital Product Data pages 0x80 and 0x83. |
GetIdentificationData The IVdsLun::GetIdentificationData (vdshwprv.h) method returns data from the SCSI Inquiry Data and Vital Product Data pages 0x80 and 0x83. |
GetIdentifyInformation Obtains the metadata that the writer's OnIdentify or OnIdentifyEx method previously reported. |
GetIdentity The GetIdentity method obtains basic information about a specific writer instance. |
GetIdentityEx The GetIdentityEx method obtains the writer instance name and other basic information about a specific writer instance. |
GetImportTarget Returns the Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS) import target for the computer for this subsystem. |
GetIncludeFile Not supported. (IVssExamineWriterMetadata.GetIncludeFile) |
GetInitiatorAdapter Returns the initiator adapter to which the initiator portal belongs. |
GetInitiatorName Returns the iSCSI name of the local initiator service. |
GetIpsecSecurity Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsIscsiInitiatorPortal.GetIpsecSecurity) |
GetIpsecSecurity The IVdsIscsiPortal::GetIpsecSecurity method (vds.h) is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
GetIpsecSecurity The IVdsIscsiPortal::GetIpsecSecurity (vdshwprv.h) method is not supported but is reserved for future use. |
GetLargePageMinimum Retrieves the minimum size of a large page. |
GetLoadBalancePolicy The IVdsLunMpio::GetLoadBalancePolicy method (vds.h) returns the current load balance policy on the LUN. |
GetLoadBalancePolicy The IVdsLunMpio::GetLoadBalancePolicy (vdshwprv.h) method returns the current load balance policy on the LUN. |
GetLogicalPath The GetLogicalPath method returns the logical path of this component. |
GetLogicalPath The GetLogicalPath method retrieves the logical path of a component that the current component depends on in explicit writer-component dependency. |
GetLun The IVdsLunPlex::GetLun method (vds.h) returns the LUN to which the plex belongs. |
GetLun The IVdsLunPlex::GetLun (vdshwprv.h) method returns the LUN to which the plex belongs. |
GetLunNumber The IVdsLunNumber::GetLunNumber method (vds.h) retrieves the LUN number for a LUN. |
GetLunNumber The IVdsLunNumber::GetLunNumber (vdshwprv.h) method retrieves the LUN number for a LUN. |
GetMailslotInfo Retrieves information about the specified mailslot. |
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities Gets the memory error handling capabilities of the system. |
GetMinDiffAreaSize Returns the current minimum size of the shadow copy storage area. |
GetModuleFileNameA Retrieves the fully qualified path for the file that contains the specified module. The module must have been loaded by the current process. (ANSI) |
GetModuleFileNameW Retrieves the fully qualified path for the file that contains the specified module. The module must have been loaded by the current process. (Unicode) |
GetModuleHandleA Retrieves a module handle for the specified module. The module must have been loaded by the calling process. (ANSI) |
GetModuleHandleExA Retrieves a module handle for the specified module and increments the module's reference count unless GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT is specified. The module must have been loaded by the calling process. (ANSI) |
GetModuleHandleExW Retrieves a module handle for the specified module and increments the module's reference count unless GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT is specified. The module must have been loaded by the calling process. (Unicode) |
GetModuleHandleW Retrieves a module handle for the specified module. The module must have been loaded by the calling process. (Unicode) |
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA The GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) retrieves the client computer name for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW The GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves the client computer name for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeClientProcessId Retrieves the client process identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeClientSessionId Retrieves the client session identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA The GetNamedPipeHandleStateA (ANSI) function (winbase.h) retrieves information about a specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeHandleStateW The GetNamedPipeHandleStateW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) retrieves information about a specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeInfo Retrieves information about the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeServerProcessId Retrieves the server process identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNamedPipeServerSessionId Retrieves the server session identifier for the specified named pipe. |
GetNewTarget The GetNewTarget method returns the new file restoration locations for the selected component or component set. |
GetNewTargetCount The GetNewTargetCount method returns the number of new target restore locations associated with a given component. |
GetNumberOfEventLogRecords Retrieves the number of records in the specified event log. |
GetObject Returns an object pointer for the identified object. |
GetObject Returns the specified object. |
GetOldestEventLogRecord Retrieves the absolute record number of the oldest record in the specified event log. |
GetPack Returns the disk pack to which the current disk is a member. |
GetPack Retrieves the pack to which the volume is a member. |
GetPartialFile The GetPartialFile method returns information on a partial file associated with this component. |
GetPartialFileCount The GetPartialFileCount method returns the number of partial files associated with a component. |
GetPartitionFileSystemProperties Returns property details about the file system on a partition on the disk at a specified byte offset. |
GetPartitionFileSystemTypeName Retrieves the name of the file system on a partition on the disk at a specified byte offset. |
GetPartitionProperties Returns the properties of the partition identified by the partition offset. |
GetPath The GetPath method obtains the fully qualified directory path or the UNC path of the remote file share to obtain the list of files described in the current IVssWMFiledesc object. |
GetPathInfo The IVdsLunMpio::GetPathInfo method (vds.h) returns an array of VDS_PATH_INFO structures, one for each path to the LUN. |
GetPathInfo The IVdsLunMpio::GetPathInfo (vdshwprv.h) method returns an array of VDS_PATH_INFO structures, one for each path to the LUN. |
GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory Retrieves the amount of RAM that is physically installed on the computer. |
GetPortProperties The IVdsController::GetPortProperties (vds.h) method returns the properties of the specified controller port. |
GetPortProperties The IVdsController::GetPortProperties method (vdshwprv.h) returns the properties of the specified controller port. |
GetPostRestoreFailureMsg The GetPostRestoreFailureMsg method returns the failure message generated by a writer while handling the PostRestore event, if IVssComponent::SetPostRestoreFailureMsg set one. |
GetPostSnapshotFailureMsg Returns the PostSnapshot failure message string that a writer has set for a given component. |
GetPrepareForBackupFailureMsg Returns the PrepareForBackup failure message string that a writer has set for a given component. |
GetPreRestoreFailureMsg The GetPreRestoreFailureMsg method retrieves the error message generated by a writer while handling the PreRestore event, if IVssComponent::SetPreRestoreFailureMsg set one. |
GetPreviousBackupStamp The GetPreviousBackupStamp method returns a previous backup stamp loaded by a requester in the Backup Components Document. The value is used by a writer when deciding if files should participate in differential or incremental backup operation. |
GetProcAddress Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL). |
GetProcessDEPPolicy Gets the data execution prevention (DEP) and DEP-ATL thunk emulation settings for the specified 32-bit process.Windows XP with SP3: Gets the DEP and DEP-ATL thunk emulation settings for the current process. |
GetProcessHeap Retrieves a handle to the default heap of the calling process. |
GetProcessHeaps Returns the number of active heaps and retrieves handles to all of the active heaps for the calling process. |
GetProperties The IVdsController::GetProperties (vds.h) method returns the properties of a controller. |
GetProperties The IVdsControllerPort::GetProperties (vds.h) method retrieves the properties of a controller port. |
GetProperties Returns property information for a disk. |
GetProperties The IVdsDrive::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a drive object. |
GetProperties Retrieves the properties of an HBA port. |
GetProperties Returns the properties of an initiator adapter. |
GetProperties Returns the properties of an initiator portal. |
GetProperties The IVdsIscsiPortal::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a portal. |
GetProperties The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a portal group. |
GetProperties The IVdsIscsiTarget::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of an iSCSI target. |
GetProperties The IVdsLun::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a LUN object. |
GetProperties The IVdsLunPlex::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of the LUN plex. |
GetProperties Returns the property details of a pack object. |
GetProperties The IVdsProvider::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a provider. |
GetProperties Returns the properties of VDS. |
GetProperties The IVdsStoragePool::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a storage pool. |
GetProperties The IVdsSubSystem::GetProperties method (vds.h) returns the properties of a subsystem. |
GetProperties Returns disk property information for the volume where the virtual disk resides. |
GetProperties Returns property details of the current volume. |
GetProperties Returns the property details of the current volume plex. |
GetProperties The IVdsController::GetProperties method (vdshwprv.h) returns the properties of a controller. |
GetProperties The IVdsControllerPort::GetProperties method (vdshwprv.h) retrieves the properties of a controller port. |
GetProperties The IVdsDrive::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a drive object. |
GetProperties The IVdsIscsiPortal::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a portal. |
GetProperties The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a portal group. |
GetProperties The IVdsIscsiTarget::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of an iSCSI target. |
GetProperties The IVdsLun::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a LUN object. |
GetProperties The IVdsLunPlex::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of the LUN plex. |
GetProperties The IVdsProvider::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a provider. |
GetProperties The IVdsStoragePool::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a storage pool. |
GetProperties The IVdsSubSystem::GetProperties (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a subsystem. |
GetProperties2 Returns property information for a disk. This method is identical to the IVdsDisk::GetProperties method, except that it returns a VDS_DISK_PROP2 structure instead of a VDS_DISK_PROP structure. |
GetProperties2 The IVdsDrive2::GetProperties2 method (vds.h) returns the properties of a drive object. |
GetProperties2 The IVdsSubSystem2::GetProperties2 method (vds.h) returns the properties of a subsystem. |
GetProperties2 Returns property information for the current volume. This method is identical to the IVdsVolume::GetProperties method, except that it returns a VDS_VOLUME_PROP2 structure instead of a VDS_VOLUME_PROP structure. |
GetProperties2 The IVdsDrive2::GetProperties2 (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a drive object. |
GetProperties2 The VdsSubSystem2::GetProperties2 (vdshwprv.h) method returns the properties of a subsystem. |
GetProvider Returns the software provider associated with a pack. |
GetProvider The IVdsStoragePool::GetProvider method (vds.h) returns the hardware provider that manages the storage pool. |
GetProvider The IVdsSubSystem::GetProvider method (vds.h) returns the provider that manages the subsystem. |
GetProvider The IVdsStoragePool::GetProvider (vdshwprv.h) method returns the hardware provider that manages the storage pool. |
GetProvider The IVdsSubSystem::GetProvider (vdshwprv.h) method returns the provider that manages the subsystem. |
GetProviderCapabilities This method is reserved for future use. (IVssHardwareSnapshotProviderEx.GetProviderCapabilities) |
GetProviderMgmtInterface Returns an interface to further configure the system provider. |
GetProviderType The IVdsHwProviderType::GetProviderType method (vds.h) retrieves the type of the hardware provider. |
GetProviderType The IVdsHwProviderType::GetProviderType (vdshwprv.h) method retrieves the type of the hardware provider. |
GetProviderType2 The IVdsHwProviderType2::GetProviderType2 method (vds.h) retrieves the type of the hardware provider. |
GetProviderType2 The IVdsHwProviderType2::GetProviderType2 (vdshwprv.h) method retrieves the type of the hardware provider. |
GetPwrCapabilities Retrieves information about the system power capabilities. |
GetPwrDiskSpindownRange Retrieves the disk spindown range. |
GetRecursive Indicates whether the list of files described in a IVssWMFiledesc object with a root directory returned by IVssWMFiledesc::GetPath contains only files in that directory. |
GetRestoreMetadata The GetRestoreMetadata method retrieves private, writer-specific restore metadata that might have been set during a PreRestore event by CVssWriter::OnPreRestore using IVssComponent::SetRestoreMetadata. |
GetRestoreMethod The GetRestoreMethod method returns information about how a writer wants its data to be restored. |
GetRestoreName Obtains the logical name assigned to a component that is being restored. |
GetRestoreOptions The GetRestoreOptions method gets the restore options specified to the current writer by a requester using IVssBackupComponents::SetRestoreOptions. |
GetRestoreSubcomponent The GetRestoreSubcomponent method returns the specified subcomponent associated with a given component. |
GetRestoreSubcomponentCount The GetRestoreSubcomponentCount method returns the number of subcomponents associated with a component. |
GetRestoreTarget The GetRestoreTarget method returns the restore target (in terms of the VSS_RESTORE_TARGET enumeration) for the current component. |
GetRestoreType The GetRestoreType method returns the type of restore a writer is participating in. |
GetRollForward Obtains the roll-forward operation type for a component and obtains the restore point for a partial roll-forward operation. |
GetRootAndLogicalPrefixPaths Normalizes a local volume path or UNC share path so that it can be passed to the IVssBackupComponents::AddToSnapshotSet method. |
GetSANPolicy Gets the disk SAN policy for the operating system. |
GetSessionId Returns the writer's session identifier. |
GetSessionId Returns the requester's session identifier. |
GetSnapshotDeviceName The GetSnapshotDeviceName method returns the name of the device that hosts the shadow copy of the specified volume or file share. |
GetSnapshotProperties The GetSnapshotProperties method gets the properties of the specified shadow copy. |
GetSnapshotProperties Gets the VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structure for a file share snapshot. |
GetSnapshotProperties Gets the properties of the specified shadow copy. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsController::GetSubSystem (vds.h) method returns the subsystem to which the controller belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsDrive::GetSubSystem method (vds.h) returns the subsystem to which the drive belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsIscsiPortal::GetSubSystem method (vds.h) returns the subsystem to which the portal belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsIscsiTarget::GetSubSystem method (vds.h) returns the subsystem to which the target belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsLun::GetSubSystem method (vds.h) returns the subsystem that surfaces the LUN. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsController::GetSubSystem method (vdshwprv.h) returns the subsystem to which the controller belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsDrive::GetSubSystem (vdshwprv.h) method returns the subsystem to which the drive belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsIscsiPortal::GetSubSystem (vdshwprv.h) method returns the subsystem to which the portal belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsIscsiTarget::GetSubSystem (vdshwprv.h) method returns the subsystem to which the target belongs. |
GetSubSystem The IVdsLun::GetSubSystem (vdshwprv.h) method returns the subsystem that surfaces the LUN. |
