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ConnectivityProfiles (Windows Configuration Designer reference)

Use to configure profiles that a user will connect with, such as an email account or VPN profile.

Applies to

Setting groups Windows client Surface Hub HoloLens IoT Core


Specify an email account to be automatically set up on the device.

  1. In Available customizations, select Email, enter a friendly name for the account, and then click Add.
  2. In Available customizations, select the name that you created. The following table describes the settings you can configure for each account. Settings in bold are required.
Setting Description
AccountType Select between Normal email and Visual voice mail
AuthForOutgoingMail Set to True if the outgoing server requires authentication
Domain Enter the domain for the account
HaveAlternateCredentialsForSMTP Specify whether the user's alternate SMTP account is enabled. If enabled, configure the SMTPDomain, SMTPName, and SMTPPassword settings
InboxUpdateFrequency Specify the time between email send/receive updates, in minutes. Available values are:

- Manual update
- Every 2 hours
- Every 15 minutes
- Every 30 minutes
- Every hour
IncomingMailServerName Enter the name of the messaging service's incoming email server
OutgoingServerName Enter the name of the messaging service's outgoing mail server
Password Enter the password for the account
ReplyAddress Enter the reply address for the account
SenderName Enter the name of the sender for the account
ServiceName Enter the name of the email service
ServiceType Select IMAP4 or POP3 for service type
SMTPDomain Enter the domain name for the user's alternate SMTP account, if HaveAlternateCredentialsForSMTP is enabled
SMTPName Enter the display name associated with the user's alternate SMTP account, if HaveAlternateCredentialsForSMTP is enabled
SMTPPassword Enter the password for the user's alternate SMTP account, if HaveAlternateCredentialsForSMTP is enabled
SSLIncoming Specify whether the incoming email server uses SSL
SSLOutgoing Specify whether the outgoing email server uses SSL
SyncOptions Specify how many days' worth of emails should be downloaded from the server. Available values are:

- All mail
- Two weeks
- One month
- One week
UserName Enter the user name for the account


Configure settings related to Exchange email server. These settings are related to the ActiveSync configuration service provider (CSP).

  1. In Available customizations, select Exchange, enter a name for the account, and then click Add. A globally unique identifier (GUID) is generated for the account.
  2. In Available customizations, select the GUID that you created. The following table describes the settings you can configure. Settings in bold are required.
Setting Description
AccountIcon Specify the location of the icon associated with the account.

The account icon can be used as a tile in the Start list or as an icon in the applications list under Settings > Email & accounts. Some icons are already provided on the device. The suggested icon for POP/IMAP or generic ActiveSync accounts is at res://AccountSettingsSharedRes{ScreenResolution}!%s.genericmail.png. The suggested icon for Exchange Accounts is at res://AccountSettingsSharedRes{ScreenResolution}! Custom icons can be added if desired.
AccountName Enter the name that refers to the account on the device
AccountType Select Exchange
DiagnosticLogging Select whether to disable logging, enable basic logging, or enable advanced logging
Domain Enter the domain name of the Exchange server
EmailAddress Enter the email address associated with the Exchange ActiveSync account.
MailAgeFilter Specify the time window used for syncing email items to the device. Available values are:

- All email is synced
- Only email up to three days old is synced
-Email up to a week old is synced (default)
- Email up to two weeks old is synced
- Email up to a month old is synced
Password Enter the password for the account
Schedule Specify the time until the next sync is performed, in minutes. Available values are:

- As items are received (default)
- Sync manually
- Every 15 minutes
- Every 30 minutes
- Every 60 minutes
ServerName Enter the server name used by the account
SyncCalendar_Enable Enable or disable calendar sync
SyncCalendar_Name If you enable calendar sync, enter Calendar
SyncContacts_Enable Enable or disable contacts sync
SyncContacts_Name If you enable contacts sync, enter Contacts
SyncEmail_Enable Enable or disable email sync
SyncEmail_Name If you enable email sync, enter Email
SyncTasks_Enable Enable or disable tasks sync
SyncTasks_Name If you enable tasks sync, enter Tasks
UserName Enter the user name for the account
UseSSL Specify whether to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


Configure the settings to add more email accounts.

Setting Description
KnownAccountsOEM Enter the source or file location of the KnownAccountsOEM.xml file on your development workstation.
OemFilePath Enter the name of the XML file that defines the new account to be added. The name must be KnownAccountsOEM.xml.


Configure settings to change the default maximum transmission unit (MTU) size settings for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections or for virtual private network (VPN) connections, or to create a VPN profile.


