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IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 function (ntifs.h)

The IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 routine creates a new stream file object with create options for a target device object.


NTSTATUS IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2(
  [in]            PIO_CREATE_STREAM_FILE_OPTIONS CreateOptions,
  [in, optional]  PFILE_OBJECT                   FileObject,
  [in, optional]  PDEVICE_OBJECT                 DeviceObject,
  [out]           PFILE_OBJECT                   *StreamFileObject,
  [out, optional] PHANDLE                        FileHandle


[in] CreateOptions

Pointer a IO_CREATE_STREAM_FILE_OPTIONS structure containing the create options for the new stream file object.

[in, optional] FileObject

Pointer to the file object to which the new stream file is related. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.

[in, optional] DeviceObject

Pointer to a device object for the device on which the stream file is to be opened. If the caller specifies a non-NULL value for FileObject, the value of DeviceObject is ignored. Otherwise, the caller must specify a non-NULL value for DeviceObject.

[out] StreamFileObject

Pointer to a device object pointer to receive the stream file object.

[out, optional] FileHandle

A pointer to a file handle for the stream on output. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.

Return value

IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 returns a pointer to the newly created stream file object.


File systems call IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 to create a new stream file object. A stream file object is identical to an ordinary file object, except that the FO_STREAM_FILE file object flag is set.

A stream file object is commonly used to represent an internal stream for a volume mounted by the file system. This virtual volume file permits the file system to view, change, and cache the volume's on-disk structure as if it were an ordinary file. In this case, the DeviceObject parameter in the call to IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 specifies the volume device object (VDO) for the volume.

A stream file object can also be used to represent an alternate data stream for accessing a file's metadata, such as extended attributes or security descriptors. In this case, the FileObject parameter in the call to IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 specifies an existing file object for the file. The newly created stream file object permits the file system to view, change, and cache the file's metadata as if it were an ordinary file.

When the stream file object is no longer needed, the caller must decrement its reference count by calling ObDereferenceObject. When the stream file object's reference count reaches zero, an IRP_MJ_CLOSE request is sent to the file system driver stack for the volume.

File system filter driver writers should note that IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 causes an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request to be sent to the file system driver stack for the volume. Because file systems often create stream file objects as a side effect of operations other than IRP_MJ_CREATE, it is difficult for filter drivers to reliably detect stream file object creation. Thus a filter driver should expect to receive IIRP_MJ_CLEANUP and IRP_MJ_CLOSE requests for previously unseen file objects.

If a pool allocation failure occurs, IoCreateStreamFileObjectEx2 raises a STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES exception.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Target Platform Universal
Header ntifs.h (include Ntifs.h)
Library NtosKrnl.lib
DLL NtosKrnl.exe

See also






