
Dela via


To carry out a capability operation on a private TWAIN capability, a TWAIN application notifies the TWAIN compatibility layer, which then calls the WIA driver's IStiUSD::Escape method, passing the ESC_TWAIN_CAPABILITY escape code. The pseudocode in the following example demonstrates how the Escape method should be implemented, and how it should respond to the escape code.

  LPVOID  lpInData,
  DWORD  cbInDataSize,
  LPVOID  pOutData,
  DWORD  dwOutDataSize,
  LPDWORD  pdwActualData)
  // Only process EscapeFunction codes that are known to your driver.
  // Any application can send escape calls to your driver using the
  // IWiaItemExtras interface Escape() method call. The driver must
  // be prepared to validate all incoming calls to Escape().

  // Because this driver does not support any escape functions, it will
  // reject all incoming EscapeFunction codes.
  // If your driver supports an EscapeFunction, then add your function
  // code to the switch statement, and set hr = S_OK. This will allow 
  // the function to continue to the incoming/outgoing buffer
  // validation.

  switch(EscapeFunction) {
  case ESC_TWAIN_CAPABILITY:  // processing the TWAIN capability Escapecode
    hr = S_OK;

  // If an EscapeFunction code is supported, then first validate the
  // incoming and outgoing buffers.

  if(S_OK == hr) {

    // Validate the incoming data buffer.

    if(IsBadReadPtr(lpInData,cbInDataSize)) {
       hr = E_UNEXPECTED;

    // If the incoming buffer is valid, proceed to validate the
    // outgoing buffer.

    if(S_OK == hr) {
        if(IsBadWritePtr(pOutData,dwOutDataSize)) {
           hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
       } else {

           // Validate the outgoing size pointer.

           if(IsBadWritePtr(pdwActualData,sizeof(DWORD))) {
               hr = E_UNEXPECTED;

    // Now that buffer validation is complete, proceed to process the
    // proper EscapeFunction code.

    if(S_OK == hr) {

       // Only process a validated EscapeFunction code, and buffers.

       if(EscapeFunction == ESC_TWAIN_CAPABILITY) {

           // Process a TWAIN capability message.

           // Collect the lpInData and pOutData headers.
           // 1. Create two TWAIN_CAPABILITY pointers in which
           //    to store the addresses in lpInData and pOutData.
           // 2. Set these local pointers to the addresses in
           //    lpInData and pOutData.
           // 3. Use these local pointers to access the
           //    members of the TWAIN_CAPABILITY structures.

           TWAIN_CAPABILITY *pInHeader  = NULL;
           TWAIN_CAPABILITY *pOutHeader = NULL;

           pInHeader  = (TWAIN_CAPABILITY*)lpInData;
           pOutHeader = (TWAIN_CAPABILITY*)pOutData;

           if(pInHeader && pOutHeader) {
         // Check the headers to determine the operation to perform.

               switch(pInHeader->lCapID) {
               case ICAP_MY_PRIVATE_CAP1:
                      // Check lMSG to determine which TWAIN
                      // message/operation is being requested.
                      switch(pInHeader->lMSG) {
                       case MSG_GETCURRENT: // Return the current value.
                       case MSG_GETDEFAULT: // Return the default value.
                       case MSG_GET:        // Return the valid values.
                               // Check lDataSize to determine
                               // which operation to perform.
                               if(pInHeader->lDataSize == 0) {
                         // If lDataSize is zero:
                         // a. Set pOutHeader->lDataSize to the size
                         //    in bytes needed to store the entire
                         //    TWAIN capability data.
                         // b. Set *pchActualData to the size of
                         //    a TWAIN_CAPABILITY header.
                         // c. Set the TWAIN return codes,
                         //    pOutHeader->lRC and pOutHeader->lCC.
                         // d. Set the HRESULT to S_OK, and return.