Setting Description
PPPProtocolType Select VPNPPPProtocolType
ProtocolType Select VPNProtocolType
TunnelMTU Enter the desired MTU size, between 1 and 1500

VPN setting

  1. In Available customizations, select VPNSetting, enter a friendly name for the account, and then click Add.
  2. In Available customizations, select the name that you created. The following table describes the settings you can configure. Settings in bold are required.
Setting Description
ProfileType Choose between Native and Third Party
AlwaysOn Set to True to automatically connect the VPN at sign-in
ByPassForLocal When set to True, requests to local resources on the same Wi-Fi network as the VPN client can bypass VPN
DnsSuffix Enter one or more comma-separated DNS suffixes. The first suffix listed is used as the primary connection-specific DNS suffix for the VPN interface. The list is added to the SuffixSearchList.
LockDown When set to True:
- Profile automatically becomes an "always on" profile
- VPN can't be disconnected
-If the profile isn't connected, the user has no network connectivity
- No other profiles can be connected or modified
Proxy Configure to Automatic or Manual
ProxyAutoConfigUrl When Proxy is set to Automatic, enter the URL to automatically retrieve the proxy settings
ProxyServer When Proxy is set to Manual, enter the proxy server address as a fully qualified hostname or enter IP address:Port
RememberCredentials Select whether credentials should be cached
TrustedNetworkDetection Enter a comma-separated string to identify the trusted network. VPN won't connect automatically when the user is on their corporate wireless network where protected resources are directly accessible to the device.

When ProfileType is set to Native, the following extra settings are available.

Setting Description
AuthenticationUserMethod When you set NativeProtocolType to IKEv2, choose between EAP and MSChapv2.
EAPConfiguration When you set AuthenticationUserMethod to EAP, enter the HTML-encoded XML to configure EAP. For more information, see EAP configuration.
NativeProtocolType Choose between PPTP, L2TP, IKEv2, and Automatic.
RoutingPolicyType Choose between SplitTunnel, in which traffic can go over any interface as determined by the networking stack, and ForceTunnel, in which all IP traffic must go over the VPN interface.
Server Enter the public or routable IP address or DNS name for the VPN gateway. It can point to the external IP of a gateway or a virtual IP for a server farm.

When ProfileType is set to Third Party, the following extra settings are available.

Setting Description
PluginProfileCustomConfiguration Enter HTML-encoded XML for SSL-VPN plug-in specific configuration, including authentication information that is deployed to the device to make it available for SSL-VPN plug-ins. Contact the plug-in provider for format and other details. Most plug-ins can also configure values based on the server negotiations and defaults.
PluginProfilePackageFamilyName Choose between Pulse Secure VPN, F5 VPN Client, and SonicWALL Mobile Connect.
PluginProfileServerUrlList Enter a comma-separated list of servers in URL, hostname, or IP format.


Configure settings related to Wi-Fi Sense.


The Config settings are initial settings that can be overwritten when settings are pushed to the device by the cloud.

Setting Description
WiFiSharingFacebookInitial Enable or disable sharing of Wi-Fi networks with Facebook contacts
WiFiSharingOutlookInitial Enable or disable sharing of Wi-Fi networks with Outlook contacts
WiFiSharingSkypeInitial Enable or disable sharing of Wi-Fi networks with Skype contacts


Setting Description
DefaultAutoConnectOpenState When enabled, the OOBE Wi-Fi Sense checkbox to automatically connect to open networks will be checked.
DefaultAutoConnectSharedState When enabled, the OOBE Wi-Fi Sense checkbox to share networks with contacts will be checked.
WiFiSenseAllowed Enable or disable Wi-Fi Sense. Wi-Fi Sense features include auto-connect to Wi-Fi hotspots and credential sharing.


You can use these settings to configure system capabilities for Wi-Fi adapters, which is a new functionality in Windows 1. These system capabilities are added at image time to ensure that the information is at its most accurate. The capabilities allow the OS to have a better understanding of the underlying hardware that it's running on. Diagnostic data is generated by the system to provide data that can be used to diagnose both software and hardware issues.

Setting Description
CoexistenceSupport Specify the type of co-existence that's supported on the device:

- Both: Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth work at the same performance level during co-existence
- Wi-Fi reduced: On a 2X2 system, Wi-Fi performance is reduced to 1X1 level
- Bluetooth centered: When co-existing, Bluetooth has priority and restricts Wi-Fi performance
- One: Either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth will stop working
NumAntennaConnected Enter the number of antennas that are connected to the WLAN radio
SimultaneousMultiChannelSupported Enter the maximum number of channels that the Wi-Fi device can simultaneously operate on. For example, you can use this setting to specify support for Station mode and Wi-Fi Direct GO on separate channels simultaneously.
WLANFunctionLevelDeviceResetSupported Select whether the device supports functional level device reset (FLDR). The FLDR feature in the OS checks this system capability exclusively to determine if it can run.
WLANPlatformLevelDeviceResetSupported Select whether the device supports platform level device reset (PLDR). The PLDR feature in the OS checks this system capability exclusively to determine if it can run.


Configure settings for wireless connectivity.


To add a profile:

  1. Create the wireless profile XML.
  2. In WLAN > Profiles, browse to and select the profile XML file.
  3. Click Add.


Enter an SSID, click Add, and then configure the following settings for the SSID.

Settings Description
ProxyServerPort (Optional) Don't use. Using this configuration in Windows 10 client editions will result in failure.
AutoConnect (Optional) Select True or false to specify whether to automatically connect to WLAN.
HiddenNetwork (Optional) Select True or false to specify whether the network is hidden.
SecurityType Choose between Open, WEP, and WPA2-Personal.

If you select WEP or WPA2-Personal, enter the SecurityKey required by the WLAN.