
Dela via

IoVerifyVolume function (ntifs.h)

IoVerifyVolume sends a volume verify request to the specified removable-media device identified by the device object.


NTSTATUS IoVerifyVolume(
  [in] PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
  [in] BOOLEAN        AllowRawMount


[in] DeviceObject

Pointer to a DEVICE_OBJECT structure that identifies the device object for the device on which the volume is to be verified/mounted.

[in] AllowRawMount

A value of TRUE indicates that this verify request is being issued on behalf of a DASD (direct-access storage device) open request, which indicates that a raw mount should be performed if the verify request fails.

Return value

IoVerifyVolume returns the NTSTATUS code from the verify operation, which might be one of the following values:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS IoVerifyVolume determined that the volume has not changed or was not previously mounted.
STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES Insufficient system resources exist to complete the operation.
STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL The verify operation was unsuccessful.
STATUS_WRONG_VOLUME The volume has changed.


Before using IoSetDeviceToVerify and IoVerifyVolume, driver writers should study the way these routines are used in the FASTFAT sample.

IoVerifyVolume is called to check a mounted volume on the specified device when it appears that the volume might have changed since it was last accessed. A file system driver typically calls IoSetDeviceToVerify and IoVerifyVolume when the lower device returns STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED.

If the DeviceObject has a mounted volume, IoVerifyVolume checks whether the volume has changed.

If the volume has changed or has not previously been mounted, IoVerifyVolume sends a volume mount request to the device.

For more information about removable-media devices, see Supporting Removable Media.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header ntifs.h (include Ntifs.h)
Library NtosKrnl.lib
DLL NtosKrnl.exe

See also

