
Dela via

IXpsRasterizationFactory::CreateRasterizer method (xpsrassvc.h)

The CreateRasterize method creates an XPS rasterizer object.


HRESULT CreateRasterizer(
  [in, optional]  IXpsOMPage            *xpsPage,
  [in]            FLOAT                 DPI,
  [in]            XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE nonTextRenderingMode,
  [in]            XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE textRenderingMode,
  [out, optional] IXpsRasterizer        **ppIXPSRasterizer


[in, optional] xpsPage

Pointer to an IXpsOMPage object that represents the XPS fixed page to render. This object encapsulates a FixedPage section from an XPS document. For more information, see IXpsOMPage.

[in] DPI

Dots per inch in the rasterized output. This parameter applies to both the x and y dimensions of the output bitmap. The DPI value is the resolution of the device that is to print or display the XPS fixed page.

[in] nonTextRenderingMode

Rendering mode for nontext items in the rasterized output. This parameter indicates whether to generate antialiased output. Set this parameter to one of the following XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE enumeration values:



[in] textRenderingMode

Rendering mode for text in the rasterized output. This parameter indicates whether to generate antialiased output. Set this parameter to one of the following XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE enumeration values:



[out, optional] ppIXPSRasterizer

This parameter points to a location into which the method writes a pointer to the IXpsRasterizer interface of the newly created XPS rasterizer object. If the method fails, it writes NULL to this location and returns an error code.

Return value

CreateRasterizer returns S_OK if the call was successful. Otherwise, the method returns an error code.

Possible error return values include:

Return code Description
E_POINTER Parameter xpsPage or ppIXPSRasterizer is NULL
E_INVALIDARG Parameter nonTextRenderingMode or textRenderingMode is not a valid XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE enumeration value.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Out of memory


This method is supported in Windows 7 and later.

Typically, an XPSDrv filter in an XPS pipeline calls this method to obtain an XPS rasterizer. It then uses the rasterizer to rasterize the XPS fixed page encapsulated by the object to which the parameter xpsPage points.

The parameter DPI specifies the printer resolution, which is assumed to be the same in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The width and height of the XPS fixed page, which can be obtained from the IXpsOMPage::GetPageDimensions method, are expressed in 1/96-inch units. Multiply these width and height values by DPI/96 to determine the width and height, in pixels, of the rasterized page. For more information about IXpsOMPage::GetPageDimensions, see IXpsOMPage. For more information about how the XPS rasterizer object uses the DPI value, see IXpsRasterizer::RasterizeRect.

If successful, the method creates an XPS rasterizer object and passes to the caller a counted reference to the object's IXpsRasterizer interface. When the object is no longer needed, the caller is responsible for releasing the object by calling the Release method on the object's IXpsRasterizer interface.

If the method fails and ppIXPSRasterizer is non-NULL, the method sets *ppIXPSRasterizer = NULL.

For a code example that calls the CreateRasterizer method, see the XPSRasFilter sample in the WDK. This sample is located in the Src\Print\Xpsrasfilter folder in your WDK installation.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 7 and later versions of the Windows operating system.
Target Platform Desktop
Header xpsrassvc.h

See also


