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System-supported timed metadata cues

This article describes how to take advantage of several formats of timed metadata that may be embedded in media files or streams. UWP apps can register for events that are raised by the media pipeline during playback whenever these metadata cues are encountered. Using the DataCue class, apps can implement their own custom metadata cues, but this article focuses on several metadata standards that are automatically detected by the media pipeline, including:

  • Image-based subtitles in VobSub format
  • Speech cues, including word boundaries, sentence boundaries, and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) bookmarks
  • Chapter cues
  • Extended M3U comments
  • ID3 tags
  • Fragmented mp4 emsg boxes

This article builds on the concepts discussed in the article Media items, playlists, and tracks, which includes the basics of working with the MediaSource, MediaPlaybackItem, and TimedMetadataTrack classes and general guidance for using timed metadata in your app.

The basic implementation steps are the same for all of the different types of timed metadata described in this article:

  1. Create a MediaSource and then a MediaPlaybackItem for the content to be played.
  2. Register for the MediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs as the sub-tracks of the media item are resolved by the media pipeline.
  3. Register for the TimedMetadataTrack.CueEntered and TimedMetadataTrack.CueExited events for the timed metadata tracks you want to use.
  4. In the CueEntered event handler, update your UI based on the metadata passed in the event args. You can update the UI again, to remove the current subtitle text for example, in the CueExited event.

In this article, handling each type of metadata is shown as a distinct scenario, but it's possible to handle (or ignore) different types of metadata using mostly shared code. You can check the TimedMetadataKind property of the TimedMetadataTrack object at multiple points in the process. So, for example, you could choose to register for the CueEntered event for metadata tracks that have the value TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle, but not for tracks that have the value TimedMetadataKind.Speech. Or instead, you could register a handler for all metadata track types and then check the TimedMetadataKind value inside the CueEntered handler to determine what action to take in response to the cue.

Image-based subtitles

Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, UWP apps can support external image-based subtitles in VobSub format. To use this feature, first create a MediaSource object for the media content for which image subtitles will be displayed. Next, create a TimedTextSource object by calling CreateFromUriWithIndex or CreateFromStreamWithIndex, passing in the Uri of the .sub file containing the subtitle image data and the .idx file containing the timing information for the subtitles. Add the TimedTextSource to the MediaSource by adding it to the source's ExternalTimedTextSources collection. Create a MediaPlaybackItem from the MediaSource.

var contentUri = new Uri("");
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromUri(contentUri);

var subUri = new Uri("");
var idxUri = new Uri("");
var timedTextSource = TimedTextSource.CreateFromUriWithIndex(subUri, idxUri);

var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

Register for the image subtitle metadata events using the MediaPlaybackItem object created in the previous step. This example uses a helper method, RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles, to register for the events. A lambda expression is used to implement a handler for the TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs when the system detects a change in the metadata tracks associated with a MediaPlaybackItem. In some cases, the metadata tracks may be available when the playback item is initially resolved, so outside of the TimedMetadataTracksChanged handler, we also loop through the available metadata tracks and call RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles.

mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracksChanged += (MediaPlaybackItem sender, IVectorChangedEventArgs args) =>
    if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.ItemInserted)
        RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles(sender, (int)args.Index);
    else if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.Reset)
        for (int index = 0; index < sender.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
            if (sender.TimedMetadataTracks[index].TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle)
                RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles(sender, index);

for (int index = 0; index < mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
    RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles(mediaPlaybackItem, index);

After registering for the image subtitle metadata events, the MediaItem is assigned to a MediaPlayer for playback within a MediaPlayerElement.

