
Dela via

dtx (Display Type - Extended Debugger Object Model Information)

The dtx command displays extended symbolic type information using the debugger object model. The dtx command is similar to the dt (Display Type) command.

dtx -DisplayOpts [Module!]Name Address


Use the following optional flags to change how the output is displayed.

-a Displays array elements in a new line with its index.

-r [n] Recursively dump the subtypes (fields) up to n levels.

-h Displays command line help for the dtx command.

An optional parameter specifying the module that defines this structure, followed by the exclamation point. If there is a local variable or type with the same name as a global variable or type, you should include module name to specify the global variable.

A type name or a global symbol.

Memory address containing the type.


Item Description
Modes User mode, kernel mode
Targets Live, crash dump
Platforms All

Additional Information

The following examples show how to use the dtx command.

Use the address and the name to display extended symbolic type information.

0: kd> dtx nt!_EPROCESS ffffb607560b56c0
(*((nt!_EPROCESS *)0xffffb607560b56c0))                 [Type: _EPROCESS]
    [+0x000] Pcb              [Type: _KPROCESS]
    [+0x2d8] ProcessLock      [Type: _EX_PUSH_LOCK]
    [+0x2e0] RundownProtect   [Type: _EX_RUNDOWN_REF]
    [+0x2e8] UniqueProcessId  : 0x4 [Type: void *]
    [+0x2f0] ActiveProcessLinks [Type: _LIST_ENTRY]

Display additional information using the -r recursion option.

0: kd> dtx -r2 HdAudio!CAzMixertopoMiniport fffff806`d24992b8
(*((HdAudio!CAzMixertopoMiniport *)0xfffff806d24992b8))                 [Type: CAzMixertopoMiniport]
    [+0x018] m_lRefCount      : -766760880 [Type: long]
    [+0x020] m_pUnknownOuter  : 0xfffff806d24dbc40 [Type: IUnknown *]
    [+0x028] m_FilterDesc     [Type: PCFILTER_DESCRIPTOR]
        [+0x000] Version          : 0xd24c2890 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x008] AutomationTable  : 0xfffff806d24c2780 [Type: PCAUTOMATION_TABLE *]
            [+0x000] PropertyItemSize : 0x245c8948 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x004] PropertyCount    : 0x6c894808 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x008] Properties       : 0x5718247489481024 [Type: PCPROPERTY_ITEM *]
            [+0x010] MethodItemSize   : 0x55415441 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x014] MethodCount      : 0x57415641 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x018] Methods          : 0x4ce4334540ec8348 [Type: PCMETHOD_ITEM *]
            [+0x020] EventItemSize    : 0x8b41f18b [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x024] EventCount       : 0xd8b48f4 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x028] Events           : 0x7d2d8d4cfffdf854 [Type: PCEVENT_ITEM *]
            [+0x030] Reserved         : 0x66fffd79 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x010] PinSize          : 0xd24aa9b0 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x014] PinCount         : 0xfffff806 [Type: unsigned long]
        [+0x018] Pins             : 0xfffff806d24aa740 [Type: PCPIN_DESCRIPTOR *]
            [+0x000] MaxGlobalInstanceCount : 0x57555340 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x004] MaxFilterInstanceCount : 0x83485741 [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x008] MinFilterInstanceCount : 0x8b4848ec [Type: unsigned long]
            [+0x010] AutomationTable  : 0xa5158b48ed33c000 [Type: PCAUTOMATION_TABLE *]
            [+0x018] KsPinDescriptor  [Type: KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR]

Tip: Use the x (Examine Symbols) command to display the address of an item of interest.

0: kd> x /d HdAudio!CazMixertopoMiniport*
fffff806`d24992b8 HdAudio!CAzMixertopoMiniport::`vftable' = <no type information>

See also

dt (Display Type)