
Dela via

MB UICC application and file system access


This topic specifies an extension to the Mobile Broadband Interface Model (MBIM) interface to permit accessing UICC smart card application and file systems. This extension to MBIM exposes logical access to the UICC's ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification-compliant applications and filesystems, and is supported in Windows 10, version 1903 and later.

UICC access and security

The UICC provides a file system and supports a set of applications that can run concurrently. These include the USIM for UMTS, CSIM for CDMA, and ISIM for IMS. The SIM is a legacy portion of the UICC that can be modeled as one of these applications (for GSM).

The following diagram from Section 8.1 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification shows an example card application structure.

Diagram that shows an example UICC application structure.

The UICC file system can be regarded as a forest of directory trees. The legacy SIM tree is rooted at a Master File (MF) and contains up to two levels of subdirectories (Dedicated Files, or DFs) containing Elemental Files (EFs) that hold various types of information. The SIM defines DFs under the MF, one of which, DFTelecom, contains information common to multiple access types such as the common phone book. Additional applications are effectively implemented as separate trees, each rooted in its own Application Directory File (ADF). Each ADF is identified by an application identifier that can be up to 128 bits long. A file under the card root (EFDir under the MF in the diagram) contains the application names and corresponding identifiers. Within a tree (the MF or an ADF), DFs and EFs might be identified by a path of file IDs, where a file ID is a 16-bit integer.

NDIS interface extensions

The following OIDs have been defined to support UICC application and file system access.

MBIM service and CID values

Service name UUID UUID value
Microsoft Low-Level UICC Access UUID_MS_UICC_LOW_LEVEL C2F6588E-F037-4BC9-8665-F4D44BD09367
Microsoft Basic IP Connectivity Extensions UUID_BASIC_CONNECT_EXTENSIONS 3D01DCC5-FEF5-4D05-9D3A-BEF7058E9AAF

The following table specifies the UUID and command code for each CID, as well as whether the CID supports Set, Query, or Event (notification) requests. See each CID’s individual Section within this topic for more info about its parameters, data structures, and notifications.

CID UUID Command code Set Query Notify


This CID retrieves a list of applications in a UICC and information about them. When the UICC in the modem is fully initialized and ready to register with the mobile operator, a UICC application must be selected for registration and a query with this CID should return the selected application in the ActiveAppIndex field in the MBIM_UICC_APP_LIST structure used in response.


Operation Set Query Notification
Command Not applicable Empty Not applicable
Response Not applicable MBIM_UICC_APP_LIST Not applicable


The InformationBuffer of MBIM_COMMAND_MSG is empty.


Not applicable.


The InformationBuffer in MBIM_COMMAND_DONE contains the following MBIM_UICC_APP_LIST structure.

MBIM_UICC_APP_LIST (version 1)

Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be set to 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 AppCount UINT32 The number of UICC application MBIM_UICC_APP_INFO structures being returned in this response.
8 4 ActiveAppIndex UINT32(0..NumApp - 1) The index of the application selected by the modem for registration with the mobile network. This field must be between 0 and the AppCount - 1. It indexes to the array of applications returned by this response. If no application is selected for registration, this field contains 0xFFFFFFFF.
12 4 AppListSize UINT32 The size of the app list data, in bytes.
8*AppCount AppList OL_PAIR_LIST First element of the pair is a 4-byte field with the Offset of an app info in the DataBuffer. Second element of the pair is a 4-byte field with the size of the app info.
AppListSize DataBuffer DATABUFFER An array of AppCount * MBIM_UICC_APP_INFO structures.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 AppType MBIM_UICC_APP_TYPE The type of the UICC application.
4 4 AppIdOffset OFFSET Offset for the application ID in the databuffer. Only the first AppIdSize bytes are meaningful. If the application ID is longer than MBIM_MAXLENGTH_APPID bytes, then AppIdSize specifies the actual length but only the first MBIM_MAXLENGTH_APPID bytes are in this field. This field is valid only when AppType is not MBIMUiccAppTypeMf, MBIMUiccAppTypeMfSIM, or MBIMUiccAppTypeMfRUIM.
8 4 AppIdSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the application ID, in bytes, as defined in Section 8.3 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. AppIdSize may contain a number greater than 16, but in this case only the first 16 (MBIM_MAXLENGTH_APPID) bytes are in the databuffer. This field is set to zero for the MBIMUiccAppTypeMf, MBIMUiccAppTypeMfSIM, or MBIMUiccAppTypeMfRUIM app types.
12 AppNameOffset OFFSET Offset for the application name in the databuffer. A UTF-8 string specifying the name of the application. The length of this field is specified by AppNameLength. If the length is greater than or equal to MBIM_MAXLENGTH_APPNAME bytes, this field contains the first MBIM_MAXLENGTH_APPNAME - 1 bytes of the name. The string is always null-terminated.
16 4 AppNameLength SIZE (0..256) The length, in bytes, of the application name. AppNameLength may contain a number equal to or greater than 256, but in these cases only the first 255 (MBIM_MAXLENGTH_APPNAME - 1) bytes are in the databuffer.
20 4 NumPinKeyRefs SIZE (0..8) The number of application PIN key references. In other words, the number of elements of PinKeyRef that are valid. Applications on a virtual R-UIM have no PIN key references.
24 4 KeyRefOffset OFFSET Offset of the PinKeyRef in the DataBuffer. The PinKeyRef is a byte array specifying the application’s PIN key references for different levels of verification (keys for PIN1, PIN2, and possibly a universal PIN), as defined in Table 9.3 and Section 9.4.2 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. In the case of a single-verification card, or an MBB driver and/or modem that does not support different application keys for different applications, the first byte of the PinKeyRef field must be 0x01 (PIN1) and the second byte must be 0x81 (PIN2), as described in Section 9.5.1 of ETSI TS 102 221.
28 4 KeyRefSize SIZE (0..8) The size of PinKeyRef.
32 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The data buffer containing AppId, AppName, and PinKeyRef.of a single-verification card, or an MBB driver and/or modem that does not support different application keys for different applications, this field must be 0x01.