GetSupportedInterconnects The IVdsSubSystemInterconnect::GetSupportedInterconnects method (vds.h) returns the interconnect types that the subsystem supports. |
GetSupportedInterconnects The IVdsSubSystemInterconnect::GetSupportedInterconnects (vdshwprv.h) method returns the interconnect types that the subsystem supports. |
GetSupportedLbPolicies The IVdsLunMpio::GetSupportedLbPolicies method (vds.h) retrieves the load balance policies that are supported by the hardware provider. |
GetSupportedLbPolicies The IVdsLunMpio::GetSupportedLbPolicies (vdshwprv.h) method retrieves the load balance policies that are supported by the hardware provider. |
GetSystemDEPPolicy Gets the data execution prevention (DEP) policy setting for the system. |
GetSystemFileCacheSize Retrieves the current size limits for the working set of the system cache. |
GetSystemPowerStatus Retrieves the power status of the system. The status indicates whether the system is running on AC or DC power, whether the battery is currently charging, how much battery life remains, and if battery saver is on or off. |
GetTarget The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::GetTarget method (vds.h) returns the target to which the portal group belongs. |
GetTarget The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::GetTarget (vdshwprv.h) method returns the target to which the portal group belongs. |
GetTargetLuns Prompts the hardware provider to initialize the VDS_LUN_INFORMATION structures for the newly created shadow copy LUNs. |
GetVDiskFromDisk Returns an IVdsVDisk interface pointer for the virtual disk given an IVdsDisk interface pointer. |
GetVersion Obtains the version information for a writer application. |
GetVersionSupport The IVdsProviderSupport::GetVersionSupport method (vds.h) returns a bitmask of values enumerated by VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG with supported VDS interfaces. |
GetVersionSupport The IVdsProviderSupport::GetVersionSupport (vdshwprv.h) method returns a bitmask of values enumerated by VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG indicating the versions of the VDS interfaces. |
GetVolume Returns the volume to which the current plex is a member. |
GetVolumeProtectLevel Gets the shadow copy protection level and status for the specified volume. |
GetWriterComponents The GetWriterComponents method is used to return information about those components of a given writer that have been stored in a requester's Backup Components Document. |
GetWriterComponentsCount The GetWriterComponentsCount method returns the number of writers whose components have been added to a requester's Backup Components Document. |
GetWriterId The GetWriterId method retrieves the class ID of a writer containing a component that the current component depends on in an explicit writer-component dependency. |
GetWriterInfo The GetWriterInfo method gets the instance and class identifier of the writer responsible for the components. |
GetWriterMetadata The GetWriterMetadata method returns the metadata for a specific writer running on the system. |
GetWriterMetadataCount The GetWriterMetadataCount method returns the number of writers with metadata. |
GetWriterMetadataEx The GetWriterMetadataEx method returns the metadata for a specific writer instance running on the system. |
GetWriterStatus The GetWriterStatus method returns the status of the specified writer. |
GetWriterStatusCount The GetWriterStatusCount method returns the number of writers with status. |
GetWriterStatusEx Returns extended status information for the specified writer. |
GetWriteWatch Retrieves the addresses of the pages that are written to in a region of virtual memory. |
GlobalAlloc Allocates the specified number of bytes from the heap. (GlobalAlloc) |
GlobalDiscard Discards the specified global memory block. |
GlobalFlags Retrieves information about the specified global memory object. |
GlobalFree Frees the specified global memory object and invalidates its handle. |
GlobalHandle Retrieves the handle associated with the specified pointer to a global memory block. |
GlobalLock Locks a global memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block. |
GlobalMemoryStatus Retrieves information about the system's current usage of both physical and virtual memory. (GlobalMemoryStatus) |
GlobalMemoryStatusEx Retrieves information about the system's current usage of both physical and virtual memory. (GlobalMemoryStatusEx) |
GlobalReAlloc Changes the size or attributes of a specified global memory object. The size can increase or decrease. |
GlobalSize Retrieves the current size of the specified global memory object, in bytes. |
GlobalUnlock Decrements the lock count associated with a memory object that was allocated with GMEM_MOVEABLE. |
HeapAlloc Allocates a block of memory from a heap. The allocated memory is not movable. |
HeapCompact Returns the size of the largest committed free block in the specified heap. If the Disable heap coalesce on free global flag is set, this function also coalesces adjacent free blocks of memory in the heap. |
HeapCreate Creates a private heap object that can be used by the calling process. The function reserves space in the virtual address space of the process and allocates physical storage for a specified initial portion of this block. |
HeapDestroy Destroys the specified heap object. It decommits and releases all the pages of a private heap object, and it invalidates the handle to the heap. |
HeapFree Frees a memory block allocated from a heap by the HeapAlloc or HeapReAlloc function. |
HeapLock Attempts to acquire the critical section object, or lock, that is associated with a specified heap. |
HeapQueryInformation Retrieves information about the specified heap. |
HeapReAlloc Reallocates a block of memory from a heap. This function enables you to resize a memory block and change other memory block properties. |
HeapSetInformation Enables features for a specified heap. |
HeapSize Retrieves the size of a memory block allocated from a heap by the HeapAlloc or HeapReAlloc function. |
HeapSummary The HeapSummary function (heapapi.h) summarizes the specified heap. |
HeapUnlock Releases ownership of the critical section object, or lock, that is associated with a specified heap. |
HeapValidate Validates the specified heap. The function scans all the memory blocks in the heap and verifies that the heap control structures maintained by the heap manager are in a consistent state. |
HeapWalk Enumerates the memory blocks in the specified heap. |
ImportSnapshots Imports shadow copies transported from a different machine. |
Initialize Initializes a CVssWriter object and allows a writer application to interact with VSS. |
InitializeConditionVariable Initializes a condition variable. |
InitializeCriticalSection Initializes a critical section object. |
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount Initializes a critical section object and sets the spin count for the critical section. |
InitializeCriticalSectionEx Initializes a critical section object with a spin count and optional flags. |
InitializeEnclave Initializes an enclave that you created and loaded with data. |
InitializeEx Initializes a CVssWriterEx object and allows a writer application to interact with VSS. Unlike the Initialize method, the InitializeEx method allows the caller to specify writer version information. |
InitializeForBackup The InitializeForBackup method initializes the backup components metadata in preparation for backup. |
InitializeForRestore The InitializeForRestore method initializes the IVssBackupComponents interface in preparation for a restore operation. |
InitializeSRWLock Initialize a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock. |
InitializeSynchronizationBarrier Initializes a new synchronization barrier. |
InitiateShutdownA Initiates a shutdown and restart of the specified computer, and restarts any applications that have been registered for restart. (ANSI) |
InitiateShutdownW Initiates a shutdown and restart of the specified computer, and restarts any applications that have been registered for restart. (Unicode) |
InitiateSystemShutdownA Initiates a shutdown and optional restart of the specified computer. (ANSI) |
InitiateSystemShutdownExA Initiates a shutdown and optional restart of the specified computer, and optionally records the reason for the shutdown. (ANSI) |
InitiateSystemShutdownExW Initiates a shutdown and optional restart of the specified computer, and optionally records the reason for the shutdown. (Unicode) |
InitiateSystemShutdownW Initiates a shutdown and optional restart of the specified computer. (Unicode) |
InitOnceBeginInitialize Begins one-time initialization. |
InitOnceComplete Completes one-time initialization started with the InitOnceBeginInitialize function. |
InitOnceExecuteOnce Executes the specified function successfully one time. No other threads that specify the same one-time initialization structure can execute the specified function while it is being executed by the current thread. |
InitOnceInitialize Initializes a one-time initialization structure. |
InstallAlternateWriter Not supported. (CVssWriter.InstallAlternateWriter) |
InvalidateCache The IVdsController::InvalidateCache (vds.h) method invalidates the cache of the controller. All data in the cache is lost. |
InvalidateCache The IVdsController::InvalidateCache method (vdshwprv.h) invalidates the cache of the controller. |
IsAdminOverrideActive Not implemented. |
IsBadCodePtr Determines whether the calling process has read access to the memory at the specified address. |
IsBadReadPtr Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory. (IsBadReadPtr) |
IsBadStringPtrA Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory. (IsBadStringPtrA) |
IsBadStringPtrW Verifies that the calling process has read access to the specified range of memory. (IsBadStringPtrW) |
IsBadWritePtr Verifies that the calling process has write access to the specified range of memory. |
IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp The IsBootableSystemStateBackedUp method indicates whether the bootable state will be backed up. |
IsEnclaveTypeSupported Retrieves whether the specified type of enclave is supported. |
IsPartialFileSupportEnabled The IsPartialFileSupportEnabled method determines whether partial file support is enabled or disabled. |
IsPathAffected The IsPathAffected method determines whether the specified directory or file is included in the current shadow copy set. The path for the directory or file can be a local path or a UNC path of a remote file share. |
IsPathSnapshotted Determines whether the given Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path currently has any snapshots. |
IsPathSupported Determines whether the given Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path is supported by this provider. |
IsPwrHibernateAllowed Determines whether the computer supports hibernation. |
IsPwrShutdownAllowed Determines whether the computer supports the soft off power state. |
IsPwrSuspendAllowed Determines whether the computer supports the sleep states. |
IsSelectedForRestore The IsSelectedForRestore method determines whether the current component has been selected to be restored. |
IsServiceReady Returns the initialization status of VDS. |
IsSystemResumeAutomatic Determines the current state of the computer. |
IsVolumeSnapshotted The IsVolumeSnapshotted function (vsbackup.h) determines whether any shadow copies exist for the specified volume. |
IsVolumeSnapshotted Determines whether any shadow copies exist for the specified volume. |
IsVolumeSnapshottedInternal The IsVolumeSnapshottedInternal function (vsbackup.h) determines whether any shadow copies exist for the specified volume. |
IsVolumeSupported The IsVolumeSupported method determines whether the specified provider supports shadow copies on the specified volume or remote file share. |
IsVolumeSupported Determines whether the provider supports shadow copies on the specified volume. |
IsWriterShuttingDown Determines whether the writer is shutting down. |
LeaveCriticalSection Releases ownership of the specified critical section object. |
LoadEnclaveData Loads data into an uninitialized enclave that you created by calling CreateEnclave. |
LoadEnclaveImageA Loads an image and all of its imports into an enclave. (ANSI) |
LoadEnclaveImageW Loads an image and all of its imports into an enclave. (Unicode) |
LoadFromXML The LoadFromXML method loads an XML document that contains a writer's metadata document into an IVssExamineWriterMetadata interface. |
LoadLibraryA Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. (LoadLibraryA) |
LoadLibraryExA Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. (LoadLibraryExA) |
LoadLibraryExW Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. (LoadLibraryExW) |
LoadLibraryW Loads the specified module into the address space of the calling process. (LoadLibraryW) |
LoadMetadata Causes VSS to load the writer's metadata from a string instead of the express writer metadata store. |
LoadModule Loads and executes an application or creates a new instance of an existing application. |
LoadPackagedLibrary Loads the specified packaged module and its dependencies into the address space of the calling process. |
LoadService Launches VDS on the specified computer and returns a pointer to the service object. |
LocalAlloc Allocates the specified number of bytes from the heap. (LocalAlloc) |
LocalDiscard Discards the specified local memory object. The lock count of the memory object must be zero. |
LocalFlags Retrieves information about the specified local memory object. |
LocalFree Frees the specified local memory object and invalidates its handle. |
LocalHandle Retrieves the handle associated with the specified pointer to a local memory object. |
LocalLock Locks a local memory object and returns a pointer to the first byte of the object's memory block. |
LocalReAlloc Changes the size or the attributes of a specified local memory object. The size can increase or decrease. |
LocalSize Retrieves the current size of the specified local memory object, in bytes. |
LocalUnlock Decrements the lock count associated with a memory object that was allocated with LMEM_MOVEABLE. |
LocateLuns Prompts the hardware provider to make the shadow copy LUNs visible to the computer. |
LockWorkStation Locks the workstation's display. |
LoginToTarget Performs a manual login to an iSCSI target. |
LogoutFromTarget Performs a manual logout from an iSCSI target on all iSCSI sessions to the specified target. |
MapUserPhysicalPages Maps previously allocated physical memory pages at a specified address in an Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region. (MapUserPhysicalPages) |
MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter Maps previously allocated physical memory pages at a specified address in an Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) region. (MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter) |
MapViewOfFile Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling process. |
MapViewOfFile2 Maps a view of a file or a pagefile-backed section into the address space of the specified process. (MapViewOfFile2) |
MapViewOfFile3 Maps a view of a file or a pagefile-backed section into the address space of the specified process. (MapViewOfFile3) |
MapViewOfFile3FromApp Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling Windows Store app. (MapViewOfFile3FromApp) |
MapViewOfFileEx Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling process. A caller can optionally specify a suggested base memory address for the view. |
MapViewOfFileExNuma Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling process and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. |
MapViewOfFileFromApp Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling Windows Store app. (MapViewOfFileFromApp) |
MapViewOfFileNuma2 Maps a view of a file or a pagefile-backed section into the address space of the specified process. (MapViewOfFileNuma2) |
Merge Merges a child virtual disk with its parents in the differencing chain. |
MigrateDiffAreas This method is reserved for future use. (IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt2.MigrateDiffAreas) |
MigrateDisks Migrates a set of disks from one pack to another pack. |
Mount Mounts a volume. |
Next The IEnumVdsObject::Next (vds.h) method returns a specified number of objects in the enumeration, beginning from the current point. |
Next The IEnumVdsObject::Next method (vdshwprv.h) returns a specified number of objects in the enumeration, beginning from the current point. |
Next Returns the specified number of objects from the specified list of enumerated objects. (IVssEnumObject.Next) |
Next Returns the specified number of objects from the specified list of enumerated objects. (IVssEnumMgmtObject.Next) |
NotifyChangeEventLog Enables an application to receive notification when an event is written to the specified event log. |
