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UFS_GEOMETRY_DESCRIPTOR describes a device's geometric parameters.


typedef struct {
  UCHAR  bLength;
  UCHAR  bDescriptorIDN;
  UCHAR  bMediaTechnology;
  UCHAR  Reserved1;
  UCHAR  qTotalRawDeviceCapacity[8];
  UCHAR  bMaxNumberLU;
  UCHAR  dSegmentSize[4];
  UCHAR  bAllocationUnitSize;
  UCHAR  bMinAddrBlockSize;
  UCHAR  bOptimalReadBlockSize;
  UCHAR  bOptimalWriteBlockSize;
  UCHAR  bMaxInBufferSize;
  UCHAR  bMaxOutBufferSize;
  UCHAR  bRPMB_ReadWriteSize;
  UCHAR  bDynamicCapacityResourcePolicy;
  UCHAR  bDataOrdering;
  UCHAR  bMaxContexIDNumber;
  UCHAR  bSysDataTagUnitSize;
  UCHAR  bSysDataTagResSize;
  UCHAR  bSupportedSecRTypes;
  UCHAR  wSupportedMemoryTypes[2];
  UCHAR  dSystemCodeMaxNAllocU[4];
  UCHAR  wSystemCodeCapAdjFac[2];
  UCHAR  dNonPersistMaxNAllocU[4];
  UCHAR  wNonPersistCapAdjFac[2];
  UCHAR  dEnhanced1MaxNAllocU[4];
  UCHAR  wEnhanced1CapAdjFac[2];
  UCHAR  dEnhanced2MaxNAllocU[4];
  UCHAR  wEnhanced2CapAdjFac[2];
  UCHAR  dEnhanced3MaxNAllocU[4];
  UCHAR  wEnhanced3CapAdjFac[2];
  UCHAR  dEnhanced4MaxNAllocU[4];
  UCHAR  wEnhanced4CapAdjFac[2];
  UCHAR  dOptimalLogicalBlockSize[4];
  UCHAR  bHPBRegionSize;
  UCHAR  bHPBNumberLU;
  UCHAR  bHPBSubRegionSize;
  USHORT wDeviceMaxActiveHPBRegions;
  UCHAR  Reserved2[2];
  UCHAR  dWriteBoosterBufferMaxNAllocUnits[4];
  UCHAR  bDeviceMaxWriteBoosterLUs;
  UCHAR  bWriteBoosterBufferCapAdjFac;
  UCHAR  bSupportedWriteBoosterBufferUserSpaceReductionTypes;
  UCHAR  bSupportedWriteBoosterBufferTypes;



Specifies the length of the descriptor.


Specifies the type of the descriptor. This descriptor will have a value of UFS_DESC_GEOMETRY_IDN.


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.


Specifies the total raw device capacity. Expressed in units of 512 bytes.


Specifies the maximum number of logical unit(s) supported by the UFS (Universal Flash Storage). Contains one of the following values:

Value Description
0x00 8 logical units.
0x01 32 logical units.
Other Values Reserved for future use.


Specifies the segment size of the device in units of 512 bytes.


Specifies the allocation unit size in number of segments.


Specifies the minimum addressable block size in units of 512 bytes. The minimum size is 4 KB or a value of 0x08.


Specifies the optimal read block size in units of 512 bytes.


Specifies the optimal write block size in units of 512 bytes. bOptimalWriteBlockSize is equal to or greater than bMinAddrBlockSize.


Specifies the max size of the data-in buffer in units of 512 bytes. The minium size is 4 KB or a value of 0x08.


Specifies the max size of the data-out buffer in units of 512 bytes. The minium size is 4 KB or a value of 0x08.


Specifies the maximum number of Replay Protected Memory Block (RPMB) frames allowed in Security Protocol In and Security Protocol Out. Each frame is 256-bytes.


Specifies a device's spare blocks resource management policy. Contains one of the following values:

Value Description
0x00 Spare blocks resource management policy is per logical unit.
0x01 Spare blocks resource management policy is per memory type.