Type Value Description
MBIMUiccAppTypeUnknown 0 Unknown type.
MBIMUiccAppTypeMf 1 Legacy SIM directories rooted at the MF.
MBIMUiccAppTypeMfSIM 2 Legacy SIM directories rooted at the DF_GSM.
MBIMUiccAppTypeMfRUIM 3 Legacy SIM directories rooted at the DF_CDMA.
MBIMUiccAppTypeUSIM 4 USIM application.
MBIMUiccAppTypeCSIM 5 CSIM application.
MBIMUiccAppTypeISIM 6 ISIM application.


The following constants are defined for MBIM_CID_MS_UICC_APP_INFO.

const int MBIM_MAXNUM_PINREF = 8

Unsolicited Events

Not applicable.

Status Codes

The following status codes are applicable:

Status code Description
MBIM_STATUS_SUCCESS Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_BUSY Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_FAILURE Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_NO_DEVICE_SUPPORT Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_SIM_NOT_INSERTED Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is missing.
MBIM_STATUS_BAD_SIM Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is in an error state.
MBIM_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is not yet fully initialized.


This CID retrieves information about a specified UICC file.


Operation Set Query Notification
Command Not applicable MBIM_UICC_FILE_PATH Not applicable
Response Not applicable MBIM_UICC_FILE_STATUS Not applicable


The InformationBuffer of MBIM_COMMAND_MSG contains the target EF as an MBIM_UICC_FILE_PATH structure.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 AppIdOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the application ID.
8 4 AppIdSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the application ID, in bytes, as defined in Section 8.3 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. For 2G cards, this field must be set to zero (0).
12 4 FilePathOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the file path. The file path is an array of 16-bit file IDs. The first ID must be either 0x7FFF or 0x3F00. If the first ID is 0x7FFF, then the path is relative to the ADF of the application designated by AppId. Otherwise, it is an absolute path starting from the MF.
16 4 FilePathSize SIZE (0..8) The size of the file path, in bytes.
20 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The data buffer containing AppId and FilePath.


Not applicable.


The following MBIM_UICC_FILE_STATUS structure is used in the InformationBuffer.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 StatusWord1 UINT32(0..256) A return parameter specific to the UICC command.
8 4 StatusWord2 UINT32(0..256) A return parameter specific to the UICC command.
12 4 FileAccessibility MBIM_UICC_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY The UICC file accessibility.
16 4 FileType MBIM_UICC_FILE_TYPE The UICC file type.
20 4 FileStructure MBIM_UICC_FILE_STRUCTURE The UICC file structure.
24 4 ItemCount UINT32 The number of items in the UICC file. For transparent and TLV files, this is set to 1.
28 4 Size UINT32 The size of each item, in bytes. For transparent or TLV files, this is the size of the entire EF. For record-based files, this represents the total number of records.
32 16 FileLockStatus MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX[4] An array of type MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX that describes the access condition for each operation (READ, UPDATE, ACTIVATE, and DEACTIVATE in that order) on that file.