_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
_mediaPlayer.Source = mediaPlaybackItem;

In the RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles helper method, get an instance of the TimedMetadataTrack class by indexing into the TimedMetadataTracks collection of the MediaPlaybackItem. Register for the CueEntered event and the CueExited event. Then, you must call SetPresentationMode on the playback item's TimedMetadataTracks collection, to instruct the system that the app wants to receive metadata cue events for this playback item.

private void RegisterMetadataHandlerForImageSubtitles(MediaPlaybackItem item, int index)
    var timedTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks[index];
    timedTrack.CueEntered += metadata_ImageSubtitleCueEntered;
    timedTrack.CueExited += metadata_ImageSubtitleCueExited;
    item.TimedMetadataTracks.SetPresentationMode((uint)index, TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode.ApplicationPresented);


In the handler for the CueEntered event, you can check the TimedMetadataKind property of the TimedMetadataTrack object passed into the handler to see if the metadata is for image subtitles. This is necessary if you are using the same data cue event handler for multiple types of metadata. If the associated metadata track is of type TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle, cast the data cue contained in the Cue property of the MediaCueEventArgs to an ImageCue. The SoftwareBitmap property of the ImageCue contains a SoftwareBitmap representation of the subtitle image. Create a SoftwareBitmapSource and call SetBitmapAsync to assign the image to a XAML Image control. The Extent and Position properties of the ImageCue provide information about the size and position of the subtitle image.

private async void metadata_ImageSubtitleCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
    // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks 
    if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle)
        var cue = args.Cue as ImageCue;
        if (cue != null)
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
                var source = new SoftwareBitmapSource();
                await source.SetBitmapAsync(cue.SoftwareBitmap);
                SubtitleImage.Source = source;
                SubtitleImage.Width = cue.Extent.Width;
                SubtitleImage.Height = cue.Extent.Height;
                SubtitleImage.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, cue.Position.X);
                SubtitleImage.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, cue.Position.Y);

Speech cues

Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, UWP apps can register to receive events in response to word boundaries, sentence boundaries, and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) bookmarks in played media. This allows you to play audio streams generated with the SpeechSynthesizer class and update your UI based on these events, such as displaying the text of the currently playing word or sentence.

The example shown in this section uses a class member variable to store a text string that will be synthesized and played back.

string inputText = "In the lake heading for the mountain, the flea swims";

Create a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer class. Set the IncludeWordBoundaryMetadata and IncludeSentenceBoundaryMetadata options for the synthesizer to true to specify that the metadata should be included in the generated media stream. Call SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync to generate a stream containing the synthesized speech and corresponding metadata. Create a MediaSource and a MediaPlaybackItem from the synthesized stream.

var synthesizer = new Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis.SpeechSynthesizer();

// Enable word marker generation (false by default). 
synthesizer.Options.IncludeWordBoundaryMetadata = true;
synthesizer.Options.IncludeSentenceBoundaryMetadata = true;

var stream = await synthesizer.SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(inputText);
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromStream(stream, "");
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

Register for the speech metadata events using the MediaPlaybackItem object. This example uses a helper method, RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech, to register for the events. A lambda expression is used to implement a handler for the TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs when the system detects a change in the metadata tracks associated with a MediaPlaybackItem. In some cases, the metadata tracks may be available when the playback item is initially resolved, so outside of the TimedMetadataTracksChanged handler, we also loop through the available metadata tracks and call RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech.

// Since the tracks are added later we will  
// monitor the tracks being added and subscribe to the ones of interest 
mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracksChanged += (MediaPlaybackItem sender, IVectorChangedEventArgs args) =>
    if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.ItemInserted)
        RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech(sender, (int)args.Index);
    else if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.Reset)
        for (int index = 0; index < sender.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
            RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech(sender, index);

// If tracks were available at source resolution time, itterate through and register: 
for (int index = 0; index < mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
    RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech(mediaPlaybackItem, index);

After registering for the speech metadata events, the MediaItem is assigned to a MediaPlayer for playback within a MediaPlayerElement.