Specifies if a device supports out-of-order data transfer. Contains one of the following values:

Value Description
0x00 Out-of-order data transfer is not supported.
0x01 Out-of-order data transfer is supported.
All other values Reserved for future use.


Specifies the max number of contexts supported by a device. This number must be greater than 5.


Specifies the system data tag unit size.


Specifies the maximum size in bytes allocated by the device to handle system data.


Specifies the supported Secure Removal types. The first 3 bits of the variable are flags that represent different supported Secure Removal types.

Bit Description
0 Information removed with an erase of the physical memory.
1 Information removed by overwriting the addressed locations with a single character followed by an erase.
2 Information removed by overwriting the addressed locations with a character, its complement, then a random character.
3 Information removed using a vendor-defined mechanism.
4-7 Reserved for future use.


Specifies the supported memory types in a bitmap.

Bit Description
0 A normal memory type is supported.
1 A system code memory type is supported.
2 A non-persistent memory type is supported.
3 Enhanced memory type 1 is supported.
4 Enhanced memory type 2 is supported.
5 Enhanced memory type 3 is supported.
6 Enhanced memory type 4 is supported.
7-14 Reserved for future use.
15 A RPMB memory type is supported.


Specifies the maximum number of allocation units for the System Code for a device.


Species the Capacity Adjustment Factor for the System Code memory type.


Species the maximum number of Allocation Units for a non-persistent memory type.


Specifies the capacity adjustment factor for the non-persistent memory type.


Specifies the max number of Allocation Units for the enhanced memory type 1.


Specifies the Capacity Adjustment Factor for the enhanced memory type 1.


Specifies the max number of Allocation Units for the enhanced memory type 2.


Specifies the Capacity Adjustment Factor for the enhanced memory type 2.


Specifies the max number of Allocation Units for the enhanced memory type 3.


Specifies the Capacity Adjustment Factor for the enhanced memory type 3.


Specifies the max number of Allocation Units for the enhanced memory type 4.


Specifies the Capacity Adjustment Factor for the enhanced memory type 4.


Specifies the optimal logical block size.

  • bit [3:0]: Normal memory type
  • bit [7:4]: System code memory type
  • bit [11:8]: Non-persistent memory type
  • bit [15:12]: Enhanced memory type 1
  • bit [19:16]: Enhanced memory type 2
  • bit [23:20]: Enhanced memory type 3
  • bit [27:24]: Enhanced memory type 4
  • bit [31:28]:Reserved


Specifies the size of the HPB region.


Specifies the maximum number of logical units in which HPB can be enabled.


Specifies the size of the HPB subregion. The bHPBSubRegionSize can't exceed bHPBRegionSize.


Specifies the mximum number of active HPB regions supported by the device.


Reserved for future use.


Specifies the total WriteBooster buffer size supported by the device. The sum of WriteBooster buffer sizes for all LUs is less than or equal to the value indicated by dWriteBoosterBufferMaxNAllocUnits.


Specifies the maximum number of supported WriteBooster buffers.


Specifies the capacity adjustment factor for the WriteBooster buffer memory type. This value provides the LBA space reduction multiplication factor when WriteBooster Buffer is configured in user space reduction mode. Therefore, this parameter applies only if bWriteBoosterBufferPreserveUserSpaceEn is 0x00.


Specifies the supportability of user space reduction mode and preserve user space mode.

  • 0x00: WriteBooster buffer can only be configured in user space reduction type.
  • ox01: WriteBooster buffer can only be configured in preserve user space type.
  • ox02: Device can be configured in either user space reduction type or preserve user space type.
  • Others : Reserved


Specifies the supportability of WriteBooster buffer type.

  • 00h: LU based WriteBooster buffer configuration
  • 01h: Single shared WriteBooster buffer configuration
  • 02h: Supporting both LU based WriteBooster buffer and single shared WriteBooster buffer configuration
  • Others: Reserved


If the size of the data transferred exceeds the number of frames bRPMB_ReadWriteSize, it will be done in multiple Security commands.

The Capacity Adjustment Factor value for a normal memory type is equal to one.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1709
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Header ufs.h