                                 pOutHeader->lDataSize = sizeof(TW_ENUMERATION) +
                                (sizeof(TW_UINT32) * 3);
                                *pdwActualData  = sizeof(TWAIN_CAPABILITY);
                                 pOutHeader->lRC = TWRC_SUCCESS;
                                 pOutHeader->lCC = TWCC_SUCCESS;
                                 hr = S_OK;
                             } else if(pInHeader->lDataSize > 0) {
                     // If lDataSize is positive:
                     //   a. Fill the pOutHeader->Data member with
                     //      the TWAIN capability data.
                     //      (This is the container and data only).
                     //   b. Set pOutHeader->lConType to the type of
                     //      TWAIN container used.
                     //   c. Set pOutHeader->lDataSize to
                     //      (size of the TWAIN container + size of
                     //      the TWAIN container data).
                     //   d. Set *pchActualData to
                     //      (size of the TWAIN container + size of
                     //      the TWAIN container data +
                     //      size of the TWAIN_CAPABILITY header).
                     //   e. Set the TWAIN return codes,
                     //      pOutHeader->lRC and pOutHeader->lCC.
                     //   f. Set the HRESULT to S_OK, and return.
                                 pEnumeration = (TW_ENUMERATION*)pOutHeader->Data;
                                 if(pEnumeration) {
                                     pEnumeration->ItemType     = TWTY_UINT32;
                                     pEnumeration->NumItems     = 3;
                                     pEnumeration->CurrentIndex = 0;
                                     pEnumeration->DefaultIndex = 1;

                                     TW_UINT32 *pData = (TW_UINT32*)pEnumeration->ItemList;
                                     if(pData) {

                                         pData[0] = 123;
                                         pData[1] = 456;
                                         pData[2] = 789;
                                         pOutHeader->lConType  = TWON_ENUMERATION;
                                         pOutHeader->lDataSize = sizeof(TW_ENUMERATION) +
                                                       (sizeof(TW_UINT32) * 3);
                                         *pdwActualData = sizeof(TWAIN_CAPABILITY) +
                                                     sizeof(TW_ENUMERATION)   +
                                                     (sizeof(TW_UINT32) * 3);

                                         pOutHeader->lRC = TWRC_SUCCESS;
                                         pOutHeader->lCC = TWCC_SUCCESS;

                                         hr = S_OK;
                                     } else {

                              // Could not get the item list pointer.

                                         hr = E_INVALIDARG;
                                 } // if (Enumeration)
                             } // if (pInHeader->lDataSize > 0)
                         } // case MSG_GET

                     case MSG_SET:  // Set the incoming value.
                         // Check the TWAIN container type, and use
                         // the contained values.
                         // 1. Create a pointer to a TWAIN container
                         //    of the desired type.
                         // 2. Set the pointer of the previous step
                         //    to the address in pInHeader->Data.
                         // 3. Access the values in the TWAIN
                         //    container.
                         // 4. Carry out any private operations
                         //    with those values.
                         // 5. Set *pchActualData to the size of a
                         //    TWAIN_CAPABILITY header.
                         // 6. Set the TWAIN return codes,
                         //    pOutHeader->lRC and pOutHeader->lCC.
                         // 7. Set the HRESULT to S_OK, and return.

                             switch(pInHeader->lConType) {
                             case TWON_ONEVALUE:
                                     pOneValue = (TW_ONEVALUE*)pInHeader->Data;
                                     if(pOneValue) {
                                         if(pOneValue->ItemType == TWTY_UINT32) {
                                             if(WriteMyPrivateTWAINValue((TW_UINT32)pOneValue->Item)) {
                                                 *pdwActualData = sizeof(TWAIN_CAPABILITY);
                                                 pOutHeader->lRC = TWRC_SUCCESS;
                                                 pOutHeader->lCC = TWCC_SUCCESS;
                                             } else {
                                                 pOutHeader->lRC = TWRC_FAILURE;
                                                 pOutHeader->lCC = TWCC_BADVALUE;
                                             hr = S_OK;
                                     } // if(pOneValue)
                                 } // case TWON_ONEVALUE:

                             } // End switch(pInHeader->lConType)
                         } // case MSG_SET
                     case MSG_RESET:   // reset TWAIN capability
                             // Messages other than MSG_GETCURRENT,
                             // MSG_GETDEFAULT, MSG_GET, MSG_SET
                     } // switch(pInHeader->lMSG)
                 } // case ICAP_MY_PRIVATE1
             case ICAP_MY_PRIVATE2:
                  // Unknown capability - set TWAIN failure codes.
                     pOutHeader->lRC = TWRC_FAILURE;
                     pOutHeader->lCC = TWCC_BADCAP;
               } // End switch(pInHeader->lCapID)
           } // End if (pInHeader && pOutHeader)

  // If your driver will not support this entry point, then
  // it must return E_NOTIMPL (error, not implemented).

  return hr;