
Dela via

Using IADs to Get a Security Descriptor

The following code examples use the IADs::Get method to retrieve an IADsSecurityDescriptor pointer to the nTSecurityDescriptor property of an object in Active Directory Domain Services.

Dim rootDSE As IADs
Dim ADUser As IADs
Dim sd As IADsSecurityDescriptor

On Error GoTo Cleanup
' Bind to the Users container in the local domain.
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
Set ADUser = GetObject("LDAP://cn=users," & rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext"))
' Get the security descriptor on the Users container.
Set sd = ADUser.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")
Debug.Print sd.Control
Debug.Print sd.Group
Debug.Print sd.Owner
Debug.Print sd.Revision

Exit Sub

    Set rootDSE = Nothing
    Set ADUser = Nothing
    Set sd = Nothing
                IADs *pObject,
                IADsSecurityDescriptor **ppSD )
    VARIANT var;
    HRESULT hr;

    if(!pObject || !ppSD)
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    // Set *ppSD to NULL.
    *ppSD = NULL;
    // Get the nTSecurityDescriptor.
    hr = pObject->Get(CComBSTR("nTSecurityDescriptor"), &var);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // Type should be VT_DISPATCH - an IDispatch pointer to the security descriptor object.
        if (var.vt == VT_DISPATCH)
            // Use V_DISPATCH macro to get the IDispatch pointer from the 
            // VARIANT structure and QueryInterface for the IADsSecurityDescriptor pointer.
            hr = V_DISPATCH(&var)->QueryInterface(IID_IADsSecurityDescriptor, (void**)ppSD);
            hr = E_FAIL;

    return hr;