The MBIM_UICC_FILE_ACCESSIBILITY enumeration is used in the preceding MBIM_UICC_FILE_STATUS structure.

Type Value Description
MBIMUiccFileAccessibilityUnknown 0 File shareability unknown.
MBIMUiccFileAccessibilityNotShareable 1 Not shareable file.
MBIMUiccFileAccessibilityShareable 2 Shareable file.


The MBIM_UICC_FILE_TYPE enumeration is used in the preceding MBIM_UICC_FILE_STATUS structure.

Type Value Description
MBIMUiccFileTypeUnknown 0 File type unknown.
MBIMUiccFileTypeWorkingEf 1 Working EF.
MBIMUiccFileTypeInternalEf 2 Internal EF.
MBIMUiccFileTypeDfOrAdf 3 Dedicated file, a directory that is the parent of other nodes. This may be a DF or ADF.


The MBIM_UICC_FILE_STRUCTURE enumeration is used in the preceding MBIM_UICC_FILE_STATUS structure.

Type Value Description
MBIMUiccFileStructureUnknown 0 An unknown file structure.
MBIMUiccFileStructureTransparent 1 A single record of variable length.
MBIMUiccFileStructureCyclic 2 A cyclic set of records, each of the same length.
MBIMUiccFileStructureLinear 3 A linear set of records, each of the same length.
MBIMUiccFileStructureBerTLV 4 A set of data values accessible by tag.


The MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX enumeration is used in the preceding MBIM_UICC_FILE_STATUS structure.

Type Value Description
MBIMPinTypeNone 0 No PIN is pending to be entered.
MBIMPinTypeCustom 1 The PIN type is a custom type and is none of the other PIN types listed in this enumeration.
MBIMPinTypePin1 2 The PIN1 key.
MBIMPinTypePin2 3 The PIN2 key.
MBIMPinTypeDeviceSimPin 4 The device to SIM key.
MBIMPinTypeDeviceFirstSimPin 5 The device to very first SIM key.
MBIMPinTypeNetworkPin 6 The network personalization key.
MBIMPinTypeNetworkSubsetPin 7 The network subset personalization key.
MBIMPinTypeServiceProviderPin 8 The service provider (SP) personalization key.
MBIMPinTypeCorporatePin 9 The corporate personalization key.
MBIMPinTypeSubsidyLock 10 The subsidy unlock key.
MBIMPinTypePuk1 11 The Personal Identification Number 1 Unlock Key (PUK1).
MBIMPinTypePuk2 12 The Personal Identification Number 2 Unlock Key (PUK2).
MBIMPinTypeDeviceFirstSimPuk 13 The device to very first SIM PIN unlock key.
MBIMPinTypeNetworkPuk 14 The network personalization unlock key.
MBIMPinTypeNetworkSubsetPuk 15 The network subset personalization unlock key.
MBIMPinTypeServiceProviderPuk 16 The service provider (SP) personalization unlock key.
MBIMPinTypeCorporatePuk 17 The corporate personalization unlock key.
MBIMPinTypeNev 18 The NEV key.
MBIMPinTypeAdm 19 The administrative key.

Unsolicited Events

Not applicable.

Status Codes

The following status codes are applicable:

Status code Description
MBIM_STATUS_BUSY Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_FAILURE Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_SIM_NOT_INSERTED Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is missing.
MBIM_STATUS_BAD_SIM Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is in an error state.
MBIM_STATUS_SHAREABILITY_CONDITION_ERROR The file cannot be selected because it is not shareable and is currently being accessed by another application. The status word returned by the SIM is 6985.


This CID sends a specific command to access a UICC binary file, with structure type MBIMUiccFileStructureTransparent or MBIMUiccFileStructureBerTLV.