_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
_mediaPlayer.Source = mediaPlaybackItem;

In the RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech helper method, get an instance of the TimedMetadataTrack class by indexing into the TimedMetadataTracks collection of the MediaPlaybackItem. Register for the CueEntered event and the CueExited event. Then, you must call SetPresentationMode on the playback item's TimedMetadataTracks collection, to instruct the system that the app wants to receive metadata cue events for this playback item.

private void RegisterMetadataHandlerForSpeech(MediaPlaybackItem item, int index)
    var timedTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks[index];
    timedTrack.CueEntered += metadata_SpeechCueEntered;
    timedTrack.CueExited += metadata_SpeechCueExited;
    item.TimedMetadataTracks.SetPresentationMode((uint)index, TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode.ApplicationPresented);


In the handler for the CueEntered event, you can check the TimedMetadataKind propery of the TimedMetadataTrack object passed into the handler to see if the metadata is speech. This is necessary if you are using the same data cue event handler for multiple types of metadata. If the associated metadata track is of type TimedMetadataKind.Speech, cast the data cue contained in the Cue property of the MediaCueEventArgs to a SpeechCue. For speech cues, the type of speech cue included in the metadata track is determined by checking the Label property. The value of this property will be "SpeechWord" for word boundaries, "SpeechSentence" for sentence boundaries, or "SpeechBookmark" for SSML bookmarks. In this example, we check for the "SpeechWord" value, and if this value is found, the StartPositionInInput and EndPositionInInput properties of the SpeechCue are used to determine location within the input text of the word currently being played back. This example simply outputs each word to the debug output.

private void metadata_SpeechCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
    // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks 
    if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Speech)
        var cue = args.Cue as SpeechCue;
        if (cue != null)
            if (timedMetadataTrack.Label == "SpeechWord")
                // Do something with the cue 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{cue.StartPositionInInput} - {cue.EndPositionInInput}: {inputText.Substring((int)cue.StartPositionInInput, ((int)cue.EndPositionInInput - (int)cue.StartPositionInInput) + 1)}");

Chapter cues

Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, UWP apps can register for cues that correspond to chapters within a media item. To use this feature, create a MediaSource object for the media content and then create a MediaPlaybackItem from the MediaSource.

var contentUri = new Uri("");
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromUri(contentUri);
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

Register for the chapter metadata events using the MediaPlaybackItem object created in the previous step. This example uses a helper method, RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues, to register for the events. A lambda expression is used to implement a handler for the TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs when the system detects a change in the metadata tracks associated with a MediaPlaybackItem. In some cases, the metadata tracks may be available when the playback item is initially resolved, so outside of the TimedMetadataTracksChanged handler, we also loop through the available metadata tracks and call RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues.

mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracksChanged += (MediaPlaybackItem sender, IVectorChangedEventArgs args) =>
    if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.ItemInserted)
        RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues(sender, (int)args.Index);
    else if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.Reset)
        for (int index = 0; index < sender.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
            if (sender.TimedMetadataTracks[index].TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle)
                RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues(sender, index);

for (int index = 0; index < mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
    RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues(mediaPlaybackItem, index);

After registering for the chapter metadata events, the MediaItem is assigned to a MediaPlayer for playback within a MediaPlayerElement.

_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
_mediaPlayer.Source = mediaPlaybackItem;

In the RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues helper method, get an instance of the TimedMetadataTrack class by indexing into the TimedMetadataTracks collection of the MediaPlaybackItem. Register for the CueEntered event and the CueExited event. Then, you must call SetPresentationMode on the playback item's TimedMetadataTracks collection, to instruct the system that the app wants to receive metadata cue events for this playback item.

private void RegisterMetadataHandlerForChapterCues(MediaPlaybackItem item, int index)
    var timedTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks[index];
    timedTrack.CueEntered += metadata_ChapterCueEntered;
    timedTrack.CueExited += metadata_ChapterCueExited;
    item.TimedMetadataTracks.SetPresentationMode((uint)index, TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode.ApplicationPresented);

