Dela via

CaptureStateOnDemand in EventProvider

Represents a collection of keywords that describe events to be captured on demand while recording. The library requests the provider to log its state information when the provider is enabled. You can trigger the capturestate of the provider by wpr -capturestateondemand command. If the Operation attribute is specified, the Keyword elements can be set or added to the collection.

Element Hierarchy


<CaptureStateOnDemand Operation = "Set" | "Add"> | “Remove”

  <!-- Child elements -->


Attributes and Elements


Attribute Description Data type Required Default
Operation Indicates whether keywords should be set or added. This attribute can have one of the following values:
  • Set
  • Add
  • Remove
No Set

Child Elements

Element Description Requirement
Keyword (in EventProvider) Describes the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) keyword for a user-mode provider. Required, one or more.

Parent Elements

Element Description
EventProvider Represents an event provider for the profile.
EventProviderId Represents an event provider identifier.


The following code example shows how this element is used.

<EventProvider Id="sample-provider" Name="SampleProvider" NonPagedMemory="true" Level="5">
    <Keyword Value="0x98"/> <!-- Provider is enabled with these keywords throughout tracing session -->
    <Keyword Value="0xff4"/> <!-- Provider is  enabled with these keywords when user initiates wpr -capturestateondemand command. -->


Keyword (in SystemProvider)


