
Dela via

PC/SC interface for smart cards

The ATR formats for different NFC card types are listed below. Please refer to PC/SC spec [3.a] for more details regarding the ATR format.

ATR format for ISO14443-4 cards

Byte offset Value Designation Description
0 3B Initial header
1 8n T0 Higher nibble indicates only presence of TD1. Lower nibble indicates the size of the historical bytes
2 80 TD1 Presence of TD2
3 01 TD2  
4 to 3+N XX Historical bytes For ISO14443A: The historical bytes is from the ATS response
For ISO14443B: The historical bytes is from ATTRIB (ATQB)
4+N XX TCK Checksum

ATR format for storage cards

Byte offset Value Designation Description
0 3B Initial header  
1 8n T0 Higher nibble indicates only presence of TD1. Lower nibble indicates the size of the historical bytes.
2 80 TD1 Presence of TD2
3 01 TD2  
4 to 3+N 80 T1 Category indicator byte.
4 to 3+N 4F TK Application identifier presence.
4 to 3+N 0C TK Length
4 to 3+N A0 00 00 03 06 TK RID as specified in part 3 supplemental doc from PC/SC
4 to 3+N SS TK Byte for standard. The values should correspond to Table 2 of the supplemental doc.
4 to 3+N NN TK Bytes for card name. The values should correspond to Table 3 of the supplemental doc.
4 to 3+N 00 00 00 00 RFU  
4+N XX TCK Check-sum