Operation Set Query Notification
Command Not applicable MBIM_UICC_ACCESS_BINARY Not applicable
Response Not applicable MBIM_UICC_RESPONSE Not applicable


Reads a binary file. The InformationBuffer for MBIM_COMMAND_MSG contains an MBIM_UICC_ACCESS_BINARY structure. An MBIM_UICC_RESPONSE structure is returned in the InformationBuffer of MBIM_COMMAND_DONE.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be set to 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 AppIdOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the application ID.
8 4 AppIdSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the application ID, in bytes, as defined in Section 8.3 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. For 2G cards, this field must be set to zero (0).
12 4 FilePathOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the file path. The file path is an array of 16-bit file IDs. The first ID must be either 0x7FFF or 0x3F00. If the first ID is 0x7FFF, then the path is relative to the ADF of the application designated by AppId. Otherwise, it is an absolute path starting from the MF.
16 4 FilePathSize SIZE The size of the file path, in bytes.
20 4 FileOffset UINT32 The offset to be used when reading from the file. This field can be bigger than 256, and it combines both offset high and offset low as defined in the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification.
24 4 NumberOfBytes UINT32 The number of bytes to be read. For example, a client driver could use this function to read a transparent (binary) file that is larger than 256 bytes, although the maximum amount that can be read or written in a single UICC operation is 256 bytes per the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. It is the function's responsibility to split this into multiple APDUs and send back the result in a single response.
28 4 LocalPinOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the password. This is the local PIN (PIN2) and is used in case the operation requires local PIN validation.
32 4 LocalPinSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the password, in bytes.
36 4 BinaryDataOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the command-specific data. Binary data is only used for SET operations.
40 4 BinaryDataSize SIZE (0..32768) The size of the data, in bytes.
44 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The data buffer containing AppId, FilePath, LocalPin, and BinaryData.


Not applicable.


The following MBIM_UICC_RESPONSE structure is used in the InformationBuffer.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 StatusWord1 UINT32(0..256) A return parameter specific to the UICC command.
8 4 StatusWord2 UINT32(0..256) A return parameter specific to the UICC command.
12 4 ResponseDataOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the response data. The response data is only used for QUERY operations.
16 4 ResponseDataSize SIZE (0..32768) The size of the data, in bytes.
20 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The data buffer containing ResponseData.

Unsolicited Events

Not applicable.

Status Codes

The following status codes are applicable:

Status code Description
MBIM_STATUS_BUSY Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_FAILURE Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_SIM_NOT_INSERTED Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is missing.
MBIM_STATUS_BAD_SIM Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is in an error state.
MBIM_STATUS_SHAREABILITY_CONDITION_ERROR The file cannot be selected because it is not shareable and is currently being accessed by another application. The status word returned by the SIM is 6985.
MBIM_STATUS_PIN_FAILURE The operation failed due to a PIN error.


This CID sends a specific command to access a UICC linear fixed or cyclic file, with structure type of MBIMUiccFileStructureCyclic or MBIMUIccFileStructureLinear.


Operation Set Query Notification
Command Not applicable MBIM_UICC_ACCESS_RECORD Not applicable
Response Not applicable MBIM_UICC_RESPONSE Not applicable


Reads contents of a record. The InformationBuffer for MBIM_COMMAND_MSG contains the following MBIM_UICC_ACCESS_RECORD structure. MBIM_UICC_RESPONSE is returned in the InformationBuffer of MBIM_COMMAND_DONE.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be set to 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 AppIdOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the application ID.
8 4 AppIdSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the application ID, in bytes, as defined in Section 8.3 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. For 2G cards, this field must be set to zero (0).
12 4 FilePathOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the file path. The file path is an array of 16-bit file IDs. The first ID must be either 0x7FFF or 0x3F00. If the first ID is 0x7FFF, then the path is relative to the ADF of the application designated by AppId. Otherwise, it is an absolute path starting from the MF.
16 4 FilePathSize SIZE The size of the file path, in bytes.
20 4 RecordNumber UINT32(0..256) The record number. This represents the absolute record index at all times. Relative record access is not supported because the modem can perform multiple accesses on a file (NEXT, PREVIOUS).
24 4 LocalPinOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the password. The lock password is a null-terminated UTF-8 string of decimal digits.
28 4 LocalPinSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the password, in bytes.
32 4 RecordDataOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the command-specific data. Record data is only used for SET operations.
36 4 RecordDataSize SIZE (0..256) The size of the data, in bytes.
40 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The data buffer containing AppId, FilePath, LocalPin, and RecordData.


Not applicable.


An MBIM_UICC_RESPONSE structure is used in the InformationBuffer.

Unsolicited Events

Not applicable.

Status Codes

The following status codes are applicable:

Status code Description
MBIM_STATUS_BUSY Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_FAILURE Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_SIM_NOT_INSERTED Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is missing.
MBIM_STATUS_BAD_SIM Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is in an error state.
MBIM_STATUS_SHAREABILITY_CONDITION_ERROR The file cannot be selected because it is not shareable and is currently being accessed by another application. The status word returned by the SIM is 6985.
MBIM_STATUS_PIN_FAILURE The operation failed due to a PIN error.


