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Clients use the KSPROPERTY_PIN_MODEDATAFORMATS property to retrieve a list of the supported formats for each supported audio signal processing mode for pins instantiated by the pin factory.

Usage Summary Table

Get Set Target Property Descriptor Type Property Value Type
Yes No Filter KSP_PIN, followed by a Mode GUID KSMULTIPLE_ITEM structure, followed by a sequence of KSDATAFORMAT structures


Clients use this property to retrieve a list of formats supported for a specific audio signal processing mode by pins instantiated by the pin factory.

Specify this property using KSP_PIN followed by the Mode GUID, where the KSP_PIN member and the Mode GUID specify the pin factory and Mode for which to return the list of formats.

KSPROPERTY_PIN_MODEDATAFORMATS returns the supported formats as a KSMULTIPLE_ITEM structure where each item in the structure is a ULONGLONG with the offset to a specific KSDATAFORMAT structure in the value from the beginning of the KSMULTIPLE_ITEM.

  • The KSMULTIPLE_ITEM::Size value includes the size of the KSMULTIPLE_ITEM and the sizes of each KSDATAFORMAT.

  • The KSMULTIPLE_ITEM::Count value includes the count of indexes to each KSDATAFORMAT.

In almost all cases, the KSDATAFORMAT structures being returned will actually be KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE or KSDATAFORMAT_WAVEFORMATEX structures with a Size that matches.

As an example, a value for a pin factory that supports two formats would look like the following.

    // Example Property Value Result, with 2 formats
    // When computing the FormatSize make sure to align the size to ULONGLONG
    // KSDATAFORMAT::Size is WDF_ALIGN_SIZE_UP(KsDataFormat->FormatSize, sizeof(ULONGLONG));
    // Size of the KSMULTIPLE_ITEM structure + Size of two ULONG offset values + Size of first format + Size of second format
    sizeof(KSMULTIPLE_ITEM) + sizeof(ULONG)*2 + (First KSDATAFORMAT::Size) + (Second KSDATAFORMAT::Size),
    // Number of formats being returned
    // Offset of the first format from the beginning of the Property Value
    2 * sizeof(ULONG),
    // Offset of the second format from the beginning of the Property Value
    2 * sizeof(ULONG) + (First KSDATAFORMAT::Size),
    // First format structure
    {(First KSDATAFORMAT)},
    // Second format structure
    {(Second KSDATAFORMAT)}

For more information, see Extensible Wave-Format Descriptors.

Supported Mode Format and Buffer Recommendations

Starting with Windows 10, version 2004 the use of KSPROPERTY_PIN_MODEDATAFORMATS and KSAUDIO_PACKETSIZE_CONSTRAINTS2 is the preferred approach for drivers to report the supported audio signal processing mode formats and buffer size constraints. Using this approach allows the Windows audio system to efficiently retrieve the endpoint streaming capabilities without having to create numerous streams to discover the formats and buffer sizes supported by the endpoint.


Version: Available starting with Windows 10, version 2004

Header: ks.h (include Ks.h)

See also