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Get app data

Use the following methods in the Microsoft Store submission API to get data for existing apps in your Partner Center account. For an introduction to the Microsoft Store submission API, including prerequisites for using the API, see Create and manage submissions using Microsoft Store services.

Before you can use these methods, the app must already exist in your Partner Center account. To create or manage submissions for apps, see the methods in Manage app submissions.

Method URI Description
GET Get data for all your apps
GET{applicationId} Get data for a specific app
GET{applicationId}/listinappproducts Get add-ons for an app
GET{applicationId}/listflights Get package flights for an app


If you have not done so already, complete all the prerequisites for the Microsoft Store submission API before trying to use any of these methods.

Data resources

The Microsoft Store submission API methods for getting app data use the following JSON data resources.

Application resource

This resource represents an app that is registered to your account.

  "id": "9NBLGGH4R315",
  "primaryName": "ApiTestApp",
  "packageFamilyName": "30481DevCenterAPITester.ApiTestAppForDevbox_ng6try80pwt52",
  "packageIdentityName": "30481DevCenterAPITester.ApiTestAppForDevbox",
  "publisherName": "CN=…",
  "firstPublishedDate": "1601-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "lastPublishedApplicationSubmission": {
    "id": "1152921504621086517",
    "resourceLocation": "applications/9NBLGGH4R315/submissions/1152921504621086517"
  "pendingApplicationSubmission": {
    "id": "1152921504621243487",
    "resourceLocation": "applications/9NBLGGH4R315/submissions/1152921504621243487"
  "hasAdvancedListingPermission": true

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
id string The Store ID of the app. For more information about the Store ID, see View app identity details.
primaryName string The primary name of the app.
packageFamilyName string The package family name of the app.
packageIdentityName string The package identity name of the app.
publisherName string The Windows publisher ID that is associated with the app. This corresponds to the Package/Identity/Publisher value that appears on the App identity page for the app in Partner Center.
firstPublishedDate string The date the app was first published, in ISO 8601 format.
lastPublishedApplicationSubmission object A submission resource that provides information about the last published submission for the app.
pendingApplicationSubmission object A submission resource that provides information about the current pending submission for the app.
hasAdvancedListingPermission boolean Indicates whether you can configure the gamingOptions or trailers for submissions for the app. This value is true for submissions created after May 2017.

Add-on resource

This resource provides information about an add-on.

    "inAppProductId": "9WZDNCRD7DLK"

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
inAppProductId string The Store ID of the add-on. This value is supplied by the Store. An example Store ID is 9NBLGGH4TNMP.

Flight resource

This resource provides information about a package flight for an app.

    "flightId": "7bfc11d5-f710-47c5-8a98-e04bb5aad310",
    "friendlyName": "myflight",
    "lastPublishedFlightSubmission": {
        "id": "1152921504621086517",
        "resourceLocation": "flights/7bfc11d5-f710-47c5-8a98-e04bb5aad310/submissions/1152921504621086517"
    "pendingFlightSubmission": {
        "id": "1152921504621215786",
        "resourceLocation": "flights/7bfc11d5-f710-47c5-8a98-e04bb5aad310/submissions/1152921504621215786"
    "groupIds": [
    "rankHigherThan": "Non-flighted submission"

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
flightId string The ID for the package flight. This value is supplied by Partner Center.
friendlyName string The name of the package flight, as specified by the developer.
lastPublishedFlightSubmission object A submission resource that provides information about the last published submission for the package flight.
pendingFlightSubmission object A submission resource that provides information about the current pending submission for the package flight.
groupIds array An array of strings that contain the IDs of the flight groups that are associated with the package flight. For more information about flight groups, see Package flights.
rankHigherThan string The friendly name of the package flight that is ranked immediately lower than the current package flight. For more information about ranking flight groups, see Package flights.

Submission resource

This resource provides information about a submission. The following example demonstrates the format of this resource.

  "pendingApplicationSubmission": {
    "id": "1152921504621243487",
    "resourceLocation": "applications/9WZDNCRD9MMD/submissions/1152921504621243487"

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
id string The ID of the submission.
resourceLocation string A relative path that you can append to the base request URI to retrieve the complete data for the submission.