OfferVirtualMemory Indicates that the data contained in a range of memory pages is no longer needed by the application and can be discarded by the system if necessary. |
Offline Takes the disk offline.Windows Vista: This method is not supported until Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1). Use IVdsDisk2::SetSANMode instead. |
OfflineVolume Takes the volume offline by using the IOCTL_VOLUME_OFFLINE control code. |
OnAbort The OnAbort method is called by a writer following an Abort event issued by VSS indicating that a shadow copy operation has terminated prematurely. The writer uses this method to clean up from its attempt to participate in that operation. |
OnBackOffIOOnVolume Not supported. (CVssWriter.OnBackOffIOOnVolume) |
OnBackupComplete The OnBackupComplete method is called by a writer following a BackupComplete event. It is used to perform operations considered necessary following a backup. These operations cannot, however, modify the Backup Components Document. |
OnBackupShutdown The OnBackupShutdown method is called by a writer following a BackupShutdown event. It is used to perform operations considered necessary when a backup application shuts down, particularly in the case of a crash of the backup application. |
OnContinueIOOnVolume Not supported. (CVssWriter.OnContinueIOOnVolume) |
OnFreeze The OnFreeze method is called by a writer on receipt of a Freeze event at the start of a shadow copy freeze. A writer uses this method to perform operations needed to participate in the freeze or to veto the freeze. |
OnIdentify The OnIdentify method is called by a writer following receipt of an Identify event. |
OnIdentifyEx Returns a pointer to an IVssCreateWriterMetadataEx object. |
Online Brings the disk online. |
Online Returns a volume to the healthy state, if possible. This method is supported only for dynamic disks. |
OnLoad Prompts the provider to initialize itself, and passes a callback object that the provider uses to get necessary interfaces. |
OnLoad Notifies a provider that it was loaded. |
OnLunEmpty Called whenever VSS determines that a shadow copy LUN contains no interesting data. |
OnLunStateChange The VSS service calls this method to notify hardware providers of a LUN state change. |
OnNotify The IVdsAdviseSink::OnNotify (vds.h) method passes notifications from providers to VDS, and from VDS to applications. |
OnNotify The IVdsAdviseSink::OnNotify method (vdshwprv.h) passes notifications from providers to VDS, and from VDS to applications. |
OnPostRestore The OnPostRestore method is called by a writer following a PostRestore event. It is used to perform operations considered necessary after files are restored to disk by a requester. These operations cannot, however, modify the Backup Components Document. |
OnPostSnapshot The OnPostSnapshot method is called by a writer following a PostSnapshot event. |
OnPrepareBackup The OnPrepareBackup method is called by a writer following a PrepareForBackup event. This method is used to configure a writer's state and its components in preparation for a backup operation. |
OnPrepareSnapshot The OnPrepareSnapshot method is called by a writer to handle a PrepareForSnapshot event. It is used to perform operations needed to prepare a writer to participate in the shadow copy or to veto a shadow copy. |
OnPreRestore The OnPreRestore method is called by a writer following a PreRestore event. |
OnReuseLuns This method is reserved for future use. (IVssHardwareSnapshotProviderEx.OnReuseLuns) |
OnThaw The OnThaw method is called by a writer following a Thaw event. |
OnUnload Prompts the provider object to uninitialize itself. |
OnUnload Notifies the provider to prepare to be unloaded. |
OnVSSApplicationStartup Not supported. (CVssWriter.OnVSSApplicationStartup) |
OnVSSShutdown Not supported. (CVssWriter.OnVssShutdown) |
Open Opens a handle to the specified virtual disk file and returns an IVdsOpenVDisk interface pointer to the object that represents the opened handle. |
OpenBackupEventLogA Opens a handle to a backup event log created by the BackupEventLog function. (ANSI) |
OpenBackupEventLogW Opens a handle to a backup event log created by the BackupEventLog function. (Unicode) |
OpenCommPort Attempts to open a communication device. |
OpenEventA Opens an existing named event object. (ANSI) |
OpenEventLogA Opens a handle to the specified event log. (ANSI) |
OpenEventLogW Opens a handle to the specified event log. (Unicode) |
OpenEventW Opens an existing named event object. (Unicode) |
OpenFileMappingA Opens a named file mapping object. (OpenFileMappingA) |
OpenFileMappingFromApp Opens a named file mapping object. (OpenFileMappingFromApp) |
OpenFileMappingW Opens a named file mapping object. (OpenFileMappingW) |
OpenMutexW Opens an existing named mutex object. |
OpenSemaphoreW Opens an existing named semaphore object. |
OpenWaitableTimerW Opens an existing named waitable timer object. |
PeekNamedPipe Copies data from a named or anonymous pipe into a buffer without removing it from the pipe. |
PINIT_ONCE_FN An application-defined callback function. Specify a pointer to this function when calling the InitOnceExecuteOnce function. |
PostCommitSnapshots Is called after all providers involved in the shadow copy set have succeeded with CommitSnapshots. |
PostFinalCommitSnapshots Supports auto-recover shadow copies. |
PostRestore The PostRestore method will cause VSS to generate a PostRestore event, signaling writers that the current restore operation has finished. |
PowerCanRestoreIndividualDefaultPowerScheme Determines if the current user has access to the data for the specified power scheme so that it could be restored if necessary. |
PowerClearRequest Decrements the count of power requests of the specified type for a power request object. |
PowerCreatePossibleSetting Creates a possible setting value for a specified power setting. |
PowerCreateRequest Creates a new power request object. |
PowerCreateSetting Creates a setting value for a specified power setting. |
PowerDeleteScheme Deletes the specified power scheme from the database. |
PowerDeterminePlatformRole Determines the computer role for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. |
PowerDeterminePlatformRoleEx Determines the computer role for the specified platform. |
PowerDuplicateScheme Duplicates an existing power scheme. |
PowerEnumerate Enumerates the specified elements in a power scheme. |
PowerGetActiveScheme Retrieves the active power scheme and returns a GUID that identifies the scheme. |
PowerGetUserConfiguredACPowerMode Retrieves the user configured power mode GUID when the device is in an AC (adapter/charge) supply state. |
PowerGetUserConfiguredDCPowerMode Retrieves the user configured power mode GUID when the device is in an AC (adapter/charge) supply state. |
PowerImportPowerScheme Imports a power scheme from a file. |
PowerIsSettingRangeDefined Queries whether the specified power setting represents a range of possible values. |
PowerOpenSystemPowerKey Not implemented. |
PowerOpenUserPowerKey Not implemented. |
PowerReadACDefaultIndex Retrieves the default AC index of the specified power setting. |
PowerReadACValue Retrieves the AC power value for the specified power setting. |
PowerReadACValueIndex Retrieves the AC index of the specified power setting. |
PowerReadDCDefaultIndex Retrieves the default DC index of the specified power setting. |
PowerReadDCValue Retrieves the DC power value for the specified power setting. |
PowerReadDCValueIndex Retrieves the DC value index of the specified power setting. |
PowerReadDescription Retrieves the description for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme. |
PowerReadFriendlyName Retrieves the friendly name for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme. |
PowerReadIconResourceSpecifier Retrieves the icon resource for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme. |
PowerReadPossibleDescription Retrieves the description for one of the possible choices of a power setting value. |
PowerReadPossibleFriendlyName Retrieves the friendly name for one of the possible choices of a power setting value. |
PowerReadPossibleValue Retrieves the value for a possible value of a power setting. |
PowerReadSettingAttributes Returns the current attribute of the specified power setting. |
PowerReadValueIncrement Retrieves the increment for valid values between the power settings minimum and maximum. |
PowerReadValueMax Retrieves the maximum value for the specified power setting. |
PowerReadValueMin Retrieves the minimum value for the specified power setting. |
PowerReadValueUnitsSpecifier Reads the string used to describe the units of a power setting that supports a range of values. |
PowerRegisterForEffectivePowerModeNotifications Registers a callback to receive effective power mode change notifications. |
PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification Registers to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed. |
PowerRemovePowerSetting Deletes the specified power setting. |
PowerReplaceDefaultPowerSchemes Replaces the default power schemes with the current user's power schemes. |
PowerReportThermalEvent Notifies the operating system of thermal events. |
PowerRestoreDefaultPowerSchemes Replaces the power schemes for the system with default power schemes. All current power schemes and settings are deleted and replaced with the default system power schemes. |
PowerRestoreIndividualDefaultPowerScheme Replaces a specific power scheme for the current user with one from the default user (stored in HKEY_USERS.Default). |
PowerSetActiveScheme Sets the active power scheme for the current user. |
PowerSetRequest Increments the count of power requests of the specified type for a power request object. |
PowerSettingAccessCheck Queries for a group policy override for specified power settings. |
PowerSettingAccessCheckEx Queries for a group policy override for specified power settings and specifies the requested access for the setting. |
PowerSettingRegisterNotification Registers to receive notification when a power setting changes. |
PowerSettingUnregisterNotification Cancels a registration to receive notification when a power setting changes. |
PowerSetUserConfiguredACPowerMode Updates the user configured power mode setting when the device is in an AC (adapter/charge) supply state. |
PowerSetUserConfiguredDCPowerMode Updates the user configured power mode setting when the device is in an DC (battery/drain) supply state. |
PowerUnregisterFromEffectivePowerModeNotifications Unregisters from effective power mode change notifications. This function is intended to be called from cleanup code and will wait for all callbacks to complete before unregistering. |
PowerUnregisterSuspendResumeNotification Cancels a registration to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed. |
PowerWriteACDefaultIndex Sets the default AC index of the specified power setting. |
PowerWriteDCDefaultIndex Sets the default DC index of the specified power setting. |
PowerWriteDescription Sets the description for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme. |
PowerWriteFriendlyName Sets the friendly name for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme. |
PowerWriteIconResourceSpecifier Sets the icon resource for the specified power setting, subgroup, or scheme. |
PowerWritePossibleDescription Sets the description for one of the possible choices of a power setting value. |
PowerWritePossibleFriendlyName Sets the friendly name for the specified possible setting of a power setting. |
PowerWritePossibleValue Sets the value for a possible value of a power setting. |
PowerWriteSettingAttributes Sets the power attributes of a power key. |
PowerWriteValueIncrement Sets the increment for valid values between the power settings minimum and maximum. |
PowerWriteValueMax Sets the maximum value for the specified power setting. |
PowerWriteValueMin Sets the minimum value for the specified power setting. |
PowerWriteValueUnitsSpecifier Writes the string used to describe the units of a power setting that supports a range of values. |
PreCommitSnapshots Ensures the provider is ready to quickly commit the prepared LUNs. |
PreFastRecovery This method is reserved for future use. (IVssBackupComponentsEx2.PreFastRecovery) |
PrefetchVirtualMemory Provides an efficient mechanism to bring into memory potentially discontiguous virtual address ranges in a process address space. |
PreFinalCommitSnapshots Enables providers to support auto-recover shadow copies. |
PrepareForBackup The PrepareForBackup method will cause VSS to generate a PrepareForBackup event, signaling writers to prepare for an upcoming backup operation. This makes a requester's Backup Components Document available to writers. |
PreRestore The PreRestore method will cause VSS to generate a PreRestore event, signaling writers to prepare for an upcoming restore operation. |
PSECURE_MEMORY_CACHE_CALLBACK An application-defined function previously registered with the AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback function that is called when a secured memory range is freed or its protections are changed. |
PTIMERAPCROUTINE An application-defined timer completion routine. Specify this address when calling the SetWaitableTimer function. |
PulseMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance::PulseMaintenance method (vds.h) performs the specified operation a specified number of times. |
PulseMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance::PulseMaintenance (vdshwprv.h) method performs the specified operation a specified number of times. |
PurgeComm Discards all characters from the output or input buffer of a specified communications resource. It can also terminate pending read or write operations on the resource. |
PWRSCHEMESENUMPROC_V1 Not implemented. |
PWRSCHEMESENUMPROC_V2 Not implemented. |
Query The Query method queries providers on the system and/or the completed shadow copies in the system that reside in the current context. The method can be called only during backup operations. |
Query Gets an enumeration of VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structures for all file share snapshots that are available to the application server. |
Query Queries the provider for information about the shadow copies that the provider has completed. |
QueryAccessPaths Returns a list of access paths and a drive letter, if one exists, for the current volume. |
QueryActiveControllerPorts The IVdsLunControllerPorts::QueryActiveControllerPorts method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of currently active controller ports. |
QueryActiveControllerPorts The IVdsLunControllerPorts::QueryActiveControllerPorts (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of currently active controller ports. |
QueryActiveControllers The IVdsLun::QueryActiveControllers method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of currently active controllers which can access the LUN. |
QueryActiveControllers The IVdsLun::QueryActiveControllers (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of currently active controllers. |
QueryAllocatedLuns The IVdsStoragePool::QueryAllocatedLuns method (vds.h) returns an object that enumerates the allocated LUNs for a storage pool. |
QueryAllocatedLuns The IVdsStoragePool::QueryAllocatedLuns (vdshwprv.h) method returns an object that enumerates the allocated LUNs for a storage pool. |
QueryAllocatedStoragePools The IVdsStoragePool::QueryAllocatedStoragePools method (vds.h) returns an object that enumerates the allocated storage pools that are managed by the provider. |
QueryAllocatedStoragePools The IVdsStoragePool::QueryAllocatedStoragePools method returns an object that enumerates the allocated storage pools that are managed by the provider. |
QueryAssociatedLuns The IVdsController::QueryAssociatedLuns (vds.h) method returns an enumeration of the LUNs with which the controller is associated. |
QueryAssociatedLuns The IVdsControllerPort::QueryAssociatedLuns (vds.h) method returns an enumeration of the LUNs with which the controller port is associated. |
QueryAssociatedLuns The IVdsIscsiTarget::QueryAssociatedLuns method (vds.h) returns a enumeration of the LUNs associated with the target. |
QueryAssociatedLuns The IVdsController::QueryAssociatedLuns (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the LUNs with which the controller is associated. |
QueryAssociatedLuns The IVdsControllerPort::QueryAssociatedLuns (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the LUNs with which the controller port is associated. |
QueryAssociatedLuns The IVdsIscsiTarget::QueryAssociatedLuns (vdshwprv.h) method returns a enumeration of the LUNs associated with the target. |
QueryAssociatedPortalGroups The IVdsIscsiPortal::QueryAssociatedPortalGroups methods (vds.h) returns an enumeration of the portal groups with which the portal is associated. |
QueryAssociatedPortalGroups The IVdsIscsiPortal::QueryAssociatedPortalGroups (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the portal groups with which the portal is associated. |
