
Dela via

FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER structure (ntifs.h)

Do not use the FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER structure outside of the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure. The FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER structure contains context information that a file system maintains about a file, directory, volume, or alternate data stream.


typedef struct _FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER {
  CSHORT        NodeTypeCode;
  CSHORT        NodeByteSize;
  UCHAR         Flags;
  UCHAR         IsFastIoPossible;
  UCHAR         Flags2;
  UCHAR         Reserved : 4;
  UCHAR         Version : 4;
  PERESOURCE    Resource;
  PERESOURCE    PagingIoResource;
  LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize;
  LARGE_INTEGER ValidDataLength;



Reserved for system use.


Reserved for system use.


Bitmask of flags that indicate support for various features. This member must be a bitwise OR combination of one or more of the following values:

Value Meaning
FSRTL_FLAG_FILE_MODIFIED Reserved for system use.
FSRTL_FLAG_FILE_LENGTH_CHANGED Reserved for system use.
FSRTL_FLAG_LIMIT_MODIFIED_PAGES Reserved for system use. File system drivers (except for filter drivers) that must set or clear a limit of modified data for a file should call CcSetDirtyPageThreshold.
FSRTL_FLAG_ACQUIRE_MAIN_RSRC_EX Reserved for system use.
FSRTL_FLAG_ACQUIRE_MAIN_RSRC_SH Reserved for system use.
FSRTL_FLAG_USER_MAPPED_FILE The Cache Manager sets this flag to indicate that a view is mapped to a file.
FSRTL_FLAG_ADVANCED_HEADER This flag indicates that the file system is using FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER instead of FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER in its file control block (FCB) structures. This flag is required because use of the FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER structure outside of the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure is deprecated.
FSRTL_FLAG_EOF_ADVANCE_ACTIVE Reserved for system use.


This member must be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
FastIoIsPossible Fast I/O is possible.
FastIoIsQuestionable An exclusive byte range lock exists for the file. The caller should call the file system's FastIoCheckIfPossible routine.
FastIoIsNotPossible The FCB for the file is bad, or an opportunistic lock (also called "oplock") exists for the file.

For more information about these values, see the reference entries for FsRtlAreThereCurrentFileLocks, FsRtlCopyRead, and FsRtlCopyWrite.


Bitmask of flags that the file system sets to indicate support for various features. This member must be one or more of the following values:

Value Meaning
FSRTL_FLAG2_DO_MODIFIED_WRITE See details following this table.
FSRTL_FLAG2_PURGE_WHEN_MAPPED If this flag is set, the Cache Manager will flush and purge the cache map when a user first maps a file.
FSRTL_FLAG2_SUPPORTS_FILTER_CONTEXTS This flag indicates that the file system is using FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER instead of FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER in its FCB structures. This flag is required because use of the FSRTL_COMMON_FCB_HEADER structure outside of the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure is deprecated.
FSRTL_FLAG2_IS_PAGING_FILE If set, this FCB header is associated with a page file.

The FSRTL_FLAG2_DO_MODIFIED_WRITE flag is used together with the FsContext2 member of the file object for the file stream as follows:

  • If the FsContext2 member of the file object is non-NULL, the file stream represents an open instance of a file or a directory, and the value of this flag is ignored by the operating system.

  • If the FsContext2 member of the file object is NULL, and this flag is not set, the file object is a stream file object, and the stream is a modified-no-write (MNW) stream.

  • If the FsContext2 member of the file object is NULL, and this flag is set, the file object is a stream file object, and the stream is writable.


Reserved for system use. Drivers must set this bit-field to zero.


Reserved for system use. This bit-field is set by the FsRtlSetupAdvancedHeader or FsRtlSetupAdvancedHeaderEx macro. Starting with Windows Vista, the value of this bit-field is FSRTL_FCB_HEADER_V1 or greater; otherwise, the value is FSRTL_FCB_HEADER_V0. See FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER for more information.


Pointer to an initialized resource variable, for which the file system supplies the storage that will be used to synchronize I/O access to the FCB. The resource variable must be allocated from nonpaged pool.

Filter drivers should treat this member as opaque.


Pointer to an additional resource variable, for which the file system supplies the storage that will be used to synchronize paging I/O access to the FCB. The resource variable must be allocated from nonpaged pool.

Filter drivers should treat this member as opaque.


Allocation size for the file stream.

For more information about the AllocationSize, FileSize, and ValidDataLength members, see CcInitializeCacheMap.


File size of the file stream.


Valid data length of the file stream.


File systems must set the FsContext member of every file object to point to an FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure. This structure can be embedded inside of a file-system-specific stream context object structure (the remainder of this structure is file-system-specific). Usually, the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure is a file control block (FCB). However, on some file systems that support multiple data streams, such as NTFS, it is a stream control block (SCB).

To support filter manager and filter contexts, file systems must use the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure in their stream context objects. All Microsoft file systems use this structure, and all third-party file system developers must do so as well. FCBs and SCBs for all classes of open requests, including volume open requests, must include this structure.

If the file is used as a paging file, the FSRTL_ADVANCED_FCB_HEADER structure must be allocated from nonpaged pool. Otherwise, it can be allocated from paged or nonpaged pool.


Requirement Value
Header ntifs.h (include Ntifs.h, Fltkernel.h)

See also







