
Dela via

Format of a Text Log Section

A text log section includes a section header that opens the section, a section body that includes a sequence of log entries that apply to the section operation, and a section footer that closes the section. Section entries appear in a section in the same order in which they are written to the section.

The following example of a text log section shows the general format of a typical section, where the fields in italic font style are placeholders for section-specific text, and the remaining text in bold font style is generic text supplied by SetupAPI. The first two log entries comprise the section header and the last two log entries comprise the section footer.

>>>  [section_title - instance_identifier]
>>> time_stamp Section start
 section body log entry
 section body log entry
 section body log entry
<<<  [time_stamp: Section end]
<<<  [Exit Status(status_value)]

The section body entries that are logged depend on the event level that is set for the log and the category levels that are enabled for the log. For more information about these settings, see SetupAPI Logging Registry Settings.

The following is a typical example of a text log section that the Plug and Play (PnP) manager created to log entries that pertained to the installation of a PCI device. In the section header, the section_title field is "Device Install," the instance_identifier field is the device instance identifier "PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8019&SUBSYS_8010104C&REV_00\3&61aaa01&0&38," and the time_stamp field is "2005/02/13 22:06:28.109:." In the section footer, the status_value field is "0x00000000" and the time_stamp field is "2005/02/13 22:06:20.000:." Only the first three section body log entries are included in this example. The event level for this example was set to TXTLOG_DETAILS and all category levels were enabled for this example.

>>>  [Device Install - PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8019&SUBSYS_8010104C&REV_00\3&61aaa01&0&38]
>>>  2005/02/13 22:06:20.000: Section start
     ndv: Retrieving device info...
     ndv: Setting device parameters...
     ndv: Building driver list...
...  additional section body log entries, which are not shown
<<<  [2005/02/13 22:06:28.109: Section end]
<<<  [Exit Status(0x00000000)]

For detailed information about the content and format of a text log section, see Format of a Text Log Section Header, Format of a Text Log Section Body, and Format of a Text Log Section Footer.