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We will continue to innovate with security by design and security by default at the heart of every new Windows 11 PC and Windows 11 IoT device. This commitment ensures that our products not only meet, but exceed, the security expectations of our customers by providing robust protection against modern cyber threats while maintaining ease-of-use and performance. By integrating advanced security measures from the ground up, we aim to create a safer digital environment for everyone.

Diagram of chip-to-cloud containing a list of security features.

What's new



Document revision history

Date Summary
November 2021 Link updates and formatting.
February 2022 Revisions to Hardware root-of-trust, Virus and threat protection, and Windows Hello for Business content.
April 2022 Added Upcoming features section.
September 2022 Updates with Windows 11, version 22H2, features and enhancements.
April 2023 Minor edits and updates to edition availability.
September 2023 Updates with Windows 11, version 23H2, features and enhancements.
May 2024 Move from PDF format to web format.
November 2024 Updates with Windows 11, version 24H2, features and enhancements.


1 Microsoft digital defense report, CISO executive summary, October 2023.
2 Windows 11 Survey Report. Techaisle, September 2024. Windows 11 results are in comparison with Windows 10 devices.
3 Requires developer enablement.
4 Sold separately.
5 The Passkey can be saved locally to the Windows device and authenticated via Windows Hello or Windows Hello for Business. Hardware dependent.
6 Commissioned study delivered by Forrester Consulting "The Total Economic Impact™ of Windows 11 Pro Devices", December 2022. Note, quantified benefits reflect results over three years combined into a single composite organization that generates $1 billion in annual revenue, has 2,000 employees, refreshes hardware on a four-year cycle, and migrates the entirety of its workforce to Windows 11 devices.
7 Feature or functionality delivered using servicing technology.
8 Email encryption is supported on products such as Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Exchange Online.
9 Hardware dependent.
10 All users with a Microsoft account get 5GB of OneDrive storage free, and all Microsoft 365 subscriptions include 1TB of OneDrive storage. Additional OneDrive storage is sold separately.
11 The Total Economic Impact™ of Windows Pro Device, Forrester study commissioned by Microsoft, June 2020.

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Part No. November 2024