
Dela via

SeAccessCheckFromStateEx function (ntifs.h)

SeAccessCheckFromStateEx checks whether the requested access rights can be granted to an object that is protected by a security descriptor and an optional object owner.


BOOLEAN SeAccessCheckFromStateEx(
  PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor,
  PACCESS_TOKEN        PrimaryToken,
  PACCESS_TOKEN        ClientToken,
  ACCESS_MASK          DesiredAccess,
  ACCESS_MASK          PreviouslyGrantedAccess,
  PPRIVILEGE_SET       *Privileges,
  PGENERIC_MAPPING     GenericMapping,
  KPROCESSOR_MODE      AccessMode,
  PACCESS_MASK         GrantedAccess,
  PNTSTATUS            AccessStatus



[in] Pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure containing the security information protecting the object being accessed.


[in] Pointer to an opaque ACCESS_TOKEN structure for the primary token. This structure provides the token's information needed to perform an access check.


[in_opt] Optional pointer to an opaque ACCESS_TOKEN structure for the client token.


[in] An ACCESS_MASK value that specifies the desired access rights to check.


[in] An ACCESS_MASK value that specifies any accesses that the user has already been granted; for example, as a result of holding a privilege.


[out] Pointer to a PRIVILEGE_SET structure in which a privilege set is returned to indicate any privileges that were used as part of the access validation.


[in] Pointer to the GENERIC_MAPPING structure associated with this object type.


[in] A KPROCESSOR_MODE value that specifies the processor mode to be used in the check. AccessMode can be either KernelMode or UserMode. Lower-level drivers should specify KernelMode.


[out] Pointer to a returned ACCESS_MASK value that indicates the granted access.


[out] Pointer to an NT status value that can be returned to indicate why access was denied. See Remarks.

Return value

SeAccessCheckFromStateEx returns TRUE if access is allowed; it returns FALSE if access is not allowed.


SeAccessCheckFromStateEx might perform tests for the following privileges, depending on the accesses being requested:

  • SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
  • SeSecurityPrivilege

This routine also might check whether the caller is the owner of the object in order to grant WRITE_DAC or READ_CONTROL access.

If this routine returns FALSE, the caller should use the returned AccessStatus as its return value. That is, the caller should avoid hardcoding a return value of STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED or any other specific STATUS_XXX value.

This routine might be called from DPC level so must not be pageable.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000
Header ntifs.h
Library NtosKrnl.lib
DLL NtosKrnl.exe

See also

