
Dela via

AccessibleChildren function (oleacc.h)

Retrieves the child ID or IDispatch of each child within an accessible container object.


HRESULT AccessibleChildren(
  [in]  IAccessible *paccContainer,
  [in]  LONG        iChildStart,
  [in]  LONG        cChildren,
  [out] VARIANT     *rgvarChildren,
  [out] LONG        *pcObtained


[in] paccContainer

Type: IAccessible*

Pointer to the container object's IAccessible interface.

[in] iChildStart

Type: LONG

Specifies the zero-based index of the first child that is retrieved. This parameter is an index, not a child ID, and it is usually is set to zero (0).

[in] cChildren

Type: LONG

Specifies the number of children to retrieve. To retrieve the current number of children, an application calls IAccessible::get_accChildCount.

[out] rgvarChildren


Pointer to an array of VARIANT structures that receives information about the container's children. If the vt member of an array element is VT_I4, then the lVal member for that element is the child ID. If the vt member of an array element is VT_DISPATCH, then the pdispVal member for that element is the address of the child object's IDispatch interface.

[out] pcObtained

Type: LONG*

Address of a variable that receives the number of elements in the rgvarChildren array that is populated by the AccessibleChildren function. This value is the same as that of the cChildren parameter; however, if you request more children than exist, this value will be less than that of cChildren.

Return value


If successful, returns S_OK.

If not successful, returns one of the following or another standard COM error code.

Return code Description
An argument is not valid.
The function succeeded, but there are fewer elements in the rgvarChildren array than there are children requested in cChildren.


To retrieve information about all of the children in a container, the iChildStart parameter must be zero (0), and cChildren must be the value returned by IAccessible::get_accChildCount.

When calling this function to obtain information about the children of a user interface element, it is recommended that clients obtain information about all of the children. For example, iChildStart must be zero (0), and cChildren must be the value returned by IAccessible::get_accChildCount.

If a child ID is returned for an element, then the container must provide information about the child element. To obtain information about the element, clients use the container's IAccessible interface pointer and specify the obtained child ID in calls to the IAccessible properties.

Clients must call the IUnknown::Release method for any IDispatch interfaces retrieved by this function, and free the array when it is no longer required.


The following example function displays a view of the element tree below the element that is passed in. The name and role of each element are printed by user-defined functions that are not shown here.

HRESULT WalkTreeWithAccessibleChildren(IAccessible* pAcc, int depth)
    HRESULT hr;
    long childCount;
    long returnCount;

    if (!pAcc)
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    hr = pAcc->get_accChildCount(&childCount);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;
    if (childCount == 0)
        return S_FALSE;
    VARIANT* pArray = new VARIANT[childCount];
    hr = AccessibleChildren(pAcc, 0L, childCount, pArray, &returnCount);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    // Iterate through children.
    for (int x = 0; x < returnCount; x++)
        VARIANT vtChild = pArray[x];
        // If it's an accessible object, get the IAccessible, and recurse.
        if (vtChild.vt == VT_DISPATCH)
            IDispatch* pDisp = vtChild.pdispVal;
            IAccessible* pChild = NULL;
            hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessible, (void**) &pChild);
            if (hr == S_OK)
                for (int y = 0; y < depth; y++)
                    printf("  ");
                PrintName(pChild, CHILDID_SELF);
                printf("(Object) ");
                PrintRole(pChild, CHILDID_SELF);
                WalkTreeWithAccessibleChildren(pChild, depth + 1);
        // Else it's a child element so we have to call accNavigate on the parent,
        //   and we do not recurse because child elements can't have children.
            for (int y = 0; y < depth; y++)
                printf("  ");
            PrintName(pAcc, vtChild.lVal);
            printf("(Child element) ");
            PrintRole(pAcc, vtChild.lVal);
    delete[] pArray;
    return S_OK;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header oleacc.h
Library Oleacc.lib
DLL Oleacc.dll
Redistributable Active Accessibility 1.3 RDK on Windows NT 4.0 with SP6 and later and Windows 95

See also