In the handler for the CueEntered event, you can check the TimedMetadataKind propery of the TimedMetadataTrack object passed into the handler to see if the metadata is for chapter cues. This is necessary if you are using the same data cue event handler for multiple types of metadata. If the associated metadata track is of type TimedMetadataKind.Chapter, cast the data cue contained in the Cue property of the MediaCueEventArgs to an ChapterCue. The Title property of the ChapterCue contains the title of the chapter that has just been reached in playback.

private async void metadata_ChapterCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
    // Check in case there are different tracks and the handler was used for more tracks 
    if (timedMetadataTrack.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Chapter)
        var cue = args.Cue as ChapterCue;
        if (cue != null)
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                ChapterTitleTextBlock.Text = cue.Title;

Seek to the next chapter using chapter cues

In addition to receiving notifications when the current chapter changes in a playing item, you can also use chapter cues to seek to the next chapter within a playing item. The example method shown below takes as arguments a MediaPlayer and a MediaPlaybackItem representing the currently playing media item. The TimedMetadataTracks collection is searched to see if any of the tracks have TimedMetadataKind propery of the TimedMetadataTrack value of TimedMetadataKind.Chapter. If a chapter track is found, the method loops through each cue in the track's Cues collection to find the first cue that has a StartTime greater than the current Position of the media player's playback session. Once the correct cue is found, the position of the playback session is updated and the chapter title is updated in the UI.

private void GoToNextChapter(MediaPlayer player, MediaPlaybackItem item)
    // Find the chapters track if one exists
    TimedMetadataTrack chapterTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks.FirstOrDefault(track => track.TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.Chapter);
    if (chapterTrack == null)

    // Find the first chapter that starts after current playback position
    TimeSpan currentPosition = player.PlaybackSession.Position;
    foreach (ChapterCue cue in chapterTrack.Cues)
        if (cue.StartTime > currentPosition)
            // Change player position to chapter start time
            player.PlaybackSession.Position = cue.StartTime;

            // Display chapter name
            ChapterTitleTextBlock.Text = cue.Title;

Extended M3U comments

Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, UWP apps can register for cues that correspond to comments within a Extended M3U manifest file. This example uses AdaptiveMediaSource to play the media content. For more information, see Adaptive Streaming. Create an AdaptiveMediaSource for the content by calling CreateFromUriAsync or CreateFromStreamAsync. Create a MediaSource object by calling CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource and then create a MediaPlaybackItem from the MediaSource.

AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult result =
    await AdaptiveMediaSource.CreateFromUriAsync(new Uri(""));

if (result.Status != AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus.Success)
    // TODO: Handle adaptive media source creation errors.
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource(result.MediaSource);
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

Register for the M3U metadata events using the MediaPlaybackItem object created in the previous step. This example uses a helper method, RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues, to register for the events. A lambda expression is used to implement a handler for the TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs when the system detects a change in the metadata tracks associated with a MediaPlaybackItem. In some cases, the metadata tracks may be available when the playback item is initially resolved, so outside of the TimedMetadataTracksChanged handler, we also loop through the available metadata tracks and call RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues.

mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracksChanged += (MediaPlaybackItem sender, IVectorChangedEventArgs args) =>
    if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.ItemInserted)
        RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues(sender, (int)args.Index);
    else if (args.CollectionChange == CollectionChange.Reset)
        for (int index = 0; index < sender.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
            if (sender.TimedMetadataTracks[index].TimedMetadataKind == TimedMetadataKind.ImageSubtitle)
                RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues(sender, index);

for (int index = 0; index < mediaPlaybackItem.TimedMetadataTracks.Count; index++)
    RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues(mediaPlaybackItem, index);

After registering for the M3U metadata events, the MediaItem is assigned to a MediaPlayer for playback within a MediaPlayerElement.

