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Creating Export Drivers

An export driver is a kernel-mode DLL that can be loaded by a variety of other hardware-specific or device-stack-specific components, but does not have some of the characteristics of a complete kernel-mode driver. Specifically, an export driver does not have a dispatch table, it does not have a place in the driver stack, and it does not have an entry in the service control manager's database that defines it as a system service. While an export driver does not have a dispatch table, it can supply dispatch routines to a standard driver. The standard driver inserts the dispatch routines into its own dispatch table. An export driver has a stub DriverEntry routine that is never called.

Kernel-mode export drivers are especially well suited for implementing the part of a driver pair that is independent of underlying stack and hardware characteristics.

Windows includes several export drivers that are loaded by other drivers, for example:

  • SCSI port driver
  • Tape class driver
  • IDE controller driver are all system-supplied export drivers

Standard drivers can also function as export drivers. For a driver to function in both ways, it must be built as an export driver and loaded as a regular driver.

Building an Export Driver

To create an export driver in Visual Studio, use the following procedure:

  1. Create a new project from a template, such as Empty WDM Driver.
  2. Add a module definition file to the project, for example:
LIBRARY mydriver.sys
  DllInitialize PRIVATE
  DllUnload PRIVATE

The entry point for a kernel-mode DLL is always DllInitialize. The system calls a kernel-mode DLL's DllInitialize routine immediately after the DLL is loaded. Export drivers must provide DllInitialize routines. You can use the DllInitialize routine to acquire or initialize resources required by other routines in the DLL.

You cannot specify the entry point using the DLLENTRY macro.

NTSTATUS DllInitialize(
  _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath

RegistryPath is a pointer to a counted Unicode string specifying the path to the DLL's registry key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Services\DllName. DLL routines can use this key to store DLL-specific information. The buffer pointed to by RegistryPath is freed once DllInitialize exits. Therefore, if the DLL makes use of the key, DllInitialize must duplicate the key name.

The build process generates an export library with a .lib extension, and an export driver with a .sys extension.

Importing Functions from an Export Driver

To import functions that are exported by an export driver, you should declare the functions using the DECLSPEC_IMPORT macro, which is defined in Ntdef.h. For example:

DECLSPEC_IMPORT int LoadPrinterDriver (int arg1); 

This macro resolves to a __declspec(dllimport) storage class declaration on those platforms where required and to nothing on those platforms where not required.

In the export driver, the function to be exported should be declared with the DECLSPEC_EXPORT macro. This macro resolves to a __declspec(dllexport) storage class declaration on those platforms where required and to nothing on those platforms where not required. If an export driver supplies a dispatch routine to a standard driver, that routine does not have to be exported.

Loading and Unloading an Export Driver

Export drivers must be installed in the %Windir%\System32\Drivers directory. Starting with Windows 2000, the operating system keeps a reference count that indicates the number of times that the export driver's functions have been imported by other drivers. The system decrements this count whenever one of the importing drivers unloads. When the reference count falls to zero, the system unloads the export driver. However, the export driver must contain the standard entry point and unload routines, DllInitialize and DllUnload, or the operating system will not activate this reference count mechanism.

The system calls a kernel-mode DLL's DllUnload routine when it unloads the DLL.

NTSTATUS DllUnload(void);

Export drivers must provide DllUnload routines. You can use the DllUnload routine to release any resources used by the routines in the DLL.