QueryAssociatedPortals The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::QueryAssociatedPortals method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of the portals with which the portal group is associated. |
QueryAssociatedPortals The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::QueryAssociatedPortals (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the portals with which the portal group is associated. |
QueryAssociatedTargets The IVdsLunIscsi::QueryAssociatedTargets method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of currently associated iSCSI targets, which give access to the LUN. |
QueryAssociatedTargets The IVdsLunIscsi::QueryAssociatedTargets (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of currently associated iSCSI targets. |
QueryControllerPorts The IVdsControllerControllerPort::QueryControllerPorts (vds.h) method returns an IEnumVdsObject object that enumerates the ports of the controller. |
QueryControllerPorts The IVdsControllerControllerPort::QueryControllerPorts method (vdshwprv.h) returns an IEnumVdsObject object that enumerates the ports of the controller. |
QueryControllers The IVdsSubSystem::QueryControllers method (vds.h) returns an object that enumerates the online and offline controllers managed by the subsystem. |
QueryControllers The IVdsSubSystem::QueryControllers (vdshwprv.h) method returns an object that enumerates the online and offline controllers managed by the subsystem. |
QueryDiffAreasForSnapshot Queries shadow copy storage areas in use by the original volume associated with the input shadow copy. |
QueryDiffAreasForVolume Queries shadow copy storage areas in use by the volume. |
QueryDiffAreasOnVolume Queries shadow copy storage areas that physically reside on the given volume. |
QueryDisks Returns an object that enumerates the disks in the pack. |
QueryDriveExtents The IVdsStoragePool::QueryDriveExtents method (vds.h) returns an array of the drive extents that are used by a storage pool. |
QueryDriveExtents The IVdsStoragePool::QueryDriveExtents (vdshwprv.h) method returns an array of the drive extents that are used by a storage pool. |
QueryDriveLetters Returns property details for a set of drive letters. |
QueryDrives The IVdsSubSystem::QueryDrives method (vds.h) returns an object that enumerates the drives in the subsystem. |
QueryDrives The IVdsSubSystem::QueryDrives (vdshwprv.h) method returns an object that enumerates the drives in the subsystem. |
QueryExtents Returns the details of all the extents on a disk. |
QueryExtents The IVdsDrive::QueryExtents method (vds.h) returns an array of the extents on a drive, including both allocated and unallocated extents. |
QueryExtents The IVdsLunPlex::QueryExtents method (vds.h) returns an array of the drive extents that contribute to the plex. |
QueryExtents Returns all extents for the current plex. |
QueryExtents The VdsDrive::QueryExtents (vdshwprv.h) method returns an array of the extents on a drive, including both allocated and unallocated extents. |
QueryExtents The IVdsLunPlex::QueryExtents (vdshwprv.h) method returns an array of the drive extents that contribute to the plex. |
QueryFileSystemFormatSupport Retrieves the properties of the file systems that are supported for formatting a volume. |
QueryFileSystemTypes Returns property details for all file systems known to VDS. |
QueryFreeExtents Returns the free extents on the disk and aligns them to the specified alignment size. |
QueryHbaPorts Returns an IEnumVdsObject enumeration object containing a list of the HBA ports known to VDS on the local system. |
QueryHints The IVdsLun::QueryHints method (vds.h) returns the hints currently applied to the LUN. |
QueryHints The IVdsLunPlex::QueryHints method (vds.h) returns the hints that are currently applied to the LUN plex. |
QueryHints The IVdsLun::QueryHints (vdshwprv.h) method returns the hints currently applied to the LUN. |
QueryHints The IVdsLunPlex::QueryHints (vdshwprv.h) method returns the hints that are currently applied to the LUN plex. |
QueryHints2 The IVdsLun2::QueryHints2 method (vds.h) returns the hints currently applied to the LUN. |
QueryHints2 The IVdsLun2::QueryHints2 (vdshwprv.h) method returns the hints currently applied to the LUN. This method is identical to the IVdsLun::QueryHints method. |
QueryIfCreatedLun Enables VDS to determine whether the hardware provider manages the specified LUN. |
QueryInitiatorAdapters Returns an object that enumerates the iSCSI initiator adapters of the initiator. |
QueryInitiatorPortals Returns an object that enumerates the iSCSI initiator portals of the initiator adapter. |
QueryLuns The IVdsSubSystem::QueryLuns method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of LUNs surfaced in the subsystem. This method applies to hardware provider objects only. |
QueryLuns The IVdsSubSystem::QueryLuns (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of LUNs surfaced in the subsystem and applies to hardware provider objects only. |
QueryMaskedDisks Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsService.QueryMaskedDisks) |
QueryMaxLunCreateSize The IVdsSubSystem::QueryMaxLunCreateSize method (vds.h) returns the size of the maximum LUN that can be created using the specified LUN type and hints. |
QueryMaxLunCreateSize The IVdsSubSystem::QueryMaxLunCreateSize (vdshwprv.h) method returns the size of the maximum LUN that can be created using the specified LUN type and hints. |
QueryMaxLunCreateSize2 The IVdsSubSystem2::QueryMaxLunCreateSize2 method (vds.h) returns the size of the maximum LUN that can be created using the specified LUN type and hints. |
QueryMaxLunCreateSize2 The IVdsSubSystem2::QueryMaxLunCreateSize2 (vdshwprv.h) method returns the size of the maximum LUN that can be created using the specified LUN type and hints. |
QueryMaxLunCreateSizeInStoragePool The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools::QueryMaxLunCreateSizeInStoragePool method (vds.h) returns the maximum size of the LUN that can be created in the storage pool. |
QueryMaxLunCreateSizeInStoragePool The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools::QueryMaxLunCreateSizeInStoragePool (vdshwprv.h) method returns the maximum size of the LUN that can be created in the storage pool based on the specified LUN type and hints. |
QueryMaxLunExtendSize The IVdsLun::QueryMaxLunExtendSize method (vds.h) returns the maximum size by which a LUN can be extended. |
QueryMaxLunExtendSize The IVdsLun::QueryMaxLunExtendSize (vdshwprv.h) method returns the maximum size by which a LUN can be extended. |
QueryMaxReclaimableBytes Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be reclaimed from the current volume. |
QueryMedia Updates the disk properties in the cache. Call IVdsDisk::GetProperties to get updated details about the current media. |
QueryMemoryResourceNotification Retrieves the state of the specified memory resource object. |
QueryMigrationStatus This method is reserved for future use. (IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt2.QueryMigrationStatus) |
QueryOptionalDelayLoadedAPI Determines whether the specified function in a delay-loaded DLL is available on the system. |
QueryPacks Returns an enumeration object that contains all packs managed by the software provider. |
QueryPartitionFileSystemFormatSupport Retrieves the properties of the file systems that are supported for formatting a partition on the disk at a specified byte offset. |
QueryPartitions Returns the details of all partitions on the current disk. |
QueryPlexes The IVdsLun::QueryPlexes method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of the plexes in a LUN. |
QueryPlexes Returns an object that enumerates the plexes of the volume. |
QueryPlexes The IVdsLun::QueryPlexes (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the plexes in a LUN. |
QueryPortalGroups The IVdsIscsiTarget::QueryPortalGroups method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of the iSCSI portal groups within the target. |
QueryPortalGroups The IVdsIscsiTarget::QueryPortalGroups (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the iSCSI portal groups within the target. |
QueryPortals The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::QueryPortals method (vds.h) returns an object that enumerates the iSCSI portals of the subsystem. |
QueryPortals The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::QueryPortals (vdshwprv.h) method returns an object that enumerates the iSCSI portals of the subsystem. |
QueryProviders Returns an enumeration object containing a list of the hardware and software providers known to VDS. |
QueryProviders Queries all registered providers. |
QueryReparsePoints Returns all reparse points for the current volume. |
QueryRevertStatus Returns an IVssAsync interface pointer that can be used to determine the status of the revert operation. (IVssBackupComponents.QueryRevertStatus) |
QueryRevertStatus Returns an IVssAsync interface pointer that can be used to determine the status of the revert operation. (IVssSoftwareSnapshotProvider.QueryRevertStatus) |
QuerySnapshotDeltaBitmap This method is reserved for future use. (IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt3.QuerySnapshotDeltaBitmap) |
QuerySnapshotsByVolume Reserved for system use. (IVssSnapshotMgmt.QuerySnapshotsByVolume) |
QueryStatus The IVdsAsync::QueryStatus (vds.h) method returns when the asynchronous operation is in progress, or has either finished successfully or failed. |
QueryStatus The IVdsAsync::QueryStatus method (vdshwprv.h) returns when the asynchronous operation is in progress, has finished successfully, or has failed. |
QueryStatus The QueryStatus method queries the status of an asynchronous operation. |
QueryStoragePools The QueryStoragePools method (vds.h) returns an IEnumVdsObject enumeration object containing a list of the storage pools managed by the hardware provider. |
QueryStoragePools The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools::QueryStoragePools (vdshwprv.h) method returns an IEnumVdsObject enumeration object containing a list of the storage pools managed by the hardware provider. |
QuerySubSystems The IVdsHwProvider::QuerySubSystems method (vds.h) returns an enumeration of the subsystems managed by the provider. |
QuerySubSystems The IVdsHwProvider::QuerySubSystems (vdshwprv.h) method returns an enumeration of the subsystems managed by the provider. |
QueryTargets The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::QueryTargets method (vds.h) returns an object that enumerates the iSCSI targets of the subsystem. |
QueryTargets The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::QueryTargets (vdshwprv.h) method returns an object that enumerates the iSCSI targets of the subsystem. |
QueryUnallocatedDisks Returns an enumeration object containing a list of the unallocated disks managed by VDS. |
QueryVDisks Returns a list of all virtual disks that are managed by the provider. |
QueryVirtualMemoryInformation The QueryVirtualMemoryInformation function returns information about a page or a set of pages within the virtual address space of the specified process. |
QueryVolumeGuidPathnames Returns a list of volume GUID paths for the current volume. |
QueryVolumes Returns an object that enumerates the volumes in the pack. |
QueryVolumesSupportedForDiffAreas Queries volumes that support shadow copy storage areas (including volumes with disabled shadow copy storage areas). |
QueryVolumesSupportedForSnapshots Reserved for system use. (IVssSnapshotMgmt.QueryVolumesSupportedForSnapshots) |
ReadEventLogA Reads the specified number of entries from the specified event log. (ANSI) |
ReadEventLogW Reads the specified number of entries from the specified event log. (Unicode) |
ReadGlobalPwrPolicy Retrieves the current global power policy settings. |
ReadProcessorPwrScheme Retrieves the processor power policy settings for the specified power scheme. |
ReadPwrScheme Retrieves the power policy settings that are unique to the specified power scheme. |
Reboot Restarts the computer hosting the provider. |
ReclaimVirtualMemory Reclaims a range of memory pages that were offered to the system with OfferVirtualMemory. |
Recover The IVdsLun::Recover method (vds.h) starts a recovery operation on a LUN. |
Recover Returns a failing or failed pack to a healthy state, if possible. This method is supported only for dynamic packs. |
Recover The IVdsLun::Recover (vdshwprv.h) method starts a recovery operation on a LUN. |
RecoverSet Initiates a LUN resynchronization operation. |
Reenumerate The IVdsHwProvider::Reenumerate method (vds.h) discovers newly connected and disconnected subsystems. |
Reenumerate Discovers newly added and newly removed disks. |
Reenumerate The IVdsSubSystem::Reenumerate method (vds.h) prompts the subsystem to scan its bus to discover newly-connected drives or newly-disconnected drives. |
Reenumerate The IVdsHwProvider::Reenumerate (vdshwprv.h) method discovers newly connected and disconnected subsystems. |
Reenumerate The IVdsSubSystem::Reenumerate (vdshwprv.h) method prompts the subsystem to scan its bus to discover newly-connected drives or newly-disconnected drives. |
Refresh The IVdsHwProvider::Refresh method (vds.h) refreshes VDS's internally cached data about existing subsystems that are managed by VDS providers. |
Refresh Refreshes disk-ownership and disk-layout information. |
Refresh The IVdsHwProvider::Refresh (vdshwprv.h) method refreshes VDS's internally cached data about existing subsystems that are managed by VDS providers. |
Register Causes VSS to store the writer's metadata in the express writer metadata store. |
RegisterBadMemoryNotification Registers a bad memory notification that is called when one or more bad memory pages are detected. |
RegisterDeviceNotificationA Registers the device or type of device for which a window will receive notifications. (ANSI) |
RegisterDeviceNotificationW Registers the device or type of device for which a window will receive notifications. (Unicode) |
RegisterEventSourceA Retrieves a registered handle to the specified event log. (ANSI) |
RegisterEventSourceW Retrieves a registered handle to the specified event log. (Unicode) |
RegisterPowerSettingNotification Registers the application to receive power setting notifications for the specific power setting event. |
RegisterProvider Registers the specified hardware provider with VDS. Hardware providers call this method. |
RegisterProvider Registers a new shadow copy provider. |
RegisterSuspendResumeNotification Registers to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed. Similar to PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification, but operates in user mode and can take a window handle. |
ReleaseMutex Releases ownership of the specified mutex object. |
ReleaseSemaphore Increases the count of the specified semaphore object by a specified amount. |
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive Releases a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock that was acquired in exclusive mode. |
ReleaseSRWLockShared Releases a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock that was acquired in shared mode. |
RememberInitiatorSharedSecret The RememberInitiatorSharedSecret method (vds.h) communicates the initiator CHAP secret that the initiator used for mutual CHAP authentication of the target. |
RememberInitiatorSharedSecret The IVdsIscsiTarget::RememberInitiatorSharedSecret (vdshwprv.h) method communicates the initiator CHAP secret that is used for mutual CHAP authentication. |
RememberTargetSharedSecret Communicates the CHAP shared secret of a target to the initiator service. This shared secret is used during target login when the target authenticates the initiator. |
RemoveDllDirectory Removes a directory that was added to the process DLL search path by using AddDllDirectory. |
RemoveMissingDisk Removes a disk that is missing from the pack. This method applies to software provider objects only. |
RemovePlex The IVdsLun::RemovePlex method (vds.h) removes a plex from a LUN. |
RemovePlex Removes one or more specified plexes from the current volume, releasing the extents. |
RemovePlex The IVdsLun::RemovePlex (vdshwprv.h) method removes a plex from a LUN. |
RemovePortal The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::RemovePortal method (vds.h) removes a portal from a portal group. |
RemovePortal The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup::RemovePortal (vdshwprv.h) method removes a portal from a portal group. |
RemoveSecureMemoryCacheCallback Unregisters a callback function that was previously registered with the AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback function. |
Repair Repairs a fault-tolerant volume plex by moving bad members to good disks. |
ReplaceDisk Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsPack.ReplaceDisk) |
ReplaceDrive The IVdsSubSystem::ReplaceDrive method (vds.h) replaces or migrates one drive with another in the subsystem. |