_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
_mediaPlayer.Source = mediaPlaybackItem;

In the RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues helper method, get an instance of the TimedMetadataTrack class by indexing into the TimedMetadataTracks collection of the MediaPlaybackItem. Check the DispatchType property of the metadata track, which will have a value of "EXTM3U" if the track represents M3U comments. Register for the CueEntered event and the CueExited event. Then, you must call SetPresentationMode on the playback item's TimedMetadataTracks collection, to instruct the system that the app wants to receive metadata cue events for this playback item.

private void RegisterMetadataHandlerForEXTM3UCues(MediaPlaybackItem item, int index)
    var timedTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks[index];
    var dispatchType = timedTrack.DispatchType;

    if (String.Equals(dispatchType, "EXTM3U", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        timedTrack.Label = "EXTM3U comments";
        timedTrack.CueEntered += metadata_EXTM3UCueEntered;
        timedTrack.CueExited += metadata_EXTM3UCueExited;
        item.TimedMetadataTracks.SetPresentationMode((uint)index, TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode.ApplicationPresented);

In the handler for the CueEntered event, cast the data cue contained in the Cue property of the MediaCueEventArgs to an DataCue. Check to make sure the DataCue and the Data property of the cue are not null. Extended EMU comments are provided in the form of UTF-16, little endian, null terminated strings. Create a new DataReader to read the cue data by calling DataReader.FromBuffer. Set the UnicodeEncoding property of the reader to Utf16LE to read the data in the correct format. Call ReadString to read the data, specifying half of the length of the Data field, because each character is two bytes in size, and subtract one to remove the trailing null character. In this example, the M3U comment is simply written to the debug output.

private void metadata_EXTM3UCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
    var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;
    if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null)
        // The payload is a UTF-16 Little Endian null-terminated string.
        // It is any comment line in a manifest that is not part of the HLS spec.
        var dr = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
        dr.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf16LE;
        var m3uComment = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length / 2 - 1);

ID3 tags

Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, UWP apps can register for cues that correspond to ID3 tags within Http Live Streaming (HLS) content. This example uses AdaptiveMediaSource to play the media content. For more information, see Adaptive Streaming. Create an AdaptiveMediaSource for the content by calling CreateFromUriAsync or CreateFromStreamAsync. Create a MediaSource object by calling CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource and then create a MediaPlaybackItem from the MediaSource.

AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult result =
    await AdaptiveMediaSource.CreateFromUriAsync(new Uri(""));

if (result.Status != AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus.Success)
    // TODO: Handle adaptive media source creation errors.
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource(result.MediaSource);
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

Register for the ID3 tag events using the MediaPlaybackItem object created in the previous step. This example uses a helper method, RegisterMetadataHandlerForID3Cues, to register for the events. A lambda expression is used to implement a handler for the TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs when the system detects a change in the metadata tracks associated with a MediaPlaybackItem. In some cases, the metadata tracks may be available when the playback item is initially resolved, so outside of the TimedMetadataTracksChanged handler, we also loop through the available metadata tracks and call RegisterMetadataHandlerForID3Cues.

AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult result =
    await AdaptiveMediaSource.CreateFromUriAsync(new Uri(""));

if (result.Status != AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus.Success)
    // TODO: Handle adaptive media source creation errors.
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource(result.MediaSource);
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

After registering for the ID3 metadata events, the MediaItem is assigned to a MediaPlayer for playback within a MediaPlayerElement.

_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
_mediaPlayer.Source = mediaPlaybackItem;

In the RegisterMetadataHandlerForID3Cues helper method, get an instance of the TimedMetadataTrack class by indexing into the TimedMetadataTracks collection of the MediaPlaybackItem. Check the DispatchType property of the metadata track, which will have a value containing the GUID string "15260DFFFF49443320FF49443320000F" if the track represents ID3 tags. Register for the CueEntered event and the CueExited event. Then, you must call SetPresentationMode on the playback item's TimedMetadataTracks collection, to instruct the system that the app wants to receive metadata cue events for this playback item.

