Dela via


Configures snapshot using the provided process id.


HRESULT ConfigSnapshotByPID
([in, out] ULONG* pids,
 [in] ULONG cPids,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnable);


[in] The pointer to an array of process ids.
[in] The number of process ids in the array.
[in] A Boolean value that indicate whether to enable or disable the snapshot.

Return Value

The following table describes possible return values.

Return Value Description
S_OK The configuration was successful for the specified processes.
S_FALSE The configuration was partially successful. Refer to pResults to further investigate which process failed.
E_WPRC_FAILED_TO_CONFIGURE_HEAP_SNAPSHOT_PIDS Failed to configure the heap stack control of PID(s).


When the function returns a partial failure (S_FALSE), that means not all processes in the process id array are configured successfully. In order to find what process(es) failed, use the ConfigSnapshotByPIDEx function.

The snapshot configuration is valid until it is explicitly disabled or the process exits.