ReplaceDrive The IVdsSubSystem::ReplaceDrive (vdshwprv.h) method replaces or migrates one drive with another in the subsystem. |
ReportEventA Writes an entry at the end of the specified event log. (ANSI) |
ReportEventW Writes an entry at the end of the specified event log. (Unicode) |
RequestWakeupLatency Has no effect and returns STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED. This function is provided only for compatibility with earlier versions of Windows.Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista: Has no effect and always returns success. |
Reset The IEnumVdsObject::Reset (vds.h) method resets to the beginning of the enumeration. |
Reset The IVdsController::Reset (vds.h) method reinitializes the controller and invalidates the cache. |
Reset The IVdsControllerPort::Reset (vds.h) method reinitializes the controller port. |
Reset The IEnumVdsObject::Reset method (vdshwprv.h) resets to the beginning of the enumeration. |
Reset The IVdsController::Reset (vdshwprv.h) method reinitializes the controller and invalidates the cache. |
Reset The IVdsControllerPort::Reset (vdshwprv.h) method reinitializes the controller port. |
Reset Resets the enumerator so that IVssEnumObject:Next starts at the first enumerated object. |
Reset Resets the enumerator so that IVssEnumMgmtObject starts at the first enumerated object. |
ResetEvent Sets the specified event object to the nonsignaled state. |
ResetWriteWatch Resets the write-tracking state for a region of virtual memory. Subsequent calls to the GetWriteWatch function only report pages that are written to since the reset operation. |
ResyncLuns The VSS service calls this method to notify hardware providers that a LUN resynchronization is needed. |
RevertToSnapshot Reverts a volume to a previous shadow copy. (IVssBackupComponents.RevertToSnapshot) |
RevertToSnapshot Reverts a volume to a previous shadow copy. (IVssSoftwareSnapshotProvider.RevertToSnapshot) |
SaveAsXML Stores the Writer Metadata Document that contains an express writer's state information into a specified string. |
SaveAsXML The SaveAsXML method saves the Writer Metadata Document that contains a writer's state information to a specified string. |
SaveAsXML The SaveAsXML method saves the Backup Components Document containing a requester's state information to a specified string. This XML document, which contains the Backup Components Document, should always be securely saved as part of a backup operation. |
SaveAsXML The SaveAsXML method saves the Writer Metadata Document that contains a writer's state information to a specified string. This string can be saved as part of a backup operation. |
SetActivePwrScheme Sets the active power scheme. |
SetAdditionalRestores The SetAdditionalRestores method is used by a requester during incremental or differential restore operations to indicate to writers that a given component will require additional restore operations to completely retrieve it. |
SetAllIpsecSecurity Not supported. (IVdsServiceIscsi.SetAllIpsecSecurity) |
SetAllIpsecTunnelAddresses Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsServiceIscsi.SetAllIpsecTunnelAddresses) |
SetAllPathStatuses Sets the statuses of all paths originating from the HBA port to a specified status. |
SetAllPathStatusesFromHbaPort Sets the statuses of paths originating from a particular HBA port to a specified status. |
SetAuthoritativeRestore Marks the restore of a component as authoritative for a replicated data store. |
SetBackupMetadata The SetBackupMetadata method sets backup metadata with the component. |
SetBackupOptions The SetBackupOptions method sets a string of private, or writer-dependent, backup parameters for a component. |
SetBackupSchema Used by an express writer to indicate in its Writer Metadata Document the types of backup operations it can participate in. |
SetBackupSchema The SetBackupSchema method is used by a writer to indicate in its Writer Metadata Document the types of backup operations it can participate in. |
SetBackupStamp The SetBackupStamp method sets a string containing information indicating when a backup took place. |
SetBackupState The SetBackupState method defines an overall configuration for a backup operation. |
SetBackupSucceeded The SetBackupSucceeded method indicates whether the backup of the specified component of a specific writer was successful. |
SetCommBreak Suspends character transmission for a specified communications device and places the transmission line in a break state until the ClearCommBreak function is called. |
SetCommConfig Sets the current configuration of a communications device. |
SetCommMask Specifies a set of events to be monitored for a communications device. |
SetCommState Configures a communications device according to the specifications in a device-control block (a DCB structure). The function reinitializes all hardware and control settings, but it does not empty output or input queues. |
SetCommTimeouts Sets the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on a specified communications device. |
SetContext The SetContext method sets the context for subsequent shadow copy-related operations. |
SetContext Sets the context for the subsequent shadow copy-related operations. |
SetContext Sets the context for subsequent shadow copy-related operations. |
SetControllerStatus The IVdsSubSystem::SetControllerStatus method (vds.h) sets the status (either online or offline) of the controllers in the subsystem. |
SetControllerStatus The IVdsSubSystem::SetControllerStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status (either online or offline) of the controllers in the subsystem. |
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount Sets the spin count for the specified critical section. |
SetDefaultCommConfigA Sets the default configuration for a communications device. (ANSI) |
SetDefaultCommConfigW Sets the default configuration for a communications device. (Unicode) |
SetDefaultDllDirectories Specifies a default set of directories to search when the calling process loads a DLL. This search path is used when LoadLibraryEx is called with no LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH flags. |
SetDllDirectoryA Adds a directory to the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (ANSI) |
SetDllDirectoryW Adds a directory to the search path used to locate DLLs for the application. (Unicode) |
SetEvent Sets the specified event object to the signaled state. |
SetFailure VSS writers call this method to report errors at the component level. |
SetFileRestoreStatus The SetFileRestoreStatus method indicates whether some, all, or no files were successfully restored. |
SetFileSystemFlags Sets the file-system flags. |
SetFlags Sets the flags of a disk object. |
SetFlags The IVdsDrive::SetFlags method (vds.h) sets flags of a drive object. |
SetFlags Sets service object flags. |
SetFlags Sets the volume flags. |
SetFlags The IVdsDrive::SetFlags (vdshwprv.h) method sets flags of a drive object. |
SetFriendlyName The IVdsIscsiTarget::SetFriendlyName method (vds.h) sets the friendly name of the target. |
SetFriendlyName The IVdsLunNaming::SetFriendlyName method (vds.h) sets the friendly name of a LUN. |
SetFriendlyName The IVdsSubSystemNaming::SetFriendlyName method (vds.h) sets the friendly name of a subsystem. |
SetFriendlyName The IVdsIscsiTarget::SetFriendlyName (vdshwprv.h) method sets the friendly name of the target. |
SetFriendlyName The IVdsLunNaming::SetFriendlyName (vdshwprv.h) method sets the friendly name of a LUN. |
SetFriendlyName The IVdsSubSystemNaming::SetFriendlyName (vdshwprv.h) method sets the friendly name of a subsystem. |
SetImportTarget Sets the Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS) import target for the computer for this subsystem. |
SetInitiatorSharedSecret Sets the initiator CHAP shared secret that is used for mutual CHAP authentication when the initiator authenticates the target. |
SetIpsecGroupPresharedKey Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsServiceIscsi.SetIpsecGroupPresharedKey) |
SetIpsecGroupPresharedKey The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::SetIpsecGroupPresharedKey method (vds.h) is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
SetIpsecGroupPresharedKey The IVdsSubSystemIscsi::SetIpsecGroupPresharedKey (vdshwprv.h) method is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
SetIpsecSecurity Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsIscsiInitiatorPortal.SetIpsecSecurity) |
SetIpsecSecurity The IVdsIscsiPortal::SetIpsecSecurity method (vds.h) is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
SetIpsecSecurity The IVdsIscsiPortal::SetIpsecSecurity (vdshwprv.h) method is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
SetIpsecSecurityLocal Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsIscsiPortalLocal.SetIpsecSecurityLocal) |
SetIpsecTunnelAddress Not supported.This method is reserved for future use. (IVdsIscsiInitiatorPortal.SetIpsecTunnelAddress) |
SetIpsecTunnelAddress The IVdsIscsiPortal::SetIpsecTunnelAddress method (vds.h) is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
SetIpsecTunnelAddress The IVdsIscsiPortal::SetIpsecTunnelAddress (vdshwprv.h) method is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
SetLoadBalancePolicy The IVdsLunMpio::SetLoadBalancePolicy method (vds.h) sets the load balance policy on the LUN. |
SetLoadBalancePolicy The IVdsLunMpio::SetLoadBalancePolicy (vdshwprv.h) method sets the load balance policy on the LUN. |
SetMailslotInfo Sets the time-out value used by the specified mailslot for a read operation. |
SetMask The IVdsLun::SetMask method (vds.h) specifies the unmasking list, which is the list of computers to be granted access to the LUN. |
SetMask The IVdsLun::SetMask (vdshwprv.h) method specifies the unmasking list, which is the list of computers to be granted access to the LUN. |
SetNamedPipeHandleState Sets the read mode and the blocking mode of the specified named pipe. If the specified handle is to the client end of a named pipe and if the named pipe server process is on a remote computer, the function can also be used to control local buffering. |
SetPostRestoreFailureMsg The SetPostRestoreFailureMsg method is used to create a message describing a failure in processing a PostRestore event. |
SetPostSnapshotFailureMsg Sets a PostSnapshot failure message string for a component. |
SetPrepareForBackupFailureMsg Sets a PrepareForBackup failure message string for a component. |
SetPreRestoreFailureMsg The SetPreRestoreFailureMsg method is used to create a message describing a failure in processing a PreRestore event. |
SetPreviousBackupStamp The SetPreviousBackupStamp method sets the backup stamp of an earlier backup operation, upon which a differential or incremental backup operation will be based. |
SetProcessDEPPolicy Changes data execution prevention (DEP) and DEP-ATL thunk emulation settings for a 32-bit process. |
SetProcessValidCallTargets Provides Control Flow Guard (CFG) with a list of valid indirect call targets and specifies whether they should be marked valid or not. |
SetRangesFilePath The SetRangesFilePath method is used when a partial file operation requires a ranges file, and that file has been restored to a location other than its original one. |
SetRestoreMetadata The SetRestoreMetadata method sets writer-specific metadata for the current component. |
SetRestoreMethod Specifies how an express writer's data is to be restored. |
SetRestoreMethod The SetRestoreMethod method indicates how the writer's data is to be restored. |
SetRestoreName Assigns a new logical name to a component that is being restored. |
SetRestoreOptions The SetRestoreOptions method sets a string of private, or writer-dependent, restore parameters for a writer component. |
SetRestoreState The SetRestoreState method defines an overall configuration for a restore operation. |
SetRestoreTarget The SetRestoreTarget method sets the restore target (in terms of the VSS_RESTORE_TARGET enumeration) for the current component. |
SetRollForward Sets the roll-forward operation type for a component and specifies the restore point for a partial roll-forward operation. |
SetSANMode Sets the SAN mode of a disk to offline or online. |
SetSANPolicy Sets the disk SAN policy for the operating system. |
SetSelectedForRestore The SetSelectedForRestore method indicates whether the specified selectable component is selected for restoration. |
SetSelectedForRestoreEx The SetSelectedForRestoreEx method indicates whether the specified selectable component is selected for restoration to a specified writer instance. |
SetSharedSecret The IVdsIscsiTarget::SetSharedSecret method (vds.h) sets the target CHAP shared secret used for CHAP authentication when the target authenticates the initiator. |
SetSharedSecret The IVdsIscsiTarget::SetSharedSecret method sets the target CHAP shared secret that is used for CHAP authentication when the target authenticates the initiator. |
SetSnapshotPriority This method is reserved for future use. (IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt2.SetSnapshotPriority) |
SetSnapshotProperty Requests the provider to set a property value for the specified snapshot. |
SetSnapshotProperty Sets a property for a shadow copy. |
SetStatus The IVdsController::SetStatus (vds.h) method sets the status of a controller to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsControllerPort::SetStatus (vds.h) method sets the status of a controller port to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsDrive::SetStatus method (vds.h) sets the status of the drive to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsIscsiPortal::SetStatus method (vds.h) sets the status of a portal to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsLun::SetStatus method (vds.h) sets the status of the LUN to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsSubSystem::SetStatus method (vds.h) sets the status of the subsystem to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsController::SetStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status of a controller to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsControllerPort::SetStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status of a controller port to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsDrive::SetStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status of the drive to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsIscsiPortal::SetStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status of a portal to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsLun::SetStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status of the LUN to the specified value. |
SetStatus The IVdsSubSystem::SetStatus (vdshwprv.h) method sets the status of the subsystem to the specified value. |
SetSuspendState Suspends the system by shutting power down. Depending on the Hibernate parameter, the system either enters a suspend (sleep) state or hibernation (S4). |
SetSystemFileCacheSize Limits the size of the working set for the file system cache. |
SetSystemPowerState Suspends the system by shutting power down. Depending on the ForceFlag parameter, the function either suspends operation immediately or requests permission from all applications and device drivers before doing so. |
SetThreadExecutionState Enables an application to inform the system that it is in use, thereby preventing the system from entering sleep or turning off the display while the application is running. |
SetupComm Initializes the communications parameters for a specified communications device. |
SetVolumeProtectLevel Sets the shadow copy protection level for an original volume or a shadow copy storage area volume. |
SetWaitableTimer Activates the specified waitable timer. When the due time arrives, the timer is signaled and the thread that set the timer calls the optional completion routine. |
SetWaitableTimerEx Activates the specified waitable timer and provides context information for the timer. When the due time arrives, the timer is signaled and the thread that set the timer calls the optional completion routine. |
SetWriterFailure The SetWriterFailure method indicates that this writer has encountered an error condition and sets an error condition. |
SetWriterFailureEx Sets extended error information to indicate that the writer has encountered a problem with participating in a VSS operation. |
ShouldBlockRevert Checks the registry for writers that should block revert operations on the specified volume. |
Shrink The IVdsLun::Shrink method (vds.h) shrinks a LUN by a specified number of bytes. |
Shrink Reduces the size of the volume and all plexes, and returns the released extents to free space. |
Shrink Shrinks the volume and all plexes and returns the released extents. |
Shrink The IVdsLun::Shrink (vdshwprv.h) method shrinks a LUN by a specified number of bytes. |
ShutdownBlockReasonCreate Indicates that the system cannot be shut down and sets a reason string to be displayed to the user if system shutdown is initiated. |
ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy Indicates that the system can be shut down and frees the reason string. |
ShutdownBlockReasonQuery Retrieves the reason string set by the ShutdownBlockReasonCreate function. |
SignalObjectAndWait Signals one object and waits on another object as a single operation. |
Skip The IEnumVdsObject::Skip (vds.h) method skips a specified number of objects in the enumeration. |
Skip The IEnumVdsObject::Skip method (vdshwprv.h) skips a specified number of objects in the enumeration. |
Skip Skips the specified number of objects. (IVssEnumObject.Skip) |
Skip Skips the specified number of objects. (IVssEnumMgmtObject.Skip) |
Sleep Suspends the execution of the current thread until the time-out interval elapses. |
SleepConditionVariableCS Sleeps on the specified condition variable and releases the specified critical section as an atomic operation. |
SleepConditionVariableSRW Sleeps on the specified condition variable and releases the specified lock as an atomic operation. |
SleepEx Suspends the current thread until the specified condition is met. |
StartMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance::StartMaintenance method (vds.h) starts a maintenance operation. |
StartMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance::StartMaintenance (vdshwprv.h) method starts a maintenance operation. |
StartSnapshotSet The StartSnapshotSet method creates a new, empty shadow copy set. |
StopMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance::StopMaintenance method (vds.h) stops a maintenance operation. |
StopMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance::StopMaintenance (vdshwprv.h) method stops a maintenance operation. |
Subscribe The Subscribe method subscribes the writer with VSS. |
SubscribeEx Causes the writer to subscribe to VSS events. |
TerminateEnclave Ends the execution of the threads that are running within an enclave. |
TransactNamedPipe Combines the functions that write a message to and read a message from the specified named pipe into a single operation. |
TransmitCommChar Transmits a specified character ahead of any pending data in the output buffer of the specified communications device. |
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive Attempts to acquire a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock in exclusive mode. If the call is successful, the calling thread takes ownership of the lock. |
TryAcquireSRWLockShared Attempts to acquire a slim reader/writer (SRW) lock in shared mode. If the call is successful, the calling thread takes ownership of the lock. |
TryEnterCriticalSection Attempts to enter a critical section without blocking. If the call is successful, the calling thread takes ownership of the critical section. |
Unadvise Unregisters the caller's IVdsAdviseSink interface so that the caller no longer receives notifications from the VDS service. |
UnexposeSnapshot Unexposes a shadow copy either by deleting the file share or by removing the drive letter or mounted folder. |
UninstallDisks Uninstalls a set of disks. |
UnmapViewOfFile Unmaps a mapped view of a file from the calling process's address space. |
UnmapViewOfFile2 Unmaps a previously mapped view of a file or a pagefile-backed section. |
UnmapViewOfFileEx This is an extended version of UnmapViewOfFile that takes an additional flags parameter. |
Unregister Causes VSS to delete the writer's metadata from the express writer metadata store. |
UnregisterBadMemoryNotification Closes the specified bad memory notification handle. |
UnregisterDeviceNotification Closes the specified device notification handle. |
UnregisterPowerSettingNotification Unregisters the power setting notification. |
UnregisterProvider Removes VDS provider registration data. Hardware providers call this method. |
UnregisterProvider Unregisters an existing provider. |
UnregisterSuspendResumeNotification Cancels a registration to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed. Similar to PowerUnregisterSuspendResumeNotification but operates in user mode. |
Unsubscribe The Unsubscribe method unsubscribes the writer with VSS. |
ValidatePowerPolicies Not implemented. |
VirtualAlloc Reserves, commits, or changes the state of a region of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process. (VirtualAlloc) |
VirtualAlloc2 Reserves, commits, or changes the state of a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process. The function initializes the memory it allocates to zero. (VirtualAlloc2) |
VirtualAlloc2FromApp Reserves, commits, or changes the state of a region of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process. (VirtualAlloc2FromApp) |
VirtualAllocEx Reserves, commits, or changes the state of a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process. The function initializes the memory it allocates to zero. (VirtualAllocEx) |
VirtualAllocExNuma Reserves, commits, or changes the state of a region of memory within the virtual address space of the specified process, and specifies the NUMA node for the physical memory. |
VirtualAllocFromApp Reserves, commits, or changes the state of a region of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process. (VirtualAllocFromApp) |
VirtualFree Releases, decommits, or releases and decommits a region of pages within the virtual address space of the calling process. |
VirtualFreeEx Releases, decommits, or releases and decommits a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process. |
VirtualLock Locks the specified region of the process's virtual address space into physical memory, ensuring that subsequent access to the region will not incur a page fault. |
VirtualProtect Changes the protection on a region of committed pages in the virtual address space of the calling process. (VirtualProtect) |
VirtualProtectEx Changes the protection on a region of committed pages in the virtual address space of a specified process. |
VirtualProtectFromApp Changes the protection on a region of committed pages in the virtual address space of the calling process. (VirtualProtectFromApp) |
VirtualQuery Retrieves information about a range of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process. |
VirtualQueryEx Retrieves information about a range of pages within the virtual address space of a specified process. |
VirtualUnlock Unlocks a specified range of pages in the virtual address space of a process, enabling the system to swap the pages out to the paging file if necessary. |
VssFreeSnapshotProperties The VssFreeSnapshotProperties function (vsbackup.h) is used to free the contents of a VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structure as part of managing its life cycle. |
VssFreeSnapshotPropertiesInternal The VssFreeSnapshotPropertiesInternal function (vsbackup.h) is used to free the contents of a VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP structure as part of managing its life cycle. |
Wait The IVdsAsync::Wait (vds.h) method returns when the asynchronous operation has either finished successfully or failed. |
Wait The IVdsAsync::Wait method (vdshwprv.h) returns when the asynchronous operation has either finished successfully or failed. |
Wait The Wait method waits until an incomplete asynchronous operation finishes. |
WaitCommEvent Waits for an event to occur for a specified communications device. The set of events that are monitored by this function is contained in the event mask associated with the device handle. |
WaitForMultipleObjects Waits until one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses. |
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx Waits until one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state, an I/O completion routine or asynchronous procedure call (APC) is queued to the thread, or the time-out interval elapses. |
WaitForServiceReady Waits for VDS initialization to complete and returns the status of the VDS initialization. |
WaitForSingleObject Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses. |
WaitForSingleObjectEx Waits until the specified object is in the signaled state, an I/O completion routine or asynchronous procedure call (APC) is queued to the thread, or the time-out interval elapses. |
WaitOnAddress Waits for the value at the specified address to change. |
WakeAllConditionVariable Wake all threads waiting on the specified condition variable. |
WakeByAddressAll Wakes all threads that are waiting for the value of an address to change. |
WakeByAddressSingle Wakes one thread that is waiting for the value of an address to change. |
WakeConditionVariable Wake a single thread waiting on the specified condition variable. |
WriteGlobalPwrPolicy Writes global power policy settings. |
WriteProcessorPwrScheme Writes processor power policy settings for the specified power scheme. |
WritePwrScheme Writes policy settings that are unique to the specified power scheme. |
IEnumVdsObject The IEnumVdsObject interface (vds.h) enumerates through a set of VDS objects of a given type. |
IEnumVdsObject The IEnumVdsObject (vdshwprv.h) interface enumerates through a set of VDS objects of a given type. |
IVdsAdmin Registers providers with VDS. |
IVdsAdvancedDisk Creates and deletes partitions, and modifies partition attributes. |
IVdsAdvancedDisk2 Provides a method to change partition types. |
IVdsAdviseSink The IVdsAdviseSink interface (vds.h) receives VDS notifications. |
IVdsAdviseSink The IVdsAdviseSink (vdshwprv.h) interface receives VDS notifications. |
IVdsAsync The IVdsAsync interface (vds.h) manages asynchronous operations. |
IVdsAsync The IVdsAsync (vdshwprv.h) interface manages asynchronous operations. Methods that initiate asynchronous operations return a pointer to an IVdsAsync interface. |
IVdsController The IVdsController interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a controller. |
IVdsController The IVdsController (vdshwprv.h) interface provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a controller. |
IVdsControllerControllerPort The IVdsControllerControllerPort interface (vds.h) provides a method to enumerate controller ports for a class implementing the IVdsController interface. |
IVdsControllerControllerPort The IVdsControllerControllerPort (vdshwprv.h) interface provides a method to enumerate controller ports for a class implementing the IVdsController interface. |
IVdsControllerPort The IVdsControllerPort interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a controller port. |
IVdsControllerPort The IVdsControllerPort (vdshwprv.h) interface provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a controller port. |
IVdsCreatePartitionEx Creates a partition on a basic disk. |
IVdsDisk Provides methods to query and configure basic and dynamic disks. |
IVdsDisk2 Provides a method to set the SAN mode of a disk to offline or online. |
IVdsDisk3 Provides a method to retrieve property information for a disk, including the disk's location path. |
IVdsDiskOnline Provides methods to bring a disk online and take it offline.Windows Vista: This interface is not supported until Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1). Use IVdsDisk2 instead. |
IVdsDiskPartitionMF Provides methods to perform file system management operations on partitions. |
IVdsDiskPartitionMF2 Provides a method to format a partition with additional formatting options. |
IVdsDrive The IVdsDrive interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a drive. |
IVdsDrive The IVdsDrive (vdshwprv.h) interface provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a drive. |
IVdsDrive2 The IVdsDrive2 interface (vds.h) provides a method for querying the properties of a drive. |
IVdsDrive2 The IVdsDrive2 (vdshwprv.h) interface provides a method for querying the properties of a drive. |
IVdsHbaPort Provides methods to query and interact with HBA ports on the local system. |
IVdsHwProvider The IVdsHwProvider interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query, reenumeration, and refresh operations on a hardware provider. |
IVdsHwProvider The IVdsHwProvider (vdshwprv.h) interface provides methods for performing query, reenumeration, and refresh operations on a hardware provider. |
IVdsHwProviderPrivate Provides a method that enables VDS to determine whether the hardware provider manages a specified LUN. |
IVdsHwProviderPrivateMpio Provides a method that sets the status of paths originating from a particular HBA port to the provider. |
IVdsHwProviderStoragePools The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools interface (vds.h) provides methods to create LUNs in a storage pool and enumerate storage pools managed by a hardware provider. |
IVdsHwProviderStoragePools The IVdsHwProviderStoragePools interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods to create LUNs in a storage pool and enumerate the storage pools managed by a hardware provider. |
IVdsHwProviderType The IVdsHwProviderType interface (vds.h) provides a method to retrieve the type of hardware provider. |
IVdsHwProviderType The IVdsHwProviderType interface (vdshwprv.h) provides a method to retrieve the type of hardware provider. |
IVdsHwProviderType2 The IVdsHwProviderType2 interface (vds.h) is not implemented. Use IVdsHwProviderType instead. |
IVdsHwProviderType2 The IVdsHwProviderType2 interface (vdshwprv.h) is not implemented. Use IVdsHwProviderType interface (vds.h) instead. |
IVdsIscsiInitiatorAdapter Provides methods to query and interact with iSCSI initiator adapters on the local system. |
IVdsIscsiInitiatorPortal Provides methods to query and interact with iSCSI initiator portals on the local system. |
IVdsIscsiPortal The IVdsIscsiPortal interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on an iSCSI portal. |
IVdsIscsiPortal The IVdsIscsiPortal interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on an iSCSI portal. |
IVdsIscsiPortalGroup The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration services on an iSCSI portal group. |
IVdsIscsiPortalGroup The IVdsIscsiPortalGroup interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration services on an iSCSI portal group. |
IVdsIscsiPortalLocal Provides methods for setting local-initiator-specific IPSEC pre-shared keys on an iSCSI portal. |
IVdsIscsiTarget The IVdsIscsiTarget interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on an iSCSI target. |
IVdsIscsiTarget The IVdsIscsiTarget interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on an iSCSI target. |
IVdsLun The IVdsLun interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a logical unit number (LUN). |
IVdsLun The IVdsLun interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a logical unit number (LUN). |
IVdsLun2 The IVdsLun2 interface (vds.h) provides methods for applying and querying logical unit number (LUN) hints. |
IVdsLun2 The IVdsLun2 interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for applying and querying logical unit number (LUN) hints. |
IVdsLunControllerPorts The IVdsLunControllerPorts interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing controller port configuration operations on a LUN. |
IVdsLunControllerPorts The IVdsLunControllerPorts interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing controller port configuration operations on a LUN. |
IVdsLunIscsi The IVdsLunIscsi interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on an iSCSI LUN. |
IVdsLunIscsi The IVdsLunIscsi interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on an iSCSI LUN. |
IVdsLunMpio The IVdsLunMpio interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a LUN with MPIO extensions. |
IVdsLunMpio The IVdsLunMpio interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a LUN with MPIO extensions. |
IVdsLunNaming The IVdsLunNaming interface (vds.h) provides a method to name LUNs for a class implementing the IVdsLun interface. |
IVdsLunNaming The IVdsLunNaming interface (vdshwprv.h) provides a method to name LUNs for a class implementing the IVdsLun interface. |
IVdsLunNumber The IVdsLunNumber interface (vds.h) provides a method to query the LUN number for a LUN. |
IVdsLunNumber The IVdsLunNumber interface (vdshwprv.h) provides a method to query the LUN number for a LUN. |
IVdsLunPlex The IVdsLunPlex interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a LUN plex. |
IVdsLunPlex The IVdsLunPlex interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a LUN plex. |
IVdsMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing maintenance operations on a subsystem, controller, LUN, or drive. |
IVdsMaintenance The IVdsMaintenance interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing maintenance operations on a subsystem, controller, LUN, or drive. |
IVdsOpenVDisk Defines methods for managing a virtual disk. (IVdsOpenVDisk) |
IVdsPack Provides methods to query and perform management operations on a pack containing disks and volumes. |
IVdsPack2 Provides a method to create aligned volumes on a pack. |
IVdsProvider The IVdsProvider interface (vds.h) returns the properties of a hardware or software provider. |
IVdsProvider The IVdsProvider interface (vdshwprv.h) returns the properties of a hardware or software provider. |