private void RegisterMetadataHandlerForID3Cues(MediaPlaybackItem item, int index)
    var timedTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks[index];
    var dispatchType = timedTrack.DispatchType;

    if (String.Equals(dispatchType, "15260DFFFF49443320FF49443320000F", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        timedTrack.Label = "ID3 tags";
        timedTrack.CueEntered += metadata_ID3CueEntered;
        timedTrack.CueExited += metadata_ID3CueExited;
        item.TimedMetadataTracks.SetPresentationMode((uint)index, TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode.ApplicationPresented);

In the handler for the CueEntered event, cast the data cue contained in the Cue property of the MediaCueEventArgs to an DataCue. Check to make sure the DataCue and the Data property of the cue are not null. Extended EMU comments are provided in the form raw bytes in the transport stream (see ID3). Create a new DataReader to read the cue data by calling DataReader.FromBuffer. In this example, the header values from the ID3 tag are read from the cue data and written to the debug output.

private void metadata_ID3CueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
    var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;
    if (dataCue != null && dataCue.Data != null)
        // The payload is the raw ID3 bytes found in a TS stream
        // Ref:
        var dr = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);
        var header_ID3 = dr.ReadString(3);
        var header_version_major = dr.ReadByte();
        var header_version_minor = dr.ReadByte();
        var header_flags = dr.ReadByte();
        var header_tagSize = dr.ReadUInt32();

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ID3 tag data: major {header_version_major}, minor: {header_version_minor}");

Fragmented mp4 emsg boxes

Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, UWP apps can register for cues that correspond to emsg boxes within fragmented mp4 streams. An example usage of this type of metadata is for content providers to signal client applications to play an ad during live streaming content. This example uses AdaptiveMediaSource to play the media content. For more information, see Adaptive Streaming. Create an AdaptiveMediaSource for the content by calling CreateFromUriAsync or CreateFromStreamAsync. Create a MediaSource object by calling CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource and then create a MediaPlaybackItem from the MediaSource.

AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult result =
    await AdaptiveMediaSource.CreateFromUriAsync(new Uri(""));

if (result.Status != AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus.Success)
    // TODO: Handle adaptive media source creation errors.
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource(result.MediaSource);
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

Register for the emsg box events using the MediaPlaybackItem object created in the previous step. This example uses a helper method, RegisterMetadataHandlerForEmsgCues, to register for the events. A lambda expression is used to implement a handler for the TimedMetadataTracksChanged event, which occurs when the system detects a change in the metadata tracks associated with a MediaPlaybackItem. In some cases, the metadata tracks may be available when the playback item is initially resolved, so outside of the TimedMetadataTracksChanged handler, we also loop through the available metadata tracks and call RegisterMetadataHandlerForEmsgCues.

AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationResult result =
    await AdaptiveMediaSource.CreateFromUriAsync(new Uri(""));

if (result.Status != AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus.Success)
    // TODO: Handle adaptive media source creation errors.
var mediaSource = MediaSource.CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource(result.MediaSource);
var mediaPlaybackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(mediaSource);

After registering for the emsg box metadata events, the MediaItem is assigned to a MediaPlayer for playback within a MediaPlayerElement.

_mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
_mediaPlayer.Source = mediaPlaybackItem;

In the RegisterMetadataHandlerForEmsgCues helper method, get an instance of the TimedMetadataTrack class by indexing into the TimedMetadataTracks collection of the MediaPlaybackItem. Check the DispatchType property of the metadata track, which will have a value of "emsg:mp4" if the track represents emsg boxes. Register for the CueEntered event and the CueExited event. Then, you must call SetPresentationMode on the playback item's TimedMetadataTracks collection, to instruct the system that the app wants to receive metadata cue events for this playback item.

private void RegisterMetadataHandlerForEmsgCues(MediaPlaybackItem item, int index)
    var timedTrack = item.TimedMetadataTracks[index];
    var dispatchType = timedTrack.DispatchType;

    if (String.Equals(dispatchType, "emsg:mp4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        timedTrack.Label = "mp4 Emsg boxes";
        timedTrack.CueEntered += metadata_EmsgCueEntered;
        timedTrack.CueExited += metadata_EmsgCueExited;
        item.TimedMetadataTracks.SetPresentationMode((uint)index, TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode.ApplicationPresented);

In the handler for the CueEntered event, cast the data cue contained in the Cue property of the MediaCueEventArgs to an DataCue. Check to make sure the DataCue object is not null. The properties of the emsg box are provided by the media pipeline as custom properties in the DataCue object's Properties collection. This example attempts to extract several different property values using the TryGetValue method. If this method returns null, it means the requested propery is not present in the emsg box, so a default value is set instead.