This CID is used to perform all PIN security operations as defined in Section 9 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. The CID is similar to MBIM_CID_MS_PIN, but extends it to support multi-app UICC cards. Only single-verification-capable UICCs are supported. Multi-verification-capable UICCs that support more than one application PIN are not supported. One application PIN (PIN1) is assigned to all ADFs/DFs and files on the UICC. However, each application can specify a local PIN (PIN2) as a level 2 user verification requirement, resulting in the need for additional validation for every access command. This scenario is what MBIM_CID_MS_PIN_EX supports.

Just like MBIM_CID_MS_PIN, with MBIM_CID_MS_PIN_EX the device only reports one PIN at a time. If multiple PINs are enabled and reporting multiple PINs is also enabled, then functions must report PIN1 first. For example, if subsidy lock reporting is enabled and the SIM's PIN1 is enabled, then the subsidy lock PIN should be reported in a subsequent query request only after PIN1 has been successfully verified. An empty PIN is permitted together with MBIMPinOperationEnter. An empty PIN is specified by setting the PinSize to zero. In this case, a SET command is similar to a QUERY and returns the state of the PIN referenced. This is fully aligned to the behavior of the VERIFY command as specified in Section 11.1.9 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification.


Operation Set Query Notification
Command MBIM_SET_PIN_EX MBIM_PIN_APP Not applicable
Response MBIM_PIN_INFO_EX MBIM_PIN_INFO_EX Not applicable


The following MBIM_PIN_APP structure is used in the InformationBuffer.

MBIM_PIN_APP (version 1)

Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 Version UINT32 The version number of the structure that follows. This field must be set to 1 for version 1 of this structure.
4 4 AppIdOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the application ID.
8 4 AppIdSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the application ID, in bytes, as defined in Section 8.3 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. For 2G cards, this field must be set to zero (0).
12 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The AppId as defined in the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification.


The following MBIM_SET_PIN_EX structure is used in the InformationBuffer.


Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 PinType MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX The PIN type. See the MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX table in this topic.
4 4 PinOperation MBIM_PIN_OPERATION The PIN operation. See MBIM 1.0.
8 4 PinOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to a string PIN that represents the PIN value with which to perform the action, or the PIN value required to enable or disable PIN settings. This field applies for all values of PinOperation.
12 4 PinSize SIZE (0..32) The size, in bytes, used for the PIN.
16 4 NewPinOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the NewPin string that represents the new PIN value to set when PinOperation is MBIMPinOperationChange or MBIMPinOperationEnter, for PinTypeMBIMPinTypePuk1 or PinTypeMBIMPinTypePuk2.
20 4 NewPinSize SIZE (0..32) The size, in bytes, used for the NewPin.
24 4 AppIdOffset OFFSET The offset, in bytes, calculated from the beginning of this structure to the buffer containing the application ID.
28 4 AppIdSize SIZE (0..16) The size of the application ID, in bytes, as defined in Section 8.3 of the ETSI TS 102 221 technical specification. For 2G cards, this field must be set to zero (0).
32 DataBuffer DATABUFFER The data buffer containing the Pin, NewPin, and AppId.


The following MBIM_PIN_INFO_EX structure is used in the InformationBuffer.

Offset Size Field Type Description
0 4 PinType MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX The PIN type. See the MBIM_PIN_TYPE_EX table in this topic.
4 4 PinState MBIM_PIN_STATE The PIN state. See MBIM 1.0.
8 4 RemainingAttempts UINT32 The number of remaining attempts for any PIN-related operations such as enter, enable, or disable. Devices that do not support this information must set this member to 0xFFFFFFFF.

Unsolicited Events

Not applicable.

Status Codes

The following status codes are applicable:

Status code Description
MBIM_STATUS_BUSY Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_FAILURE Basic MBIM status as defined for all commands.
MBIM_STATUS_SIM_NOT_INSERTED Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is missing.
MBIM_STATUS_BAD_SIM Unable to perform the UICC operation because the UICC is in an error state.
MBIM_STATUS_PIN_DISABLED The operation failed because the PIN is disabled.
MBIM_STATUS_PIN_REQUIRED The operation failed because a PIN must be entered to proceed.
MBIM_STATUS_NO_DEVICE_SUPPORT The operation failed because a SET on a corresponding PIN type is not supported by the device.