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This event occurs when there is an error, such as a scanning error. The data buffer for this event is as follows.


// Error occurred data should fill the ReadFile buffer in this order:
//    PosBarcodeScannerErrorOccurredEventData structure (length = sizeof(PosBarcodeScannerErrorOccurredEventData))
//    Error Message (length = MessageLength)
//    Scan Data (length = ScanDataLength)
//    Scan Data Label (length = ScanDataLabelLength)

typedef struct _PosBarcodeScannerErrorOccurredEventData
    PosEventDataHeader Header;
    LONG IsRetriable;
    UnifiedPosErrorSeverity Severity;
    UINT32 VendorErrorCode;
    UnifiedPosErrorReason Reason;
    UINT32 ExtendedReason;
    UINT32 MessageLength;
    PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData PartialData;
} PosBarcodeScannerErrorOccurredEventData;

The following table shows the memory layout of the data buffer for this event.

Memory value Description
0x00000006 EventType = PosEventType:: BarcodeScannerTriggerPressed
UINT32 DataLength = sizeof(PosBarcodeScannerErrorOccurredData) + MessageLength + ScanDataLength + ScanDataLabelLength)
BOOL IsRetriable
32-bit UnifiedPosErrorSeverity Severity
UINT32 VendorErrorCode
32-bit UnifiedPosErrorReason Reason
UINT32 ExtendedReason
UINT32 MessageLength
PosBarcodeScannerDataReceivedEventData PartialData
UINT32 EventType not specified
UINT32 DataLength = sizeof(PosBarcodeScannerDataRecievedEventData) + MessageLength + ScanDataLength + ScanDataLabelLength)
UINT32 DataType not specified
UINT32 ScanDataLength
UINT32 ScanDataLabelLength
byte [] MessageLength bytes of message
byte [] ScanDataLength bytes of label data
byte [] ScanDataLabelLength bytes of scan data


If a scanning error occurs, and some scan data was obtained, the event data contains the partial scan data.


Header: pointofservicedriverinterface.h