Dela via

DismEnableFeature function

Enables a feature in an image. Features are identified by a name and can optionally be tied to a package.


HRESULT WINAPI DismEnableFeature(
  _In_     DismSession            Session,
  _In_     PCWSTR                 FeatureName,
  _In_opt_ PCWSTR                 Identifier,
  _In_opt_ DismPackageIdentifier  PackageIdentifier,
  _In_     BOOL                   LimitAccess,
  _In_opt_ PCWSTR                 *SourcePaths,
  _In_opt_ UINT                   SourcePathCount,
  _In_     BOOL                   EnableAll,
  _In_opt_ HANDLE                 CancelEvent,
  _In_opt_ PVOID                  UserData


Session [in]
A valid DismSession. The DismSession must be associated with an image. You can associate a session with an image by using the DismOpenSession.

FeatureName [in]
The name of the feature that is being enabled. To enable more than one feature, separate each feature name with a semicolon.

Identifier [in, optional]
Optional. Either an absolute path to a .cab file or the package name for the parent package of the feature to be enabled.

PackageIdentifier [in, optional]
Optional. A valid DismPackageIdentifier enumeration value. DismPackageName should be used when the Identifier parameter is pointing to a package name, and DismPackagePath should be used when Identifier points to the absolute path of a .cab file. If Identifier field is not NULL, you must specify a valid PackageIdentifier parameter. If the Identifier field is NULL, the PackageIdentifier parameter is ignored.

LimitAccess [in]
This parameter is ignored starting with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012:

A Boolean value indicating whether Windows Update (WU) should be contacted as a source location for downloading files if none are found in other specified locations. Before checking WU, DISM will check for the files in the SourcePaths provided and in any locations specified in the registry by group policy. If the files required to enable the feature are still present on the computer, this flag is ignored.

Value Description
TRUE Do not check WU for repair files.
FALSE Default. Check WU for repair files.

SourcePaths [in, optional]
This parameter is ignored starting with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012:

A list of source locations to check for files needed to enable the feature.

SourcePathCount [in, optional]
This parameter is ignored starting with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012:

The number of source locations specified.

EnableAll [in]
Enable all dependencies of the feature. If the specified feature or any one of its dependencies cannot be enabled, none of them will be changed from their existing state.

Value Description
TRUE Enable all dependencies of the feature.
FALSE Only enable the specified feature.

CancelEvent [in, optional]
Optional. You can set a CancelEvent for this function in order to cancel the operation in progress when signaled by the client. If the CancelEvent is received at a stage when the operation cannot be canceled, the operation will continue and return a success code. If the CancelEvent is received and the operation is canceled, the image state is unknown. You should verify the image state before continuing or discard the changes and start again.

Progress [in, optional]
Optional. A pointer to a client-defined DismProgressCallback.

UserData [in, optional]
Optional. User defined custom data.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is S_OK. The function may also return one of the following values when it succeeds:

Return code Description
If the Session is online, the computer needs to be restarted.
The Session needs to be reloaded.

If the function fails, the return value is an HRESULT error value.


If the feature is present in the foundation package, you do not have to specify any package information. If the feature is in an optional package or feature pack that has already been installed in the image, specify a package name in the Identifier parameter and specify DismPackageName as the PackageIdentifier.If the feature cannot be enabled due to the parent feature not being enabled, a special error code will be returned. You can use EnableAll to enable the parent features when you enable the specified features, or you can use the DismGetFeatureParent to enumerate the parent features and enable them first.


If the feature to be enabled is not a component of the foundation package, you must add the parent optional package with the DismAddPackage before you enable the feature. Do not you specify a path to a .cab file of an optional package that has not been added to the image in the Identifier parameter. If you specify a package that has not been added, and you specify DismPackagePath as the PackageIdentifier, the function will complete successfully but the feature will not be enabled.


LimitAccess, SourcePaths, SourcePathCount, and EnableAll are only supported on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.


hr = DismEnableFeature(Session, “WindowsMediaPlayer”, NULL, PackageNone, TRUE, NULL, 0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL);


Requirement Description
Supported host platforms DISM API can be used on any operating system supported by the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK). For more information, see the Windows ADK Technical Reference.
Supported image platforms Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows PE 3.0, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 4.0, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header DismAPI.h
Library DismAPI.lib
DLL DismAPI.dll

See also