IVdsProviderPrivate Provides methods to enable VDS to perform miscellaneous operations on provider objects. |
IVdsProviderSupport The IVdsProviderSupport interface (vds.h) provides a method to indicate what versions of the VDS interfaces are supported by the provider. |
IVdsProviderSupport The IVdsProviderSupport interface (vdshwprv.h) provides a method to indicate what versions of the VDS interfaces are supported by the provider. |
IVdsRemovable Provides methods to query and eject a removable disk, such as a CD-ROM. |
IVdsService Provides methods to query and interact with VDS. |
IVdsServiceHba Provides a method to query HBA ports on the local system. |
IVdsServiceInitialization This interface is reserved for system use. |
IVdsServiceIscsi Provides methods to interface with the local initiator service, including the ability to set CHAP security settings and to log into targets. |
IVdsServiceLoader Instantiates a service loader object. |
IVdsServiceSAN Provides methods for managing disk online and offline SAN policy for the operating system. |
IVdsServiceUninstallDisk Provides methods to uninstall basic and dynamic disks. |
IVdsStoragePool The IVdsStoragePool interface (vds.h) provides methods to query information and enumerate related objects for a storage pool. |
IVdsStoragePool The IVdsStoragePool interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods to query information and enumerate related objects for a storage pool. |
IVdsSubSystem The IVdsSubSystem interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystem The IVdsSubSystem interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystem2 The IVdsSubSystem2 interface (vds.h) provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a subsystem using the VDS_HINTS2 and VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP2 structures. |
IVdsSubSystem2 The IVdsSubSystem2 interface provides methods for performing query and configuration operations on a subsystem using the VDS_HINTS2 and VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP2 structures. |
IVdsSubSystemImportTarget Provides methods to query and configure the default VSS import target for the subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystemInterconnect The IVdsSubSystemInterconnect interface (vds.h) provides a method to query the interconnect types that are supported by a subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystemInterconnect The IVdsSubSystemInterconnect interface (vdshwprv.h) provides a method to query the interconnect types that are supported by a subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystemIscsi The IVdsSubSystemIscsi interface (vds.h) provides methods to query and configure iSCSI targets and portals on a subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystemIscsi The IVdsSubSystemIscsi interface (vdshwprv.h) provides methods to query and configure iSCSI targets and portals on a subsystem. |
IVdsSubSystemNaming The IVdsSubSystemNaming interface (vds.h) provides a method to name subsystems for a class implementing the IVdsSubSystem interface. |
IVdsSubSystemNaming The IVdsSubSystemNaming interface (vdshwprv.h) provides a method to name subsystems for a class implementing the IVdsSubSystem interface. |
IVdsSwProvider Provides methods to perform operations specific to the software provider. |
IVdsVDisk Defines methods for managing a virtual disk. (IVdsVDisk) |
IVdsVdProvider Defines methods for creating and managing virtual disks. |
IVdsVolume Provides methods to manage volumes. |
IVdsVolume2 Provides a method for returning volume property information, including the volume GUIDs. |
IVdsVolumeMF Provides methods to perform access-path and file-system activities on the volume object. |
IVdsVolumeMF2 Provides methods to perform additional file system management operations on the volume object. (IVdsVolumeMF2) |
IVdsVolumeMF3 Provides methods to perform additional file system management operations on the volume object. (IVdsVolumeMF3) |
IVdsVolumeOnline Provides a method to repair single volumes. |
IVdsVolumePlex Provides methods for maintaining volume plexes. |
IVdsVolumeShrink Provides methods to support volume shrinking. |
IVssAdmin The IVssAdmin interface manages providers registered with VSS. |
IVssAsync The IVssAsync interface is returned to calling applications by methods that initiate asynchronous operations, which run in the background and typically require a long time to complete. |
IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt Contains methods that allow applications to query and manage shadow copy storage areas generated by the system shadow copy provider. |
IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt2 Defines additional methods that allow applications to query and manage shadow copy storage areas generated by the system shadow copy provider. |
IVssDifferentialSoftwareSnapshotMgmt3 Defines methods that allow applications to use the shadow copy protection feature of VSS. |
IVssEnumMgmtObject Contains methods to iterate over and perform other operations on a list of enumerated objects. (IVssEnumMgmtObject) |
IVssEnumObject Contains methods to iterate over and perform other operations on a list of enumerated objects. (IVssEnumObject) |
IVssFileShareSnapshotProvider . (IVssFileShareSnapshotProvider) |
IVssHardwareSnapshotProvider Contains the methods used by VSS to map volumes to LUNs, discover LUNs created during the shadow copy process, and transport LUNs on a SAN. |
IVssHardwareSnapshotProviderEx Provides an additional method used by VSS to notify hardware providers of LUN state changes. |
IVssProviderCreateSnapshotSet The IVssProviderCreateSnapshotSet interface contains the methods used during shadow copy creation. |
IVssProviderNotifications The IVssProviderNotifications interface manages providers registered with VSS. |
IVssSnapshotMgmt Provides a method that returns an interface to further configure a shadow copy provider. |
IVssSnapshotMgmt2 Provides a method to retrieve the minimum size of the shadow copy storage area. |
IVssSoftwareSnapshotProvider Contains the methods used by VSS to manage shadow copy volumes. All software providers must support this interface. |
_DEV_BROADCAST_USERDEFINED Contains the user-defined event and optional data associated with the DBT_USERDEFINED device event. |
ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY Represents the administrator override power policy settings. |
BATTERY_REPORTING_SCALE Contains the granularity of the battery capacity that is reported by IOCTL_BATTERY_QUERY_STATUS. |
CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES_PARAMETERS Defines the partition parameters of a partition style. (CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES_PARAMETERS) |
CHANGE_PARTITION_TYPE_PARAMETERS Describes parameters to be used when changing a partition's type. |
CHANGER_ELEMENT Represents a changer element. |
CHANGER_ELEMENT_LIST Represents a range of elements of a single type, typically for an operation such as getting or initializing the status of multiple elements. |
CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS Represents the status of the specified element. (CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS) |
CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_EX Represents the status of the specified element. (CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_EX) |
CHANGER_EXCHANGE_MEDIUM Contains information the IOCTL_CHANGER_EXCHANGE_MEDIUM control code uses to move a piece of media to a destination, and the piece of media originally in the first destination to a second destination. |
CHANGER_INITIALIZE_ELEMENT_STATUS Represents the status of all media changer elements or the specified elements of a particular type. |
CHANGER_MOVE_MEDIUM Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_MOVE_MEDIUM control code uses to move a piece of media to a destination. |
CHANGER_PRODUCT_DATA Represents product data for a changer device. It is used by the IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_PRODUCT_DATA control code. |
CHANGER_READ_ELEMENT_STATUS Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_GET_ELEMENT_STATUS control code needs to determine the elements whose status is to be retrieved. |
CHANGER_SEND_VOLUME_TAG_INFORMATION Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_QUERY_VOLUME_TAGS control code uses to determine the volume information to be retrieved. |
CHANGER_SET_ACCESS Contains information that the IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_ACCESS control code needs to set the state of the device's insert/eject port, door, or keypad. |
CHANGER_SET_POSITION Contains information needed by the IOCTL_CHANGER_SET_POSITION control code to set the changer's robotic transport mechanism to the specified element address. |
CLASS_MEDIA_CHANGE_CONTEXT Contains information associated with a media change event. |
COMMCONFIG Contains information about the configuration state of a communications device. |
COMMPROP Contains information about a communications driver. |
COMMTIMEOUTS Contains the time-out parameters for a communications device. |
COMSTAT Contains information about a communications device. |
CREATE_PARTITION_PARAMETERS Defines the partition parameters of a partition style. (CREATE_PARTITION_PARAMETERS) |
DCB Defines the control setting for a serial communications device. |
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE_A Contains information about a class of devices. (ANSI) |
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE_W Contains information about a class of devices. (Unicode) |
DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE Contains information about a file system handle. |
DEV_BROADCAST_HDR Serves as a standard header for information related to a device event reported through the WM_DEVICECHANGE message. |
DEV_BROADCAST_OEM Contains information about a OEM-defined device type. |
DEV_BROADCAST_PORT_A Contains information about a modem, serial, or parallel port. (ANSI) |
DEV_BROADCAST_PORT_W Contains information about a modem, serial, or parallel port. (Unicode) |
DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME Contains information about a logical volume. |
DEVICE_DATA_SET_LB_PROVISIONING_STATE Output structure for the DeviceDsmAction_Allocation action of the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DATA_SET_RANGE Provides data set range information for use with the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DATA_SET_REPAIR_PARAMETERS Specifies parameters for the repair operation. |
DEVICE_DSM_NOTIFICATION_PARAMETERS Contains parameters for the DeviceDsmAction_Notification action for the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DSM_OFFLOAD_READ_PARAMETERS Contains parameters for the DeviceDsmAction_OffloadRead action for the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
DEVICE_DSM_OFFLOAD_WRITE_PARAMETERS Specifies parameters for the offload write operation. |
DEVICE_MEDIA_INFO Provides information about the media supported by a device. |
DEVICE_NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBE_PARAMETERS Contains parameters used when registering for a power notification. |
ENCLAVE_CREATE_INFO_SGX Contains architecture-specific information to use to create an enclave when the enclave type is ENCLAVE_TYPE_SGX, which specifies an enclave for the Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) architecture extension. |
ENCLAVE_CREATE_INFO_VBS Contains architecture-specific information to use to create an enclave when the enclave type is ENCLAVE_TYPE_VBS, which specifies a virtualization-based security (VBS) enclave. |
ENCLAVE_IDENTITY Describes the identity of the primary module of an enclave. |
ENCLAVE_INFORMATION Contains information about the currently executing enclave. |
ENCLAVE_INIT_INFO_SGX Contains architecture-specific information to use to initialize an enclave when the enclave type is ENCLAVE_TYPE_SGX, which specifies an enclave for the Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) architecture extension. |
ENCLAVE_INIT_INFO_VBS Contains architecture-specific information to use to initialize an enclave when the enclave type is ENCLAVE_TYPE_VBS, which specifies a virtualization-based security (VBS) enclave. |
EVENTLOG_FULL_INFORMATION Indicates whether the event log is full. |
EVENTLOGRECORD Contains information about an event record returned by the ReadEventLog function. |
GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS Represents the parameters of a changer. |
GET_MEDIA_TYPES Contains information about the media types supported by a device. |
GLOBAL_MACHINE_POWER_POLICY Contains global computer power policy settings that apply to all power schemes for all users. |
GLOBAL_POWER_POLICY Contains global power policy settings that apply to all power schemes. |
GLOBAL_USER_POWER_POLICY Contains global user power policy settings that apply to all power schemes for a user. |
HEAP_OPTIMIZE_RESOURCES_INFORMATION Specifies flags for a HeapOptimizeResources operation initiated with HeapSetInformation. |
HEAP_SUMMARY The HEAP_SUMMARY structure (heapapi.h) represents a heap summary retrieved with a call to the HeapSummary function. |
IMAGE_ENCLAVE_CONFIG32 Defines the format of the enclave configuration for systems running 32-bit Windows. (32 bit) |
IMAGE_ENCLAVE_CONFIG64 Defines the format of the enclave configuration for systems running 32-bit Windows. (64 bit) |
IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT Defines a entry in the array of images that an enclave can import. |
MACHINE_POWER_POLICY Contains computer power policy settings that are unique to each power scheme on the computer. |
MACHINE_PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY Contains processor power policy settings that apply while the system is running on AC power or battery power. |
MEM_ADDRESS_REQUIREMENTS Specifies a lowest and highest base address and alignment as part of an extended parameter to a function that manages virtual memory. |
MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER Represents an extended parameter for a function that manages virtual memory. |
MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION Contains information about a range of pages in the virtual address space of a process. |
MEMORYSTATUS Contains information about the current state of both physical and virtual memory. |
MEMORYSTATUSEX Contains information about the current state of both physical and virtual memory, including extended memory. |
MODEMDEVCAPS Contains information about the capabilities of a modem. |
MODEMSETTINGS Contains information about a modem's configuration. |
POWER_ACTION_POLICY Contains information used to set the system power state. |
POWER_POLICY Contains power policy settings that are unique to each power scheme. |
POWERBROADCAST_SETTING Sent with a power setting event and contains data about the specific change. |
PREVENT_MEDIA_REMOVAL Provides removable media locking data. It is used by the IOCTL_STORAGE_MEDIA_REMOVAL control code. |
PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY Contains information about a heap element. |
PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY Contains information about processor performance control and C-states. |
PROCESSOR_POWER_POLICY_INFO Contains information about processor C-state policy settings. |
PWM_CONTROLLER_INFO Represents the static information that characterizes a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller. |
PWM_CONTROLLER_SET_DESIRED_PERIOD_INPUT Contains an input value for a suggested signal period for the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller. |
PWM_CONTROLLER_SET_DESIRED_PERIOD_OUTPUT Contains the effective output signal period of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller. |
PWM_PIN_SET_POLARITY_INPUT Contains a desired value for polarity of a pin or channel. |
READ_ELEMENT_ADDRESS_INFO Represents the volume tag information. It is used by the IOCTL_CHANGER_QUERY_VOLUME_TAGS control code. |
REASON_CONTEXT Contains information about a power request. This structure is used by the PowerCreateRequest and SetWaitableTimerEx functions. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER Contains information about a device. This structure is used by the IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER control code. |
STORAGE_HOTPLUG_INFO Provides information about the hotplug information of a device. |
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_READ_OUTPUT Output structure for the DeviceDsmAction_OffloadRead action of the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_TOKEN The token used to represent a portion of a file used in by offload read and write operations. |
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_WRITE_OUTPUT Output structure for the DeviceDsmAction_OffloadWrite action of the IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE Contains information about the current state of the system battery. |
SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES Contains information about the power capabilities of the system. |
SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL Contains information about system battery drain policy settings. |
SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY Contains information about the current system power policy. |
SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS Contains information about the power status of the system. |
THERMAL_EVENT Contains a thermal event. |
USER_POWER_POLICY Contains power policy settings that are unique to each power scheme for a user. |
VBS_ENCLAVE_REPORT Describes the format of the signed statement contained in a report generated by calling the EnclaveGetAttestationReport function. |
VBS_ENCLAVE_REPORT_MODULE Describes a module loaded for the enclave. |
VBS_ENCLAVE_REPORT_PKG_HEADER Describes the contents of a report generated by calling the EnclaveGetAttestationReport function. |
VBS_ENCLAVE_REPORT_VARDATA_HEADER Describes the format of a variable data block contained in a report that the EnclaveGetAttestationReport function generates. |
VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT The VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT structure (vds.h) defines the output of an async object. Output elements vary depending on the operation type. |
VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT The VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the output of an async object. Output elements vary depending on the operation type. |
VDS_CONTROLLER_NOTIFICATION The VDS_CONTROLLER_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of controller events. |
VDS_CONTROLLER_NOTIFICATION The VDS_CONTROLLER_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of controller events. |
VDS_CONTROLLER_PROP The VDS_CONTROLLER_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a controller object. |
VDS_CONTROLLER_PROP The VDS_CONTROLLER_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a controller object. |
VDS_CREATE_VDISK_PARAMETERS Contains the parameters to be used when a virtual disk is created. |
VDS_DISK_EXTENT Defines the properties of a disk extent. |
VDS_DISK_FREE_EXTENT Describes a free extent on a disk. |
VDS_DISK_NOTIFICATION The VDS_DISK_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of disk events. |
VDS_DISK_NOTIFICATION The VDS_DISK_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of disk events. |
VDS_DISK_PROP Defines the properties of a disk object. |
VDS_DISK_PROP2 Defines the properties of a disk object. This structure is identical to the VDS_DISK_PROP structure, except that it also includes the location path and, if the disk is offline, the reason why it is offline. |
VDS_DRIVE_EXTENT The VDS_DRIVE_EXTENT structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a drive extent. |
VDS_DRIVE_EXTENT The VDS_DRIVE_EXTENT structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a drive extent. |
VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_NOTIFICATION The VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of drive-letter events. |
VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_NOTIFICATION The VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of drive-letter events. |
VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_PROP Defines the properties of a drive letter. |
VDS_DRIVE_NOTIFICATION The VDS_DRIVE_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of drive events. |
VDS_DRIVE_NOTIFICATION The VDS_DRIVE_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of drive events. |
VDS_DRIVE_PROP The VDS_DRIVE_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a drive object. |
VDS_DRIVE_PROP The VDS_DRIVE_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a drive object. |
VDS_DRIVE_PROP2 The VDS_DRIVE_PROP2 structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a drive object. |
VDS_DRIVE_PROP2 The VDS_DRIVE_PROP2 structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a drive object. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_PROP Provides information about file systems that are supported for formatting volumes. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION The VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of file-system events. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION The VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of file-system events. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP Defines the properties of a file system. |
VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE_PROP Defines the properties of a file system type. |
VDS_HBAPORT_PROP The VDS_HBAPORT_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of an HBA port. |
VDS_HBAPORT_PROP The VDS_HBAPORT_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of an HBA port. |
VDS_HINTS The VDS_HINTS structure (vds.h) defines the automagic hints for a LUN or LUN plex. |
VDS_HINTS The VDS_HINTS structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the automagic hints for a LUN or LUN plex. |
VDS_HINTS2 The VDS_HINTS2 structure (vds.h) contains the automagic hints for a LUN in a storage pool. |
VDS_HINTS2 The VDS_HINTS2 structure (vdshwprv.h) contains the automagic hints for a LUN in a storage pool. |
VDS_INPUT_DISK Defines the details of an input disk. |
VDS_INTERCONNECT Defines the address data of a physical interconnect. |
VDS_IPADDRESS The VDS_IPADDRESS structure (vds.h) defines an IP address and port. |
VDS_IPADDRESS The VDS_IPADDRESS structure (vdshwprv.h) defines an IP address and port. |
VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_ADAPTER_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_ADAPTER_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI initiator adapter. |
VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_ADAPTER_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_ADAPTER_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI initiator adapter. |
VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_PORTAL_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_PORTAL_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI initiator portal. |
VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_PORTAL_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_INITIATOR_PORTAL_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI initiator portal. |
VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_KEY The VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_KEY structure (vds.h) is not supported. This structure is reserved for future use. |
VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_KEY The VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_KEY structure (vdshwprv.h) is not supported and is reserved for future use. |
VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI portal. (VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_PROP) |
VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI portal. |
VDS_ISCSI_PORTALGROUP_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_PORTALGROUP_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI portal group. |
VDS_ISCSI_PORTALGROUP_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_PORTALGROUP_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI portal group. |
VDS_ISCSI_SHARED_SECRET The VDS_ISCSI_SHARED_SECRET structure (vds.h) defines a CHAP shared secret. |
VDS_ISCSI_SHARED_SECRET The VDS_ISCSI_SHARED_SECRET structure (vdshwprv.h) defines a CHAP shared secret. |
VDS_ISCSI_TARGET_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_TARGET_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI target. |
VDS_ISCSI_TARGET_PROP The VDS_ISCSI_TARGET_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of an iSCSI target. |
VDS_LUN_INFORMATION Defines information about a LUN or disk. Applications can use this structure to uniquely identify a LUN at all times. |
VDS_LUN_NOTIFICATION The VDS_LUN_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of a LUN notification. |
VDS_LUN_NOTIFICATION The VDS_LUN_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of a LUN notification. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_PROP The VDS_LUN_PLEX_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a LUN plex object. |
VDS_LUN_PLEX_PROP The VDS_LUN_PLEX_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a LUN plex object. |
VDS_LUN_PROP The VDS_LUN_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a LUN object. |
VDS_LUN_PROP The VDS_LUN_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a LUN object. |
VDS_MOUNT_POINT_NOTIFICATION The VDS_MOUNT_POINT_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) represents notification information that was returned by the software provider because a drive letter or volume GUID path changed. |
VDS_MOUNT_POINT_NOTIFICATION The VDS_MOUNT_POINT_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) represents data returned by the software provider because a drive letter or volume GUID path changed. |
VDS_NOTIFICATION The VDS_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the VDS notification structures specific to each notification target type. |
VDS_NOTIFICATION The VDS_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the VDS notification structures specific to each notification target type (subject). |
VDS_PACK_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PACK_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of pack events. |
VDS_PACK_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PACK_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of pack events. |
VDS_PACK_PROP Defines the properties of a pack object. |
VDS_PARTITION_INFO_GPT Defines details of a GUID partition table (GPT) partition. |
VDS_PARTITION_INFO_MBR Defines the details of a master boot record (MBR) partition. |
VDS_PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX This structure is reserved for system use. (VDS_PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX) |
VDS_PARTITION_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PARTITION_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of partition events. |
VDS_PARTITION_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PARTITION_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of partition events. |
VDS_PARTITION_PROP Defines the properties of a partition. |
VDS_PATH_ID The VDS_PATH_ID structure (vds.h) defines a unique identification for a path. |
VDS_PATH_ID The VDS_PATH_ID structure (vdshwprv.h) defines a unique identification for a path. |
VDS_PATH_INFO The VDS_PATH_INFO structure (vds.h) defines the information for a LUN path. |
VDS_PATH_INFO The VDS_PATH_INFO structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the information for a LUN path and is returned in the ppPaths parameter of the IVdsLunMpio::GetPathInfo method. |
VDS_PATH_POLICY The VDS_PATH_POLICY structure (vds.h) defines the load balance policy as it applies to a particular path. |
VDS_PATH_POLICY The VDS_PATH_POLICY structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the load balance policy as it applies to a particular path. |
VDS_POOL_ATTRIBUTES The VDS_POOL_ATTRIBUTES structure (vds.h) defines the attributes of a storage pool. |
VDS_POOL_ATTRIBUTES The VDS_POOL_ATTRIBUTES structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the attributes of a storage pool. |
VDS_POOL_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES The VDS_POOL_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES structure (vds.h) defines a custom attribute of a storage pool. |
VDS_POOL_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES The VDS_POOL_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES structure (vdshwprv.h) defines a custom attribute of a storage pool. |
VDS_PORT_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PORT_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of controller port events. |
VDS_PORT_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PORT_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of controller port events. |
VDS_PORT_PROP The VDS_PORT_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a port on a controller object. |
VDS_PORT_PROP The VDS_PORT_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a port on a controller object. |
VDS_PORTAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PORTAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of iSCSI portal events. |
VDS_PORTAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PORTAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of iSCSI portal events. |
VDS_PORTAL_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PORTAL_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of iSCSI portal events. |
VDS_PORTAL_NOTIFICATION The VDS_PORTAL_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of iSCSI portal events. |
VDS_PROVIDER_PROP The VDS_PROVIDER_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a provider object. |
VDS_PROVIDER_PROP The VDS_PROVIDER_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a provider object. |
VDS_REPARSE_POINT_PROP Defines the reparse-point properties of a volume object. |
VDS_SERVICE_PROP Defines the properties of the service object. |
VDS_STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR Defines one or more storage identifiers for a storage device (typically an instance, as opposed to a class, of device). |
VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER Defines a storage device using a particular code set and type. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_DRIVE_EXTENT The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_DRIVE_EXTENT structure (vds.h) defines a drive extent that could be used by a storage pool. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_DRIVE_EXTENT The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_DRIVE_EXTENT structure (vdshwprv.h) defines a drive extent that could be used by a storage pool. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_PROP The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a storage pool object. |
VDS_STORAGE_POOL_PROP The VDS_STORAGE_POOL_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a storage pool object. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of subsystem events. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of subsystem events. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a subsystem object. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a subsystem object. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP2 The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP2 structure (vds.h) defines the properties of a subsystem object. |
VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP2 The VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_PROP2 structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the properties of a subsystem object. |
VDS_TARGET_NOTIFICATION The VDS_TARGET_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of iSCSI target events. |
VDS_TARGET_NOTIFICATION The VDS_TARGET_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of iSCSI target events. |
VDS_VDISK_PROPERTIES Defines the properties of a virtual disk. |
VDS_VOLUME_NOTIFICATION The VDS_VOLUME_NOTIFICATION structure (vds.h) defines the details of volume events. |
VDS_VOLUME_NOTIFICATION The VDS_VOLUME_NOTIFICATION structure (vdshwprv.h) defines the details of volume events. |
VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_PROP Defines the properties of a volume plex object. |
VDS_VOLUME_PROP Defines the properties of a volume object. |
VDS_VOLUME_PROP2 Defines the properties of a volume object. This structure is identical to the VDS_VOLUME_PROP structure, except that it also includes the volume GUIDs. |
VDS_WWN The VDS_WWN structure (vds.h) defines a world-wide name (WWN). This structure corresponds to the HBA_WWN structure defined by the ANSI HBA API. |
VDS_WWN The VDS_WWN structure (vdshwprv.h) defines a world-wide name (WWN). This structure corresponds to the HBA_WWN structure defined by the ANSI HBA API. |
VSS_COMPONENTINFO Contains information about a given component. |
VSS_DIFF_AREA_PROP Describes associations between volumes containing the original file data and volumes containing the shadow copy storage area. |
VSS_DIFF_VOLUME_PROP Describes a shadow copy storage area volume. |
VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_PROP Defines the properties of a volume, shadow copy storage volume, or a shadow copy storage area. |
VSS_OBJECT_PROP Defines the properties of a provider, volume, shadow copy, or shadow copy set. |
VSS_PROVIDER_PROP Specifies shadow copy provider properties. |
VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP Contains the properties of a shadow copy or shadow copy set. |
VSS_VOLUME_PROP Contains the properties of a shadow copy source volume. |
VSS_VOLUME_PROTECTION_INFO Contains information about a volume's shadow copy protection level. |
WIN32_MEMORY_RANGE_ENTRY Specifies a range of memory. |
WIN32_MEMORY_REGION_INFORMATION Contains information about a memory region. |