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SERIAL_COMMPROP structure (ntddser.h)

The SERIAL_COMMPROP structure specifies the properties of a serial port.


typedef struct _SERIAL_COMMPROP {
  USHORT PacketLength;
  USHORT PacketVersion;
  ULONG  ServiceMask;
  ULONG  Reserved1;
  ULONG  MaxTxQueue;
  ULONG  MaxRxQueue;
  ULONG  MaxBaud;
  ULONG  ProvSubType;
  ULONG  ProvCapabilities;
  ULONG  SettableParams;
  ULONG  SettableBaud;
  USHORT SettableData;
  USHORT SettableStopParity;
  ULONG  CurrentTxQueue;
  ULONG  CurrentRxQueue;
  ULONG  ProvSpec1;
  ULONG  ProvSpec2;
  WCHAR  ProvChar[1];



The size, in bytes, of the data packet that starts with this structure and that contains the requested property data. This size includes the SERIAL_COMMPROP structure and any additional ProvChar array elements that follow this structure.


The version of this structure. The current version number is 2.


A bitmask that indicates which services are implemented by this communications provider. This member is always set to SERIAL_SP_SERIALCOMM by serial communications providers, including modem providers. The ProvSubType member indicates the specific type of serial communications that are implemented (for example, modem).


Not used.


Maximum transmit queue size. The maximum size, in bytes, of the serial controller driver's internal output buffer. A value of zero indicates that no maximum value is imposed by the serial provider.


Maximum receive queue size. The maximum size, in bytes, of the serial controller driver's internal input buffer. A value of zero indicates that no maximum value is imposed by the serial provider.


The maximum acceptable baud rate. An extension-based serial controller driver sets this member to a baud rate expressed in bits per second (bps). For example, if the serial controller supports a maximum baud rate of 115,200 bps, the driver sets MaxBaud = 115200.

However, Serial.sys and many older serial controller drivers set MaxBaud to one of the SERIAL_BAUD_XXX flag bits that are defined in the Ntddser.h header file. The following values are defined for this member.

Value Description
SERIAL_BAUD_075 75 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_110 110 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_134_5 134.5 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_150 150 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_300 300 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_600 600 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_1200 1,200 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_1800 1,800 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_2400 2,400 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_4800 4,800 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_7200 7,200 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_9600 9,600 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_14400 14,400 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_19200 19,200 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_38400 38,400 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_56K 56,000 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_57600 57,600 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_115200 115,200 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_128K 128,000 bps
SERIAL_BAUD_USER Programmable baud rates are available.


The specific communications provider type. When the ServiceMask member is set to SERIAL_SP_SERIALCOMM, ProvSubType is set to one of the following values.

Value Meaning
SERIAL_SP_RS232 RS-232 serial port
SERIAL_SP_RS422 RS-422 serial port
SERIAL_SP_RS423 RS-423 serial port
SERIAL_SP_RS449 RS-449 serial port
SERIAL_SP_MODEM Modem device
SERIAL_SP_SCANNER Scanner device
SERIAL_SP_BRIDGE Unspecified network bridge
SERIAL_SP_TELNET TCP/IP Telnet® protocol
SERIAL_SP_X25 X.25 standards


The capabilities offered by the provider. This member is set to zero or to the bitwise-OR of one or more of the following flag bits.

Value Description
SERIAL_PCF_DTRDSR DTR (data terminal ready) and DSR (data set ready) are supported.
SERIAL_PCF_RTSCTS RTS (request to send) and CTS (clear to send) are supported.
SERIAL_PCF_CD CD (carrier detect) is supported.
SERIAL_PCF_PARITY_CHECK Parity checking is supported.
SERIAL_PCF_XONXOFF XON (transmit on) and XOFF (transmit off) flow control are supported.
SERIAL_PCF_SETXCHAR The XON and XOFF characters are settable.
SERIAL_PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS Total-elapsed-time time-outs are supported.
SERIAL_PCF_INTTIMEOUTS Interval time-outs are supported.
SERIAL_PCF_SPECIALCHARS Special characters are supported.
SERIAL_PCF_16BITMODE Special 16-bit mode is supported.


A bitmask that indicates the communication parameter that can be changed. This member is set to zero or to the bitwise-OR of one or more of the following flag bits.

Value Description
SERIAL_SP_PARITY Parity type (even or odd)
SERIAL_SP_HANDSHAKING Handshaking (flow control)


A bitmask that indicates the baud rates that can be used. For a table that describes the SERIAL_BAUD_XXX flag bits that are defined for this member, see the description of the MaxBaud member. SettableBaud is set to zero or to the bitwise-OR or one or more of these flag bits.

Serial controller drivers set the SERIAL_BAUD_USER flag bit in the SettableBaud bitmask value to indicate that they support higher baud rates than those that can be expressed by the other SERIAL_BAUD_XXX flag bits. For example, a driver that supports baud rates of 57600, 115200, 230400, and 460800 bps sets SettableBaud = (SERIAL_BAUD_57600 | SERIAL_BAUD_115200 | SERIAL_BAUD_USER).


The number of data bits that can be set. This member is set to zero or to the bitwise-OR of one or more of the following flag bits.

Value Description
SERIAL_DATABITS_5 5 data bits
SERIAL_DATABITS_6 6 data bits
SERIAL_DATABITS_7 7 data bits
SERIAL_DATABITS_8 8 data bits
SERIAL_DATABITS_16 16 data bits
SERIAL_DATABITS_16X Special wide path through serial hardware lines


The stop-bit and parity settings that can be selected. This member is set to zero or to the bitwise-OR of one or more of the following flag bits.

Value Description
SERIAL_STOPBITS_10 One stop bit.
SERIAL_STOPBITS_15 One and a half stop bits.
SERIAL_STOPBITS_20 Two stop bits.
SERIAL_PARITY_NONE No parity bit is used.
SERIAL_PARITY_ODD Odd parity. The parity bit is 1 if the number of 1s in the character value is even. Otherwise, the parity bit is 0.
SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN Even parity. The parity bit is 1 if the number of 1s in the character value is odd. Otherwise, the parity bit is 0.
SERIAL_PARITY_MARK The parity bit is always set to 1.
SERIAL_PARITY_SPACE The parity bit is always set to 0.


Transmit queue size. This member specifies the size, in bytes, of the serial controller driver's internal output buffer. A value of zero indicates that the buffer size is unavailable.

For SerCx2 and SerCx, the associated serial controller driver typically sets this member to zero. Serial.sys sets this member to a nonzero value that indicates the output buffer size.


Receive queue size. This member specifies the size, in bytes, of the serial controller driver's internal input buffer. A value of zero indicates that the buffer size is unavailable.

For SerCx2 and SerCx, this member is set by the associated serial controller driver. For SerCx2, the driver typically sets this member to zero. For SerCx, the driver typically sets this member to the size of the ring buffer that SerCx uses to buffer received data. This driver can call the SerCxGetRingBufferUtilization method to get the ring buffer size from SerCx.

Serial.sys sets this member to a nonzero value that indicates the input buffer size.


Provider-specific data. Applications should ignore this member unless provider-specific data about the data format required by the serial port is available.


Provider-specific data. Applications should ignore this member unless provider-specific data about the data format required by the serial port is available.


Provider-specific data. Applications should ignore this member unless provider-specific data about the data format required by the serial port is available. This member is the first element in a wide-character array of one or more elements. Any additional elements immediately follow this member. The PacketLength member specifies the size of the SERIAL_COMMPROP structure plus any additional ProvChar array elements that follow this structure.


This structure is used by the IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_PROPERTIES request.


Requirement Value
Header ntddser.h

See also