The next part of the example illustrates the scenario where ad playback is triggered, which is the case when the scheme_id_uri property, obtained in the previous step, has a value of "urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml". For more information, see Note that the standard recommends sending this emsg multiple times for redundancy, so this example maintains a list of the emsg IDs that have already been processed and only processes new messages. Create a new DataReader to read the cue data by calling DataReader.FromBuffer and set the encoding to UTF-8 by setting the UnicodeEncoding property, then read the data. In this example, the message payload is written to the debug output. A real app would use the payload data to schedule the playback of an ad.

private void metadata_EmsgCueEntered(TimedMetadataTrack timedMetadataTrack, MediaCueEventArgs args)
    var dataCue = args.Cue as DataCue;
    if (dataCue != null)
        string scheme_id_uri = string.Empty;
        string value = string.Empty;
        UInt32 timescale = (UInt32)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
        UInt32 presentation_time_delta = (UInt32)dataCue.StartTime.Ticks;
        UInt32 event_duration = (UInt32)dataCue.Duration.Ticks;
        UInt32 id = 0;
        Byte[] message_data = null;

        const string scheme_id_uri_key = "emsg:scheme_id_uri";
        object propValue = null;
        dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(scheme_id_uri_key, out propValue);
        scheme_id_uri = propValue != null ? (string)propValue : "";

        const string value_key = "emsg:value";
        propValue = null;
        dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(value_key, out propValue);
        value = propValue != null ? (string)propValue : "";

        const string timescale_key = "emsg:timescale";
        propValue = null;
        dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(timescale_key, out propValue);
        timescale = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : timescale;

        const string presentation_time_delta_key = "emsg:presentation_time_delta";
        propValue = null;
        dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(presentation_time_delta_key, out propValue);
        presentation_time_delta = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : presentation_time_delta;

        const string event_duration_key = "emsg:event_duration";
        propValue = null;
        dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(event_duration_key, out propValue);
        event_duration = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : event_duration;

        const string id_key = "emsg:id";
        propValue = null;
        dataCue.Properties.TryGetValue(id_key, out propValue);
        id = propValue != null ? (UInt32)propValue : 0;

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Label: {timedMetadataTrack.Label}, Id: {dataCue.Id}, StartTime: {dataCue.StartTime}, Duration: {dataCue.Duration}");
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"scheme_id_uri: {scheme_id_uri}, value: {value}, timescale: {timescale}, presentation_time_delta: {presentation_time_delta}, event_duration: {event_duration}, id: {id}");

        if (dataCue.Data != null)
            var dr = Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader.FromBuffer(dataCue.Data);

            // Check if this is a SCTE ad message:
            // Ref:
            if (scheme_id_uri.ToLower() == "urn:scte:scte35:2013:xml")
                // SCTE recommends publishing emsg more than once, so we avoid reprocessing the same message id:
                if (!processedAdIds.Contains(id))
                    dr.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
                    var scte35payload = dr.ReadString(dataCue.Data.Length);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($", message_data: {scte35payload}");
                    // TODO: ScheduleAdFromScte35Payload(timedMetadataTrack, presentation_time_delta, timescale, event_duration, scte35payload);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"This emsg.Id, {id}, has already been processed.");
                message_data = new byte[dataCue.Data.Length];
                // TODO: Use the 'emsg' bytes for something useful. 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($", message_data.Length: {message_data.Length}");